
numerical value

  1. a real number regardless of its sign

How To Use numerical value In A Sentence

  • (known as gematria), the Baal HaTurim commentary remarks that the numerical value of the letters that spell "shalom" (376 - shin = 300, lamed = 30, vav = six, and mem = 40) is equivalent to the letters of the name "Esau" (376 - ayin = 70, shin/sin = 300, vav = six). Articles
  • By this means there is attained what is known as a mass spectrogram, that is to say a series of lines in which each line corresponds to a certain atomic weight, and where the numerical value of each atomic weight can be read off from the distance of the line from the line or lines which are produced by any fundamental substance that is chosen as a standard - usually carbon-12 or oxygen-16. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1922 - Presentation Speech
  • One of the great goals of fundamental physics is to find the reason for the precise numerical values of the constants that appear in the equations that prescribe the laws of Nature.
  • [2835] The old Latin version renders episemon, insigne, illustrious, but there seems to be a reference to the Valentinian notion of the mystic number of 888 formed (10+8+200+70+400+200) by the numerical value of the letters in the word 'Iesous. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • Elijah applied the biblical analysis technique (still used today) called gematria, where the Hebrew letters are given their appropriate numerical values according to their sequence in the Hebrew alphabet, to the two spellings of the word for "line measure" and found the following. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • numerical value
  • It is then a simple matter to measure the relative proportions along this line as a numerical value of "feeling". The Allergy Handbook
  • You also have to assign the core terms numerical values or ranges.
  • By the ‘subject matter of pure mathematics’ he means the ‘continuous quantity’ of geometry and the numerical values of variables and constants in algebra.
  • Does it even make sense to assign a numerical value to something as subjective as wine?
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