
How To Use Nuclear energy In A Sentence

  • "We have big plans for nuclear energy," he said at a joint briefing.
  • But the conundrum of nuclear energy most profoundly exists in the long-term byproducts it leaves behind. Yucca Mountain Nuclear Dump and Annual Radiation Dosages: What is Acceptable?
  • The move is being hailed as "a stunning volte-face," a complete "U-turn on nuclear energy. Katie Engelhart: Political Fallout: Will Germany Go Nuclear-Free?
  • He believes greater reliance on nuclear energy is the only alternative.
  • That's in contrast to the nuclear energy and genetically modified organism industries, which are hobbled by bad public relations, she adds.
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  • Most analysts described Ms. Merkel's U-turn on nuclear energy as a mistake after it failed to save her party from defeat in Baden-Württemberg. The Politics of Pragmatism
  • They has previously used nuclear energy to power spacecraft but never in a propulsion system.
  • Other nuclear energy supporters include scientists such as the former head of the Met Office, who co-chaired the intergovernmental panel on climate change.
  • According to my research on astrophysics, the most powerful of the known forces in the universe is nuclear energy, which fuels the stars.
  • We ought to be continuing to research and spend research dollars to make sure that we're able to properly harness nuclear energy without harming the environment.
  • The government did an about-turn over nuclear energy.
  • It isn't enough for nuclear energy to make sense; the fighting that comes with it will only distract us from our goal, which is to make clean fuel.
  • Towards this end, agreements were signed on fishing, trade, environmental protection and the peaceful use of nuclear energy.
  • S., restrict certain investments in, for example, nuclear energy.
  • Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.
  • MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, IRANIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): Access to peaceful nuclear energy and power is the right of the Iranian people. CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2006
  • That should be more than enough time for science to come up with safe nuclear energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was bailed out instantly, but not before we had once again seen the truth of nuclear energy.
  • What the public and governments have to assess is the need for nuclear energy versus the risk of another Chernobyl-type accident.
  • The cooperation agreement to develop the "peaceful use of nuclear energy" covers "the supply of one or more nuclear reactors for the desalinisation of sea water" and "support for the uranium exploration and exploitation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is rapidly approaching day of reckoning when it will totally exhaust its nuclear energy supply.
  • Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.
  • Opponents of nuclear energy have deep misgivings about its safety.
  • We must accept the relevance of the subsidies that wind power receives, and the low carbon nature of nuclear energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sen. Clinton, who is often criticized as over-rehearsed, blitzed through a question about nuclear energy at 207 words per minute without a disfluency. Talk Is Cheap in Politics,
  • In the next century, nuclear energy could overtake oil as the main fuel.
  • His name came up whenever the matter of nuclear energy was discussed.
  • Juries may not understand the niceties of nuclear energy, but they can distinguish right and wrong.
  • Nuclear energy now provides about a sixth of the UK's energy. The Sun
  • In the next century, nuclear energy could overtake oil as the main fuel.
  • This is called a cognitive error and can be quite amusing unless you are an airline pilot or nuclear energy plant engineer! Coping with Angina
  • Tell you what ... the 'nanotech future' that Bailey reports is allready here. 100 billion people can live sustainably at a modern American standard of living, and have been able to for the past 50 years, ever since we discovered how to utilize nuclear energy. Nanotechnology and the Economy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Eckart Woertz, chief economist at the Dubai-based Gulf Research Center, says: "The idea behind developing nuclear energy is to have nuclear power for the base load [the minimum level of demand on an electrical supply system over 24 hours] and save gas, which is needed for petrochemicals, reinjection into oil fields and peak load generation. Joining the Nuclear Club
  • Executive Secretary, Inter - ministerial Commission on Nuclear Energy in Mexico.
  • There, she became involved with organizations opposed to nuclear energy and in favour of sustainable farming. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Minerals found in association with uranium, especially vanadium, which is used in hardening steel, sparked the first real rush in the 1930s; uranium for bombs and energy then followed in a stuttering pattern of boom and bust into the 1980s, when the nation's nuclear energy program mostly went into mothballs. NYT > Home Page
  • Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.
  • But in my over 20 years in journalism -- including a stint as an editorial writer and book editor that blessed me with the trade's brassiest awards, from the Pulitzer Prize on down -- I have never encountered a slicker spin than the administration's announcement today, April 25, of a "joint nuclear energy action plan" between the United States and Japan. Alex Raksin: The Spin Over the "Joint Nuclear Energy Action Plan"
  • The first is that, like oil, nuclear energy is a finite resource.
  • They suggest instead, however, that preference should be given to the development of small nuclear energy complexes.
  • At first, the program focused mainly on the use of nuclear energy for power generation.
  • Blix strongly believes that nuclear energy is a prerequisite for satisfying the future energy needs of the world.
  • It's reminiscent of the extraordinary volte-face about nuclear energy, from classic eco-campaigning territory to a climate change-adaptation technique. Just because GM is gaining popularity doesn't make it right
  • This is called a cognitive error and can be quite amusing unless you are an airline pilot or nuclear energy plant engineer! Coping with Angina
  • Beowulf had nuclear energy and nuclear weapons and contragravity and normal-space craft, they even had colonies a on a couple of other planets of their. system. Space Viking
  • Objective: Promotion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
  • Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.
  • I don't think there was any hue and cry when AECL, the government owned nuclear energy company was formed more than 50 years ago, nor the CNE, much earlier than that as Canada's national railway. What Makes Sense for Health Care Makes Sense for Autos: Car Industry Needs Public Option Too
  • There has been a move away from nuclear energy.
  • Any hint that nuclear energy might fill the void is treated as serious blasphemy.
  • Although nuclear energy power generation compared to coal-burning generating cost low 1/10, but the degree of hazard is big, the request condition is limited.
  • At the same time, renewable energies are denounced as uneconomical, with their potential marginalised in order to underscore the indispensability of nuclear energy.
  • The reason for our trip to Chernobyl that starless night was to "bear witness" to the anniversary as part of Greenpeace's decades-long campaign to stop nuclear energy. Kumi Naidoo: Fukushima: Never Again
  • Other nuclear energy supporters include scientists such as the former head of the Met Office, who co-chaired the intergovernmental panel on climate change.
  • Opponents of nuclear energy have deep misgivings about its safety.
  • The same year he also presided over the newly formed consultative committee for the production of electricity from nuclear energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even without the special risks of nuclear energy—and neither AES nor DPL own such plants—the investment needs of this old industry refitting itself for the 21st century demand scale. AES Sees Utility of M&A
  • To generate electricity, we use hydroelectric power, coal and nuclear energy.
  • The same year he also presided over the newly formed consultative committee for the production of electricity from nuclear energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • People tend to get overly emotional about nuclear energy.
  • Some of the words that Jennifer has been doing for her online research on nuclear energy automatical tags her searches to be routed to the data storage area at the NSA. Firedoglake » Hayden Hearings Begin Today for DCI Post
  • For in the Soviet Union nuclear energy is a potent symbol of high technology and modernity.
  • Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.
  • CHOPRA: No. In fact we know from science even as you and I speak right now, there are stars that are exhausting their thermonuclear energy, collapsing into black holes, which are called singularities, and exploding on the other side through wormholes into multiple universe. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Deepak Chopra Discusses `How to Know God' - May 17, 2000
  • At first, the program focused mainly on the use of nuclear energy for power generation.
  • The group is also lobbying hard at home against a possible reduction in France's dependence on nuclear energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The same year he also presided over the newly formed consultative committee for the production of electricity from nuclear energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • This would offer a source that is more abundant and yet cleaner and safer than any other nuclear energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result might be a chain reaction: a self-sustaining release of nuclear energy.
  • But the spectre of kamikaze strikes makes any talk of the potentially positive contribution nuclear energy could make to a balanced and renewable energy supply fraught with difficulty.
  • Brazil's constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy.
  • The government did an about-turn over nuclear energy.
  • We have studied the arguments for and against nuclear energy.
  • Brazil's constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy.
  • The exhibits cover topics relating to energy, electricity, mechanics, optics, sound, light, and even nuclear energy and astronomy.
  • The word enrichment has to be clear and to the point without referring to any abstract phrases as peaceful nuclear energy. Obama's Dilemma on Nuclear Iran
  • Nuclear energy is increasingly becoming the favored alternative, one that experts say could save more valuable crude for export and help satiate local demand for power and water. Saudi Arabia, China Sign Nuclear Cooperation Pact
  • Objective: Promotion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
  • To generate electricity, we use hydroelectric power, coal and nuclear energy.
  • If nuclear energy to date has found its application in destruction, that is something for which the scientist can not ask to be wholly excused from an adverse judgment; but he has a right to say that he has made available to us, to the citizens, to the politicians, a knowledge of the powers of nature which can be applied maleficently, beneficently, through temporarily destructive methods, or beneficently through wholly, constructive methods, at choice. Scientist and Citizen
  • In the next century, nuclear energy could overtake oil as the main fuel.
  • The basic bargain is sound: Countries with nuclear weapons will move towards disarmament, countries without nuclear weapons will not acquire them, and all countries can access peaceful nuclear energy. Think Progress » Analysis: Strong Carbon Cap Would Cut Iran’s Petrodollars By Over $100 Million A Day
  • This is just the latest example of the threat to free information and even free speech presented by the nuclear energy lobby.
  • Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.
  • So, why not just use man-made nuclear energy and nuke the planet today?
  • Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.
  • Since Marie Curie coined the word "radioactivity" in 1898, we've struggled with nuclear-weapons proliferation, we've debated the role of radiation in medical treatment, and we've considered nuclear energy as an alternative energy source to counter climate change. Jesse Kornbluth: The Love Story of Marie & Pierre Curie Is Now a Beautiful Book (With A Spooky, Challenging Ending)
  • The battle to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent the most dangerous consequences of climate change will be waged across multiple fronts, including efforts to increase energy efficiency; efforts to deploy nonfossil fuel sources, including renewable and nuclear energy; and investment in adaptation to reduce the impacts of the climate change that will occur regardless of the actions we take. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Carbon Capture a Pipe Dream?
  • This is called a cognitive error and can be quite amusing unless you are an airline pilot or nuclear energy plant engineer! Coping with Angina
  • We have studied the arguments for and against nuclear energy.
  • Was Heisenberg on the brink of handing over nuclear energy secrets to the Third Reich?
  • One controversial preemption issue involves nuclear energy.
  • In this report the term conventional energy is used to refer to fossil fuel, nuclear energy, and large-scale hydropower. Chapter 7

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