How To Use Nullification In A Sentence
And if you support a no-exceptions statutory ban on torture, what do you think about the use of mechanisms to obviate or get around the law in exceptional cases – prosecutorial discretion, jury nullification, presidential pardon, etc.?
The Five Techniques
His theories of nullification and state interposition offered a third path between unconditional unionists and secessionists.
He's correct that the right of jury nullification trumps any worries about the possible pernicious effects of the drug.
Restoring the people's ‘unalienable rights’ may well lie in Jeffersonian interposition and nullification, whereby states beat back the federal occupier by voiding unconstitutional federal laws.
Do you believe that the use of prosecutorial discretion, jury nullification, the necessity defense, executive clemency and any other mechanisms that are available to obviate or circumvent criminal statutes is unethical in all cases, without exception? and, uh, things like executive clemency are all firmly within the law.
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The only thing they have nullified is the purported right of criminal defendants to argue nullification, the idea being that if the jury is to nullify, they must do so of their own independent volition.
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Article 16 A partnership enterprise is terminated upon nullification of registration by an enterprise registration organ.
Calhoun always portrayed nullification as a process designed to preserve the union, but he himself acknowledged that secession could follow interposition if repeated abuses of the Constitution went uncorrected.
I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of "interposition" and "nullification" -- one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers
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Nullification is a byproduct of the robust right of criminal defendants to a trial by jury.
On the other hand, faced with the fate of universally inescapable destruction and nullification, we may yet finally find a way to confront it together and to find a way to coexist with all others.
The legal presumption of benefits nullification or impairment is the key concept in the violation cases.
In other words, their existence cannot be established with a category formulated as an affirmation phenomenon (sgrub-pa, affirmingly known phenomenon), with one that is formulated as a negation phenomenon (dgag-pa, negatingly known phenomenon, nullification), with one that is formulated as both, or with one that is formulated as neither.
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Jury nullification is not lawless because it is simply is not prohibited by law.
South Carolina's congressmen accepted the compromise. And the state's legislature called another convention. This time, the delegates voted to end the nullification act they had approved earlier.
Failure to comply can result in a violation of the SLA and potential nullification of any vendor warranties or liabilities.
The phenomenon is difficult to measure, St. Pierre and several others said, because the term jury nullification is rarely invoked; defendants with substantial evidence against them are simply acquitted, or juries deadlock. - Home Page
It is the nullification of a basic right.
Times, Sunday Times
It is the nullification of public discourse, for how can one refute accusations grounded in ethnicity?
Nullification of dualistic antithesis and denial of the determinacy of meaning are the core of deconstruction.
Both understand that collaboration is accommodation, not nullification, and that the plan, while well defined, will require further design of its elements and of the buildings themselves.
Advocating jury nullification is only unethical if jury nullification is itself unethical– a highly questionable stance, given such historical examples as the Zenger libel case, the nullification of the Fugitive Slave Laws, and the role of nullification in the repeal of Prohibition.
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Edward Lazarus, a Los Angeles lawyer and former federal prosecutor, has drawn a comparison between the state sovereignty resolutions and the Nullification Crisis of 1832-33, when South Carolina claimed the right to "nullify" unconstitutional federal law.
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And second, how can it make sense to interpret a constitutional right - a restraint on the power of the federal government - as being subject to nullification by that very government?
That Hays's political philosophy led him to this position should not result in the belief that he supported nullification and interposition, for he did not.
North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency declared Friday "the nullification of all incumbent regulations and contracts regarding the Kaesong industrial complex.
Failure to comply can result in a violation of the SLA and potential nullification of any vendor warranties or liabilities.
Is there an accumulative good effect or gradual nullification over time?
Surely, the Founders would be appalled by a popularly-elected Senate, a check on democratic majoritarianism and federal power they thought much more important than judicial nullification.
Nonetheless, while I do see some quite powerful arguments in favor of jury nullification, and while I am not opposed to it, I do wonder whether there are some important practical difficulties with it.
This idea supported Calhoun's doctrine of interposition or nullification, in which the state governments could refuse to enforce or comply with a policy of the Federal government that threatened the vital interests of the states.