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How To Use Nursling In A Sentence

  • Among the western Eskimo, "the mother who loses her nursling places the poor 'papoose' in a beautifully ornamented box, which she fastens on her back and carries about her for a long while. The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Studies of the Activities and Influences of the Child Among Primitive Peoples, Their Analogues and Survivals in the Civilization of To-Day
  • Our railway tunnels are wonderful works of science, but the mole tunnelled with its foot, and the pholas with one end of its shell, before our navvies handled pick or spade upon the heights of the iron roads: worms were prior to gimlets, ant-lions were the first funnel makers, a beaver showed men how to make the milldams, and the pendulous nests of certain birds swung gently in the air before the keen wit of even the most loving mother laid her nursling in a rocking cradle. The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • In my ignorance, I had not thought to wonder what a nursing mother does if deprived of her nursling. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • Having my nursling there made me feel so split as well. That’s Me In The Corner | Her Bad Mother
  • And with an earnest credulity, which contained the germ of purest faith, she, remembering the mother's dream, called her nursling by the name of Olive. Olive A Novel
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  • Soranos believed that the wet nurse transmits her own qualities to the child, so an even-tempered woman free from superstition should be found; she should also be Greek-speaking, so that the nursling becomes accustomed to hearing Greek.
  • As the mother of two-out-of-three kids with food allergies, I miss not only eating what I want when I want, but also not having to do a mental inventory of all the ingredients in each mouthful of food to judge whether or not my nursling will have a reaction. sigh 10 Things To Do Before You Become A Parent
  • A young girl could watch as her newborn sibling latched on to her mother's breast, and could observe how the mother would switch the nursling from one breast to the other.
  • Now that my children are 13 and 8, I look back happily on the days when I had a nursling in my bed.
  • As the mother of two-out-of-three kids with food allergies, I miss not only eating what I want when I want, but also not having to do a mental inventory of all the ingredients in each mouthful of food to judge whether or not my nursling will have a reaction. (sigh) 10 Things To Do Before You Become A Parent | Her Bad Mother
  • My wife's breasts are neither the seat of my sexual gratification nor an open-all-night diner for the latest nursling.
  • Similarly the earl himself describes him as 'a man that as much knowledge has of war as I of brewing mead -- a bookish nursling of the monks -- a meacock. ' Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 422 Volume 17, New Series, January 31, 1852
  • Family and friends have created a shrine to the memory of two teenagers killed in a road accident at Nursling.
  • She uttered these words with an affectionate and anxious tone, which showed, that devotional as were the habitual exercises of her mind, the thoughts of her nursling yet bound her to earth with the cords of human affection and passion. The Abbot
  • He has ceased now to be parochial; he is a nursling of the World and Time. Henrik Ibsen
  • You should know best, but is it suitable to term the nursling and the parent by the same title? Girlhood and Womanhood The Story of some Fortunes and Misfortunes
  • It is a decision that you alone can make, taking the needs of yourself and your nursling into account. » Weaning, Partial Weaning and Mixed Feelings
  • No global consensus exists on whether or how to screen nurslings or mothers for vitamin D deficiency or on how to prevent vitamin D deficiency among nurslings.
  • Hold your nursling close as you dream about your next baby, and never doubt for a moment that you have what it takes to make the best choices for each of you as you go along.
  • Risk factors for nurslings and their mothers overlap and interact.

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