How To Use Nuncio In A Sentence

  • As a result, the papal nuncio told a group of catechists that ‘The church is in danger because of the insane behavior of this archbishop.’
  • In 1796 he entered the Austrian diplomatic service as secretary in the ministry of foreign affairs, was appointed interpreter to the internuncio at Constantinople in 1799 and was sent from there to The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • The papal nuncio described the Tablet as ‘a living laboratory of the marvelous reality that is the prophetic mission of the laity in the Church.’
  • Roy Keane and Sonia O'Sullivan recently got the freedom of Cork, joining a list of just 47 people which included 20 bishops, cardinal legates, papal nuncios and priests.
  • Teresa had managed to keep her reform alive through the support of influential friends, but in 1577 she lost her strongest protector when the papal nuncio Odmaneto died.
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  • The Papal nuncio was granted diplomatic immunity in a High Court action seeking damages for clerical sex abuse, it has emerged.
  • He was the Papal Nuncio to Germany, and he also wrote Mit Brenender Sorge, the encyclical letter released by Pius XI that soundly condemned The Nazi's. Texas Faith: Should government practice social justice? | RELIGION Blog |
  • November, 1873, and, as a result, the papal internuncio was expelled from Switzerland in January, 1874. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Nevertheless, the Vatican has already said that a section of its archive dating from 1931 to 1934 was destroyed or lost during the bombing of Berlin in 1945 and in a fire at the apostolic nuncio's palace.
  • He believed he'd twice come close to isolating what he called the Nuncio, the messenger. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • They've had to either in person or by letter submit a resignation to the pope, presumably they talked first to the epistolic nuncio, and then it rests with the pope to decide whether or not to accept a resignation. CNN Transcript Apr 11, 2002
  • He was promptly reported to the papal internuncio, whose response, he says with a laugh, was: “This young priest talks nonsense!” Keeping Faith
  • At the end of 1944, he became apostolic nuncio to France.
  • nuncio he'd been ordered by Washington to recognize Barletta's victory despite the fact he knew it was fraudulent. BLACK EAGLES
  • Finally Sixtus V, who in a letter called the incriminated articles "articuli sanæ doctrinæ", charged his nuncio at The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • When confronted with charges that Teilhard was a pantheistic heretic, however, the papal nuncio in Paris at the time, Angelo Roncalli, pushed the accusations aside.
  • Pope Sixtus V unequivocally prohibited marriage to castrates in 1587 when he responded to the Spanish papal nuncio's question about several women in Madrid who had married eunuchs.
  • Archbishop Diarmuid Martin had talks with the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, ten days ago at the apostolic nunciature in the Navan Road in Dublin.
  • The main celebrant was the new Apostolic Nuncio to Austria, who was assisted by Cardinal von Schönborn of Vienna and Bishop Kapellari of Graz. Te Deum in Vienna
  • There had been accredited to these countries a papal delegate since 1847, and an internuncio, Mgr. Barili, had been sent in 1851 to what was then New Granada. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Since the separation of these countries, the internuncio receives distinct credential letters for the two governments. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • His foreign policy was, as Richelieu's had often been, indifferent to the interests of Catholicism: the Peace of Westphalia gave its solemn sanction to the legal existence of Calvinism in Germany, and, while the nuncio vainly protested, Protestant princes were rewarded with secularized bishoprics and abbacies for their political opposition to The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • His knowledge (and his terror) were instantaneous, the Nuncio communicating its message on contact. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Facebook group to expell the Irish Papal Nuncio (that's what they call their ambassador) ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • It was bombarded with complaints from the nuncio, the apostolic administrator for the diocese and other senior clerics.
  • The canons of the thirteen collegiate churches of his diocese were idle, or quarrelsome, or ignorant, or drunken, or lecherous, or all of the above; in his struggles to reform them, he had to invoke the help of the papal nuncio.
  • Sixtus V., a Cordelier become pope, declared, by his letter of the 25th of June, 1587, to his nuncio in Spain, that he must unmarry all those who were not possessed of testicles. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The pope sent a letter to papal nuncios throughout Europe asking whether they thought he should remain in Rome at all: there was ample precedent for the pope to flee Rome under such circumstances and set up the Holy See elsewhere.
  • See, an internuncio residing permanently at Santiago. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Tabios decidió renombrar a su Haiku filipino con un nombre más largo y pomposo: Philippine Independence Day - Pinoy Haiku, pues el anuncio de Tabios ocurrió un doce de junio, día de la independencia de Filipinas. Archive 2007-07-01
  • | Reply | Permalink codec file video locale notturno puket nome msn pizza margherita musica suono diocesi di trieste sigla carton valentina gift policlinico gemello offerta viaggi eurodisney quiz concorso cultura generale ferro analisi istituto d arte nano verona annuncio lavoro bari verona volo low cost manchester no limit custom luna disegno t shirt uomo grafica tipografia secondamano cerco offro autista de 27 luglio 2005 n 144 Associated Press Exit Polls: A Third Of Evangelicals Vote For Dems
  • He developed the idea of Papal nuncios to represent the Church abroad.
  • Español · Israel: Anuncio de telefonía celular agita el debate por la ocupación palestina bahasa Indonesia · Israel: Perusahaan Iklan Seluler Memicu Debat Okupasi Global Voices in English » Israel: Cellular firm ad stirs occupation debate
  • Working behind the scenes and at the scenes through the papal nuncios was more effective than issuing public statements from the safety of the Vatican.
  • In a vivid display of interreligious unity, the Muslim cleric shared the stage with the Vatican's papal nuncio, Pietro Sambi, as well as other senior clergy, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant.
  • El anuncio del presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, sobre una eventual demanda contra el Perú ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya, para revertir el asilo concedido a los tres ex ministros bolivianos del gobierno de Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, es considerado “una posición de ignorancia” por parte de expertos y autoridades peruanas, quienes señalan que de concretarse dicha querella el mandatario boliviano hará un “papelón internacional”. Global Voices in English » Peru: Deteriorating International Relations with Bolivia
  • As a result, the papal nuncio told a group of catechists that ‘The church is in danger because of the insane behavior of this archbishop.’
  • All those wonderfully exotic names like dicastery, nuncio, sostituto, consistory, etc. Globe and Mail
  • At the same time, however, the archdiocese is required to reveal all confidential files on priests who are accused, including communications with the papal nuncio and the Holy See.
  • God himself, or by some one of his deputies or ambassadors as a kind of internuncio to the covenant. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
  • As apostolic nuncio, he automatically became dean of the diplomatic corps.
  • Though the award is at his discretion, John Paul II will come to his decision aided by the advice of Archbishop Pablo Puente, the Vatican's papal nuncio - or diplomatic envoy - to the United Kingdom, who is based in London.
  • The Vatican has not had diplomatic relations with China since 1951 when the communist government expelled its apostolic nuncio, or papal ambassador.
  • It is impossible for me," he writes to Nagni, the French nuncio, 2 April, 1629, "to put in jeopardy the common fatherhood and, in consequence, to be no longer able to heal and pacify, which is the proper business of the pope as vicar of Christ The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Someone must really have it in for the Nuncio - some utter sicko, that is. Telegraph Blogs
  • At first an internuncio was assigned to that country, but of late years a nuncio has resided there. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • It was only in 1829 that Coppacini was sent to Brussels as internuncio; in 1841, it was again raised to a nunciature. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The papal nuncio here, Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, is expected to consult with priests in the diocese regarding a successor.
  • They join such luminaries as Cardinal Cushing of Boston, a diocese best known for its clerical child abuse, as well as about 20 other bishops, cardinal legates, papal nuncios, chaplains and priests.
  • That is the Catholic bishops, archbishops, papal nuncios, cardinals, popes.
  • Last year the Roman Catholic parish in Tula, about a hundred miles south of Moscow, sought temporary access to their stolen church building so that the visiting papal nuncio could say Mass there.
  • Appointed Vicar Apostolic of New France, with the title of Bishop of Petrea, Laval was consecrated on 8 Dec., 1658, by the papal nuncio Piccolomini in the abbatical church of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • There is an intriguing sentence in Cassin's memoirs where he says that in the fall of 1948 he was aided on several occasions by the ‘discreet personal encouragements’ of the papal nuncio in Paris.
  • All of the flags at the Vatican, and at the offices of papal nuncios throughout the world, will be a half-mast throughout the interregnum.
  • Ahora el navegante tiene que pinchar en el titulo o el enlace, en vez de cualquier parte del anuncio para ir a la página del anunciante. How to Advertise On Adsense/Plentyoffish « The Paradigm Shift
  • It appears, although it is not certain, that the letter was sent only to McCarrick and the papal nuncio, Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, who was, of course, present at the meeting.
  • After serving as apostolic delegate to Greece and Turkey from 1935 and as papal nuncio in liberated France from 1944, in 1953 he became a cardinal and Patriarch of Venice.
  • He knew no greater pleasure than to be a bringer of news, a messenger, a Nuncio. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Roman Catholic a diplomatic representative of the Pope ranking below a nuncio.

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