
How To Use November In A Sentence

  • A few weeks before the vote on November 7, the buzz goes, Cheney will announce his resignation, ostensibly because of signs of new trouble with his ticker.
  • The pitahaya season in San Diego goes from October 1 to around mid-November.
  • Figures due out on November 21 might be instructive but a merger deal is not thought likely to figure in the statement.
  • If the Democrats manage to lose the seat in November, they might consider blaming an election system that is quite literally designed to stimy "majority rule" save in races where there are only two candidates. Balkinization
  • Until his death, on November 16th, 1272, the King continued to rule and to conduct his customary religious devotions.
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  • In May 1887, it was leased to the CPR and construction began in November.
  • November, Sony Music issued a track called quell rumours that some of Jackson's vocals on the album were "fake". The Guardian World News
  • Dr Dewes hoped the exhibition would be shown around the world once it closed in Christchurch in November.
  • And a gigantic cock salmon of around 44 lb was also landed in November during hatchery broodstock collection.
  • Since 2001, areas north of Point Conception to an intersect with the Oregon coast has been closed to drift gillnet fishing from August 15th through November 15th in order to protect endangered leatherback and loggerhead sea turtles. Permit to Kill Pacific Sea Turtles and Whales Requested by Seafood Company
  • November 19, 2008 at 6:23 am aifinkso eet was Mick adjusting his trowsers, uh huh. yesh. ai has notting tu du wib eet… HONEST! No… srsly… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A catalogue has been produced to accompany the exhibition, which runs from 24 November to 18 December.
  • With the rollout of Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story, continuing through the end of November (click here for screening locator), a classical music sighting is made that the famous 18th century philosopher Moses Mendelssohn would have been proud of. Laurence Vittes: Classical Music Media Sighting: Felix Mendelssohn Introduces Interview With Sandy Koufax
  • Up to 30,000 government soldiers and an equal number of UNITA troops are set to be 'quartered' as part of the peace agreement signed by Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos and UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi in November 1994. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • With her ruling early in November, the five-year legal tangle over the future of the Corporation has ended.
  • Not until November 1944 were conscripts sent to fight overseas. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • The figure was accompanied by an upwardly revised 5.4 per cent increase in November. Times, Sunday Times
  • November 28th, 2009 5: 23 pm ET its rare to see a family of muslims who like basketball so much. tammy Pres. Obama cheers on brother-in-law at basketball game
  • The bank kept its benchmark rate unchanged at 9%, where it has been since November, and the rediscount rate at 12%, after raising it from 7% last month. Vietnam Raises Rates
  • November 28th, 2008 at 3: 07 am an illinois mortgage broker ppfllc morgage financial debt bankruptcy helplines organization says: an illinois mortgage broker ppfllc morgage financial debt bankruptcy helplines organization … burrow individualizes restatement linoleum sunk … Think Progress » Much bigger than the Dukestir.
  • In November 1875, Sir Frederick Evans, newly appointed hydrographer of the British Navy, ordered 123 doubtful islands banished from Admiralty Chart 2683 of the Pacific Ocean. A Furnace Afloat
  • He located seven sites connected with the lives of the Gurus and had shrines raised thereon within the space of eight months, from April to November 1783.
  • We are told that after he called his cardiologist, who by the way, is Dr. Jonathan Reiner, to report that he had been having some discomfort, the doctor said you'd better get yourself back in here right now because as you pointed out, last November 22nd, the then - vice president-to-be was brought to the hospital. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Vice President Could Be Hospitalized Overnight - March 5, 2001
  • The vote is likely to be postponed to a specially convened synod in November. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortlisted vehicles will be announced in early November and the members of the Irish Motoring Writers Association will have a final chance to test-drive contending vehicles at a refresher day before final judging takes place.
  • In Roman times November was a month of hard work in ploughing and sowing.
  • Both players were found guilty of foul and abusive language towards the match official during Acorn's defeat to Normanton Knights on November 20.
  • November 27, 2009 at 5:26 am ity bity tiny winy orange and white little kitty Classics: now with favorite buttons! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • In his Decision Letter dated the 8th November 1999 the Inspector dealt with locus in paragraphs 3-11.
  • This preceded the national campaign in the United Kingdom, which began in November 1991.
  • The promise was made on November 8th in order to de-escalate the stand-off with police who were preparing to attack those inside the building as well as their supporters on the street.
  • Americans of this time spread their Hallowe’en celebrations from the 31st of October until the morning of the 3rd of November, a period know as Allhallowtide. Hallowe’en In the Gilded Age | Edwardian Promenade
  • Selling fireworks should be prohibited other than for the few days immediately before November 5, unless the authorities give special dispensation for other events.
  • Her ordeal began in November when she started having fits and convulsions despite no previous history of health problems.
  • Dave sends BoingBoing this short movie comprised of excerpts from footage they captured on November 2, 2004.
  • No more: Mr Clinton won eight western states last November and is acutely sensitive to western politics.
  • As for Venus, the dates of Mercurial transits are spaced by six months: they all fall within a few days of May 8 and November 10.
  • Lamy warns trade finance situation deteriorating www. 12.11.08 Director-General Pascal Lamy reported to WTO ambassadors on 12 November 2008 that his meeting with experts earlier in the day confirmed that the market for trade finance has severely deteriorated. - Financial News
  • In November of 1997, after a massacre in Luxor that killed fifty-eight tourists and provoked overwhelming revulsion, Egypt's Gamaa al-Islamiya halted its armed struggle. Backfire
  • RUDIN: No, and that's one that the Democrats should have run away with, and that's the one with Richard Blumenthal, the state attorney general, against Linda McMahon, the former wrestling executive, who seems to have a hammerlock on him going into November 2nd. Political Attack Ads Work, But Are They True?
  • This is a hefty blow, considering that it represents half of the already poor profits the company expected to announce for its next interims on 23 November.
  • This is in response to your letter of November 4, 1998.
  • Pelosi was non-committal when asked about how much this would cost, saying more clarity will come from congressional hearings before and after the November 4th U.S. presidential election.
  • The following Thursday which will be the first Thursday in November and should be a book club day will, instead, feature something unique for us, a question and answer session with the author of our next featured Book Club selection, and a member of this blogring, Carol Howard Merritt. Presbyterian Bloggers
  • My 88-year-old father was admitted to an acute medical ward in November last year and has since died. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company reportedly acquired the ability to launch the electronic countermeasure against pirates in November of last year, but held off on using it until Sunday.
  • In November the pair rekindled their romance and were pictured out and about and looking loved-up again. The Sun
  • The trial has been delayed until November because the defence is not ready to proceed.
  • The survey, taken last November, shows that order intake from the UK was still growing but the growth had slowed.
  • PRIESSNITZ, the celebrated founder of hydropathy, died at Graefenberg on the 26th of November, at the age of fifty-two. The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II
  • Back in November the chancellor's central forecast for growth in 2003 was 2.75 %.
  • The next leadership election is due in November.
  • November 17th, 2008 at 1: 15 pm can you tell me how i can download this song-the yahoo media plyer on your site / server doesn't allow downloads??? never used to be this way Aurgasm
  • On November 5th the Department of Transportation which oversees faa told the Office of Special Counsel the computer system had been put to use. CNN Transcript Nov 27, 2009
  • My partner was made redundant last November and hasn't secured further employment as yet.
  • November 26, 2009 1:51 AM ishmael bin necker said... BSNYC Pre-Holiday Fun Quiz!
  • This is a great time for laying the foundations for winter, reconditioning your skin after months of switching between sun and fierce air-con and generally getting ready to glow when the Christmas invitations start rolling in from November onwards. Indulge your skin this winter
  • In November 2000 they set off for a five-day training run and found themselves crewing the boat into the teeth of a force eight south-westerly gale.
  • Having again experienced, in November 2006, the joy and emotion of the personal and blessed participation of Your Holiness in the patronal feast of Constantinople, the commemoration of the St. Andrew the Apostle, the First Called, I set out "with a joyous step" from Fener in the New Rome, to come to you to participate in your joy in the patronal feast of Old Rome. Archive 2008-06-29
  • Case in point: Openly anxious about grass-roots disaffection from the Republican Party, conservative Christian organizers are reaching for ways to turn out voters this November, including arguing that recognizing same-sex marriage could also limit religious freedom. September 2006
  • The government now seems confident that it will get the Communications Bill - which is expected to feature in the Queen's Speech in November - through the Commons unamended.
  • In November, Salisbury, a chivalric figure, was killed, the victim of a cannonball.
  • Auf unserem SMS Handy Blog findest du immer aktuelle News über Handys. great article by benchen on November 26, 2009 - 10: 58pm nice article thanks for sharing china tour refine led lighting PdF Europe: Live Audio Stream at
  • Unfortunately, that is highly unlikely in the United States, where a bloated budget deficit has already become a major talking point for politicians looking to November's congressional elections.
  • George Eliot, christened Mary Anne Evans, was born on November 22, 1819.
  • Unlike the first letter way back in November, these later missives brought a response.
  • In the 800s, the pope got involved, declaring November 1st All Saints 'Day, which eventually was called All Hallows. CNN Transcript Oct 31, 2006
  • November 30th, 2007 at 3: 17 pm chodin says: roker: "christian, do you ever look at newborn babies and picture yourself biting into their heads like a cadbury egg? PLEASE, SOMEONE BALE OUT AL ROKER
  • At the sectional meet in November, the top four move on to the national competition.
  • The problem I foresee is law enforcement being asked to enforce local bylaws. on November 13, 2007 at 9: 14 pm | Reply Bob You and who’s army? « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • For farmyard manure and slurry the closed period runs from August to November.
  • Asda Extra Special Prosecco is decent bargain bubbly that makes a soft gluggable alternative to champagne The recession has hit sales of Champagne hard, and increasingly we're November 10, 2009 Quick Summary Afternoon tea is a chance to drop the cares of the world for at least one golden hour. - Articles related to Bumper crop of British blueberries sees sales soar
  • By fknsanta, November 28, 2009 @ 3:41 pm that’ll learn the fkr to get blunk on drog without inviting fknsanta. Cheeseburger Gothic » So, care to join me in the country’s most exclusive club.
  • In November 1926, all rival political parties and opposition newspapers were banned in Italy.
  • Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants living in the northern port city of Thessaloniki in Greece, offer Eid al-Adha prayers on November 6, 2011.
  • They left Adelaide on 12 November 1879 with four wagons, four drays, two express wagons, 40 men with portable troughs and a year's supply of fodder.
  • Editing the day's news: An introduction to newspaper copyreading, headline writing, illustration, makeup and general newspaper methods This entry was posted by Paul Murphy on Monday, November 10th, 2008 at 15: 57 and is filed under report] The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
  • By November of 1899, Aguinaldo and his forces had been pushed further and further into central Luzon (the main Philippine island) and he realized he could not fight the Americans with conventional military units. Memorial Day: Burning Pols in Effigy « Blog
  • The bigger-than-expected draw in distillates helped boost heating-oil futures, with the November contract recently trading up 4.11 cents, or 1.8%, at $2.2304 a gallon. Oil Rebounds on Supply Data
  • Members will choose a new chair during the next meeting, scheduled for November 17th.
  • In November 2000 they set off for a five-day training run and found themselves crewing the boat into the teeth of a force eight south-westerly gale.
  • The film had its world premiere in New York in November 2003 and it featured last month at Toronto's Reelworld Film Festival.
  • We have seen a lot of desperate Democrats suddenly scrambling to "unify" with Clinton's supporters, now that they realize that their snowjob of an election has caused turmoil and will lead to an Obama boycott in November. Twisted little people
  • A great many surprises are lurking between now and November.
  • Your ditch is ahead of you come November and I can't wait until you fall in. Cantor hits Dems on taxes, spending
  • The Appellant was tried by His Honour Judge Cavell and a jury between 15th and 26th November 1999.
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops", 8.4 million copies sold: According to NPD, the blockbuster game title accounted for one-quarter of all game titles sold in November. News
  • A particularly spectacular blackbird arrival was recorded during November 5, 1961 following a north-westerly gale the previous day.
  • It is not evidence of a sale at an undervalue in November 2000.
  • The subcommittee presented its recommendation to the full council on November 18, two weeks after the first public hearing.
  • In the week before the key meeting of the Council last November, a plan was hatched to call a second meeting for February 12 to review progress on decommissioning.
  • I especially enjoyed the week of archaic conjunctions from late November: argal sobeit whencesoever albeit forwhy Archive 2008-12-01
  • On November 11, 1968, it was abolished and replaced by a republic, and the country assumed its present name.
  • I think that the school year is longer in our country (beginning of november until june) than in the US, it's may-be why the global cursus is shorter Atlantic Review
  • The flamboyant frontman of rock group Queen will be remembered at the concert at The Barbican in York on Saturday November 24.
  • On the eve of November's Thanksgiving holiday, the couple announced they had separated.
  • Clergy and lay deputies to a special convention of the diocese on November 7 voted to invite Bishop Duncan back into leadership of the diocese 50 days after the House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church voted to remove ( "depose") him. Stand Firm
  • From November 1996 on, a balance remained outstanding on his account.
  • The Lodge Act enlistees were slowly gathering, and in November, when our number reached 50, we embarked for the U.S. by ship.
  • That means he will become a free agent in November. The Sun
  • Then in November last year I arrived home from work to find my eldest daughter apparently fast asleep in her bed. The Sun
  • In the final findings for bidders to use in preparation for the lease sale, published November 9th, Division of Oil and Gas officials say the U-S State Department has notified Alaska of the title dispute, and that potential bidders should? be prepared for [...] (HTML is stripped out and links are not linked.)
  • The Tourism Barometer's recent low point of 87.1 in November 2001 was matched only in March 1993 when the barometer fell to 87.0.
  • Also patron of poets. Feast day, November 23.
  • Much of this outpouring to inform and educate or miseducate the public may well have been illegal under McCain-Feingold if we were closer to November 2012. We Are All Citizens United
  • Blacker than a moonless night and edged with crimson, the blue and purple undersides smelled of wing musk and of Dante—burning leaves and November frost and deep, dark earth. Etched in Bone
  • Foonf (UID#) on November 22nd, 2009 at 11: 56 pm sex on a futon is uncomfortable Life Feet | My[confined]Space
  • Over the next few nights, when you're watching the fireworks shower sparks across the sky, spare a moment to remember, remember the fifth of November.
  • Log in to Reply gor (UID#2620) on November 10th, 2009 at 5: 36 pm Humantauria – hot girls with four legs | My[confined]Space
  • The most serious allegation against him involved the November 1998 slaying of three men at an automobile body shop in Montebello.
  • The wetter south-west season runs from May-November and the north-east monsoon from December-April.
  • Actress Angelina Jolie R talks to actors during the filming of her yet untitled directorial debut in Budapest November 8, 2010. Top Stories
  • He testified that, two days after the incident, on November 21, 1999, he attended at a walk-in clinic to have his wrist examined by a doctor.
  • He chose Duan Qirui, who thus, on 24 November 1924, came back to power against all the odds.
  • Whale sharks and mantas might be seen at any time of the year, but especially between November and January.
  • It was a stormy day in November, 2001, when Sharp and his men drove up to his beach fortress with a ton of boards, jetskis, and rescue gear.
  • After wowing the audience at the Willows club in Salford, he is in with a chance of winning the £5,000 grand final on November 16.
  • That combined with the Hillary & Bill Appalacian bus tour ... to udo the "kitchen sink strategy" ... would give Team Obama a landslide victory in November of 2008. Carter: Obama-Clinton ticket unlikely
  • A jury had convicted Ghailani in November on one count of conspiracy while acquitting him on more than 280 other counts stemming from the truck bombings at the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. 224 people died, and thousands more were injured in the attacks. Guantanamo Detainee Sentenced to Life in Prison
  • I thought you were making a remarkable recovery from calcifying brain syndrome and advanced gun writer's new product overloaditis when I read your on the money article on the. 30-'06 in my November F&S, but it is plain that you have suffered a relapse. Gun News from Remington
  • The wetter south-west season runs from May-November and the north-east monsoon from December-April.
  • By November 1993 it was clear the alleged bribe was a complete fabrication. Times, Sunday Times
  • Posted in mome rath on November 26, 2009 | Leave a Comment » November « 2009 « oh frabjous day!
  • Croydon Champions will be printing notelets which will be on sale at the Champions roadshows throughout the year and at our gala reception in November.
  • That is why 180 nations assembled in The Hague in November to try and agree a set of tools for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
  • A Spring Branch operation was also sued in November for carrying fake Coach sunglasses that were labeled "shatterproof," but the word was misspelled. Chronicle
  • Meanwhile it is business as usual at Sotheby's London salerooms with two major art sales on November 29 and December 5.
  • Back in November, I made my own Christmas cake, and iced it mid-December.
  • As we trickle day by day through the end of October and move ever closer to November, the weather is switching to a uniform foggy grey that wakens memories of my time in Lincolnshire back in the very early sixties.
  • Last Wednesday night, the news came through that the speed ramps will be put in by the end of November.
  • The script is by Julian Fellowes, probably the first Oscar-winning writer to have been ennobled — he was made a life peer by being given a barony in the honors list published in November. Peerless Titles
  • The notebook had been used as a diary from 1 November 1849 to 15 July 1850.
  • In assembly elections last November, the erstwhile mainstream parties were beaten by the hard-liners -- Sinn Fein, the political arm of the Irish Republican Army, and the DUP, led by the loyalist, anti - "popery" firebrand Ian Paisley. MARCHING TOWARD CIVILITY
  • She would elicit from her colleagues at the Versorelli Institute the exact itinerary Kingdom had followed there in November.
  • A perusal of the best of the latest batch, published in a special colour pull-out on November 7, is interesting.
  • November 1st, 2007 at 2: 22 pm wwbd says: true story: there’s this one time, where i just threw out this random post. copying someone else’s exact format. there in layed the funny part, but then some troll came about and starting calling me incorrect ajdectives. so what did i do? LEDGER. GILLIAM. IMAGINARIUM. PERIODS.
  • On November 1, 15,000 autoworkers walked off the job in the latest ‘warning strikes’ in a dispute over wage negotiations.
  • November 29th, 2009 at 12: 05 am excellent mohamed abd el hafiz Says: Solar Powered Blue Car Hitting the Streets in 2010 | Inhabitat
  • The release of this statement from conservative evangelicals is really a sign of desperation on the part of Republicans concerned that their political reign in Congress may end come November. Eco-Justice
  • The seventh and eight plenums, held in August and November 1999, began preparations for the Ninth National Party Congress scheduled for the first quarter of 2001.
  • November 21, 2008 at 2:09 pm well….i know this is going to sound really gay but mr hyde and doctor jekill is like…one of my favorite books and im deeply angry that this isnt in it. its na old movie…but..its so great…really…why cant you edit the list and take out friday night lights and put in mr hyde and dr jekill? Top 100 Movies Based On Books | The Movie Blog
  • You've got to try and stop the bushfly from building up in those early months which are in the winter, so coming from September, October, November," he said. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • In any event, the cemetery, in the tiny hamlet of Sidney Center, was never a secret -- and couldn't have been: When the first body arrived in November, 2009, it had a 3-car escort from the Passaic, New Jersey Police Department, which necessarily told local authorities it was arriving. Andrew Reinbach: Tiny Upstate New York Town Wants Local Muslims to Dig Up Their Cemetery
  • Each councillor was asked to bring five specific questions to the next meeting in November.
  • The whaling ship Terra Nova sailed from New Zealand in November 1910 and the expedition set off from base the following October, with mechanical sledges, ponies and dogs.
  • The new Turkish Republic was created by the General Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (19 May 1881 - 10 November 1938), who was an army officer, revolutionary statesman, and founder of the Republic of Turkey as well as its first President. Turkey in the Middle of the Enemies
  • Previous pre-November work succeeded in managing clearance of a large deal of dead leaves and branches.
  • Bolden claimed that in October, 1963, the Chicago Secret Service office received a teletype from the Federal Bureau of Investigation warning that an attempt would be made to kill President John F. Kennedy by a four-man Cuban hit squad when he visited the city on 2nd November. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Log in to Reply miikee90 (UID#6887) on November 24th, 2009 at 1: 28 pm looks like Cydonia in Mars Water Discovered in Moon Shadow, AND A FACE | My[confined]Space
  • It was November of 1919 before the outcome of the eclipse analysis was made public, with great fanfare in London.
  • [G] iven the strong resistance to further QE from some hawkish Fed officials, the program that eventually emerges, most probably at the next [Fed] meeting in early November, will be too timid to have any real impact," said Paul Ashworth, senior U.S. economist for research consultancy Capital Economics. Bernanke Preps Markets For Further Fed Action Despite Questions About Impact
  • The troubles were exclusively revealed by the Yorkshire Post last November.
  • November 30th, 2007 at 2: 42 pm chodin says: if they really wanted to make bale "think" and "reach inside his character", roker should have asked, "tell me christian … how does batman punch?". capital boosh. PLEASE, SOMEONE BALE OUT AL ROKER
  • The friary was opened on November 13, 1952, with a small chapel in it for the use of the friars.
  • In the next two to three weeks, General Motors will start building so-called "salable" Volts which will go into the captured test fleet for GM employees to accumulate miles and catch any last minute glitches before the cars enter full production in November. Autoblog Green
  • She will be at the museum to exhibit her needlecraft on November 24 and 25 during York's St Nicholas Fayre.
  • In November, the Afro-Cuban All Stars, one of Cuba's most prominent musical acts, planned to perform in Berkeley as part of its U.S. tour.
  • He was wounded by shrapnel in March 1916, trepanned, and died of Spanish flu in November 1918. The Times Literary Supplement
  • When next these teams meet it will be in Dublin in November with the Springboks at the end of their own long, hard road.
  • He spent several months fitting out a state-of-the-art zoological laboratory on board the ship before boarding it in preparation for departure at Sheerness in November 1872.
  • November 25, 2002: On Friday afternoon, Dub appar... Bill Crider's Pop Culture Magazine
  • A supporter of the pro-Kurdish DTP party flashes a victory sign as he waves a flag of the illegal Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) during a rally in Diyarbakir November 25, 2007 .
  • November 13th, 2009 4: 55 pm ET behind close doors of the military we will never find out the truth only those who have somethink to hide would be agaist an open trial new york is where the crmminals should stand trial McCain blasts decision on terror suspects
  • On November 26, 1950, First Baptist Church staged an elaborate sesquicentennial celebration.
  • But I've made the point that the coronial inquiry in November of 2007, effectively asked for an investigation and the AFP have now determined they will commence that. Interview on Sky News ��� 10.00 News Now
  • _ On November [_sic_] nineteen, one thousand five hundred and ninety-one, there met and assembled before me in Manila, Esteban de Marquina, public and cabildo notary of this city, and the magistrates and regimiento of the same -- namely, Captain The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • The provincial election in Alberta is fast approaching with a November 22nd or 29th vote.
  • In November she wrote a letter to Franklin Wood, threatening to stop paying for treatment (Prouty thought it was nontreatment) that seemed to be leading nowhere. The Mad Poets Society
  • Some of the e-mail messages, purloined last November, were mean-spirited, others were dismissive of contrarian views, and others revealed a timid reluctance to share data.
  • The next big fund-raiser being organised by the Order themselves is a Race Night in the Ark Bar on November 22.
  • Nicolas Steno (11 January 1638 –25 November 1686) was a Danish pioneer in both anatomy and geology.
  • According to the November 2004 provisional trade figures, the National trade deficit stood at 1,104 million vatu showing a deterioration of 264 million vatu compared to November 2003.
  • On November 25 he saw heavy plant and machinery in use.
  • November is also the month of seat sales and while there are people who cannot walk past a shoe store without stopping to browse, I cannot pass up a bargain flight.
  • In November 2004 there were 318 registered hound packs in England and Wales.
  • The winner of the gold, silver and bronze medals in the regionals participated in the national abilympics held in November 2002.
  • At the November 2007 OPEC summit meeting in Vienna when Ecuador came back to this organization, OPEC approved in principle a resolution in support of the Yasuni-ITT proposal (to leave oil in the ground in a territory with uncontacted indigenous people and of great biodiversity value), and it also voiced interest in the so-called Daly-Correa ecotax. Herman Daly Festschrift~ Socially Sustainable Economic Degrowth
  • Garlic oil may protect your heart against damage, compound called allicin linked to cardiovascular health Diallyl trisulphide (DATS) may help 'release protective compounds to the heart' Monday, November 21 2011, 10:11 AM A potent-smelling component of garlic oil called diallyl trisulphide (DATS) may help release protective compounds to the heart. NYDN Rss
  • The film doesn't even get released until November, so we're in for the long-haul, folks.
  • AARP had considered several marketing "industry celebrities" for its meeting in Los Angeles in November but found hiring university professors who specialize in AARP-demographics is about 75% cheaper. Meeting planners cut back on conventions at pricey hotels
  • Russell said that he and European auction company executive Henry Beeby, who is SITA's chairman, had discussed the confusion over the new guidelines "fleetingly" and that it probably would be addressed during SITA's next meeting, which is scheduled for November. Thoroughbred News |
  • The annual Kaman Cup golf day was contested at Nowra on November 24, with 256 players slugging it out on a somewhat sodden track.
  • [[User: Ro Thorpe | Ro Thorpe]] 23: 44, 8 November 2008 (UTC):: also called, apparently, christophene or mirliton .... Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • And even since Dobbs's ouster from the network last November, the immigration system has become even more punitive, with a notable rise in deportations under the Obama administration, compared to the rate under George W. Bush. Isabel Macdonald: The Dobbs & Pony Show: Snapshots of America's Immigration Hypocrisy
  • Reproductive cloning will be debated at the Royal Society of Edinburgh on November 5.
  • In Wednesday's conference call, Target's merchandising chief, Kathee Tesija , said, "Wal-Mart's reinstitution of its layaway program certainly hurt us in November," in regard to a slow start to holiday toy sales at Target. Target Net Rises on Credit-Card Lift
  • Researchers isolated the protein, a cysteine proteinase, from cultured tissue of resistant corn plants and obtained a patent last November for the gene sequence that encodes it.
  • The figure was accompanied by an upwardly revised 5.4 per cent increase in November. Times, Sunday Times
  • November 5th, 2006 at 8: 50 am matureness is something that should rarely be used poison Says: Colony Of 60,000 Pairs Of King Penguins
  • Magellan cut its tech stock holdings to 24. 5 percent of the portfolio from 43. 2 percent in November.
  • Whilst in Ilkley Mr Titchmarsh will also carry out an informal book signing of his latest work The Royal Gardeners - for which the TV series will also start to be screened during November.
  • Comic Truth won the Jean Lafitte Stakes at Delta on November 24 for trainer Cole Norman.
  • Official figures show that unemployment peaked in November.
  • The senior team played a blinder in a division 1 game against Trumera Rovers on Sunday November 30th.
  • In November 1963 a military junta staged a coup d'état and killed President Diem.
  • He's continuing to make the case that he would be the most electable next November.
  • Will the voters of Minnesota encounter a brain thaw by November? Think Progress » Bachmann Suggests Critics Of Health Care Reform Will Be Put On A ‘List’ And Denied Treatment
  • The airline added that punctuality had improved in November and said it was working with the airport 's owners and air traffic control to improve service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Welcome to November, a month that people take a little bit too seriously, a month of melancholy and corduroy, and the only time of year you'll hear New Yorkers utter the word "succotash" with a straight face on the crosstown bus …. Eight Day Week
  • November 3rd, 2008 12: 34am gee but the fact Mccain is a good friend on unrepentant fellon and terrorist GGordon Liddy doesnt mean anything to Ms Phillips? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...

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