How To Use Nuance In A Sentence
More nuanced music suffered, largely due to the tonearm.
Times, Sunday Times
In a truly participatory democratic society, an educated and skilled population is essential to its continuance.
It was said that national crimes can only be, and frequently are, punished in this world by _national punishments_, and that the continuance of the slave trade, and thus giving it a national character, sanction, and encouragement, ought to be considered as justly exposing us to the displeasure and vengeance of him who is equally the Lord of all, and who views with equal eye the poor _African slave_ and his _American master_! [
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
The great surprise is that out of this slim body, a sonorous, powerful voice emanates vibrating with a immense nuances of expression.
The work, epic in its tendencies, belongs to the category of burlesque compositions in macaronic verse (that is in a jargon, made up of Latin words mingled with Italian words, given a Latin aspect), which had already been inaugurated by Tifi Odasi in his "Macaronea", and which, in a measure, marks a continuance of the goliardic traditions of the Middle Ages.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
A subcategory of this genre of books is composed of in-depth narrative accounts of the experiences of individual students applying to Ivy League colleges, their every emotional nuance dwelled on in luxuriant detail.
Confessions of a Prep School College Counselor
Can we preserve nuance, detail and polychromy in our accounts of ourselves – as complex selves in a complex society – without being coerced into subscription towards one group identity or another by colour-blind demagogues?
A true democracy demands constant revitalisation of the spirit of openness, generosity and liberality of opinion
But it's all kept very low key with no rock-star nonsense by surf-celebrator Malloy, whose stylish documentary elevates all of the tour's nuances Endless Summer-style, with human moments outweighing grandeur and without the bro-chatter of the latter.
Mike Ragogna: HuffPost Reviews: Jack Johnson, R.E.M., Train, Dolly, Carly, and More, Plus U2 Plays The Rose Bowl, and This Week's New Albums
These normally nuanced characters briefly became vessels for issue-based polemic rather than wry, subtle dialogue - and even to unequivocal admirers, this is a serious wobble.
[339] Actual grace is an illapse of divine influence and assistance, working in and by the soul any spiritual act or duty whatsoever, without any pre-existence unto that act or continuance after it, “God working in us, both to will and to do.”
Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Concerntug the v* - trade* the force of my argument goes no farther than this; — that its Juppftfliou, by the ISrihfli government only, other nations continuing the trade as ufua\ % who would of cotirfe felSC on what we funender, would anfwer the purpofes of humanity, cither to the negroes tn Africa, or to thofe already in the Weft Indies; and I have quoted* in fupport of this opinion, the authoiitiesof men (naval commander! and others) who arc intimately acquainted with the trade, though no ways intended in its continuance; and I have not yet met with any evidence or argument* to Kivtttdate their testimony.
The Monthly Review
On leaving this we dug a hole and let the remainder of the water into it, in the hope of its longer continuance, and halted after a long journey in a valley in which there was a kind of watercourse with plenty of water, our latitude being 28 degrees 21 minutes 39 seconds.
Expedition into Central Australia
I sense that Sen. Clintons continuance is not good, but that's just one guys gut feeling.
Sunday Roundup: End of the road for Clinton?
Bal gives a personal, nuanced account of her own wrestling with the incongruence of a black minstrel tradition amidst The Netherlands' sea of whiteness.
Consistent testing of business continuance processes is also critical to evaluating compliance.
So I give you a toast to youth, and the continuance of the McClintock family.
Smith's style has an agitated energy that is nicely extended to the Chalfens, but it is rather unadaptable, or at least unadapted to the book's more nuanced characters, who are seen in the same constant light.
The laboratory must maintain a copy of each procedure with the dates of initial use and discontinuance.
Obama's dignified elevation of our national discourse through honesty, depth, and nuance was greeted by ratings-esurient tabloid news, race-baiting commentary, and rancorous replay of Wright -- ad nauseam.
Shaun Jacob Halper: Beyond Jeremiah: A New Kind of Media for Obama's New Kind of Politics
One of the striking things that stand out with gymnasts are their amazing arms and shoulders ... even the guy who finished 30th at Nationals was ripped with each and every nuance of the deltoids, triceps and biceps shredded.
They are, at the same time, autobiographies that emphasize how memories and consciousness of the working of ethnicity in the United States inform and nuance their writing.
Occasionally, Ducros - who is French - quietly ventures a suggestion about some nuance of diction.
To dismiss the cause of integration, even through complacency, is to condemn the abject to the continuance of the system.
Racebending and Integration
Gray was a talented jazzman with a keen understanding of musical nuance.
As ever, the finely nuanced statement did not put matters quite so bluntly.
Anyone working on the "Colonial Connection" in Britain, would find materials here which nuance the understanding of missionary lives.
To truncate the name Sholem Aleichem to Aleichem, as if it were his last name, betrays a deep misunderstanding, if not ignorance, of the meaning and nuances of Sholem Aleichem's pen name.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
For her, continuance of her government is not important but the implementation of her agenda.
Clearly inflected by the more profound nuances of Japanese tradition, Pawson's spirit of sensuous rationalism meets such pragmatic challenges head on.
And it was flavored with not just overused cinnamon but with nutmeg and clove as well; those spices did not make the granola noticeably spicy, but rather added fine nuances.
The nuances of scientific baseball could not compete with the brute strength, virile showmanship, and instant gratification of the round-tripper, and the bellwether of brawn, of course, was Babe Ruth.
All of the essays repeat this same cluster of ideas, developing their implications with different emphases and nuances.
Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years, with large increase of freedom.
Happy Thanksgiving (Blog for Democracy)
The information conveyed was actually quite solid, a more nuanced view of Poe than most short treatments allowed.
Can we hope for a continuance of this fine weather?
Cette couleur, nommée en allemagne sans pareille, se fait à Grossenhayn, et l'on y teint les étoffes toutes faites, et non les laines, en 4-nuances différentes de ce Vert.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
While most IT decision makers are aware security concerns exist, they often misunderstand the nuances of wireless security and consequently misemploy security measures in their wireless networks.
She seems most happy when talking in business jargon, making her conversation blunt and unnuanced, and is strangely unemotional.
Times, Sunday Times
Still, I found it rough-hewn, lacking in nuance, plowing right through the music without a natural flow.
He had mastered the nuances of managing, planning ahead, anticipating an opponent's moves and countermoves.
She enjoys it like you would a good olive oil, scanning it for flavour and nuance - I think she'd dunk her bread in it if the artichoke soup hadn't claimed it first.
Unlike English, Iñupiaq is a polysynthetic language - dozens of affixes can add nuance to the meaning of a simple noun like snow.
If there is any credibility to graphology, then the characteristics of each person would influence the nuances of their handwriting individually, even if everyone learned the same system of writing.
Such objections as that the accused, at the time of the arraignment, is undergoing a sentence of a general court-martial, or that owing to the long delay in bringing him to trial he is unable to disprove the charge or to defend himself, or that his accuser was actuated by malice or is a person of bad character, or that he was released from restraint upon the charges are not proper subjects for motion prior to plea, however much they may constitute ground for a continuance or affect the questions of the truth or falsity of the charge or of the measure of punishment.
Most felonies are first addressed in Municipal Court for arraignments, continuance matters and preliminary hearings.
Nuanced verdure, brick reds and tempered whites, play against tints of calcined blues and gray-greens, broadcast beyond the paintings' modest confines.
Corporate and government leaders can't grasp the nuances of a process - they have no idea.
Tornay's approach, however, is nuanced by the self-reflection that has characterized social anthropology during the past generation.
His alternation of horizontals and verticals plays like a musician's notes; each arrangement is a complex, nuanced reflection of universal and personal pathos and always more than the sum of its parts.
Cole discusses such sensitive topics as female impersonation and minstrelsy in order to deconstruct and elaborate on the many nuances of the concert party theater.
He also denied that there was discontent brewing among party workers over his continuance in the office.
Nor with some bizarre notion that the bishops must continue in their offices merely for the sake of continuance.
The artists are able to abstract from the environment certain finely nuanced impressions that seem to exist barely at the level of consciousness.
Ambition often drives a thinker to stretch evidence, ignore nuance and disregard exceptions.
Times, Sunday Times
There are three points which distinctly come out in various places in the Gospels as His motives for such unresting sedulousness and continuance of toil.
Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Mark
Grant's book is a highly nuanced examination of much of the literature on altruism and agape, while also giving some attention to recent considerations of eros and philia.
But his brand of nuanced, over-intellectualized witty replies to Republican street bashing makes him look wimpy, weak and outmatched.
Andy Ostroy: Obama's the "Dick Cavett President"
Just the same, they are worth hunting out for their subtlety of flavour and spicy nuances.
Although many of the words and phrases of the Prologue are found in numerous secular Greek literary prologues, two have a ‘Christian’ nuance.
I taught Sunday school classes, led home Bible studies, and discussed theological nuances in spirited conversations with my friends over coffee.
Maul Statue | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
Be it further enacted, That said bond shall be suable in the Superior Courts of this State, and said suits shall be triable at the first term of the Court, subject to the usual causes of continuance, except that the absence of a witness in the army shall not be good cause of continuance.
Journal of the Senate of the Extra Session of the General Assembly, of the State of Georgia, Convened by Proclamation of the Governor, at Macon, February 15th, 1865
How this fruit is cultivated, harvested, and cured determines the flavor of the final product, and we learn about the hedonics -- the sensual nuances -- of this exotic and temperamental element.
Boing Boing
And for that no manne hath aucthoritie amonge them to giue fredome vnto anye of this bonde ofspring: The nombre of them by continuance, came vnto a greate multitude.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
Business continuance is a critical function that organizations are facing.
There is no nuance to her character, no secret artistic passion or deep personal pain.
Whether those lives were wasted, or whether their brave example was not worth more to the world than a few years more of continuance, is not the question here to be asked.
A Book of Golden Deeds
Her understanding of the complexities and nuances of families is profound.
Under Hartley T A Kemp's vivarium-like lighting no nuance of the five actors 'brilliantly hyper-real performances is lost.
Love, Love, Love - review
This alone allows great nuances in color and dynamics. 32’ and 16’ ranks, reeds and octave couplers add to the foundation and expressional qualities of the organ.
It was a mixture of the cheap yellow home-peroxided hair and their utter lack of humour, in all its subtleties and nuances.
Stripping away the levity of certain scenes and shocking the audience with coarsely untheatrical moments may bring out subtle new nuances in unexpected areas, but it gives no impression of a full reading.
But the chess queen's fascinating history calls for a more nuanced understanding of queenship, if such an institution existed, of the interaction of symbol and meaning and of the complex interplay of historical change.
More to the point, Christians of many persuasions and nuances try to reconcile Jesus, friend of sinners, to Jesus, sinless Son of God.
Request your surgeon to comment specifically on likelihood of return to work; continuance in present employment, etc.
Published in China Review International in 2005, Sivin's essay focused on Needham's Science and Civilisation Volume 7, Part 2, "The Social Background, G.neral Conclusions and Reflections," edited by K.G. Robinson (Cambridge University Press, 2004), and used the occasion to give a poignant and nuanced overview of Needham's work as a whole.
Why Didn't Science Rise in China?
Results show the very strong influence of friendships on tobacco initiation and continuance among this national sample of adolescents.
How can the filmmaker nuance his work in a language that he does not know?
But a childhood spent dwelling on the nuances of chess has left its mark and it remains an abiding passion.
It reminded me of the concept in poetry of "enjambment" where the implied silence at the ends of lines can be crafted to carry meanings that nuance, augment, or contradict readings that obey the conventions of punctuation.
SWEATblog: Incompleteness
She gave me a withering look of utter contempt and proceeded to lecture me at length about the finer nuances of Mother's Day.
Unlike the complex nuances of the story, the artistic details are minimal and shading is non-existent.
We're fortunate that MoMA was from the start collecting richly from this new and diverse generation, comprised as it is of imagists whom in being less dissident and cliched than their forerunners, show and explorative aptitude for the more nuanced and varied aspects of queer life.
G. Roger Denson: MoMA and AA Bronson Present "Queer Cinema: Today and Yesterday"
Oh, and a nuanced take on bringing involute cunning to a ruthlessness contest.
Making Light: Rowling's being sued for plagiarism again
So it is doubtful that he missed the nuance, as some more imperceptive political figures might.
Yvette Carnell: The Method to Jesse Jackson's Madness
That's the way it's supposed to be - an evolving drama with nuance, color, deliberate pacing, and bursts of action that take you away from the helter-skelter of our otherwise rush-rush worlds.
Permit me now to render my portion of the general debt of gratitude, by acknowledgements in advance for the singular benefaction which is the subject of this letter, to tender my wishes for the continuance of a life so usefully employed, and to add the assurances of my perfect esteem and respect.
These are not nuanced performances, with actorly ticks and tricks.
For once, adequate nuance is audible in Irons 'rapping - there's a little growl in "interga - lac-tic" - and the same goes for Harris-White's vocal contribution, which ping-pongs between icy sprechgesang and heathery singing.
The Seattle Times
Lack of familiarity of the timetable, layout of the college and the new students makes it extremely difficult for him to understand the nuances of the social situation.
At low levels, it creates a faint mustiness that leaves less-than-confident drinkers believing they just don't appreciate the nuances of wine.
The continuance of this drought will ruin the harvest.
But these days, tone and nuance are all.
Times, Sunday Times
With such proofs of the uncertain continuance here of the great ornaments & blessings of society, let not little circumstances induce us to neglect the tender of their friendship.
Letter 188
Wines have gone smooth lately - so smooth that winemakers in some regions are adding bite back into their bottles in a process called acidulation Produced from winter wheat, the spirit has a nuance of bread-like flavour Americans claim to be better than Canadians at many things, but beer isn't one of them, says Nicholas Pashley
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
She tells an engaging contemporary tale in all its colors, nuances and shades.
A baby is sensitive to the slightest nuances in its mother's voice.
However it is good to see a continuance of the abundance of wildlife about our shores.
My paintings and ceramics come from research on India's cynical notion of time and continuance.
Instead we can only hope that the odd fleeting moment of inspiration surfaces on what is destined to be an increasingly irrelevant continuance.
It's impossible to understand the nuances of an isolated word without some contextual clues.
In its details and rich nuances of tone and texture, the drawing is an impressive demonstration of Rembrandt's genius.
The Chinese American writer Maxine Hong Kingston gave the nuanced reflection and the creative exploration on the issues of identity in her novel Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book.
What's worse is that the world isn't exactly short of this particular brand of blues revivalism at the moment, and The Black Keys lack the lightness of touch and pop nuance to stand out from the crowd.
Ramey Wine Cellars A NUANCED VISION | Hyde Vineyards in Napa, source of a great Ramey Chardonnay David Ramey was driving on a dusty road through the land of tequila and mezcal when he had what he describes as his "coup de foudre"—otherwise known as his road-to-Mexicali moment—and realized, improbably, that he wanted to make wine.
Wines That Favor Balance Over Power
In the cavernous stage of the Richmond Theatre all the nuances of the performance, if any, were lost in the attempt to get the material across the footlights effectively.
Bishop Provoost of New York, after fourteen years of service, demitted his functions in 1801, discouraged about the continuance of the church.
A History of American Christianity
It was said that national crimes can only be, and frequently are, punished in this world by _national punishments_, and that the continuance of the slave trade, and thus giving it a national character, sanction, and encouragement, ought to be considered as justly exposing us to the displeasure and vengeance of him who is equally the Lord of all, and who views with equal eye the poor _African slave_ and his _American master!
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
Linguists explore the nuances of language.
These attempts at cross-cultural and transhistorical contextualization occasionally lack nuance and border on the factually inaccurate.
The Times Literary Supplement
Most of our decisions are highly nuanced, very few are clearly black or white.
He suspected she'd still manage to catch every nuance of his reaction, though, so he took his spoon and dug in with all the heartiness he could summon.
Such diplomatic nuances reflect the highly strung relationship between the two countries.
Times, Sunday Times
People don't like nuance in a leader, they don't like any self-doubt whatsoever.
For a discussion of the history of * Mulungu "God" and the acquisition of its Southern Cushitic nuance, see Ehret, African Classical Age, 167 – 8.
Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
The question of the continuance of the subtreasury system is respectfully submitted to the wisdom of Congress.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
By now, we intuit the differing nuances each time Snooki flounces off in her fuzzy slippers or Sammi tells Ronnie to "do you.
Deanna Fei: Why Every Writer Should Watch Jersey Shore
Yet the more nuanced language of Edmund Stoiber gave the impression that he was irresolute and wavering.
It is difficult for a non-Italian to grasp all the nuances of meaning.
The subtleties and nuances of psychiatric diagnosis render certainties virtually beyond reach in most situations.
The sound she beat out was at once primal and primitive, yet nuanced, complex, flowing.
But the sentiment we have obeyed is too sincere to allow indifference to obtain entrance into our minds, or to prevent us from being painfully affected by the continuance of the conflict.
France and America
Bland Silver Bill; Silver remonetized. \% -- Against the continuance of this policy the majority of the House stood pledged.
A School History of the United States
The likembe (similar to the mbira or kalimba) that gives the band its signature resonating, nuanced, jingling melody is hand crafted from items salvaged from a junkyard.
Dustin Reid: Konono No 1's DIY Spirit Fills Prospect Park And Le Poisson Rouge (VIDEO, SLIDESHOW)
People are extra-sensitive right now to atmosphere, undercurrents, moods and nuances, slights and slurs.
The alcohol-marinaded man who flails around for a hug before confidently laying down this nuanced judgment: "Next year cannot be any worse".
In praise of … an alternative New Year's Eve | Editorial
I use the term allegory reluctantly because allegorical figures, like those found in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress or Spenser's Faerie Queene tend to be one-dimensional, lacking interiority and nuance.
Michael Gilmour: Anne Bronte's Religious Imagination
These important nuances are often recognised only after a long and intimate experience of the couple under study.
I hope Commonweal and Garvey will continue to provide nuanced comment and insight into these questions in a way that transcends the dualities too often brought to such issues.
A nuanced, intelligent review from a critic whose taste I trust means much more to me than an agglomerate of plus/minus scores.
On Things Fresh and Rotten
The contest aims at encouraging people to appreciate the nuances of nature and capture its beauty on film, he says.
The great surprise is that out of this slim body, a sonorous, powerful voice emanates vibrating with a immense nuances of expression.
The book is a timely reminder of the complexity of international politics, and the nuanced balance of forces that have shaped our modern world.
Times, Sunday Times
Past form suggests a warmed-up fricassee of masculinist interventions and tellings-off for "political correctness", though it could prove to be more nuanced and nourishing.
London's missing dimension – serenity | Dave Hill
The continuance of existence depends on another Being beyond the human realm.
The paintings are a pictorial representation of women in various forms and through different channels drawing out the meaning and nuances of each stroke.
Diseases based on a zoonotic (animal-to-human) vector, including malaria and other killers such as hantavirus, require a nuanced understanding of the transmission cycle.
Scientific American
In fact it seems that the Arabic islām may ultimately derive from the Aramaic nuance of this root “submit”, just as other Aramaic words were borrowed or calqued into Arabic via Islam.
In the Valley of the Shadow
To the historian and most Christians, this just confirms what we would have expected anyway in ancient texts of this sort: that there are things that are verifiably historical, things that may be but cannot be verified, things that are verifiably unhistorical, and a range of other nuanced points on the spectrum.
Gods, Gospels, and Gotta Think of a Third "G"
Chancellor Kent, in his 'Commentaries,' says: 'The legal effects of marriage are generally deducible from the principle of the common law, by which the husband and wife are regarded as one person, and her legal existence and authority lost or suspended during the continuance of the matrimonial union.'
Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897
In other words, instead of a “child pornography” exception which is pretty black and white, it should be more nuanced as seen in obscenity law and have a number of components, namely:
The Volokh Conspiracy » Challenge to High School Policy That Excludes from Extracurricular Activities Students Whose Out-of-School Speech “Reflects Discredit Upon [the] High School”
Director Julie Bertuccelli has crafted an amazing film, one full of rich detail, quiet nuance and lovely performances.
Philip Roth, in a 1973 New York Times essay on baseball, called "its longueurs and thrills, its spaciousness, its suspensefulness, its heroics, its nuances, its lingo, its 'characters,' its peculiarly hypnotic tedium.
NYT > Home Page
Because of their slight outsiderishness they are alive to the social nuances in the American atmosphere.
"It was a nuanced decision, and he is extremely well qualified to make that decision."
A spokeswoman for the charity said that headlines often misrepresented'extremely nuanced' study findings.
Times, Sunday Times
If you think about it, the reduplicated form could easily lend a resultative nuance if analysed in this way since the reduplication would have originally stressed the non-stative quality of the verb either "repetitive" in nature as for punctual actions, or "continuative" as for non-momentaneous ones while the *h₂e-set of personal endings would ensure a completive aspect in contrast to the non-completive *mi-set.
Rethinking the reduplicated perfect in Indo-European
Request your surgeon to comment specifically on likelihood of return to work; continuance in present employment, etc.
And again the cord is a part of the whole expression of the lamp, as it has been wrapped in grey textile material in order to bring a nuance of light and shade into the white look.
New Lighting from Lightyears
Most felonies are first addressed in Municipal Court for arraignments, continuance matters and preliminary hearings.
Linguists explore the nuances of language.
A contentious and nuanced debate within our polity that is therefore sure to continue is the one about the value and meaning of neo-conservatism.
He is the poet for people who feel the magic of music and the grandeur of imagination, without being able to lay their finger on the more recondite nuances of "creative work," without so much as ever having heard of "imagism.
Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations
This discontinuance of activity is in itself not completely to blame for child obesity issues, but it does contribute.
This done, she letteth her mash run till the malt be left without liquor, or at the leastwise the greatest part of the moisture, which she perceiveth by the stay and soft issue thereof; and by this time her second liquor in the furnace is ready to seethe, which is put also to the malt, as the first woort also again into the furnace, whereunto she addeth two pounds of the best English hops, and so letteth them seethe together by the space of two hours in summer or an hour and a half in winter, whereby it getteth an excellent colour, and continuance without impeachment or any superfluous tartness.
Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
However, having struggled with the nuances of the American language, I have found it more beneficial to adapt to my alien environment rather than advertise my foreignness with a pint of beer and a fresh rendition of ‘Rule Britannia’.
Other little nuances like ambient sounds and background noises are also used productively and generously.
Mrs. Copley could not eat much, nor Dolly; and yet the form of coming to breakfast and the nicety of the preparation were a comfort; they always are; they seem to say that all things are not confusion, and give a kind of guaranty for the continuance of old ways.
The End of a Coil
You can bet that nuance of orange in your ice-cream owes more to a dash of Grand Marnier than to a squeeze of the real thing.
Teeming with the rich period details that make historical fiction so rewarding, Gullands dynamic and nuanced portrait of Louis notorious reign thrums with page-turning expediency and deliciously seductive machinations.
Mistress of the Sun by Sandra Gulland: Book summary
While the women's roles have been depicted with nuances and texture, his is all bluster and mannerism, with no depth.
But that no man should imagine that our forren trades of merchandise haue bene comprised within some few yeeres or at least wise haue not bene of any long continuance, let vs now withdraw our selues from our affaires in Russia, and ascending somewhat higher, let vs take a sleight suruey of our traffiques and negotiations in former ages.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
He said there could be nuances that were not apparent in the English translation.
Those who bow only at the altar of size have effectively put on blinders, not just to the nuances of bodybuilding, but to the essence of what made Frank Zane's body a true wonder in the history of physique development.
Grilled Swordfish works beautifully with a big, buttery Chardonnay because the richness of the fish and the toasty nuances from the grill marry well with those flavor elements in the wine.
In short, he's learning subtle nuances.
But the crucial evidence may hinge on the slightest of nuances.
Times, Sunday Times
without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor
And while successive popes soon fell into the era of the papal schism, and then into the Reformation and the fracturing of the western Church, the claims of Benedict were long maintained in somewhat more subtle and nuanced forms.
Remember how, while constantly singing the praises of U.S. president-elect Barack Obama for his "multilateralist" and sophisticated view of the world, our pundits killed off entire forests blasting Prime Minister Stephen Harper for his lack of "nuance" in supporting Israel when it was under attack from Hezbollah rockets in 2006?
Winnipeg Sun
It is nuanced, thorough, and intelligent, and deserves to propagate within the vast biome of environmental, Western, and Native American history.
Sadly, given all the real-life examples of devastating data loss, many companies still have not learned the lesson about data disasters and business continuance.
Apart from being a great scholarly work, it is also refreshingly nuanced.
Times, Sunday Times
Like her musical heroes Shawn Colvin and Joan Armatrading, Ferrick can dangle a crowd on the lilt of a lyric and nail the nuance of a conflicted feeling with one well-sung word.
But he loses the plot and misses many nuances, because he lacks a command of global context.
Times, Sunday Times
The latter are understandably concerned with pragmatic medical results instead of with nuances of metapsychology, and the wearing clinical routine does not make for long perspectives.
Literature on the Couch
Rhubarb, soap, and chalybeate medicines and waters, are almost always specifics for obstructions of the liver; but then a very exact regimen is necessary, and that for a long continuance.
Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
Their opinions are full of humour and stoicism - far more nuanced than you might expect.
Times, Sunday Times
For Dvorák's Trio Number 4 in E Minor, Opus 90, B.166, they surrendered their smooth tone for more folk-like nuances, as is appropriate to the work's nature; the dumkas (Slavic folk songs) were elegiac, and the lively sections sparkled with dynamic contrasts.
With an understanding that somehow goes beyond his years, he intuits the nuances of the game, its geometry, its very nature.
And I am assured, also, that the truth proposed in it inwraps the whole ground of any just expectation of the continuance of the presence of God amongst us, and his acceptation of our endeavours about the allotment and just disposal of our civil affairs.
The Sermons of John Owen
Kate, however, has changing opinions of Richard, which helps the reader to discern the nuances and flaws the Raphael's shining idolism cannot detect.
Understanding such cultural nuances is important and can avoid unfortunate mishaps.
It's impossible to understand the nuances of an isolated word without some contextual clues.
We can't do what CBS did and what the panel describes: fail to recognize the nuances of the field of document verification.
Basque culture underwent a revival in the late 19th century, which ensured its continuance into the 20th century.
Once you absorb the delightfully twisted story, further viewings will reveal the carefully nuanced comedic background.
Enjoy it for its nuances, its refinements, its elegance.
There are nuances and subtleties which do not easily lend themselves to categorisation.
Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
The only grounds upon which suspension and discontinuance of support can be made are those set out in Regulation 20.
Her brows tilted perplexedly, accenting the nuance of diablerie, delicate and fascinating, that they cast upon the flower face.
The Moon Pool
Only singer Justin Timberlake comes through with a nuanced performance as the sleazy former Napster co-creator whose hustle is just what Facebook needs.
Building A Winning 'Network,' But At What Cost?
Imagine overeducated music snobs debating the nuances of piano noodlings that he cranked out in one take!
Even Scottish officials castigated Gaelic ('the Irish language') as 'one of the chief and principal causes of the continuance of barbarity and incivility amongst the inhabitants of the isles and highlands'.
However, the image I felt loyal to uphold was one of Stoic indifference nuanced in places by a kind of glibly cavalier attitude.
Excerpt from De Imitatio Calembouri
It's as if attention has been lavished on the purely physical at the expense of any nuance of emotion or poetry.
Times, Sunday Times
Spectators may not understand all the nuances of the game.
The complication of Loden's writerly comic procedure is all in the nuances and gestures of meaning conveyed by particular word-choices, tones and implications.
This is a significant opportunity for the press to regain control of the language and thereby afford the public a more nuanced understanding of a "war" that is being waged in the public's name.
`But how is a king to secure the continuance of his line and the peace of his lands without sons?
I certainly regarded the continuance of child benefit as very uncertain, and I still regard it as uncertain.