How To Use Numinous In A Sentence

  • The numinous is a reliably elusive theme for a writer, and Burnside hunts it down like an indefatigable lepidopterist. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The pattern of blue-green algae and the numinous wings of the Great Nebula in Orion and the runic scrawl of human chromosomes are stories. Lindsay Edmunds: Russell Hoban: A Great American Writer
  • Ms Rowling's magic world has no place for the numinous.
  • The numinous treasure rites are the mainstream of Taoist rites.
  • My Chinese guests, probably typical citizens of modern China's grey agnostic culture, were immediately touched by the sense of peace, natural beauty and numinous aura at Tobernalt.
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  • Is such an idea even comprehensible to men and women who live without the constant presence of the numinous or divine at our shoulder?
  • There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. 
  • Varieties of religious experience often appear under other labels such as mystical, ecstatic, numinous, anomalous, and paranormal.
  • Here, indeed, we have ‘matter for solace and pleasure’ as music's numinous beauty is set against the narrator's loss of youth and love to create an atmosphere of wistful nostalgia.
  • He inhabits a world where historical activity is surrounded by supernatural forces, where the numinous constantly interpenetrates the dull sublunary world of common sense.
  • But people too have long felt the beauty of trees; what the theologian Bruno Otto called their "numinous" quality. Why woodlands are wonderful
  • But if science and mysticism are combined here, another aspect of A Furnace's Modernist interest in the non-rational is a strong sense of the occult and the numinous.
  • There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. 
  • I think that this kind of passion is also connected, and that, in touching it we are connected to something numinous, which is actually a long way to go from a venture capital-baiting blog post, but there you are. Manifesting the manifesto, part the first « raincoaster
  • There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. 
  • There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. 
  • It uplifts the human spirit from the barbaric and thrusts it towards the numinous. Jason Silva: On Creativity, Marijuana and "a Butterfly Effect in Thought"
  • There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. 
  • The account of spiritual struggle that follows has a humbling and numinous power.
  • Emerson's ‘spirit’ and ‘spirituality’ had already become less and less numinous, more and more material.
  • The account of spiritual struggle that follows has a humbling and numinous power.
  • Thanks to the way modern letters ensconces poetry as the bastion of the divine and numinous spirit within ink, we think poetry is good in the way that brussel sprouts and broccoli are "good". Bad Poetry
  • The place seemed dull to me - I was reading the Romantic poets for my Higher Secondary, and my taste was for wild landscapes and numinous presences.
  • Certainly, the largest religion on the census forms in the UK is ‘Christian’, which covers a vast number of levels of belief and commitment but bespeaks some sort of readiness to accept the existence of numinous or noumenal entities.
  • I could imagine myself doing all of those things attempted but without ever feeling any sense of the numinous or of transcendence.
  • What I have called the numinous, meaning the presence of the unworldly or the metaphysical, more accurately the presence of elevated religious feelings, will intrude under certain circumstances.
  • When we speak of ‘the mind’ or ‘the self’ we are not talking about a set of numinous inner entities, which are not open to inspection, but about observable actions and language.
  • In a powerful critique of the theological turn in French phenomenology, for example in the work of Jean-Luc Marion, Meillassoux shows how the flip side of correlationism is fideism, that is, the rather vague discourse on the numinous that one finds in many followers of Heidegger, but also - it should be added - in Wittgenstein's curious remarks about the mystical towards the end of the Tractatus. Archive 2009-09-01
  • I also had a Pevonia Plantomer facial, in which they use numinous ampoules of propolis and lavender to soothe and hydrate the complexion.
  • But if they're separated from the essence of music, which is its numinous quality, then the power of music has been debilitated.
  • the most numinous moment in the Mass
  • Brunnehilde, when she informs Siegmund of his imminent death, is another such darkling, numinous presence.
  • The term numinous is also used by C.G. Jung to depict a spiritual experience involving some kind of alteration of ego-based consciousness (i.e. "altered states"). - Think Free
  • Aside from the destruction of the spirit of numinous ancient places there is also the simple fact of artistic vandalism.
  • numinous” from the Latin word numen, which denoted a supernatural nonpersonalized being. ORIGINS OF RELIGION
  • More than that, though, it is a mysterious, numinous presence that inhabits it, both attractive and frightening, grand and gentle, like the spirit of the sea itself, and the peoples that live by and with it.
  • I think that our experience of the numinous is both undeniable and entirely biological: the state of spiritual peace is the result of tickling some evolved center of our brain, a bit of neurology that conferred a survival advantage on our ancestors whose numinous hallucinations of a higher order in the universe drove them to catch more antelopes, eat better, and have more babies. Boing Boing
  • The icons are a numinous presence in this show. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it works out superbly partly due to Tykwer's sense of the numinous that is present in all his films and equally due to some great performances.
  • He inhabits a world where historical activity is surrounded by supernatural forces, where the numinous constantly interpenetrates the dull sublunary world of common sense.
  • This betweenness is a numinous layer; it is why we want to possess things, and why we can't. Brian D. Cohen: Things
  • Never had any doctrine or reading of canon law prevented him from beholding a religion's pure and numinous core. THE BROKEN GOD
  • I find myself constantly asking what experience, what encounter with the numinous, lies behind and beneath this or that theology?
  • There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. 
  • That is, the archetypes have, when they appear, a distinctly numinous character which can only be described as ‘spiritual,’ if ‘magical’ is too strong a word.
  • These he divides into events (e.g., miracles, theophanies, life of Jesus), all possessing numinous phenomena and themes.
  • There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. 
  • But I've always felt instinctively that music had this numinous quality.
  • It's a different spiritual awareness than the numinous qualities of James MacMillan or the orthodox, religion-poaching Tavener.
  • a numinous wood
  • Only those who do not dread fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits.
  • His universe was not clockwork and right angled but smoky and numinous.
  • He experienced the unconscious as a living, numinous presence, the constant companion of every waking moment.
  • The early nineteenth century was a time when the contemplation of nature could be expected to stir profound emotions and numinous thoughts. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I find myself constantly asking what experience, what encounter with the numinous, lies behind and beneath this or that theology?
  • Soon these experiences lost their numinous, revelatory character and became recreational and explicable.
  • You can read the book fairly quickly, but there are things you'll want to come back to -- some of the musings about destiny, and the place of what some call the numinous or the fates, some call the workings of God, in the way things turn out. Dewey's Treehouse
  • But in my own case it's not so much fear of the unknown that drives me as it is a sense of numinous uncanniness, verging into Rudolf Otto's "daemonic dread," at the very fact of existence itself -- which, crucially, includes not just the disenchanted world of physical nature that's visible to empirical science but the world of immediate, first-person experience with all of its daimonic psychological oddities. Dark Awakenings and Cosmic Horror : The Lovecraft News Network
  • The term numinous is often said to have been coined by the German Lutheran scholar Rudolf - Think Free
  • There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. 
  • She says she is not religious, and no longer seems to think, as she used to, that she is living through the last of many reincarnations. But her sense of the numinous is real and strong.
  • To be spiritual means, primarily, to be the sort of person who seeks answers to the great questions in life from the religious and numinous realm of human culture and experience, and especially our dreams of divinity.
  • There is no royal road to science,and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits. 
  • Just as many of the people who believe in numinous coincidence and supernatural intervention are secretly hoping to prove that it is they themselves who are the pet of the universe, so many of those who overcompensate for inferiority are possessed of titanic egos and regard other people as necessary but incidental. The Zealot
  • To inquire into the meaning of the word was to open oneself to a powerful, numinous presence that had the capacity to transform their lives.

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