How To Use Nuptials In A Sentence

  • The widening valuation gap makes it tough to resurrect the nuptials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Guys aren't the only ones who complain about brides-to-be talking of nothing but upcoming nuptials.
  • On September 26, 1946, she and George carried out the charade of their second nuptials—even taking themselves downtown to the New York Municipal Building and obtaining another license—all in the name of sparing her parents “the pain” of their secret elopement. A Covert Affair
  • All we hear is how our nuptials will lead to the downfall of western civilization by eroding heterosexual marriage.
  • Shouldn't all this be saved for the privacy of his impending nuptials? Times, Sunday Times
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  • Just spent the weekend in Edinburgh to celebrate a friend's impending nuptials, and a good time was had by all.
  • It was a great vacation, but I was thoroughly exhausted and hungover from the five-day bender that I've come to associate with people's nuptials.
  • Attending the nuptials was the entire Kardashian clan and numerous celebrity friends, including Eva Longoria, Lindsay Lohan, Ryan Seacrest, Julianne Hough, Sugar Ray Leonard, Lala and a few of Humphries' teammates. Did Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries Have a "Magical" Wedding?
  • Their superstar nuptials attract acclamation of imponderable scale, the industry falls at their feet in supplication, and the simplest family outing becomes an event of global import.
  • With Valentine's Day looming, the impending nuptials of our banks should be drawing to a conclusion.
  • He not only withdraws all objections to the nuptials, but allows he'll make the pinfeather sport an 'Abby full partners in the Sunflower. Wolfville Nights
  • Guests were wondering if his alter ego would make an appearance at yesterday's nuptials. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what may be more notable than the nuptials is the lack of debate surrounding them. CNN Transcript Aug 19, 2008
  • ✒Spurious royal wedding-related nonsense of the week goes to Sir Martin Sorrell's market research firm, TNS Omnibus, which confidently predicts that a "massive 26.2 million people" will watch Will and Kate's nuptials on the gogglebox, making it the most watched TV event of the past 10 years. Media Monkey's Diary
  • Guys aren't the only ones who complain about brides-to-be talking of nothing but upcoming nuptials.
  • The couple are still to set a date for their forthcoming nuptials.
  • The gossip column adds that the nuptials will be held in September at the Lauren family ranch in Telluride, and, most importantly: "the bride will take the name 'Lauren Bush Lauren.' Lauren Bush <![CDATA[&]]> David Lauren To Marry In September, Bride Will Become Lauren Bush Lauren
  • But she's more interested in inspecting her nails than discussing the details of their forthcoming nuptials. The Sun
  • It's hard to be inconspicuous when you are driving a car that advertises your recent nuptials.
  • World Weddings tells five personal stories of nuptials in extreme, hazardous or divisive situations around the world.
  • Lightly armed, richly dressed, and gay as a bridegroom on the eve of his nuptials, Richard caracoled along by the side of Queen The Talisman
  • Bobbing for apples, for example, was used to predict upcoming nuptials - the first to grasp an apple without the use of their hands was said to be the next to marry.
  • They daydream about the jealousy in the eyes of friends when they announce the forthcoming nuptials and the wonderful future life in the sun.
  • The couple are planning four days of celebrations for their upcoming nuptials, expected to take place in the French capital in the summer. The Sun
  • As things take a turn for the worse after the nuptials, it seems there could be a deadly combination of heights, champagne and a swimming pool. The Sun
  • The nuptials were eventually called off for good.
  • Pre-nuptials, which are often associated with Hollywood couples, generally deal with property, fixtures and fittings.
  • Keanu Reeves, Sting and singer Billy Joel - who both performed at the reception - were among those invited to the nuptials..
  • Augustan History.] 153 There is still extant a very pretty Epithalamium, composed by Gallienus for the nuptials of his nephews: — Ite ait, O juvenes, pariter sudate medullis The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Check back often for an ever-changing, hi-low mix of opinion, advice, and news on everything from unconventional etiquette dilemmas to our culture's obsession with celebrity nuptials to the latest research on contemporary coupledom. Sara Wilson: First Divorce, Now Weddings
  • We shouldn't complain that secret nuptials diminish marriage, since nothing makes it look tawdrier than the biggest weddings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hundreds of people turned out for the nuptials, including CNN's Paula Newton.
  • The term nuptials itself is apparently derived from the Old French term nuptialis, part of a centuries-old French musical composition, Nuptialis hodie, which appropriately celebrates the Virgin Mary’s wedding day. A French Perspective or Une Perspective Francaise
  • One suspects he won't be going down the Venetian palazzo and paparazzi route for his nuptials. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have slain men, many men, for love of woman, or in warm blood have baptized our nuptials or washed away the stain of her favor to another. Chapter 21
  • The political marriage between the Tories and Alliance is all but complete, but there is still a vocal contingent that objects to the nuptials.
  • The priest enters, clad in festal robes, a type of the heavenly bride going to her divine nuptials (this very common Introit originated in the Greek liturgy). A Little Rock'n'Roll with our Elevenses
  • Few of the 10,000 foreign couples expected to marry in Italy this year are likely to rival the Agarwal nuptials for lavishness. In Search of Happily Ever After
  • He was so impressed with their gig, he wants the American rockers on board at the nuptials. The Sun
  • It is to be hoped the happy event will rival the Hallowe'en nuptials of that gloriously tressed couple Belinda Cornish and Mark Meer.
  • BRIDEGROOM is with them, the SONS OF THE NUPTIALS cannot fast: the days will come when the BRIDEGROOM will be taken away from them, and then will they fast_, "Matt ix. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • Such nuptials were a union in name only, as only the king could recognize a marriage as valid.
  • The Post account called the nuptials, at Mrs. Earl's home in Manhattan, "almost medieval. Consuelo Vanderbilt Earl, heiress, dog breeder and link to golden age, dies at 107
  • But she's more interested in inspecting her nails than discussing the details of their forthcoming nuptials. The Sun
  • Their nuptials were performed by the local priest.
  • The mutual moralizing shock that, at one time, each had wandered wantonly down the path of premarital partying without inviting the other, nixes the upcoming nuptials.
  • Hadley's impending nuptials preoccupied Aunt Grace with a feverish monomania. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • Now, 50 years on and with a century of wedded bliss between them, they will celebrate their nuptials on Boxing Day with brunch with friends and family at the Belfry Hotel after a champagne reception hosted by their children.
  • Meanwhile, bride-to-be Elena and wedding planner Javier tussle over her upcoming nuptials, while groom Tracy figures into Meghan's fantasies, sparking Sean's jealousy.
  • According to the programme, this brutal technique is the necessary precursor to nuptials. Times, Sunday Times
  • The day of nuptials culminated with a brief comedy moment - as members of the cast hit the dancefloor to reveal some interesting moves - before ruthless Rob bedded the bridesmaid to keep the sordid secret under wraps.
  • Today, guests can see the room where the nuptials took place, sample his work in the drawing room, and admire a stained-glass ceiling inspired by his poetry.
  • She became immersed in planning her nuptials.
  • But just before the nuptials, fate and a little comeuppance from the past threaten the happy couple's future. Not A Day Goes By: Summary and book reviews of Not A Day Goes By by E Lynn Harris.
  • The 40-year-old actress has allegedly told friends and family to keep an entire month free for the spectacular nuptials.
  • As things take a turn for the worse after the nuptials, it seems there could be a deadly combination of heights, champagne and a swimming pool. The Sun
  • In the meanwhile, during your absence, I shall not be neglective of providing a wife for you, nor of those preparations which are requisite to be made for the more sumptuous solemnizing of your nuptials with a most splendid feast, if ever there was any in the world, since the days of Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • If those ideas are a little bit far fetched for your taste, then you might want to purchase a great bottle of wine or champagne, and have the label custom printed with the couple's names, and the date of their upcoming nuptials. Xml's
  • Besides, she was officially affianced to young Randall Stanger, a titled muttonhead in the Guards, and their forthcoming nuptials would be quite an event of the Season. Watershed
  • Sadly we weren't able to attend the nuptials.
  • But note, wedding gifts must be given before the nuptials.
  • The state government has brought nuptials of all religious hues under the Essential Commodities Act to prevent wastage of food at wedding feasts.
  • But she's more interested in inspecting her nails than discussing the details of their forthcoming nuptials. The Sun
  • It was in fact a kind of nuptial hymn, which, taking its start from the thought of nature as the universal mother, celebrated the preliminary pairing and mating together of all fresh things, in the hot and genial spring-time -- the immemorial nuptials of the soul of spring itself and the brown earth; and was full of a delighted, mystic sense of what passed between them in that fantastic marriage. Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
  • But she's more interested in inspecting her nails than discussing the details of their forthcoming nuptials. The Sun
  • I have slain men, many men, for love of woman, or in warm blood have baptized our nuptials or washed away the stain of her favour to another. Chapter 21
  • Hadley's impending nuptials preoccupied Aunt Grace with a feverish monomania. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • The widening valuation gap makes it tough to resurrect the nuptials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jonas-ing for a inside dip upon a Kevin Jonas nuptials which went down this weekend? Archive 2009-12-01
  • The US stars' wedding this weekend is apparently based on the royal nuptials three years ago. The Sun
  • Best wishes to Clive Burgess and Trish Connolly on their forthcoming nuptials.
  • The shrubs and flowers were in pairs; and I was informed that such little gardens appear about the houses where there are and have been nuptials, and hence they are called nuptial gardens. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • We're going to see the vicar this evening to discuss our forthcoming nuptials.
  • With a future that includes a little recording, a lot of touring, upcoming nuptials and hopefully an abode to call his own, all seems well.
  • For now, further trouble ensued over their forthcoming nuptials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rabban Gamaliel recited his phylacterical prayers on the very night of his nuptials. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Finally, she delivered it as the general result of her observation and experience, that those marriages in which there was least of what was romantically and sillily called love, were always the happiest; and that she anticipated the greatest possible amount of bliss — not rapturous bliss; but the solid, steady – going article — from the approaching nuptials. The Cricket on the Hearth
  • In some of the greatest homiletic prose ever set down in writing, St. Bernard of Clairvaux interpreted the Song of Songs as the Bible's way of expressing the nuptials of the soul and God.
  • The girl on the sofa must be the bride whose nuptials Hatton's death had deferred.
  • The grey-haired presenter only found out about his impending nuptials when he received a demand for payment for the flowers and catering.
  • Guests were wondering if his alter ego would make an appearance at yesterday's nuptials. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the ardent desire which you have long expressed concerning Stona's marriage, it will, I am convinced, give you pleasure to hear that the nuptials are at last solemnized. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • His childishness is acerbated by Watson's impending nuptials to Mary Morstan Kelly Reilly, an act that threatens to take away Holmes's favorite toy. Sherlock Holmes
  • Amid preparations for the companies' impending nuptials, it quickly became clear that the merged miner and commodities trainer would have to unwind the purchase. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the nuptials were completed, we created a ‘just married’ sign and placed it on the bedroom door.
  • Guests were wondering if his alter ego would make an appearance at yesterday's nuptials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each sailor or soldier is permitted to attach himself to one of the females: the permission and the caresses of the artful wanton have often lured the temporary parties to marry at Plymouth, more frequently to consummate the nuptials at Sydney: such a marriage manumits the convict. The History of Tasmania , Volume II
  • For the present time is the time of espousal, but the time of the nuptials is another; when they sing, ` the Bridegroom hath risen up. ' NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • [156] [Footnote 152: See his life in the Augustan History.] [Footnote 153: There is still extant a very pretty Epithalamium, composed by Gallienus for the nuptials of his nephews: -- "Ite ait, O juvenes, pariter sudate medullis Omnibus, inter vos: non murmura vestra columbae, Brachia non hederae, non vincant oscula conchae."] [Footnote 154: He was on the point of giving Plotinus a ruined city of History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
  • Lady Vox , I will see you soon, our long delayed nuptials can now proceed!
  • The UK is a fantastic place for you and your partner to spend your honeymoon after your nuptials are completed.
  • Carl tracks him down in true bloodhound fashion, arriving at a pre-wedding bash just in time to put the kibosh on the nuptials.

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