
How To Use Nuclear power In A Sentence

  • What if a hijacked plane hit a nuclear power plant, what if bioterrorists infected burger bars, what if we were flooded with smallpox?
  • According to the Civil Aviation Authority, he strayed into a two-mile wide no-fly zone over Heysham nuclear power station.
  • She claimed that nuclear power was the most environmentally safe form of energy.
  • But radiation levels at the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant dropped on Friday, further buoying the Nikko. Asia Markets Higher; Tokyo Up 2.5%
  • Nuclear power plants used enriched uranium as fuel to make steam to turn turbines which generate electricity.
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  • I am deeply concerned about the propaganda and false arguments from those who oppose nuclear power.
  • Nuclear power has always needed taxpayer handouts to make it profitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nuclear power could free up more fossil and biomass fuels to use as liquid fuel for ground transportation.
  • The Japanese people will for sure learn many lessons from the earthquake and tsunami tragedy, but what lessons should they and we learn about nuclear power? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nuclear power produces abundant power from small amounts of material, at small external costs, even when one accounts for the vanishingly small probability of accidents and the cost of waste disposal.
  • The review is likely to focus on a revival of nuclear power and clean coal technology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mining of uranium ores has been a controversial issue because of its use in atomic weapons and the potential for accidents at nuclear power stations.
  • Nuclear power has always needed taxpayer handouts to make it profitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Issues like nuclear power to help secure future energy needs in an uncertain world. The Sun
  • This sustainable gas can be generated locally via renewables like wind, biomass or solar power, but it could also be a new product for our large-scale, centralized oil and nuclear power industries.
  • Commercial nuclear power reactors are clearly terror targets, particularly those near airports.
  • Organised by the Energy Research Centre, the conference comes just as Britain reopens the debate of whether to expand Britain's nuclear power capacity.
  • 90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power.
  • Nuclear power plants already built have generally fared well in restructured markets.
  • On only one environmental issue was there a significant change of attitude - the proliferation of nuclear power. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • It means that new cross-Channel agreements on civil nuclear power and unmanned military drones will be postponed until next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • From researching the projects and writing this paper, nuclear power plant engineering geological database is built preliminarily, and implement scientific management for the related data is implied.
  • Yet the government will spend little on nuclear power or rail electrification, because one is controversial and the other costly. Times, Sunday Times
  • They run into the same trap, whether they are making recommendations about astronomy or high-energy physics or computers or nuclear power or plasma physics. Infinite in All Directions
  • Electricity privatisation has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power.
  • Nuclear power has always been a topic that has sparked off considerable debate .
  • Let me say that I have a strong but constructive critique against parts of the traditional left with regard to their attitude to the bomb and nuclear power.
  • Critics say the bargain is unfair, and that nuclear powers have done little to cut stockpiles. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 2022 deadline for nuclear power's phaseout provides ample time for yet another rethink. German U-turn Won't Change Gazprom's Direction
  • Pakistan and India declared themselves nuclear powers after detonating atomic bombs in 1998.
  • Due to these reasons, South Korea is nowlooking for10 more nuclear power plants by 2030 to increase its renewable energy resources aspart of a 100-billion dollar plan to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. South Korea To Build 10 More Nuclear Plants by 2030.......
  • The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.
  • The same situation applies to nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government said yesterday that it would introduce'significant new safeguards' on future foreign investment in nuclear power and critical infrastructure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nuclear power plant is in an earthquake zone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The truth is that "clean energy" in this instance is code for "clean coal" an oxymoron if there ever was one, gas and nuclear power. Daphne Wysham: SOTU: Parsing Obama's 'Clean Energy' Promises
  • Zirconium-base alloys are used primarily as fuel cladding material and other core structure material in water cooled nuclear power reactors.
  • The case for nuclear power is impressive.
  • So, this year I embark on a second year course, which covers things like the rise and fall of leaded petrol, and nuclear power.
  • Still, he said China plans to curb growth by increasing the share of nonfossil energy in total energy consumption to 11.4% by the end of 2015 and 15% by 2020, from 8.3% at end of 2010, Mr. Xie said, referring to plans to expand nuclear power, wind, hydropower and solar power. China Pushes Clean-Energy Agenda Ahead of Summit
  • It means that new cross-Channel agreements on civil nuclear power and unmanned military drones will be postponed until next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • They advocate the retention of our nuclear power plants.
  • The fact that the number of deaths from cancer in the area has doubled surely gives the lie to official assurances of the safety of nuclear power.
  • The strategic order among the major nuclear powers is fragile, however, because it rests heavily on the assumption of nonuse.
  • How would you feel about them building a nuclear power station in your backyard?
  • But Pyongyang's fulfilment of its promise to carry out the test suggests that the world may have to get used to a new and unpredictable nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last November an RAF Tornado crew ditched their crippled aircraft into the sea near Torness nuclear power station after staying with the jet until it was clear of populated areas.
  • Japanese players in the big-ticket global market for civilian nuclear power projects, such as Hitachi Ltd., will also likely welcome the agreement. Japan, India Sign Free-Trade Pact
  • Magnox nuclear power stations will remain open, and the planned nuclear review is to be brought forward by a year.
  • His piece on the clamour for new nuclear power stations is dead good.
  • In each of 8 areas downwind and proximate to closed nuclear power plants, infant deaths declined in excess of national trends during the first 2 yr following shutdown.
  • The nuclear power plant is in an earthquake zone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The same situation applies to nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the NPT, non-nuclear nations have agreed not to acquire nuclear weapons, while nuclear powers, including the United States, have committed to eliminating their own stockpiles.
  • Nearly 100,000 barrels of low-level radioactive waste from nuclear power plants, hospitals and research institutes are stored on the island.
  • We will invent much improved methods to harness the sun, the wind, nuclear power, and capture and sequester the carbon dioxide emitted from our power plants.
  • Public worries about accidents are threatening the very existence of the nuclear power industry.
  • In their arrogance and recklessness they are openly admitting they plan first-strike nuclear attacks against non-nuclear powers, endangering the very survival of humankind with their hegemonic attitude.
  • Uncertainty over what to do with nuclear waste bedevils nuclear power.
  • The facility, located at the National Reactor Testing Station approximately forty miles (60 km) west of Idaho Falls, Idaho, was part of the Army Nuclear Power Program and was known as the Argonne Low Power Reactor (ALPR) during its design and build phase. - Articles related to WHAT AN IDEA,3G
  • The entire nuclear power industry is only insured for $9.3 billion.
  • Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used: as an industrial solvent and coolant. in nuclear power plants. in the production of styrofoam. as a fire retardant. in many forms of cruel animal research. in the distribution of pesticides. The Horror Must Be Stopped!
  • Critics say the bargain is unfair, and that nuclear powers have done little to cut stockpiles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very few voters have enough technical knowledge to forecast the future safety of nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nuclear power provides nearly 80 per cent of the country's electricity. Times, Sunday Times
  • All commercial nuclear power is provided by fission at the present time.
  • PARIS—Électricité de France SA said Thursday it is putting in place a series of pre-emptive security measures at its nuclear plants, as the world's biggest nuclear-energy company looks to calm fears about nuclear power ahead of Europe-wide safety stress tests. EDF Steps Up Safety Plan
  • The extent to which nuclear power will be attractive in the future depends on two main sets of factors.
  • It is a theory that some people have been looking at because there is a fear that if Iran, which I hope we can prevent, becoming a nuclear power, but if they were to become one, some people worry that they are not deterrable, that they somehow have a different mindset and a worldview that might very well lead the leadership to be willing to become martyrs. Clinton: We Will "Totally Obliterate" Iran If They Attack Israel
  • The design ideology, exploring environment, the function flowing of the real time alarm process computer aided system and it' s application in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station are introduced.
  • The former professor at McGill University came to the corporate side after he began working on nuclear power plant simulators for a company called CAE in Canada. - News
  • Guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations.
  • There are indications of a swing towards nuclear power.
  • The problems with nuclear power are to do with radioactive externalities and nimbyism. Matthew Yglesias » Not in Vermont’s Back Yard
  • Crude oil and liquified natural gas led the rise in imports, as Japan has been relying more on fossil fuels for electricity generation after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. Japan Posts Trade Surplus
  • Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the new nuclear power station.
  • There's maybe someone in Cumbria running a small nuclear power plant in their garden shed.
  • The provincial power shortage will be eased when the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant is put into operation at the end of this year, he said.
  • All commercial nuclear power is provided by fission at the present time.
  • She says if there are to be new nuclear power stations, the Government will have to help finance them - by reducing, for example, British Energy's liability for reprocessing its spent nuclear fuel.
  • Israel has two distinct long-term disadvantages to her survival that all other nuclear powers thankfully lack - horrid demographics and a torrid, passionate subsidized relationship with a sugar daddy, in this case America.
  • Would you want to live next door to a nuclear power station?
  • An attack on a nuclear power plant or other nuclear installation could result in a massive release of radioactive material.
  • The man is deeply pro-nuclear: seeing the containable risks of peaceful nuclear power as preferable to the certain high levels of fossil fuel pollution we currently live with.
  • Nuclear power from fusion might one day be an especially promising field, as may be the use of the radioactive chemical element thorium, which is more abundant than uranium and awaits harnessing. Post-Carbon America
  • Tokyo Electric said the No. 5 reactor of the staff on the evening of 28 patrol inspection, found that the device useless, and emergency notification of a nuclear power plant.
  • But critics from Connecticut and elsewhere chastise his embrace of nuclear power.
  • If we use more nuclear power (either because we are forced to, or in pursuit of lower CO2 emissions), we could do this for about 100 years using current nuclear reactors, before fissionable uranium runs out.
  • Mrs. Kirchner dream comes true: half an hour with President Obama Japanese captured whale meat tracked to US and Korea restaurants South Atlantic Royal Navy nuclear powered sub en route to be decommissioned Falkland Islands: First loligo season of the year the 'best since 2000' MercoPress
  • If Alcatel had new direction, why was it still boasting of a manufacturing "trimaran" in telecoms, trains and nuclear power? Buying American
  • Rising oil prices and concerns about the environmental impact of fossil fuels have made nuclear power politically and economically viable again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Greens also opposed both the construction of nuclear power stations and the stationing of nuclear weapons on German soil.
  • She claimed that nuclear power was the most environmentally safe form of energy.
  • If it were an episode of the TV show, we would be calling him ‘Monty Burns’, the wealthy geriatric who runs a nuclear power plant.
  • A group of scientists favoring nuclear power accuses Kennedy of basing her conclusions on fear, not science.
  • Assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism.
  • The US is bound, as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear powers.
  • Now that issues such as climate change and the use of nuclear power are coming to the fore have your opinions changed?
  • A 7.5 magnitude earthquake in 1976, thought to have killed at least a quarter of a million people, destroyed the city of Tangshan, which sits near China's northeast coast about 300 kilometers across the Bohai Sea from the Hongyanhe nuclear power plant under construction in the city of Dalian. China, Also on Fault Lines, Faces New Atomic Scrutiny
  • Limits are also imposed because the public finds a technology unpalatable: nuclear power and GM food are good examples.
  • A cooling tower at the Isar 1 and 2 nuclear power plant near Landshut, Germany. Challenges Cloud German Reactor Plan
  • It is a theory that some people have been looking at because there is a fear that if Iran, which I hope we can prevent, becoming a nuclear power, but if they were to become one some people worry that they are not deterrable, that they somehow have a different mindset and a worldview that might very well lead the leadership to be willing to become martyrs. Clinton: We Will "Totally Obliterate" Iran If They Attack Israel
  • The Japanese people will for sure learn many lessons from the earthquake and tsunami tragedy, but what lessons should they and we learn about nuclear power? Times, Sunday Times
  • He came to be regarded as a source of balanced judgment on the future of nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • We sent Congress incentives for biomass and gasohol, a plan to streamline the licensing of nuclear power plants, additional incentives for solar power, and, later, a proposal for a synthetic-fuels corporation. The Good Fight
  • No technological innovation except nuclear power has engendered more public disapprobation than genetically modified food, particularly in Europe, where the anti-GM movement is huge.
  • Generating costs for electricity from photovoltaics range from 25 cents to $1 per kilowatt hour, which is extremely high compared to electricity generated by coal or nuclear power plants.
  • Labane was making nuclear power the issue du jour on his inaugural program. T2©: RISING STORM
  • Second, start figuring out whether some nuclear power plants need a "backfit," or additional construction to protect them from earthquakes. Top headlines
  • He is a strident advocate of nuclear power.
  • All but one of our nuclear power stations are to be decommissioned by 2010 and no new ones will be built.
  • In uranium enrichment, centrifuges spin a gasified form of uranium at supersonic speeds to create the enriched fuel used in commercial nuclear power plants, as well as in nuclear weapons. Iran's advances in nuclear technology spark new concerns about weapons
  • They do: The most acceptable program to cut according to the poll was subsidies to build new nuclear power plants, with 57% of respondents agreeing.
  • On Friday the artist will sign a contract to buy the Mülheim-Kärlich reactor, a decommissioned nuclear power station near Koblenz, Germany. Anselm Kiefer: 'art is difficult, it's not entertainment'
  • Nuclear power has never been economically viable.
  • United States and China are nuclear powers, nuclear deterrence forces in a confrontation Heng balance.
  • Environment—current issues: soil pollution from toxic chemicals such as DDT; the energy crisis of the 1990s led to deforestation when citizens scavenged for firewood; pollution of Hrazdan (Razdan) and Aras Rivers; the draining of Sevana Lich (Lake Sevan), a result of its use as a source for hydropower, threatens drinking water supplies; restart of Metsamor nuclear power plant in spite of its location in a seismically active zone Armenia
  • He came to be regarded as a source of balanced judgment on the future of nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a widespread phenomenon, not restricted to nuclear power or genetic engineering.
  • WATERFORD (AP) †"The Millstone nuclear power complex in Waterford has won federal approval to increase the generating capacity at one of its reactors by 7 percent. News from
  • On this date, in 1986, an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant causes the wor Keys To Online Business Success s-SUCCESS-large1-150x150 – myFiveBest
  • But nuclear power is a better bet than anything else we have. Fire and Ice - the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, and Nuclear Winter
  • Illegal aliens are working in airports, nuclear power plants, chemical facilities and military installations.
  • The subject turned to nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Senator Obama also is open to government support for nuclear power while Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has said she is agnostic on the issue.
  • But the possibility of catastrophic accidents and the problem of disposing of lethal radioactive waste products soon dampened public enthusiasm for nuclear power. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • Western diplomats in Vienna Friday say that Iran is rushing to convert some yellow cake into uranium hexafluoride, which is used both in the making of nuclear power and nuclear bombs. CNN Transcript Nov 19, 2004
  • In fact, the 2010 New START Treaty signed by the United States and Russia does provide for a reduction of some 30 percent in deployed strategic warheads on the part of these two dominant nuclear powers. Lawrence Wittner: How Many Nuclear Weapons Does the U.S. Government Need?
  • The arguments over nuclear power will rage on into the darkening night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the reason for rising leccy bills is because we have windmills rather than (1.7p a unit) nuclear power it is disgustingly cynical of the LDs to try to make hay with those who are suffering (& sometimes dying). Lib Dem's Whining Here
  • A nuclear power reactor needs a steady flow of cooling water.
  • The US is bound, as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear powers.
  • U.S. EPA Approves More S.ringent Thresholds for S.n Joaquin Air District Moby Domestic Violence S.elter Grants Awarded by S.ate Coalition; Musician "Incredibly Happy" to Help Victims S.n Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace Objections to California S.ate Water Board Loopholes for Nuclear Power Plants CA Regulator Reports Prop 17 S.onsor Mercury Insurance Overcharged and Discriminated Against Drivers for 15 Years
  • Electricity privatisation has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power.
  • Inevitably, the threat of reactors going into meltdown and radiation leaks has led to the whole nuclear power industry being called into question. The Sun
  • Work on processes and systems that use nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The case for nuclear power is impressive.
  • There is only one way to ensure that base load and the bulk of our electricity comes from a reliable source that does not damage the atmosphere - nuclear power.
  • Today there are six and half billion of us with bulldozers and chain saws and nuclear power.
  • A large number of people in the nuclear industry have been attending a major conference in Sydney to discuss whether nuclear power is inevitable or irrelevant.
  • In Sweden and other countries, nuclear power has lost favor .
  • She aims to chart new cases of cancer in areas around nuclear power stations.
  • But as we are all aware, the environmental impact of disposing of nuclear waste and decommissioning nuclear power stations are issues of great concern to the public.
  • When we see the damage now done to these huge, capital intensive nuclear power plants, we begin to understand the potential for diseconomies of scale. Steven Cohen: Learning From Japan's Catastrophe
  • As a further enablement, we could "standardize" a series of nuclear power plant designs, the way we did for steam locomotives a century ago, so each new power plant wouldn't be unique, requiring years of costly and exhaustive engineering studies. The Gadgeteer
  • But to do so required a lot more scientific and engineering talent than the new nuclear powers have.
  • The strategic order among the major nuclear powers is fragile, however, because it rests heavily on the assumption of nonuse.
  • There is a huge global demand for nuclear power components and fewer than ten companies capable of such manufacture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very few voters have enough technical knowledge to forecast the future safety of nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The utter sanctity of the Green movement; the unmitigated evil of nuclear power.
  • France has a great abundance of cheap electricity thanks to their nuclear power stations, whereas our electricity to recycle the glass is produced by burning fossil fuels.
  • All commercial nuclear power is provided by fission at the present time.
  • How would you feel about them building a nuclear power station in your backyard?
  • One user of Arizona water, in astonishing quantity, is the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Wow! An Article on Water That Actually Focuses on Price
  • Nuclear power plants are connected to electricity grids in more than 30 countries and provide some 17% of the electricity consumed worldwide.
  • Nuclear power is an energy that brings destruction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nuclear power stations are patrolled night and day; military installations are at their highest level of alert.
  • They advocate the retention of our nuclear power plants.
  • Napster network neural networks nuclear power nuclear reactor nukes offshore drilling ohm online operating system packet switched system pager parallel processing peaker plant peripheral perpetual-motion machine personal computer petrochemical photoelectric effect platform portal power transmission grid program program, to programming language protocols radar radioactive waste radwaste 23. Technology
  • There is no near-term prospect that any existing nuclear power will abandon its weaponry. Times, Sunday Times
  • The agency was set up to police the nuclear power industry.
  • As the stakes rise, open war between these nuclear powers becomes possible.
  • The company, which produces everything from light bulbs to the nuclear power plants that illuminate them, appeared willing to disinvest from its military engines division in order to win approval from Europe.
  • How would you feel about them building a nuclear power station in your backyard?
  • Serious troubles continue to beleaguer the operators of the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture that was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami. Japan Promises to Shut Down Fukushima Reactors By Year's End
  • He came to be regarded as a source of balanced judgment on the future of nuclear power. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thousands of nuclear warheads remain in the world, often under loose control; the U.S. retains its "first-strike" nuclear policy; and much of the world is partly or largely dependent on nuclear power plants, which pose their own hazards. Greg Mitchell: The Great Hiroshima Cover-up: How the U.S. Hid Shocking Historic Footage for Decades
  • The Christian Science Monitor cites experts saying that Stuxnet "can be classified as a cyber superweapon," with some suggesting that it may have been designed to shut down Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant or another facility in that country. Larry Magid: Experts: 'State-sponsored' Worm Aimed at Power Plants & Gas-Pipelines
  • Fujita cites a case two years ago when around 1,000 unskilled workers were hired by the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant to replace a core shroud in one of the plant's reactors.
  • It's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that has dozens of earthquakes every year.
  • More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.
  • But, if climate change is an emergency, it seems likely that nuclear power may be the least-worst option, at least as an interim measure before renewables can be developed sufficiently. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Nuclear power is the process by which we can extract energy from the colour force between quarks.
  • He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.
  • Ask yourself, If it is politically impossible to build wind machines on unfarmable land in sparsely populated rural Kansas, how will we be able to build nuclear power plants anywhere? or coal to gasoline plants, or liquid natural gas plants? Energy Price Outlook, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The skyline is dominated by a nuclear power station.
  • They would bury the entire nuclear power plant in asphalt and "entomb" it in place. Nuclear Power will not solve the Problem of Global Warming
  • There are indications of a swing towards nuclear power.
  • The group took Reactor 1 at the nuclear power station out of service yesterday to investigate vibrations on one of the gas circulators.
  • Experiments are about to begin on a new form of nuclear power that even eco-warriors might tolerate - if not welcome.
  • An important trait of the modem nuclear world is the nature of relations between nuclear powers and neighboring non-nuclear countries.
  • And if they can’t get that how about a nice natural Gas power plant, or nuclear! yeah they need a nuclear power plant in Keswick. Keswickians Opposed to Winery at
  • This is the first nuclear power reactor to be built anywhere in Europe for ten years. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the price of maintaining Britain's posture as a supposedly independent nuclear power, under Labour as under the Tories.
  • He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.
  • The waste heat alone from nuclear power is sufficient to be used to strip hydrogen from oil, without generating any CO2 (petrochemical plants produce a lot of hydrogen now, which they use internally to de-sulfurize gasoline. New Energy Legislation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Go and try out the Nuclear Power Plant Simulator and see how many meltdowns you cause before you manage to survive an entire shift.
  • As Inter Press Service's Andrea Lund reports, anti-nuclear groups are using the Japanese disaster as just one example of the disadvantages of nuclear power. The Media Consortium: Weekly Mulch: Saying no to the nuclear option
  • Britain's dependence on nuclear power will therefore steadily diminish.
  • Use of uranium in nuclear power plants produces plutonium, and that is a key material of choice of nuclear weapons builders.
  • As a general rule, however, the biggest hurdle for a would-be nuclear power is the acquisition of fissile material - enriched uranium or plutonium.
  • 90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power.
  • It's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that has dozens of earthquakes every year.
  • I will focus on three key areas: carbon management, renewable energy, and nuclear power.
  • The skyline is dominated by a nuclear power station.
  • Britain's dependence on nuclear power will therefore steadily diminish.
  • The plant reprocesses deadly plutonium to make fuel for nuclear power stations.
  • Iran says it needs to enrich uranium to produce fuel for its future nuclear power plants.
  • Amidst the donkey work, disruption and bills, I was thinking about his suggestion that he might build new nuclear power plants.
  • To mitigate the impact of greenhouse gases, we must place greater reliance on hydropower, nuclear power and renewables and over time cut down on carbon-based energy sources.

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