How To Use Numerical analysis In A Sentence
The stress-deformation behavior of diaphragm walls of concrete face rockfill dam built on thick alluvium deposit was analyzed using the numerical analysis method.
For decades, mathematicians had been using polynomials for numerical analysis.
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Aitken's mathematical work was in statistics, numerical analysis, and algebra.
Aitken's mathematical work was in statistics, numerical analysis, and algebra.
This paper focused on the relationship between the safety coefficient of piping and foundation pit deformation. To research them, a centrifuge test and numerical analysis have been done.
Constants, even something as ‘obvious’ as the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, were something I got introduced to as problems in numerical analysis quite a few years ago.
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Of particular importance is his appreciation of the value of elementary hermitian matrices in numerical analysis.
The discovery of the binomial theorem for integer exponents by al-Karaji was a major factor in the development of numerical analysis based on the decimal system.
Combine with numerical analysis method, the connected predicting mode that first predicts tunnel deformation then landslide disaster is proposed.
Results of numerical analysis indicate that the opportunistic network coding cooperation is with better performance than traditional user cooperation and noncooperation approach.
Results of numerical analysis indicate that the opportunistic network coding cooperation is with better performance than traditional user cooperation and noncooperation approach.
His interests are applied mathematics, numerical analysis and the application of computer science to problems in geophysics and seismology.
Heat transfer numerical analysis methods, maths model, and boundary condition treatment for an impingement-effusion cooled flame tube floating tile are discussed in the paper.
FORTRAN: Procedural computer programming language developed for numerical analysis by John W. Backus and others at IBM in 1957.
The curvature field along the stem was computed by a numerical analysis of the central line.
These papers, which appeared in 1858, are on numerical analysis, in particular numerical integration.
The stress-deformation behavior of diaphragm walls of concrete face rockfill dam built on thick alluvium deposit was analyzed using the numerical analysis method.