How To Use Novitiate In A Sentence
Even in the golden days of my novitiate, such places were few and far between.
He and other engineers huddled over the gun like nuns inspecting a novitiate, but they could find no flaw.
She enters from the left, posed as if she were a novitiate approaching the altar, her movements guided by her ‘double’ to her left.
And then we see that the Maytag novitiate is in the back room with a cell phone, foiled in his attempt to get the box of Cheez-Its.
A claustral oblate candidate may be received into the novitiate by the abbot with the consent of the chapter.

Perhaps sixty of them are chosen for the novitiate.
The Broken God
David Jansen calls for new monastic communities to provide intentional spiritual formation, similar to the traditional novitiate.
At his investiture, the novitiate describes being reduced to a skeleton by spirits who devour and then restore his flesh.
This was the era of the sleep sessions, the trance-like states Breton and Philippe Soupault encouraged novitiates to enter into, through which they would speak and write ‘automatically.’
The rush became a flood after the fiasco of Humanae Vitae in 1968 and seminaries, novitiates and training colleges fell like ninepins as many, if not most, priests, brothers and nuns chose lay life at a rate not seen since the Reformation.
Before starting her novitiate in October 1933, Edith spoke with the prioress, who felt there was so much she still could do outside the convent.
The latter, though obliged to respect the prerogatives of the novice-master, remains the real immediate superior of the novices, and outside that part of the house which is called the novitiate, the direction of the entire community belongs exclusively to him.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
In our monastery the novitiate is the brighest, most beautiful part of the house with the best view!
He had always wished to be a Jesuit, and, after a novitiate which is described as most edifying, he became a professed member of the Order.
The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century
Martin confesses that he cried from anxiety his first night in the novitiate and that, as part of his formation, cutting smelly, overgrown toenails in Jamaica sickened him.
As the success of the restoration depends more upon wellformed teachers than on methods, the novitiate of every motherhouse should provide for all its candidates a gradual and complete course of Chant, not on a theoretical, but on an experimental basis.
What is unique to Catholic music?
Meeting in semisecrecy in the Jesuit novitiate on Rue de Pot de Fer Saint-Sulpice, the brethren of the Nine Sisters gathered to praise Jones in the most fulsome fashion.
John Paul Jones
The Rugby house, which had from 1850 the English novitiate, became in 1886 a juniorate, or preparatory school for novices.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
There Was an Ancient House presents a disillusioned view of life in a Jesuit novitiate.
In less than two months, the first Bloody Sword recruits would have completed their novitiates and be eligible to swear Sword Oath, and Hurthang wasn't the only Horse Stealer who worried about what would happen then.
Our training took place at The Novitiate Nazareth, a very nice retreat center that is a convent aka nunnery by some locals.
Way Down South
A novitiate, juniorate, and scholasticate of the Society is established at
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
Under the government of the Marquis della Sambuca, who, though a great regalist, was a personal friend of the Saint's, there was promise of better times, and in August, 1779, Alphonsus's hopes were raised by the publication of a royal decree allowing him to appoint superiors in his Congregation and to have a novitiate and house of studies.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
In order to instill the necessary discipline in a novitiate, all emotion must be eradicated from the master's side of the equation.
The novitiate is a very unique, very privileged time of a sister's monastic life.
In September 1969 he joined the SVD in Donamon where he did his novitiate.
He became a Trappist, sent to make a novitiate near Syria.
While other novitiates were humbly perfecting the simple front kick, I would be leaping into the air and spinning like a Bruce Lee wannabe.
Do not get discouraged if in the early stages of your novitiate you cannot successfully translate these basic principles into practice.
In 1909 he entered the novitiate of the Jesuits in Freiburg but left after only two weeks, ostensibly on health grounds.
In such a beautiful and spiritual atmosphere I spent nine of those noontime years - three in the minor seminary, one in the novitiate, four in the major seminary and one in the infirmary when I was stricken with a severe bout of tuberculosis.
The proliferation of vocations requires the building of novitiates, seminaries and monasteries.
After serving in Detroit for twenty-one years, seventy-four-year-old Solanus was sent to New York, then to the novitiate in Indiana.
The air of assurance and dignity about it all was exceedingly noticeable to the novitiate.
Finally permission to resign the cardinalitial dignity having been given in full consistory (1839), Odescalchi entered the novitiate at
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
He entered the novitiate of the Capuchin Friars at the age of 15.
In 1930 the estate was taken over by the Jesuit order, which used it as a novitiate.
These comprised the abbot's apartments and chapel, rooms for guests, entrance hall, parlours, novitiate, and clericate.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
Similarly, in the thirteenth century, the peripatetic general chapter of the Franciscan Order regulated matters as central to the life of the local priories as the form and content of the novitiate and where it should be spent.
Unfortunately, there is little longitudinal research concerning psychosocial changes occurring after entrance into seminaries or novitiates.
You are speaking, I suppose, of some rule of life, some kind of novitiate to which you had to submit yourself," said Mr. Harland --
The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance
His taste for images dated from his novitiate and is marked by a sensibility comparable to that of the nuns he later governed.
The partial nature of such accounts of the research process can leave the novitiate insufficiently prepared for the actual experience of ‘doing’ research, which can come as something of a shock.
He studied with Fr John in his novitiate and then assisted him with the establishment of the first Christian Meditation Centre in London in 1975 which was the origin of The World Community for Christian Meditation.
There are stern mother superiors, innocent novitiates, jolly sisters.
Attached to the novitiate are a teacher's seminary and practice school.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
After a year as a novitiate in De Soto, Missouri, he proceeded to the major seminary of the Redemptorist Fathers in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.
Now Wats are inhabited by monks, teachers, nuns, novitiates, school children, street-side sellers and tourists.
This ceremony also signaled the beginning of her novitiate - a year-long ‘trial’ period in which she lived among the convent community, observing its rules and strictures.
Fresh from the novitiate she spent some early years caring for the boarders in Belmullet.
During the year of her novitiate it was supposed to give the convent 100 ducados as a maintenance allowance.
Her movement from the Roman Catholicism of childhood, through a brief novitiate, and on to Quaker and then Buddhist practice is not a rarity in these days of picking at the religious buffet of the twenty-first century.
Conscience prevailing, he was received at Douai, then sent from Rome by the Jesuits to Bohemia to serve his novitiate, before being reordained in Prague.
All were nobles, trained in the profession of arms, and this period – which might be described as a novitiate – was the crucible in which the specific spirituality of the Templars gradually took shape.
Archive 2009-03-01
His sister, Isabella, a cloistered novitiate, petitions Angelo for mercy.
Born and raised in a farming family at Kyledellig, he went to school in Aghaboe and from there to Tullow, Co. Carlow, where he entered the novitiate in 1942.
Once the ceremony was over, the novitiates, priestesses and nuns gathered together in the great hall beneath the statue of Auset for a feast.
Canon law stipulates that the novitiate should be a separate house or area.
She entered the novitiate soon after her baptism and pronounced her final vows on September 19, 1699.
Tom Goldstein, dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, where impressionable novitiates are prepared for the high calling of the Fourth Estate, avowed that Wright was just ‘a corporate citizen’ doing his job.
The first occupants of the novitiate were the founder himself, his first associate, Father La Vavasseur, and a sub-deacon, M. Collin.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
The novitiate, blindfolded and noosed, was brought before them and a gun fired into the air.
Ed had entered the Jesuit novitiate in the summer of 1975, just one month after his high school graduation.
There he attended a preparatory school for the novitiate.
Our heroine followed, entering the convent herself as a novitiate.
Granada, from which its austere anchorites had been driven by the barbarous decree of exclaustration (1835), was acquired and restored by the Jesuits, who have established in it their novitiate for New
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
When a group of nuns came through Sligo looking for a place to build a convent novitiate and school for girls, great grandfather gave them several acres of his little farm.
Angelo thus becomes a white-suited district officer who condemns the Eurasian Claudio for fornication while lusting after his novitiate sister, Isabella.
He died of heart failure on Easter, April 11, 1955, and was interred in the cemetery of the Jesuit novitiate on the Hudson River, north of New York City.
This rice is currently being tested by novitiates at a convent in the Philippines to see how well the nutrients are absorbed in the human body.
One of the reasons coven novitiates must wait a year and a day before a formal initiation is to allow the novitiate time to experience the mysteries of the Craft; a personal understanding of Pagan symbolism in the proper context.
The demands made upon Martin in the novitiate in his difficult work with the dying - and the hard-won joy it brings - lead to a further thought.
Well today there wouldn't be 50 people entering novitiates or convents or monasteries probably around Australia I think.
There are teachers, nuns, novitiates, school children, street vendors and even tourists.
The sponsors must certify their student's brilliance, character, and most importantly, their desire to enter the novitiate.
The convent countered that those sums had been for the year of her novitiate, but that her formal profession involved a new set of expenses.
The building is a fine example of a Victorian venerable property, built in 1881 as a novitiate for the Sisters of Charity.
The abbot told him he needed more time in the novitiate.
Times, Sunday Times
She began her novitiate in India and took the name of Teresa, taking her final vows in 1939.
She suddenly longed to down the rest, but she resisted the urge and withdrew to a position with other novitiates whose glowing smiles echoed the elation swelling within her own breast.
Inside novitiate but the probation that set does not exceed 6 months.