How To Use Novella In A Sentence

  • The traditional preference of the British reading public for conventionally sized novels or literary doorstoppers is a pity, because the novella at its best is not an awkward hybrid, but a novel in beautifully controlled miniature.
  • More specifically. briandonnelly @MaileShoul Oh there is one in the house - took the title spot from Tori Spelling's novella. delicacy Tori Spelling @ 7th Anniversary Of Belle Gray Boutique Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The only ones that approach it in awfulness are Eric Saward's novelisation of The Twin Dilemma and Topping's Telos novella Ghost Ship. Linkspam for 23-6-2009
  • Both novellas have as their focus a sphinx-like ' femme fatale ' who destroys a lover or a husband attached to her like a slave.
  • By the early seventeenth century, however, prose fiction had evolved beyond the limits of the novella.
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  • It was a very inspired decision since the first 200 or so pages of The Desert Spear that deal with the Krasian culture and recount the tale of Jardir and Abban from early childhood friendship, to how their fates separated and then reunited later put both the title novella of "The Great Bazaar" and the relatively short time that Arles spends with the Krasians in clear focus. "The Great Bazaar and Other Stories" by Peter Brett (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • trecento", among whom we should opine that the influence of Orcagna in his frescoes in the Strozzi Chapel of S.M. Novella, was greater even than that of Giotto. Fra Angelico
  • Her novels, therefore, can best be described as long short stories or novellas.
  • The title novella is about Ravi, "a wild creature from the mountains" in the vein of Kipling's Mowgli. Rapt in Translation; Zombie Zoology
  • Roth, who made his debut in 1959 with a brilliant novella, Goodbye, Columbus, and hit the international headlines with Portnoy's Complaint in 1969, is nothing if not a stayer. Philip Roth: Still fascinated by himself | Observer profile
  • So a book Cain wrote as a reaction against his crime novellas became a combination of thriller and woman's picture - film noir.
  • The first is that it isn't really a novel but a novella - it's printed in big type, well-spaced and generously marginated, and with pictures, so it looks longer than it is. Back to Middle-Earth ...
  • In the 1916 novella The Shadow-Line, from which Hugo Blick's sophisticated if mannered seven-part policier takes its name, Joseph Conrad wrote: "And the time, too, goes on – till one perceives ahead a shadow-line warning one that the region of early youth, too, must be left behind. TV review: The Shadow Line and Psychoville
  • Somewhat reminiscent of Vernor Vinge's novella "The Cookie Monster", this particularly steamy slice of corporate Gormenghast for the economy-plagued America provides plenty of emotional harakiri and gut-spilling visual thrills ... it crawls around the astonished reader like a misshapen beetle (complete with the grotesque patterns on its carapace and clockwork-sounding clicks). The Surreal Office
  • Best Novella: Cuarenta siglos os contemplan (The 40th Century is watching you), Sergio Mars (Grupo AJEC) Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » Premios Ignotus Winners
  • I have now finished the first complete draft of my novella (cue angelic trumpets, hallelujahs etc).
  • Vasari's biography confirms that Leonardo began to draw the cartoon in the Sala del Papa of the monumental Dominican building complex of Santa Maria Novella.
  • Adult novella, a hugely distended tale within the network of tales that makes up the book, 90 pages long, as benumbing for an adult to read as almost any story written for the Young Adult market, whose products are about as close to genuine fiction as megachurches are to monasteries where silence is observed. Scientifiction
  • Pirandello excelled, too, in the art of writing novellas, and put together a great number of short stories, often using themes and ideas from them in adaptations which later supplied plots for longer dramatic works.
  • Much of the backstory about the Sarah-Shiloh courtship comes from a novella Jodi Compton Answers Questions About Her First Book, The 37th Hour
  • If trellising just isn't in the picture for your garden, I would recommend growing a semi-leafless pea variety like Novella II.
  • He published fourteen novels, sixteen plays, 402 short stories and three novellas.
  • This is a very short book - a novella really - which is all about books, and the extent to which they can dominate the bibliophile's life.
  • With 24 novels, various novellas, articles, short stories, non fiction books and countless credits under his belt, it might be strange to find such a celebrated author finding solace in the North West of Ireland.
  • In the last 25 years, he's published more than three dozen short stories, as well as a dozen novellas and novels.
  • The sandman, traditionally the character that sprinkles dust into children's eyes to send them to sleep, is, here, a menacing creature that brings horror to children, inspired by E.T.A. Hoffmann's novella ‘The Sandman’.
  • The novella becomes a meditation on our relationship with the art of cinema, its bestowal of seeming immortality on its stars and the dialectic of our own fulfillment and loss.
  • Then a colleague at the U of C provided the idea of using the medieval passus as a way of building the story toward the novella at its heart.
  • And there will be no more novelettes or novellas or short stories until the fucker is finished. Livia Llewellyn › Reading in Philly
  • But my SF short-story-turning-novella is essentially a peopler, having started with a character and a destination and then running along from there with a vague ending in mind. Get Up and Get Out
  • A dozen short stories precede the novella, a reminder that while Updike may not be the equal of, say, Carver, in that genre he has few equals among his contemporaries.
  • Back in 1989, Mikhail Baryshnikov starred in Steven Berkoff's dramatisation of Kafka's novella. This week's new theatre and dance
  • Five-paragraph essays aren't like term papers, which aren't like journals, which aren't like research papers, which aren't like short stories, which aren't like novellas.
  • You offer a variety points of view, acknowledge your own contradictions, resolve them, involute and qualify and complicate and undermine those resolutions, and end up with an ultimate determination so considered, nuanced, and precise, with so much allowance for exceptions, that the only possible response short of writing a parallel novella-length essay of my own (like I did last time) is to quibble. The Sacred Domain
  • The result is eight short stories and a novella, all set in the Caribbean where he was the Chicago Tribune's correspondent for seven years.
  • In 2007, Coppola returned to hands-on filmmaking with Youth Without Youth, which he adapted from a novella by Mircea Eliade, a Romanian philosopher. Five People Born on April 7 | myFiveBest
  • I definitley will try to get her novella ... but WOW really good book I'm continueing the series: - D Friday Book Club
  • I've also got to copy-edit the MirrorMask script book today, write the MirrorMask novella, and do several other things I've promised people.
  • The ghost story genre may be broadly defined as comprising short stories or, less commonly, novels or novellas which have as their central theme the power of the dead to return and confront the living.
  • The morrow, Sunday, would mark the forty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Amanda Schafer's lovely novella, Rosenstrauch-maria. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Whilst in Bulgaria, he has written four novels, three novellas, many short stories and has also found time to write a weekly arts review for The Sofia Echo.
  • His corpus displays a breathtaking range of format (short stories, novellas, novels) and content (running the gamut from the dead serious to the antically comedic, hard science fiction to straight-up adventure), and even a cursory review of his work explains why he’s been the recipient of armloads of awards. February « 2010 « Haikasoru: Space Opera. Dark Fantasy. Hard Science.
  • His opera Mario and the Magician, based on a novella by Thomas Mann, was given its premiere by the Canadian Opera Company in 1992.
  • I have now finished the first complete draft of my novella (cue angelic trumpets, hallelujahs etc).
  • Overall "The Great Bazaar and Other Stories" is an excellent addition to the Peter Brett canon, though I strongly recommend reading the title novella after those pages from The Desert Spear since that way you will get the most out of it. "The Great Bazaar and Other Stories" by Peter Brett (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • His first novella, Shopgirl, received solid (if not quite rave) reviews when it was published two years ago.
  • The end result, a tiny novella in epistolary form and shining a spotlight on life in Address Unknown
  • Even allowing for these excesses, the most serious problem with the novella lies in its bloodthirsty ending.
  • The next day I had a commiserative -- and tasty -- lunch with FSG publisher Margaret Ferguson which was its own delight and came with the bonus of a gift from editor Wes Adams -- Alan Bennett's The Uncommon Reader, a novella, Wes assured me, that would provide fine entertainment for my bus trip home. Back from NYC
  • Spanning 516 years of history, the six short stories and the title novella that make up A Second Chance at Eden chronicle humanity's first faltering steps into space, the colonisation of other worlds and the huge schism along ideological and religious grounds that splits the human race in two, the Adamists and Edenists. A Second Chance at Eden by Peter F. Hamilton
  • experimentalist" malarky and complain that it would have worked better as a bunch of individual stories, novellas, novels or whatever, not just failing to see the purpose of the structure but projecting their own imagined purpose onto it. Notes From The Geek Show
  • While all three novellas center on alienated and deracinated people -- doubters, outcasts, the detritus of biblical stories -- they are slight and unmemorable as fictional characters.
  • All experience is grist; but he can't plant his easel before a nude, a still-life, a landscape, nor transform a personality tangle into a sonnet-sequence or a novella.
  • The subject of women held in thralldom to men by mysterious powers came to mind the other day when I read the story of Elizabeth Smart, author of the prose poem or the poetic novella By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept, a perfervid retelling of her infatuation and affair with George Granville Barker, a poet who had achieved success at the age of 18. How to Hypnotize Women
  • Few writers move so effortlessly from the gothic tale to the psychological thriller to the epic family saga to the lyrical novella.
  • We're trying to discern the difference between a short story, a vignette, a novella, and a novelette.
  • Meanwhile, on the subject of superstition, I'm working on a novella which involves a lady from Sheffield having visions of angels, so I've been trawling about on the net for current angelology and my goodness, it's a rum go.
  • About a year ago I bought his posthumous collection To Outlive Eternity, which contained several very good long stories, such as the title novella, “The Day After Doomsday” and “The Big Rain.” Archive 2009-05-01
  • And at least his success was unmistakable as to the precise literary effect he had intended, including a certain tincture of "neology" in expression -- nonnihil interdum elocutione novella parum signatum -- in the language of Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
  • How ‘Playing for Keeps’ developed as a novella, then a novel and then into a potential sequel (which Mur is writing as her NaNoWriMo project). Podcast: Mur Lafferty on Writing Novels and Top Tips for NaNoWriMo | The Creative Penn
  • Novella popolare siciliana pubblicata ed illustrata a cura di Francesco Sabatini. Italian Popular Tales
  • It was a completed something, not quite a novel, but not really a novella either.
  • In its metamorphosis from novella to film, it wisely maintains the convention of narration, but unwisely pushes it to the wayside.
  • It is, by the way, based on a novella by Mircea Eliade, which I'm going to have to hunt down and add to the Stack That Never Gets Any Smaller. I want to reach my hand into the dark, and feel what reaches back.
  • In fact, the novellas in Publish and Perish were supposed to be short stories.
  • In the future (well, the 1990s ... according to the story) the recently dead can be reanimated, "rekindled" to use the term in the novella. Robert Silverberg's "The World Inside": Overpopulation, Sex and Sensibility
  • There are no really weak links and 'Sonnie's Edge', 'Deathday' and 'Escape Route' are all superb, whilst the title novella is nothing short of classic, showing the birth of a new human culture which is beyond normal human experience but in a manner that is convincing and even attractive: a sympathetic Singularity. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The post-novella ennui is not as bad as the post-novel ennui, but it's still pretty darned draining. The plot of our life sweats in the dark like a face
  • And even these are not allowed to pall upon the mental palate, being mingled with anecdotes and short tales, such as the Hermits (iii. 125), with biographical or literary episodes, acroamata, table-talk and analects where humorous Rabelaisian anecdote finds a place; in fact the fabliau or novella. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Based on the French novella by Prosper Merimee and the popular opera by Georges Bizet, Carmen is the story of a fiery Spanish gypsy who spurns her obsessive soldier lover for a flashy bullfighter.
  • Pasión gitana por sangre española (Gypsy Passion for Spanish Blood), by Víctor M. Ánchel, an award-winning novella about a clumsy American vampire who becomes the ringleader of a gang of bumbling petty criminals in Andalucía. MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F (Part I )
  • The novella was serialized in the London Magazine beginning in June 1912 and in the Amencan Sunday Monthly the next summer.
  • Kleist's twenty-sentence novella would therefore be an allegory of events, a tale in which no occurrence — the slip of the beggarwoman, the death of the Marquis — can be understood by situating it within a deterministic logic that would purport to explain what it means by referring it to something else. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • Asher has previously published four other works, two novellas and two short story collections, Gridlinked is his first full length novel.
  • «Il neige sur le cinéma», in which he discusses snow in the films of Georges Méliès, Jean Renoir, Charlie Chaplin, Leopold Lindtberg, René Clair, Robert Flaherty, and especially La Symphonie pastorale, Jean Delannoy's film based on Gide's novella? THE ONTOLOGY OF NARRATIVE.
  • He has since written short stories, a novella, novels and even a thriller set in the Pacific.
  • I mean that in a good way, for the most part: I really like being able to buy individual short stories or novellas as well as entire collections of shorter work.
  • Now, a decade and a lustrum later, Keller's novella of entymology, penology, psychology, and mystery has been put between hardcovers for fresh judgement. Antiquarian Weird Tales: New Era Publishers
  • And I will add that's she's got six Nebula Awards and has three times done the "biggie"--win a Hugo and Nebula jointly for the same work in a period, and she did it in three different categories: "The Last of the Winnebagos" (1988/89)(novella) Connie Willis' Ninth Hugo Sets Record
  • In another fifty years literary critics might look back and see a reflowering of the novella in the early 21st century, and wonder about its artistic roots. Archive 2009-07-01
  • This is an amazing, and amazingly depressing, novella of the rise and fall of an alien society around a shifting religious myth.
  • The difference between these two novellas is the difference between aestheticist despair and messianic hope.
  • Some of the recognized sub-genres of fiction include novels, short stories and novellas.
  • Will you be doing a novelet/novella volume again, Ed? Short fiction
  • The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym," Tyner said, "was a Poe novella. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • As the composer explained to the violist for whom this sonata was created, ‘the first movement is a novella, the second is a scherzo, and the finale is an adagio in memory of Beethoven.’
  • I thought I'd published one novella and three short stories last year.
  • In the second novella, we’re told that “the accursed income tax” in agrarian, collectivized America is one percent of all a family buys or sells during a month, paid at the end of each month with produce or manufactured goods. Discovering "The Moon Maid"
  • Between 1933 and 1939, he produced fifty-four short stories and twenty novels / novellas in serialized form under such pen names as Samuel I.
  • A while back Ipostedabout the title novella in this book. Archive 2009-05-10
  • I've also got to copy-edit the MirrorMask script book today, write the MirrorMask novella, and do several other things I've promised people.
  • Also, my fabby coauthor Teresa Noelle Roberts has several novellas available at Phaze as well. Who can resist a Labor Day sale?
  • They're each so complete that they might have been left as novellas, but together make an impressive triptych.
  • The novella is about masculine middle-age, with Victorian males hurrying into their enclaves or laboratories to escape all kinds of ever-present threats, such as the new woman.
  • Taking a slightly different approach to the other X-Men anthologies, this anthology is all novellas. Superhero Prose Fiction: X-Men - Five Decades of the X-Men
  • The novella begins with a young man, Candide, who is living a sheltered life in an Edenic paradise and being indoctrinated with Leibnizian optimism (or simply optimism) by his tutor, Pangloss. Archive 2009-03-01
  • I'm pretty sure that, thanks to the inside dope they offered me, my novella gives readers a generally accurate view of the goings-on at Monogram Studios during its glory days -- what the assistant director worried about, where the cast ate lunch, how the carpenter's strike affected the industry, that sort of thing. Interview: James Morrow on 'Shambling Towards Hiroshima'
  • The subject of women held in thralldom to men by mysterious powers came to mind the other day when I read the story of Elizabeth Smart, author of the prose poem or the poetic novella By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept, a perfervid retelling of her infatuation and affair with George Granville Barker, a poet who had achieved success at the age of 18. How to Hypnotize Women
  • And even these are not allowed to pall upon the mental palate, being mingled with anecdotes and short tales, such as the Hermits (iii. 125), with biographical or literary episodes, acroamata, table-talk and analects where humorous Rabelaisian anecdote finds a place; in fact the fabliau or novella. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • One of the reasons why I loved this novella so was the unbridled wittiness of the narrative. Girl Meets Boy « Tales from the Reading Room

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