How To Use Numerate In A Sentence
As a species, we delight in making lists, which is what drove Herodotus in the fifth century B.C. and Callimachus of Cyrene a century later to enumerate the seven wonders in the first place.
A Wonder From Any Angle
If precipitate interfered with the operation of the system, counts were enumerated manually.
Consider the code above and realize that any enumerated value not specifically processed by a case statement is instead processed by the default statement.
He hadn't the energy to enumerate the others, but he supposed that the list would be a catalog of the world.
I have not numerated Noël's birthday presents because I wish to leave something to the imagination of my young readers.
The Wouldbegoods
It has been doubted, whether aphtha or thrush, which consists of ulcers in the mouth, should be enumerated amongst febrile diseases; and whether these ulcers are always symptomatic, or the consequence rather than the cause of the fevers which attend them.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
He enumerated the benefits of the insurance scheme.
Ming as Researcher enumerates research projects conducted and those in progress.
There are no contemporary estimates of how rapidly and how far literacy spread; nor is it possible for us to quantify it with the data provided by largely innumerate contemporaries.
In the apportionment, or representation clause, the redemptioner and the apprentice counts each as a man, whereas five slaves are enumerated as only three free men.
Continental Monthly , Vol. 6, No. 1, July, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
He hadn't the energy to enumerate the others, but he supposed that the list would be a catalog of the world.
In particular, businesses expect pupils leaving school to be literate and numerate.
He hadn't the energy to enumerate the others, but he supposed that the list would be a catalog of the world.
The hands of some called for kingship and irresponsible and numerated power; other hands called for ambition, for wealth in untold sums, for disgrace and shame, or for women and wine.
Chapter X
Our ways may be wicked, and the movements of our mind wicked; such as adulteries, thefts, idolatries, slanders, strife, passion, sedition, vain-glory, and all that the apostle Paul enumerates among the works of the flesh.
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
During a ride to a natural tank amongst these rocky elevations, I passed from the alluvium to the sandstone, and at once met with all the prevailing plants of the granite, gneiss, limestone and hornstone rocks previously examined, and which I have enumerated too often to require recapitulation; a convincing proof that the mechanical properties and not the chemical constitution of the rocks regulate the distribution of these plants.
Himalayan Journals — Complete
H. capsulatum yeasts as enumerated by hemacytometer with concentrations ranging from 0 to 1.0 mM of hydrogen peroxide (
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
In an instant her mind learns so many things at once that if the imagination and intellect spent years in striving to enumerate them, it could not recall a thousandth part of them.
The Interior Castle or The Mansions
Strange the 2A would be the only federal amendment to create an individual “numerated natural inalienable right.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Petitioner’s Brief in McDonald v. City of Chicago (The Second Amendment Incorporation Case)
There is the wrist-drop, the eyesight affected, the partial paralysis, the hallucinations and a condition in old Pearcy's case almost bordering on insanity -- to enumerate the symptoms that seem to be present in varying degrees in various persons in the two houses.
The War Terror
The particulars are here again enumerated almost in the same words with that character given of the just man (v. 6, &c.), to show how good men walk in the same spirit and in the same steps.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
That is, the proof proves non-enumerability: it proves that for any given definite real number concept (e.g., recursive real), one cannot enumerate ˜all™ such numbers because one can always construct a diagonal number, which falls under the same concept and is not in the enumeration.
Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics
This cascade of changes is not unitarily positive or negative, rather it is possible to enumerate a variety of risks and benefits associated with reunification.
In 1880, the city directory enumerated a total of 1,042 saloons, with 6.72 saloons per 1,000 individuals.
The procedure, today much used in computer implementations, enumerates the cosets of a subgroup of finite index in a finitely presented group.
The conclusion meanwhile is that, since Brahman does not fall within the sphere of the other means of knowledge, and is the topic of Scripture only, the text 'from whence these creatures,' &c., _does_ give authoritative information as to a Brahman possessing the characteristic qualities so often enumerated.
The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
Under my construction, the Act would apply to all customers in all the enumerated places of public accommodation.
There are people with severe literacy problems who cannot find work, people dependent on alcohol and drugs, people unable to manage their ordinary lives or to ensure that their children become literate, numerate or even ambitious.
Father Lalemant enumerates the kind of peltry obtained by the French from the Indians, and the amount, as follows.
Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 01
For not to enumerate all the sacred rites severally and all the gods, whether in the banquet of Jupiter can the lectisternium be performed in any other place, save in the Capitol?
The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
Justinian enumerated the "just" causes of disherison in Novel cxv; they are substantially the same in the modern civil codes.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
There is nothing that Anna's father likes to do more than enumerate, at length, my many failings --- particularly when I am within earshot.
At best, a dictionary can enumerate only some of the more salient semantic distinctions, and different lexicographers are liable to employ different criteria in their assessments.
In context of Madison's entire hesitation of enumerating any rights because we might gravitate only to those rights enumerated is precisely what has happened.
It's a part of the literacy/numeracy problem - if someone is innumerate there's no point trying to explain significance as a percentage etc.
Ninety-five per cent of members in our NOP survey said the main priority for the Government should be to ensure that all young people leave school literate and numerate.
Russia has many assets: excellent scientists, a workforce that is ‘literate, numerate and co-operative’ and a reasonably educated population that is, in the main, peaceful.
He enumerates more of its advantages, but he adds, “he who has not been flogged is not learned.”
Letter 177
Academics at the University of London warned that if this is not addressed, we could create an innumerate generation.
A most probable number method using diphenylamine as a color indicator was employed to enumerate denitrifying bacteria, which produce enzymes for conversion of nitrate to nitrite and nitrite to ammonia in soil.
Similarly, in the chapter on opera buffa's social reversals, the author enumerates a number of later contributions in a footnote, but she does not incorporate them into her discussion.
It's true that if you only sample your cat, you can get 100% in favour or against, but most numerate people know this, and they know about sampling errors.
I have enumerated them merely to suggest that any hasty inferences regarding the bearing of the Susian design upon the general problem are apt to be misleading.
The Evolution of the Dragon
The Senator may have her oft-numerated flaws, but this is one woman who knows how to demand the best of those who report to her.
Stacy Parker Aab: Sen. Clinton Brings It in New Orleans
I do not enumerate his amazing successes in guiding the ship of state through as heavy a storm as ever beat and blew; in leading us to conclusions of the most wonderful character, as official commander-in chief of the power of the nation; in emancipating from the fetters of slavery an entire race of human beings.
The Death of President Lincoln
On the other hand, the list of archbishoprics, bishoprics, abbacies, and other dignities held by him, as enumerated by the
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
Plaintiffs enumerated a number of problems, defects and unworkmanlike conditions existing in the modular home constructed by the Defendant under its contract with plaintiffs.
I wanted to find out just how stupid, reckless or hopelessly innumerate they could be.
It would rather let them go out into the world illiterate or innumerate rather than suffer the supposed indignity of being told how to do something properly.
Let us take some of the "defiling" things enumerated by Jesus: slander with the related vice of saying evil things about one's neighbor.
Father Cantalamessa: Ecology of the Heart
We're one of the most literate and more numerate professions and we're highly adaptable.
Likewise, an encounter with the unhoped for does not simply call for a response where an object of futural expectation can be enumerated in an isolated sense.
Let me enumerate many flaws in your hypothesis.
Maybe it would be appropriate to add one more element to the four Tolkien enumerates.
_courbaril_, the mahogany, the _tedre-à-caillou_, the iron - wood ... but as well enumerate by name all the soldiers of an army!
Two Years in the French West Indies
There's obviously much in pop culture that deserves satire and critique, for reasons too obvious to enumerate, but it's also part of the electricity of our times.
Under its regulations three rents are enumerated -- namely, the _rack rent_ to be extorted from one of a strange tribe; the _fair_ rent from one of the same tribe; and the _stipulated_ rent to be paid equally to either.
The Story of Ireland
I simply don't remember not being literate and numerate, just like I cannot remember not being able to ride a horse, but I suppose that I must have been taught by my parents, who were stickers for some of the oddest traditions.
Another conclusion from the facts enumerated above is that there has obviously been a great world catastrophe, and that this must be assigned as the cause of a large part, -- _just how large a part_ it is at present difficult to say, -- of the changes recorded in the fossiliferous rocks.
Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
* For the information of Protestant and other non-Catholic readers it may be mentioned that all the titles enumerated in this passage are taken from the Litany of the Blessed Virgin.
The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
Maybe it would be appropriate to add one more element to the four Tolkien enumerates.
III. therefore, chap. 37. the exportation of gum senega from his majestys dominions in Africa was confined to Great Britain, and was subjected to all the same restrictions, regulations, forfeitures, and penalties, as that of the enumerated commodities of the British colonies in America and the West Indies.
VIII. Book IV. Conclusion of the Mercantile System
Dr. Wood has referred to several of the many substitutes for iridectomy that have been proposed, and it is unnecessary to enumerate them again or to attempt to point out their good or bad features.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
All children should be numerate but ending the rule that GCSE pupils had to study more advanced concepts such as quadratic equations and trigonometry would leave the subject to teenagers who actually enjoyed it, he said.
He says he gets his gregariousness from his father and his toughness and business sense - he is highly numerate - from his mother.
So nice, compassionate, slightly innumerate people who genuinely want to help the homeless could conceivably have been taken in.
I could enumerate the problems, list my doubts, but that might make 'em sharp and enduring as diamonds, treacherous as banana skin.
We now have schools where barely literate and scarcely numerate children are being processed through exams so they can join the ranks of media studies and leisure management and sports development undergraduates.
Well, if what you call bibliography has produced such eminent men, and so many useful works, as those which have been just enumerated, I shall begin to have some little respect for this department of literature; and, indeed, I already feel impatient to go through the list of your bibliographical heroes.
Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
The census enumerated eighty - six persons over one hundred years old in this mountain area.
We need to stop being an innumerate country, and start to get on board the fact that it is perfectly possible for everybody to understand the basics of statistics.
Enumerating the right of freedom of speech neither enhanced its previous protection nor derogated the protection afforded other liberties not enumerated.
So a Contitutionally-unenumerated right to privacy results in emanations and penumbras from the Constitution that allows third trimester partial birth abortions, and restricts laws against sodomy and makes birth control a subject for strict scrutiny of legislation limiting its availability.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Diane Wood on the Second Amendment
They overturn laws passed by legislators, constitutionalize rights not enumerated in the Constitution, even determine the outcome of a presidential election.
One of the rarely admitted secrets about journalists is that many of us are functional ‘innumerates’ - another way of saying ‘mathematically illiterate.’
She enumerated the items we had to buy sugar, tea, soap, etc.
The catalogue enumerates 174 volumes, or rather more than 17 for each "banc" or lectern.
The Care of Books
Far more revealing are lists that enumerate every expedition, give the names of their commanders and the ships involved, and sometimes provide additional useful information.
There's the point that's broken (whether you're true dyslexic, dysgraphic, dysnumerate, or something else) and the bits of the brain that you've overdeveloped by using them to compensate.
Hunt said things looked bad, and went on to enumerate the reasons why.
Even the most innumerate family lawyer will need to know the principles, at least, on which child maintenance is to be assessed.
A partial list of benefits is enumerated in Table 3.
Maybe it would be appropriate to add one more element to the four Tolkien enumerates.
Subsequently I discovered an old engraving of Chabert, published in London in 1829, and later still another which bore the change of name, as well as the titles enumerated above.
Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
And the terms "terra japonica and catechu" are hereby transferred from schedule D to schedule E, they being considered in commerce as the same articles of merchandize as cutch, which is enumerated in schedule E of said act.
The Statutes at Large of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, from the Institution of the Government, February 8, 1861, to its Termination, February 18, 1862, Inclusive. Arranged in Chronological Order. Together with the Consti
For each species, there are serial sub sections enumerated and described: form, bark, twigs, pith, buds, leaves, fall leaf color, stipules, leaf scars, flowers, fruit, seeds, wood, and current champion.
Let me enumerate many flaws in your hypothesis.
Let me enumerate many flaws in your hypothesis.
The paper enumerates section calculation formula of sprocket hob grinding abrasive wheel and its calculation process.
All the orders except the minor order of ostiary are enumerated by the early African writers.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
Let me enumerate many flaws in your hypothesis.
With this example of antitoxic diphtheria therapy, I have attempted to enumerate for you the chief characteristics of serum therapy as a novum in therapeutics and as a progressive step in medicine.
Emil von Behring - Nobel Lecture
He was also taciturn, but enumerated that he wanted a relationship with me.
By 10 they should be literate, both in spelling and grammar and numerate to all four disciplines of maths - addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
His agendas, as so perspicaciously and copiously enumerated will exhibit weakness and encourage our enemies that the U.S. is vulnerable to attack on our shores and overseas.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
The Council of Trent (l.c. cap. vii), moreover, did not neglect to enumerate in detail the other causes of justification: the glory of God and of Christ as the final cause (causa finalis), the mercy of God as the efficient cause (causa efficiens), the Passion of Christ as the meritorious cause (causa meritoria), the reception of the Sacraments as the instrumental cause
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
Descriptive statistics, including means, medians, range, standard deviation, and frequencies, were used to enumerate the TAT process.
Ignore the latter, in which a self-pitying Kelly enumerates his woes in gospelised ballads.
In addition to the causes enumerated, inflammation of osseous tissue, or osteoid carcinoma, has been found at the seat of a spontaneous fracture.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
It again enumerated the difficulties with attribution, but again the report was preceded by a front end that ambiguously claimed that “The changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities, but we cannot rule out that some significant part of these changes is also a reflection of natural variability.”
Think Progress » Bush Brags He Kept Campaign Promise on Global Warming, Forgets Pledge To Regulate CO2
All decapod crustaceans and fishes were identified and enumerated, a representative subsample was measured and then all animals were returned to the system.
It limited the rights of the lord in calling the townsmen before his court and fining them, and enumerated the taxes which he might exact from the townspeople.
An Introduction to the History of Western Europe
Then the host began motioning with his hand as though he were giving my brother a mouthful; and ceased not to enumerate and expatiate upon the various dishes to the hungry man whose hunger waxt still more violent, so that his soul lusted after a bit of bread, even a barley scone. 690 Quoth the Barmecide, “Didst thou ever taste anything more delicious than the seasoning of these dishes?”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
She enumerated the items we had to buy sugar, tea, soap, etc.
Unfortunately, we physicians are largely innumerate - even those of us who hold editorial positions at influential medical journals.
And I should like this evening to imagine that these graduates are undergoing an analogous initiation into the privileges and duties of schoolcraft, and that these vows which I shall enumerate, embody some of the ideals that govern the work of that craft.
Craftsmanship in Teaching
Public schooling confers such externalities; the public as well as individual students and parents benefit when its citizens are literate and numerate, and when they understand the benefits of democracy.
In B we find remains of some of the same plants which were enumerated as common in the ancient lignite in 3 prime, such as the yellow water-lily and hornwort, together with some freshwater shells which occur in the same fluvio-marine series 3 prime.
The Antiquity of Man
This requires a workforce that is computerate rather than merely functionally literate and numerate, as was needed for the first industrial revolution.
About 1190 Bernard of Pavia uses freely the expression, which became classical, "impedit contrahendum et dirimit contractus", and further he enumerated the impediments: "sunt autem quæ matrimonium impediunt xiv", but his list is not definitive; the technical names of each impediment remain for some time longer unsettled.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
During the 1980s, he discovered that many of the young workers in his manufacturing firms were functionally illiterate and innumerate.
A complete inventory meant that every nut and bolt, every butlet and firing pin, every Aqua-Lung and Emerson breathing apparatus was going to be enumerated, along with every index card, paper clip, and notepad.
Rogue Warrior
You've got small numbers of banks in geographic locations where the geographic locations are enumerated or identifiable because of the email addresses.
One list, with 34 names, enumerates mosques that now serve a different purpose: most were turned into synagogues or museums, a few became residences or storerooms, at least two are cafes, and one became a cowshed.
Only now - after aid - is it possible for them to seriously discuss trade; you can't trade when your people are illiterate, innumerate, diseased and starving.
First lieutenant to his enumerate a variety of drinking harm.
Shandong provincially established hospital cardiovascular disease prevention center Director Li Ren became heir to professor to enumerate the following 10 kind of special kind of core stem.
The press release announcing his initiative mentioned accelerators and enumerated various installations in American university laboratories.
In addition, questions began to be raised about how to enumerate race for children born of interracial unions.
Patriarchs, ten postdiluvian; seventy descendants of Jacob are named on the occasion of Israel's going into Egypt, though some of them were dead at that time, others had not yet been born; the ethnographical list of Genesis enumerates seventy nations, though it gives some names of little importance and omits others of great importance; I Par., ii, 3-55, gives seventy descendants of Juda; I
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
In the natural products which have just been enumerated, the tannic acid is accompanied by some colouring matter, which is also absorbed by the cotton; in some (sumac and galls) this colour is present in but small quantities; in others (divi-divi, myrabolams, algarobilla), there is a large quantity; therefore cotton treated with these comes out more or less coloured.
The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
Ballet enumerates a number of works upon so-called folie brightique which tend to prove that acute or chronic Bright's disease gives rise either to melancholic disorder or alternately to maniacal and melancholic disorder.
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
This is like protesting the menorah because it excludes the innumerate.
If only they could realise that scientists need to be creative and innovative as well as numerate.
Times, Sunday Times
But if you're innumerate, people seem to think that's OK.
However, O'Neill and his team now want to sell the company's product on a slightly different basis, stressing the sheer variety of products it can offer numerate traders.
There is nothing that Anna's father likes to do more than enumerate, at length, my many failings --- particularly when I am within earshot.
By the end of “Follies of Science,” any modern technologist is bound to start wondering: Are our current predictions about the future any smarter than the endless parade of goofiness and gullibility that “Follies of Science” gleefully enumerates?
Predictions that Never Came True | Impact Lab
These data do not simply enumerate a direct count of the recombination events, but have the advantage of reflecting the evolutionary process.
An error occurred attempting to enumerate dependencies on the cluster service.
But this is a form of social injustice, for innumerate and illiterate workers are locked into a low-wage future.
An interesting sidelight in the enumerated statutes of the Hammurabi code is that there is no statute number 13 - - even in ancient Mesopotamia, 13 was considered to be an unlucky number that should be avoided.
You will not find a vice-chancellor who expresses other than contempt for the Conservatives' opposition to top-up fees, nor a numerate politician or sensible policy expert who disagrees with the basic principle.
It would certainly be possible to enumerate the points a little more, thus making the page more ‘list-like’ (as with bullets or something) and scannable.
Mr. Cowen is there made to say, not that he _resigned_ nomination; -- But that for reasons there enumerated, "it was his _personal wish to resign his own nomination_ &c. and he submitted to the decision of the meeting, the question whether it would be most expedient to act on his _resignation which_ he now made (_which_ must refer to the _personal wish_ before expressed, for no other resignation is pretended) if the meeting should judge a postponement impracticable, or to postpone acting until he could have time to communicate to some of the particular friends of his nomination (beside those who were present at the meeting) his reasons for resigning, and procure their concurrence _before hand_ &c.
A Review and Exposition, of the Falsehoods and Misrepresentations, of a Pamphlet Addressed to the Republicans of the County of Saratoga, Signed, "A Citizen"
There is nothing that Anna's father likes to do more than enumerate, at length, my many failings --- particularly when I am within earshot.
The problem - according to the programme's presenter, Economist journalist Frances Cairncross - is that they're all arts graduates, meaning they're not numerate enough.
He writes that this clause "is not an independent source of federal power" and "would vitiate the enumerated powers principle.
The Constitutional Moment
The big dirty secret about journalists is that most are innumerate.
I enumerated my first point by extending a silver talon; it caught the light from my eyes and rendered Apples in shades of green—a Granny Smith.
St. Thomas takes the enumerated list of the gifts, and the description of the spirated nature of the gifts directly from the Old Testament Book of the Prophet Isaiah, 11:2-3.
Part I: Piety the Gift
He says he gets his gregariousness from his father, an affluent farmer who left Cornwall to take over Bardon's Victorian quarry in 1949, and his toughness and business sense - he is highly numerate - from his mother.
In this way the exorciser proceeds to enumerate an exceedingly long list of sins -- no less than one hundred -- most of which are ethical misdemeanors, while others are merely ceremonial transgressions.
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
Porcupine Jim declared that the place was "hoodooed" and as evidence enumerated the many accidents and delays.
The Man from the Bitter Roots
Converts a text string into an enumerated text of the type specified by _type. and if you're Dynamics Ax is configured in English, this code will work fine.
MSDN Blogs
There is nothing that Anna's father likes to do more than enumerate, at length, my many failings --- particularly when I am within earshot.
Von Soden, enumerates 2328 distinct manuscripts outside of lectionaries (Gospels and Epistles), and exclusive of about 30 numbers added in an appendix, 30 October, 1902.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
He enumerates a number of issues he was close to or worked on when in government, including Coronation Hill, Shoalwater Bay, stopping food irradiation.
Nerites Aelian enumerates (N.A. 14, 28): [Greek: Aphroditên de syndiaitômenên en tê thalattê hêsthênai te tô Nêritê tôde kai echein auton philon].
The Evolution of the Dragon
Preferences of Bangalore consumers | 9/20/2009 In the previous section we have enumerated the strengths and weaknesses of "kirana" store and also the challenges of the modern food retail formats.
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In no amatorial contract, probably, is it possible to include or to enumerate all the hereditaments, messuages, or appurtenances, involved.
Hints for Lovers
Its offences are so grievous, so numerous, they require nothing less than this list to enumerate them.
They enumerated a number of simple needs like places to shower, do laundry, and sleep safely when they were exhausted.
If the conditions enumerated are observed, the social revolution will painlessly melt into democracy.
Every hair of his beard, every jewel in the hilt of his khanjar, was enumerated and criticised; while all oriental etiquette was violated by the constant enquiries addressed to him relative to the number of his wives, and the economy of his domestic arrangements.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXXVI. October, 1843. Vol. LIV.
In those days, we were still turning out literate, numerate children - but my aim was to give them a love of learning, too!
Yet these are enumerated in the apportionment of representatives.
Thompson enumerates a number of the strategies of domination, including legitimation, dissimulation, unification, fragmentation, and reification.
She enumerated the many obstacles she had encountered
Linneus enumerates but four diseases of plants; Erysyche, the white mucor or mould, with sessile tawny heads, with which the leaves are sprinkled, as is frequent on the hop, humulus, maple, acer, &c.
The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
He will be able to use it in electro-therapeutic treatment in most of the ways enumerated.
Professionals often use verbal quantifiers such as ‘rarely’ and ‘unlikely’ to describe risk because they believe the public is innumerate.
You are the Prime Suspect appeared almost two years, where this author numerated specific violations of civil and constitutional rights of the Americans of Iranian heritage.
Looking Middle Eastern? You need not apply, need not travel, and so, need not exist!
There is nothing that Anna's father likes to do more than enumerate, at length, my many failings --- particularly when I am within earshot.
Twenty-two only are enumerated here, and no more than twenty in Ne
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
She enumerated the many rooms that were in the house: those that were covered with carpets, the margins whereof had to be beeswaxed: those others, only partially covered with rugs, which had to be entirely waxed: the upper rooms were uncarpeted and unrugged, and had, therefore, to be scrubbed: the basement, consisting of two red-flagged kitchens and a scullery, had also to be scoured out.
Mary, Mary
We have also included a graph and table which are not beyond the grasp of even the less than numerate.
What place does history have in this cabinet of curiosities and the catalogue that enumerates its holdings?
In a medical dispensatory of the times the different varieties of medicines used in New England are enumerated.
Customs and Fashions in Old New England
The battery consisted of seven tests that were enumerated according to the construct they tapped.
Again, this argumentation is handled very advantageously, which is derived from a species when you pursue all the separate parts by tracing them back to the whole, in this way "If that is _dolus malus_ when one thing is aimed at, and another pretended," we may enumerate the different modes in which that can be done, and then under some one of them we may range that which we are trying to prove has been done
The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
And I should perhaps add that to this day I am practically innumerate.
But there is a minimal number of skills and basic knowledge that make a person numerate.
As with his intermediate views on genuine irrationals and the Multiplicative Axiom, Wittgenstein here looks at the diagonal proof of the non-denumerability of “the set of transcendental numbers” as one that shows only that transcendental numbers cannot be recursively enumerated.
Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics
It is the journey and the path to this truth that is enumerated in different styles and manners in the various religions.
I am not now attempting to enumerate the well-recognised odours of animals such as are extracted from them by man in order to "opsonize" himself, but am pointing to the more obscure cases.
More Science From an Easy Chair
He describes epithelioma very clearly, enumerates its most frequent locations in their order, lays down its bad prognosis, and hence the necessity for early operation with entire removal of the new growth whenever possible.
Old-Time Makers of Medicine The Story of The Students And Teachers of the Sciences Related to Medicine During the Middle Ages
`But even I, or even me -- I wasn't much to write home about in English either -- even poor old innumerate me, can do that bit of addition.
Dysenteria, as well as tonsillitis and aphtha, are enumerated amongst the diseases of external membranes, because they are exposed either to the atmospheric air, which is breathed, and swallowed with our food and saliva; or they are exposed to the inflammable air; or hydrogen, which is generated in the intestines; both which contribute to produce or promote the contagious quality of these fluids; as mentioned in Class II.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
There was no attempt to enumerate the number of students in these subgroups because the small numbers would not have provided a statistically significant sample.
Among the birds enumerated by Kuhn and others as representing the storm-cloud are likewise the wren or "kinglet" (French roitelet); the owl, sacred to Athene; the cuckoo, stork, and sparrow; and the red-breasted robin, whose name Robert was originally an epithet of the lightning-god Thor.
Myths and Myth-makers: Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology
‘We should make it part of each prison sentence that each inmate must become demonstrably literate and numerate before they can leave prison,’ he said.
Since most of us are innumerate, the arguments may seem dazzling.
Centaury varies a great deal according to) its situation, and some botanists enumerate several distinct species.
He hadn't the energy to enumerate the others, but he supposed that the list would be a catalog of the world.
Like millions of Venezuelans, in the midst of spurting oil wealth she was left illiterate and innumerate.
'navicular' have in reality been nothing more than contraction brought about by one or other of the causes we shall afterwards enumerate -- cases where a due attention to the prime cause of the mischief would, in all likelihood, have remedied the lameness.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
Under my construction[sentence dictionary], the Act would apply to all customers in all the enumerated places of public accommodation.
As autumn advances, citrine tends towards its orange hues, including the colours termed aurora, chamoise, and others before enumerated under the head of yellow.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
But no one's really being paid or numerated -- remunerated to be thinking about that kind of stuff.
CNN Transcript Dec 17, 2005
Even little innumerate old me spotted a discrepancy here.
I would need more fingers and toes than I have to enumerate the number of people who contacted me to say ‘well done’ on going so forcefully public on the matter.
By the above-mentioned statute, gum senega, or gum arabic, being among the enumerated dying drugs, might be imported duty free.
VIII. Book IV. Conclusion of the Mercantile System
In 1865 the legislature discriminated against women by the passage of a very long act, prescribing the manner in which enumerations of _white male citizens_ shall be made; thus implying that a _white male citizen_ is an honorable and important person, whose existence is to be noted with due care; with a care that distinguishes him equally above the _white female_ and the _black male_ citizen, and in effect places these two unenumerated divisions of human beings into one class.
History of Woman Suffrage, Volume III (of III)
Time is by this delay afforded to prepare for their destruction; and to the methods already enumerated, beside shooting them, I should add that of placing a vessel of water, strongly impregnated with arsenic, near the carcase, which is fastened to
The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
The really dangerous element of the majority opinion is that it adopts the highly deferential “rational basis” test for assessing assertions of power under the Necessary and Proper Clause, holding that “in determining whether the Necessary and Proper Clause grants Congress the legislative authority to enact a particular federal statute, we look to see whether the statute constitutes a means that is rationally related to the implementation of a constitutionally enumerated power.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Bad News for Federalism? Some Preliminary Reflections on Comstock
Speaking for Virginia, state Solicitor General E. Duncan Getchell Jr. told Hudson that the provision is an unprecedented, unlimited and unsupportable in any serious regime of delegated, enumerated powers.
Judge says he will rule on Va. health-care challenge by end of the year
I will assume my home state of Missouri to be sufficiently representative of the nationwide trend; I note that any numerate person with a calculator and Internet access can perform the following analysis in a matter of minutes.
In the past I have found I was too short to be a police officer, too poor to be an international playboy, too innumerate to be an aerospace engineer, too smart to be an elected official.
I will not enumerate all that apiarian science owes to him; to state what it does not owe were the briefer task.