How To Use Numerous In A Sentence

  • Apart from paintings he produced a good deal of graphic work, including numerous book illustrations in lithograph and woodcut.
  • Numerous small contributions soon bulk up into a considerable sum.
  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • The stakeholders are frighteningly numerous, diverse, intensely self-interested, and powerful.
  • Several questions ran through our heads as we made our way past the numerous coffee shops and bundled up against the swirling winds the port city is known for.
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  • There are numerous non-French vineyards pumping out inauthentic champagne.
  • To that end, they developed numerous labor-saving devices.
  • During that period of time, he made numerous court appearances, sometimes unrepresented and other times represented by counsel.
  • There are numerous ways to classify and categorize pain responses in people.
  • This has been done on numerous occasions in the past by the Senate with regard to appointments by governors, and does NOT involve judging "qualifications" (age, citizenship, and inhabitancy) which was limited in Powell v. McCormack. Blago Does All Us A Favor
  • So numerous and various were the influences, formative and impellent, which combined to bring the colonies up to the precise ripening-point of their independence, as to make it difficult to assign each its proper force. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
  • We were lectured by numerous academic doctors, usually wearing scruffy sports jackets or ill-fitting white coats. Times, Sunday Times
  • He sent a circular letter to numerous legal practices in Scotland, asking various questions about the firms' knowledge of him.
  • He claimed that in recent years, as numerous dealers had left, many inspectors had additionally taken on the dealing role. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throwing himself into one of the office's numerous squashy chairs, Irvine admits to a last - minute attack of the collywobbles.
  • The numerous rivers heart surface, threads a needle the line to suture sadly.
  • Over 6,000 policemen and women were on the streets of central London backed up by mounted police, three police helicopters and numerous plainclothes spotters on the roofs and in the crowd.
  • His numerous complaints are all variations on a theme .
  • In a number of orchid species, the outer tangential walls of short cells have numerous wall ingrowths that greatly expand the surface area of the plasma membrane and, thus, resemble transfer cells.
  • I have struck up conversations with numerous people who know the name of my dog but not mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the mood has been building for several years, diffused through a host of single issue campaigns, through numerous signs of dissent and discontentment.
  • The last forty pages of the publication are dedicated to the numerous journalists who have fallen the victims of repression around the world.
  • The Brushy Basin sediments contain numerous chalcedony pseudomorph-after-barite concretions that range to more than 30 cm in diameter.
  • The cavalry were too numerous to be maintained solely by the king; rather, each of the seven great town-chiefs had to support, in his own sector of the capital, ten noble warriors and their entourages.
  • And despite his numerous awards, trophies and honors, one still eludes him: a coveted spot on the U.S. Olympic swim team.
  • Numerous period features remain: the Victorian staircase with its carved wooden banisters, the 1820s ornate stuccoed ceilings, the many stone and marble fireplaces.
  • Manda could see the building had been restored numerous times to make it looked authentic.
  • The numerous and lukewarm group outnumber the rabid partisans on both sides, though.
  • He finally reached Bear Dooley's half-closed office door, which was burdened with numerous layers of thick brown paint. THE X FILES 3: GROUND ZERO
  • In the past year alone, numerous studies have highlighted our remarkable likeness not only to chimps, but to monkeys and apes of all kinds.
  • Everyone who is involved in the experiment takes it incredibly seriously; there are numerous setbacks and tempers fray. Times, Sunday Times
  • So much so that he was denied numerous weekend passes. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to numerous opinion polls, they solidly oppose the kinds of discrimination that Cardinal Ratzinger condoned.
  • Judges are normally appointed as chairmen of those numerous committees which are concerned with reform of substantive law or legal procedure.
  • The Defendant engaged in frequent and expensive foreign travel with his wife, went out to numerous restaurants, and made lavish use of chauffeur driven limousines all at the Company's expense.
  • She is the author of numerous research articles in scholarly journals and has co-authored a book chapter.
  • Perhaps you wonder how so numerous a race of these beings has come to exist; but that boy at your elbow, bending under the weight of his literary burden, is a colporteur for converting the men and women of this "enlightened nation" to rowdyism. The Elements of Character
  • There will be numerous pitfalls along the way.
  • I grabbed her hand to pull her up, wincing as her numerous rings bit into my fingers.
  • Some have long disputed the very idea of a frontier of ‘free land’ because of the presence of the numerous Indian peoples whose subjugation was required by the nation's westward march.
  • A former driving school car is also easily spotted by the poor panel gaps and resprayed bodywork that come from the numerous minor prangs of learner drivers.
  • Sex crimes were just as numerous as they are today.
  • An unrealized project designed for a site in Volterra, Italy, it is represented in this exhibition by numerous drawings and a large maquette.
  • The chapters commenced with a short description of the particular subject, followed by numerous photographs of vehicles and other ancillary equipment.
  • Supernumerary clavicular muscles are numerous but uncommon.
  • They found that there were places where people were camping along the shores, and there were numerous sailboats, kayaks, and canoes out in the aquamarine water.
  • The orders Orthoptera and Hemiptera are particularly numerous; as likewise is the stinging division of the Hymenoptera; the bees, perhaps, being excepted. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Go3 has a portfolio of successful English games such as the hit title Mafia corruption, as well as numerous applications on the iPhone and over the Facebook network. Qwaider Planet
  • As shown by numerous experiments, chimpanzees and gorillas can be taught to use signs. Cultural Anthropology
  • Maxwell did not mention the banana theory but he dismissed the numerous theories and meanings ascribed to the name Sabah in published literature as "fanciful suggestions" because there was a lack of supporting evidence. Undefined
  • The escarpment has been shaped into numerous irregularities, indentations, and promontories, and is pierced by thalweg ravines, gorges, and rocky passages connecting the plain and plateau. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
  • Garcia, king of Leon, began a rapid expansion of his domain to the east (construction of numerous castles, hence the name Castile). 3. Christian Spain, Castile and Leon
  • Dr. Levering is the author, co-author, and editor of numerous books, including Christ's Reading the Apostle, the Doctor, and the Pope
  • He expected numerous calls from agents of minor Scottish celebrities anxious they will be squeezed out by some of the world's top celebrities.
  • Numerous virulence genes in pathogenic bacteria and viruses have been shown to be under positive selection.
  • The Harps looked to have this game in the bag only to nearly throw it away, conceding numerous needless frees.
  • Known for his geometric sculptures from the '50s in iron and alabaster, which have inspired numerous artists, particularly Richard Serra, he also made collages and wrote extensively.
  • They failed to convert numerous chances in a goalless first half. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are numerous excursions in scientific realms of chemistry, biology, meteorology, computer science, and most of all mathematics and philosophy.
  • There are five swimming pools, eight restaurants and numerous boutique shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had something to do with sex—complete with pictures—and the dog-eared corners attested to its being quickly stashed under mattresses in numerous adolescent occupied homes.
  • Over the centuries numerous translations have appeared in many languages.
  • The convoy itself encountered numerous difficulties; mechanical and logistical problems were compounded by stormy clashes of personality.
  • There are also educational pieces, numerous compositions of chamber music and two concertos.
  • Walsingham assigns assistant secretary and chief intelligencer John Shakespeare to investigate the scheme and quickly concludes the Drake plot is tied to the murder of a relative of the Queen Lady Blanche Howard, whose corpse mutilated with numerous stabbings was found in a London fire. Martyr-Rory Clements « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • In Washington, Hoyos said that roughly 1,500 rebels are hiding out in Venezuela and he showed fellow diplomats numerous aerial photographs of what he identified as rebel camps on Venezuelan territory. Venezuela Severs Diplomatic Ties With Colombia
  • Its various schools, once strongly entrenched at numerous clan capitals throughout the country, were now tottering on the brink of ruin.
  • In seismology, stochastic models can be used to describe velocity heterogeneities that are too small or too numerous to be described deterministically.
  • Numerous musical examples will illustrate these various applications and serve to highlight the range of the acciaccatura's sound effects.
  • His placing of the location of numerous Gothic, Celtic, and other early manuscripts is a virtual travel guide to Old and Middle English biblical manuscripts.
  • The numerous awards on the walls bear witness to his great success.
  • There are also photos from the recording sessions, plus reproductions of numerous items of Puccini-related memorabilia.
  • There is a class of persons (happily not quite so numerous as formerly) who think it enough if a person assents undoubtingly to what they think true, though he has no knowledge whatever of the grounds of the opinion, and could not make a tenable defence of it against the most superficial objections. On Liberty
  • Numerous diseases were known to relate with glycan structural abnormality.
  • The numerous space and controlled organisations of poetic colours lend subtlety to his part collage-part paintings.
  • She wanted to free the Haluk — those highly intelligent, extremely numerous, misunderstood aliens — from the allomorphism that had so tragically hindered their progress. Perseus Spur
  • His desk was a moraine of insignificant papers; his few working notes were always right on his body, in one of his numerous Urrasti pockets. THE DISPOSSESSED
  • This film, besides winning numerous European awards and accolades, is the highest-grossing German film in that country's history.
  • Vases of every shape and design, minimalist masks that look like faces and vice-versa, and numerous experiments with geometry confront the visitor.
  • With regard to the construction of bones, the bones and joints of the fingers are simple, the bones of the hand and foot are numerous, and articulated in various ways; the uppermost are the largest; the heel consists of one bone which is seen to project outward, and the back tendons are attached to it. Instruments Of Reduction
  • A single very small spherical shell is characterized by a lumpy to ragged surface and numerous short spines.
  • In her bedroom she buried her face in the pillow while numerous sobs escaped her, shaking her slim body uncontrollably.
  • We require investors to prove the reliability of their rental income as some rental incomes have softened in areas where we have seen numerous developments.
  • Victims of lathyrism, "crawlers", are numerous among the poor in Ethiopia, India, Bangladesh and Nepal where the affliction remains a present threat. The Full Feed from
  • There are numerous other examples of such physical problems that can cause decreasing returns to scale. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • All animals in this order lack incisor and canine teeth, but they may have numerous simple molars in the backs of their jaws.
  • Rossing-type high tonnage low-grade uranium as well as classic vein-type models may be considered in association with numerous anatexis granites occurring within paragneisses of the LaGuiche Basin. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • I used "factory owners" only because I have no better image of the kind of people who benefits from a general lowering of salaries, and "workers" - how do you call the people, very numerous, who live by selling their unspecialized or barely specialized labor. How Everyone Can Get Richer as Per-Capita Income Falls, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The foreleg, which is attached to the thigh by a very flexible articulation, is also a double-edged saw, but the teeth are smaller, more numerous, and closer than those of the thigh. Social Life in the Insect World
  • As with the others, it was complicated by numerous irregularities, approximations, and ornate embellishments in the park.
  • She has written sun sign columns for a number of magazines and websites and has articles published in numerous astrological periodicals all over the world.
  • Numerous irregularities were recorded by observers in these areas during the elections.
  • The Oxford and Cambridge colleges have numerous endowments.
  • In the US he not only played with numerous American bands but also honed his skills as a composer and arranger. Times, Sunday Times
  • From here, I went steadily downhill and, when I was 19, I was sent to prison for theft, assault and numerous robberies.
  • Irrigated rice agriculture is also practiced in numerous smaller river deltas and plains along the country's coast.
  • Its galleries and studios have nurtured numerous art dealers, designers and architects. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, the numerous business concerns catering to the hobbyist have a tremendous but unknown dollar value.
  • C.C. testified that she was also deliberately scalded by her mother on numerous occasions when she was in the bathtub, leaving permanent scars.
  • The flowers are borne at the height of 2ft. to 3ft., and are produced singly on very thick, rigid stalks, long, nearly nude, grooved, furnished with numerous short, bristle-like hairs, and gradually thickening up to the involucrum of the flower. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Of these the grey is the most numerous kind; but as I shall have occasion to speak of the large wolves hearafter, I shall say no more of them at present, but direct your attention to the second and very different species, the _prairie wolves_. Popular Adventure Tales
  • There are numerous other attachable laser sights.
  • There are also numerous side events for both the children and adults to add to the enjoyment.
  • This was a heavily populated region of numerous towns and nucleated villages, with dispersed patterns of landholding, small parishes and manors, and political power shared between the nobles, rich merchants, and a prosperous gentry.
  • He has faced numerous anxious moments over the years, spending time in immigration detention centres and winning last-minute reprieves.
  • The report catalogued numerous dangerous work practices.
  • The agency offered numerous classes, films, and other learning opportunities on a regular basis.
  • English in the West Indies; or, the/[Page xi]/Bow of Ulysses '(the long bow of Ulysses it should have been), provoked numerous damaging replies, the most effective of which was' Mr. Froude's Negrophobia; or, New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • The numerous shafts in S. Sophia exhibit the remarkable and beautiful structural expedient of surrounding the shafts, both under the capital and above the base, by bronze annulets.
  • Too many cases, are too numerous to cite it.
  • I belong to a generation of kinless childhoods, where we grew up without grandparents, numerous uncles, aunts, cousins and relatives who had perished, yet whose silent presence loomed in the background.
  • A rough, dry wind which should sweep away the miasmas of the swamp, the misty staleness of the _Lieder, Liedchen, Liedlein_, as numerous as drops of rain in which inexhaustibly the Germanic _Gemüt_ is poured forth: the countless things like _Sehnsucht_ (Desire), _Heimweh_ (Homesickness), _Aufschwung_ Jean-Christophe, Volume I
  • Prentiss, in Science, October 3, 1890, has collected numerous instances of sudden canities, several of which will be given: -- Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Wound reactions of trees have been the subject of numerous investigations at the macroscopic and microscopic levels.
  • Twentieth-century bonbons and sweets made in France include numerous regional specialities, traditional or modern, unobtainable anywhere else.
  • On four dives there we would see a hawksbill turtle, huge parrotfish, various morays ranging from massive to tiny, jack, snapper, batfish and numerous other species.
  • Several days might be profitably spent by the antiquarian in investigating the contents of the different tiers of galleries; while the geologist would find matter for interesting speculation in the partial intrusion of the older lithoid tufa here and there into the softer and more recent volcanic deposits in which the passages are excavated, and in which numerous decomposing crystals of leucite may be observed. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • In the 19th century, numerous banks were set up throughout the country and were often engraved with a design identifying the locality.
  • And there are numerous sweet spreads to go with fruit and nut bagels.
  • Although there are numerous other banana and plantain varieties cultivated for local consumption in Africa and Asia, none has the same worldwide appeal as the Cavendish.
  • Although there are numerous other banana and plantain varieties cultivated for local consumption in Africa and Asia, none has the same worldwide appeal as the Cavendish.
  • Throwing himself into one of the office's numerous squashy chairs, Irvine admits to a last - minute attack of the collywobbles.
  • She has published scholarly articles as well as stories, personal essays, and poems in numerous periodicals.
  • The rosettes are somewhat flattened and numerous, and give the idea of greenish-white flowers. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • The rights of referendum and initiative foster active participation by citizens in numerous associations and movements, which are widely
  • As if to symbolize this state of things, the "fancy piece" astern comprised, among numerous other carved decorations, a cross and a miter; while forward, on the bows, was a sort of devil for a figure-head -- a dragon-shaped creature, with a fiery red mouth, and a switchy-looking tail. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • Secretory cells either contain many small vacuoles or a single larger vacuole with flocculent contents and numerous vesicles.
  • The lakeshore processes displayed through the formation of numerous bars, spits and tombolos within the lakes of this park are tentatively assigned provincial significance.
  • The GE soy and corn on the market, which the FDA continues to pretend is just the same as the natural stuff, also has higher levels of allergens, and has been linked to numerous disorders. Jeffrey Smith: GE Salmon? Are You Out of Your Minds?!
  • Numerous skeletons of young calves have also been unearthed, many of them nestled next to adult females, no doubt their mothers.
  • Dublin, in case we have forgotten, is built on the inlet of a large river and is surrounded by numerous bays and inlets and has a vast well-sheltered harbour.
  • The trip to the foundry was a short one, and the three scientists of Earth stared at what they saw -- thousands of tons of platinum, cast into bars and piled up like pig-iron, waiting to be made into numerous articles of every-day use throughout the nation. The Skylark of Space
  • This is despite calling numerous times to chase. The Sun
  • ‘Gardaí have been called there on numerous occasions and there's a lot of unsocial behaviour going on,’ he said.
  • Therefore, if we are foolhardy enough to tax the desirable voluntary activities of individuals and firms, we should expect the ill effects to be numerous and serious.
  • There are numerous other examples of such physical problems that can cause decreasing returns to scale. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • We have drafted numerous commercial agreements ranging from partnership to agency and franchise agreements, from loan to money transfer agreements.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court refused the City of New York's final attempt to prevent artist Spencer Tunick from moving ahead with a photo shoot to produce one of his panoramic cityscapes containing numerous unclad individuals.
  • The wines have won numerous medals. The Wine Roads of France
  • But the term valley would convey an erroneous idea, since the space between these two dominant ranges is filled with numerous cross chains, making the mountain character predominant, while the valleys are exceptional. North Carolina and its Resources.
  • Darwin's keen analogy of the fertilization of plants by pollen renders development from without conceivable, but as there are no insects to convey gemmules to their destination, each kind of gemmule would have to be exceedingly numerous and easily attracted from amongst an inconceivable number of other gemmules. Are the Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited? An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin
  • Peg was gifted with her hands and made numerous vestments for the clergy through her association with the Apostolic Workers.
  • Not only did Cameron produce numerous portraits of Jackson as herself, but also as a poetic ‘Stella’ and a personification of ‘Beauty.’
  • Numerous incidents of Levitation have been recorded in Christianity and Islam.
  • The cytoplasm contained numerous mitochondria, fragmented rough endoplasmic reticula, small lipid droplets, and free ribosomes.
  • Frankincense, which was burned in the shrines of numerous deities, represented divinity.
  • At the site, which dates from the Bronze Age, the team found stores of metal spears, ritual sites and numerous imports from Greece. Trude Dothan.
  • Despite numerous surveys, the amphibian has not been recorded in its rain forest habitat since 1986.
  • But the Atlantic cod was by far the most numerous, valuable and important.
  • It has numerous bright blue or purple flowers in clusters at the top of stiff stalks and large leathery leaves at the bottom. Times, Sunday Times
  • They and helicopter pilots risked their lives on numerous occasions to save our butts and they were heroes in our eyes, but not to manny garcia gump, no sir, he was the only hero in his racist filled eyes, and you people all of you should be ashamed of yourselves for being taken in by this liar and thief of real honor. Manny garcia
  • And as a tailpiece, Padma Lakshmi, Rushdie's muse of many years now, has revealed that she often has disagreements with her husband about her numerous pairs of shoes.
  • In 1992, the violence escalated with the murders of two prominent producers and numerous incidents of extortion and threats.
  • He will also be missed by numerous brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins.
  • The reserve is home to not only goats, red deer, and boars but also brown bears, chamois, lynx, roe deer, and wolves, as well as numerous eagles and large vultures called lammergeiers.
  • There are numerous examples of horses at the races throwing their jockeys and running wild.
  • These stories are found in numerous newspaper style sections and in soft magazine features.
  • Red deer stags are numerous in the area, although attacks on humans are virtually unheard of. Times, Sunday Times
  • Likewise, during the frigid eras of ice sheet advances, numerous brief episodes of extreme warming occurred.
  • Numerous comments during the preconstruction constructability and biddability reviews helped refine the project documents to obtain the best pricing among competitive bids.
  • Numerous recent studies in vertebrate paleontology have focused on reconstructing the ecology of terrestrial fossil communities.
  • [GALEODIA HODGII] Shell rather thick; elliptical, obtuse; whirls about five, inflated, and ornamented with numerous fine spiral lines, which are quite prominent at base; these, with the fine lines of growth, give the surface a cancellated appearance; collumellar lip marked with many irregular plicae; aperture nearly twice the length of the spire. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Her hair was now a tangled mess from the numerous run-throughs with her hands.
  • It is our view that the cell death and syncytia formation observed following infection of INr treated cells results from numerous integration events observed in these cells. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The recent discovery of several exceptionally well preserved juvenile and subadult Triceratops skulls and numerous juvenile, subadult, and adult cranial elements, from the Hell Creek Formation of eastern Montana, confirms the ontogeny and morphology of epi-ossifications: epinasal, epijugal, epiparietal, and episquamosal. Triceratops cranial epi-ossifications
  • Nuclei have numerous replicons origins per chromosome, which can be replicated simultaneously - so replication time is mechanistically independent of genome size and can be far less than in bacteria.
  • The individuals who have contributed to this book are far too numerous to mention.
  • She attends numerous ex-servicemen events during the summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often they bounce around on a truck seat, or maybe ride in a saddle scabbard all day strapped to an unruly mustang, acquiring numerous dings and dents.
  • We have discussed these plans on numerous occasions.
  • More numerous than the gentry-become-townsmen were the burgesses who fraternised with the gentry.
  • Also, in London I recently walked along a road where right next to the quite narrow footpath is a building whose walls are festooned with notices saying that it is a prohibited place (I passed within a foot of at least one notice), yet numerous people were walking along that road and regularly do so. David Cameron's reversion to type will help Lib Dems
  • In half the specimens studied these lesions were found only after careful examination of numerous sections and staining with an anti-cytokeratin antibody.
  • With expertise in anthropology and Aboriginal arts, Chen's specialties and dedication in these fields have gained him numerous honors and awards.
  • The particles in a low earth orbit may be numerous, but mainly they consist of parts that burnt and broke up upon re-entry, and are thus just small particles and flakes.
  • There are even some providers who will offer free access if you are willing to surf the Internet with numerous pop-ups from their advertisers.
  • The terrain is bumpy, crisscrossed by steep elevations and ridges not running parallel to the river and bisected by numerous ravines.
  • This is despite calling numerous times to chase. The Sun
  • The environment is heterogeneous with undulating terrain and numerous smaller rivers that dissect the interfluve. Tapajós-Xingu moist forests
  • And if not for numerous strange goals he allowed this season, the shutout record may have been long shattered.
  • To his mind, the venial were the more numerous, but then, he had been a cynic for many years now. The Lark And The Wren
  • Pope gained but little in the warfare he waged with him, for this plain reason -- that the great poet accuses his adversary of dullness, which was not by any means one of his sins, instead of selecting one of the numerous faults, such as pertness, petulance, and presumption, of which he was really guilty. The Palmy Days of Nance Oldfield
  • I can tell you from experience that the public financing system, despite numerous flaws in reporting and timing requirements, works.
  • Evidence comes from numerous quartz-filled fractures that crosscut the mylonitic foliation but recrystallized during deformation.
  • At a stroke, numerous critical teacher educators were removed or displaced.
  • It trades grain amid food riots and has been accused of profiteering and environmental offences in numerous poor and war-torn countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Freeman, like numerous mystics and contemplatives before him, shows us that our main problem is ourselves.
  • Once again, a neighbourhood of questionable future value was cleared and numerous residents and businesses displaced. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The ease of it all was due partly to people like Tom Gubbins, who worked as a Chinese-casting agent and prop furnisher for numerous films in the thirties, including The Good Earth. American Chinatown
  • There were numerous illustrated broadsides and woodcuts which carried their message in visual form.
  • Easily Accessible: Dartmoor, with its woods, tors and ancient sites, and the long coastal path provide numerous walks.
  • Increased catabolism due to these factors can in turn lead to numerous health concerns including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic lung conditions, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases, cancer and more. Dr. Bertrand Babinet, Ph.D., LAc.: Adaptogen Herbs: The Key to Longevity and Optimal Health
  • It has superintended two general elections, two municipal elections and numerous by-elections.
  • Another difficulty in classification is related to the fact that the dialects have in the past and continue to be influenced by numerous sociolinguistic or extralinguistic factors from the larger world in which Rusyns live, whether in Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, the United States, or Canada. RUSYN/RUTHENIAN.
  • He held numerous cabinet posts and was an ardent supporter of Mrs Thatcher.
  • Our early single-seater tractors were fitted with a Lewis gun fixed so as to fire over or at the side of the airscrew and actuated by a bowden wire, the most efficient, though not the most numerous, fighting machines at the end of 1915 being the Bristol Scouts. Aviation in Peace and War
  • There were numerous stories and testimony about how the confined people were mistreated in the past.
  • On opening, the colon revealed numerous wormlike or villiform polyps covering almost the entire segment of the sigmoid colon.
  • During the course of the voyage he made close to eighty oil sketches and numerous pencil drawings of ice in the form of icebergs, glaciers, packs, and floes under various conditions of light and atmosphere.
  • She had supervised the renovation of a large Victorian home, working with the architect and numerous subcontractors.

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