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How To Use Numbering In A Sentence

  • Great Alardyce is indeed of the same generation as Carlyle, Harriet Martineau numbering as a member of both eminent men's circles.
  • This non-automatic numbering has the advantage that if a text refers to the numbers, insertion or deletion of an item does not disturb the correspondence.
  • Apart from the placement and numbering of the Fool, the most significant change made by Mathers to the trumps was the counterchange in the numbers and locations of the trumps Justice and Strength.
  • SOCRATES: That was my reason for asking how we ought to speak when an arithmetician sets about numbering, or a grammarian about reading? Theaetetus
  • Rastas, numbering only in the hundreds of thousands, recognize Haile Selassie I as God incarnate, and believe that marijuana is a gateway to spiritual enlightenment. Frank Fredericks: Protecting Pastafarians: When Does Religious Freedom Become Ridiculous?
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  • Once again we are reminded that the capital of the most powerful democratic nation on the globe is a one party town: Democrats rule, by outnumbering Republicans 10-1 in registered voters. DeMorning DeBonis: Nov. 2, 2010
  • The endemic Nile lechwe (Kobus megaceros) also occurs in this ecoregion, numbering about 30-40,000 individuals. Saharan flooded grasslands
  • Apart from the religious/superstitious objection to the numbering, it does make sense to renumber the route. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Things I Didn’t Know
  • He was responsible for the care of four churches in the area and had a congregation numbering more than 100.
  • Each winter, flocks of birds numbering in the tens of thousands migrate from the northern islands and build their nests there. THE BROKEN GOD
  • His children find European numbering simpler than the Chinese system.
  • So was the atmosphere in the National Stadium on April 22, with gun-toting and decidedly edgy cops and soldiers just about outnumbering the spectators.
  • One design aspect that has not been discussed yet, but is an integral part of the architecture proposed, is message numbering.
  • The boxed text indicates the numbering and color-coding scheme.
  • We don't find Achilles any the less interesting because we doubt the ability of any degenerate modern to calmly destroy such outnumbering hosts of his fellow beings, and send such a throng of warrior souls to hades without scath or scar to his invulnerable self. The Continental Monthly, Vol III, Issue VI, June, 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Numbering well under 50, the eastern North Pacific right whale --which can reach up to 18 metres (60 feet) in length -- falls below theIUCN's threshold of likely viability as a species.
  • In preparing the shows he draws on his own record and compact disk collection numbering in excess of 2,000.
  • A legion was a military unit of the Roman army made up of infantry and supporting cavalry numbering three to six thousand men.
  • First, a musical overture with a philharmonic orchestra numbering around 60 musicians, and then 36 dancers, les Rexgirls, came on stage.
  • Mr. Pot recommends a design from Danish textile company Kvadrat called Steelcut Trio €2,895, which comes in some 50 variations, but Gelderland itself allows buyers to choose from its entire textile archive, numbering in the thousands. Finding Tomorrow's Heirlooms Today
  • There's a bit about how the Tories 'web team (now numbering several members strong) listen to speeches given up their opponents to buy up, in real-time, phrases that they can link to their "prebuttal" of their adversaries' arguments, like Google ads on the term "boiler scrappage scheme. TechPresident
  • The procession was a half mile long numbering nearly a hundred carriages aud was preceded by a military band which discoursed exequial music from the church to the cemetery.
  • Then there are the irritating editorial mistakes such as misnumbering of moves and move typos.
  • The original version had serif numbering, although the typeface was later changed to a sans-serif style.
  • They go against armed forces numbering 120,000, armed with AK 47s and strutting with pride and arrogance.
  • I will probably cap the players at 25-30, as one of the lessons I've learned in SL is the larger the rp, the less likely it is to succeed (rp sims often have members numbering in the thousands). "Like night pretending to be day..." (2)
  • Each winter, flocks of birds numbering in the tens of thousands migrate from the northern islands and build their nests there. THE BROKEN GOD
  • This makes me very doubtful concerning the numberings of the Roman people, at the time when their empire extended just four leagues from the Tarpeian rock, and they carried a handful of hay at the end of a pole for a standard. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • In habits it is gregarious, and is usually seen in small herds, but herds numbering several hundreds or even a thousand are occasionally met with on the stony, desolate plateaus of Southern Patagonia; but the huanaco is able to thrive and grow fat where almost any other herbivore would starve. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • Footnote numbering in the text should be placed after the full point at the end of a sentence.
  • The Maya did, however, have an advanced numbering system with a base of 20 (a vigesimal system, as opposed to a decimal system).
  • As my friend Michael Putnam has noted, "Solvitur acris hiems" is Horace I. 4 (the misnumbering can be explained by the fact that I had recently been working with Propertius IV. 2). Pears Before Swine
  • The tentacle scales are small and variable, numbering from 0-5, some are needle-like while others resemble small granules.
  • On the crater rim are leopard Panthera pardus, elephant Loxodonta africana (EN) numbering 42 in 1987 but only 29 in 1992, mountain reedbuck Redunca fulvorufula and buffalo Syncerus caffer (4,000 in 1994). Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania
  • Deletions shift down numbering and make #reference uncomprehensible. Stern Review « Climate Audit
  • The Moslems fought for the service of Allah a right good fight, and wrought upon His foes with sway of sword and lunge of lance; whilst Zau al-Makan smote upon the men and garred the knights bite the dust and their heads from their bodies take flight, five by five and ten by ten, till he had done to death a number of them past numbering and an accompt beyond counting. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The parish statistics show that 18 parishioners died during the year and there were 49 baptisms with the girls outnumbering the boys by almost 25 per cent.
  • In recent years a flow of cookbooks numbering in the thousands has steadily issued from American publishing houses.
  • Groups such as silversides, herrings and anchovies often congregate in feeding shoals numbering in the millions.
  • In a square grid, numbering squares instead of line intersections serves as a more convenient square-spiral representation of the integers.
  • In 1999, Scotland recorded the largest ever natural decrease in the population since records began in 1855, with deaths outnumbering births by more than 5000.
  • The plants branch sympodially, producing large, flattened, bifoliate pseudobulbs and lateral, solitary flowers on long pedicels, numbering one to six per pseudobulb.
  • The Beja represent the dominant ethnic group of eastern Sudan, numbering an estimated three million inhabiting a vast arid region that encompasses three countries: Egypt, Sudan and Eritrea.
  • A crowd numbering in the thousands later marched on the nearest US base, hurling rocks and chanting anti-American slogans.
  • Tribes are larger than bands, numbering up to a few thousand people, and they tend to be settled farmers, though some are pastoralists with a mobile economy.
  • The Wheelers were the best cycling club in the city, numbering among their members Ian Steel, who made an abortive appearance in the 1955 Tour, and Billy Bilsland, who had followed Steel and Ken Laidlaw to race in France.
  • As a result, said the unnamed parent, concerned mothers and fathers have pulled more than half of the school's pupils out, leaving a student body numbering about 18.
  • A fierce and independent group numbering in the thousands with a remuda of fifteen thousand horses and camping in Palo Duro Canyon—the Quahadis—was beyond anything they knew or could guess at. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • If someone is not familiar with the numbering system for suites, apartments, or a piso, it is best to just write an address exactly the way that the recipient writes it, if it takes four or more lines, so be it. How to write your Mexican address�the Mexican way
  • He had transplanted to the coldframe strong plants numbering nearly five hundred. Hiram the Young Farmer
  • Apart from the ease of apparently authentic numbering, holograms have been globally downgraded as a protection.
  • The utility model discloses a seal device with numbering function.
  • The numbering of years is a cultural artifact based on some rather arbitrary decisions made along the way.
  • Responses to individual questionnaire items are discussed in turn: paragraph numbering reflects that of the relevant questionnaire items.
  • We kept the numbering contiguous in spite of two gaps in the sequence.
  • Numbering more than 15,000, Boosey publications are a staple for serious musicians of all instruments, and for concert bands, orchestras and choirs.
  • Last year's total Jewish immigration into Israel, numbering some 23,000, was a 15-year low.
  • Although numbering fewer than his own, Lind had the advantage of surprise and had engaged his forces from the western flank.
  • At this point, I have boxes full of books, probably numbering somewhere close to 2000.
  • The graduates and their guests, numbering about 60,000, were informed that anyone protesting or heckling the speakers could be subject to arrest and expulsion from the stadium.
  • If you wanted to schematise the history of numbering systems, you could say that it fills the space between One and Zero, the two concepts which have become the symbols of modern technological society.
  • According to the invention, each address is expressed as a multiplace number in a ternary (base 3) system instead of the usual binary (base 2) numbering system.
  • At the pass of Rencesvals, the twenty thousand Christians of the rearguard are ambushed by a vastly superior force, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.
  • Details of mistakes in pagination and in signature numbering, very frequent in this corpus, are given in full.
  • The attempt at adding-machine accuracy shows how serious the priests were about numbering the new saints bound for heaven.
  • A large number of micro-organisms cause ARD with viruses outnumbering bacteria.
  • They are men and women in blue, numbering 15, and all set to treat you to a feast of a comic opera.
  • Perhaps if there were 10,000 protesters we could have marched on the building itself, but with the police almost outnumbering the protesters there was never a chance.
  • They also enhanced their code environment with sophisticated features like line-numbering, colour-coding and code-hints and added other code-friendly features to supplement the visual development environment such as the tag selector which displays the HTML tags representing the objects on the page. Xml's
  • When I got there it was a flat and I realised I'd been stupid: they were only renumbering the houses.
  • Metazoans inherited a genome of some still undetermined size, but certainly numbering many thousands of genes, from their protistan ancestor.
  • Females produce one litter a year, numbering from one to six kits and averaging four or five; they live for 10 to 13 years in the wild.
  • But there was an unequal ratio with male students outnumbering their female counterparts in preferring Australia for taking up higher education.
  • This numbering system is an arbitrary designation based on small amino acid sequence differences.
  •   Our numbering system was a duodecimal one, and so it fit right in. Lord Conrads Crusade
  • Note to self: do not attempt ordinally numbering your points when 'shooting from the hip'. The Speculist: Memetic Viruses
  • Low-relief domical volcanoes, many less than several kilometers in diameter, are globally abundant, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.
  • Among other things, going from 32 to 128 bits will entail renumbering a large number of addresses already in use.
  • The nostalgic popple lovers are outnumbering the nerdy tribble lovers . I’m in ur cabinet bein a popple - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Jebb - though not McLaren - also points to another grievance, in Aboriginal camp dogs, sometimes numbering thirty or more, savaging the stock.
  • This ritual follows another annual rite at the beginning of January - cable TV operators removing or renumbering popular channels as a bargaining chip in contract negotiations with channel agents.
  • Instead, a few tens of watts are enough to power a chip with transistors numbering in the tens of millions.
  • In modern usage the term census denotes the periodic numbering of the people, without valuation of property. Was Christ Born in Bethlehem?
  • Lin comprehended pairs, and could count to four, so eight was as high as his knowledge of cardinal numbering went.
  • And outnumbering all of these veteran activists was a new and energetic generation of young people who had never trusted politicians and were finding their own political voice on the streets of Seattle, Prague and Sao Paulo.
  • One sports firm agreed that some numbering could be illegible on certain backgrounds of hoops, bands and colours.
  • One possibility is renumbering the streets according to today's reality rather than Joe Ladue's original concept.
  • The Casino is a bizarre little place, with a single room with a handful of mah-jong and craps tables, as well as a bevvy of bored Chinese croupiers outnumbering gamblers ten to one.
  • Just cause they took the numberings out in the title don't mean we get to # them however we want to. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • The pattern of men greatly outnumbering women in Greek migration to Australia persisted until 1956, when a program commenced to redress the imbalance.
  • The cultural preference for base 10 and the engineering advantages of base 2 have nothing to do with any intrinsic properties of the decimal and binary numbering systems.
  • Poetry, being one of those luckless art forms whose practitioners remain in constant danger of outnumbering their audience, is rarely news.
  • Following excellent performances at the Leinster championships, Carlow LTC junior squash players - numbering 17 will represent Leinster at the interprovincials in Galway on the last weekend of March.
  • Crucial to me is that the richest flavours of remembrance need the BBC box to be full of Oz commentators' ripe vernacular as the ball hits "the pickets", not the boundary fence; that extras are always "sundries"; and that the scorecard numbering is forever eccentrically reversed, as in that inaugural score back in 1946 when it was eight for 659 and not the other way around. How the warm glow of the old wireless stoked the Ashes fire
  • The wounded of the enemy, numbering eleven, would have met with but short shrift at the hands of their captors, but for the interposition of the man whom I have termed our timoneer, who seemed to be a petty chief. A Middy of the Slave Squadron A West African Story
  • So just as numbering before and after in change produces the notion of time, so awareness of invariability in something altogether free from change produces the notion of eternity.
  • Footnotes represented by asterisks and daggers have sometimes been numbered, and footnote numbering has been adjusted to reflect the changes in pagination. Editorial Principles
  • Numbering more than 30 items so far, each measuring 4 or 5 inches across, the series includes baseball caps, party hats, a fez, a motorcycle helmet and a hat with the Act Up logo on it.
  • Every year the entire herd in the park, numbering some 3,000 animals, is rounded-up and stampeded into a series of corrals for veterinary checks and branding.
  • You know, I really liked when he talked about this being a time for introspection and sort of looking at what we do and why we do it and numbering our days and making sure that the time that we have here is used wisely.
  • Numbering electronic detonator of blue shell using laser - marking machine is a kind of new technique.
  • To keep the structure of the argument clearly in view Wittgenstein uses a system of decimal numbering.
  • Diane paced up and down, numbering points off on her fingers. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Inside the gulf of Pagasai, the disorganized Persian armament was sorting itself out and re-numbering.
  • In the miniature society of the cloister, numbering between ten and eleven sisters and an extern or two, her success meets some of the same responses a successful worldly artist would find.
  • In independent Tibet, monasteries and nunneries, numbering over 6,000, served as schools and universities, fulfilling Tibet's educational needs.
  • This causal ordering is depicted in the figure with the arrows and the numbering of each variable.
  • Glasgow's put upon tourism wallahs must have watched The Hand of God with dismay as another herd of sectarian numbskulls blackened the city's reputation in front of a UK audience numbering millions.
  • Outside of the breeding season, Greater Scaup form large flocks or rafts, numbering in the thousands.
  • Even though our summer is their winter, winter felt more like a mild British autumn, with clear, cool sunny days massively outnumbering the rainy ones during our August visit - although apparently that was out of the ordinary.
  • The entire aboriginal population of Florida, of the mission period, numbering perhaps 30,000, is long since extinct without descendants, the Seminole being a later emigrations from the Creeks. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • If he made some Americans scorn their boob or yokel neighbors, he made others - there's no way of numbering them - laugh at themselves.
  • There is, however, quite a discrepancy in folio numbers from what is cited in Madden and the numbering system currently in place in the manuscript back From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • He has made a fairly close, but not exact, approximation of page breaks, and preserved the numbering system fairly well.
  • Renumbering the record IDs - then renumbering the renumbered record IDs - nearly always lands you back at using Social Security numbers.
  • The random capitalization and numbering of the word is what is affectionately known as ‘HAXXOR’ speak, and is used mostly by kids online as a way to psudo-code their correspondence.
  • On the crater rim are leopard Panthera pardus, elephant Loxodonta africana (EN) numbering 42 in 1987 but only 29 in 1992, mountain reedbuck Redunca fulvorufula and buffalo Syncerus caffer (4,000 in 1994). Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania
  • This year we had the biggest crowd of supporters we believe we have ever seen, outnumbering protesters 100 to one.
  • Medina of the great caravan from Damascus, numbering 7,000 souls — grandees in gorgeous litters of green and gold, huge white Syrian dromedaries, richly caparisoned horses and mules, devout Hajis, sherbet sellers, water carriers, and a multitude of camels, sheep and goats. 122 Lastly Burton and his friends pilgrimaged to the holy Mount Ohod with its graves of The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • The attempt at adding-machine accuracy shows how serious the priests were about numbering the new saints bound for heaven.
  • Western lowland gorilla families vary in size, sometimes numbering more than 20 individuals.
  • In the octal system of numbering the base is 8 not 10 and only the digits 0-7 are used. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apart from providing automatic numbering, the numbered list also aligns the contents of the items, comparable with using table syntax.
  • Here, then, the numbering of stanzas enables easy textual manipulation: readers of printed miscellanies might well have marked their texts with the same motives in mind, restructuring the printed text; making it their own.
  • A study appearing today in the journal Science reports that the hunter-gatherers seem to be the only group of humans known to have no concept of numbering and counting.
  • Each winter, flocks of birds numbering in the tens of thousands migrate from the northern islands and build their nests there. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The intrepid manager had to content himself with numbering his reserve teams.
  • You see New Zealand is home to rather a lot of sheep - 45 million of them to be precise - easily outnumbering their human counterparts by more than 11 to one.
  • Rather than tour London in all his pomp, he will be whisked in a motor cavalcade numbering up to 30 vehicles, along the most direct and least visible of routes.
  • And huge sea turtles numbering in the tens of millions flourished in the Caribbean.
  • Groups such as silversides, herrings and anchovies often congregate in feeding shoals numbering in the millions.
  • The Alliance, now numbering 472 members, has been active in the furtherance of the objects of its formation, and has done much toward ridding the town of saloons and in stimulating many who had become besotted with drink to become sober and temperate men.
  • When this option is cleared, for example, to facilitate the use of line numbering, you can scroll to the right to see the ends of long lines.
  • Huge sea turtles numbering in the tens of millions flourished in the Caribbean.
  • Each winter, flocks of birds numbering in the tens of thousands migrate from the northern islands and build their nests there. THE BROKEN GOD
  • State-owned enterprises, numbering well over 3,000, still employed 45 per cent of Poland's industrial workforce in 1998.
  • They have low spreading rosettes of leaves numbering from six to twenty.
  • Double slashes indicate a large unanalyzed region out of scale with the numbering.
  • The categories 6 and 7 were recoded to both represent category 6, and the numbering of the categories was reversed so that 6 = daily and 1 = more seldom than a few times every 12 months.
  • Over the years he has overseen a change in his yard with National Hunt horses now outnumbering Flat racers having had more of an even split in earlier years.
  • Homes numbering in the tens of thousands have been destroyed or damaged beyond repair.
  • As darkness descended, the increasingly restless audience, now numbering over a thousand, took up their positions around the cordoned-off red-hot coals, spread in a circle on the village square.
  • Among the walkers, numbering almost 2,000, were local dignitaries including Councillor Eric Bell, Mayor of Chorley, and the archdeacon of Blackburn.
  • In looking for a way to designate the ring face of a simple ring compound such as G6P or of the two rings of a nucleoside, or of fused ring compounds such as sterols, we realized that a universal method could be devised using the established rules for numbering the atoms of rings as contained in standard chemical handbooks15. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • To determine the manner in which all these atoms, numbering more than 70, are linked, or in other words to determine the chemical constitution of haemin, was one of the most difficult and complicated tasks with which any chemist could be faced. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1930 - Presentation Speech
  • A further refinement is to establish a standardized numbering system to label all structures in contested areas.
  • In preparing the shows he draws on his own record and compact disc collection numbering in excess of 2,000.

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