How To Use Notorious In A Sentence
Petrarch is notoriously cool towards Dante and is often characterized as unimpressed with Dante’s so-called ‘humanist’ credentials.
Simon A. Gilson, Dante and Renaissance Florence (CUP, 2005)
Luke was a brilliant student despite the fact that he was a notorious slacker.
Two executives of a notorious stockbroking firm that fleeced more than 8,000 savers were banned from the City yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
The notorious fact-checkers of The New Yorker are irritating not only because they often prove how fallible are our memories, but because they seem to mechanize what ought to be a natural, unmediated, fast-moving process.
A shuffling street drinker with a string of convictions over eight lost years, she is now notorious as the woman who exposes herself in public.

And there is an even thornier problem: america's logging regulations are notoriously lax.
Times, Sunday Times
So why has Polly come up with what is, even by her notoriously moronic standards, an outstandingly hopeless argument?
But he also starred in countless films which are so bad they have become notorious.
A campaign to curb speeders on one of the area's most notorious roads has been given a boost.
(BTWI prefer fair trial which is more firmly rooted/defined in articulable legal principles/standards because doing justice is a phrase that notoriously begs the question). Should Prosecutors Hire Jury Consultants?
He is a coach more notorious for doping his athletes than for their on-track successes.
I was notorious for talking myself straight into a proverbial brick wall, and that was something I certainly didn't want to do in this situation.
Reuters distributes this shot which, from the way everyone is caught in the moment, seems to capture Obama ogling, or at least gamely distracted by this junior G-8 delegate (set up by the notorious Sarkozy seeming to also look on lecherously).
Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Reuters Obama Booty Call
It is notoriously pungent, extremely powerful and a favourite at Chinese banquets.
Times, Sunday Times
Seven police officials, including a police inspector and a subinspector, have already been arrested for their links to Goa's notorious narcotics mafia over the last two months.
Zee News : India National
He was notoriously unfaithful, often falling prey to the charms of vampy female villains.
But his army was handicapped by its undermanning, and chronically troubled by leadership problems, which were also the cause of the notorious indiscipline of Canadian aircrew.
Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
Tropical marine invertebrates, unlike marine fish which are notoriously difficult to successfully breed in captivity, are far more accommodating.
The device was the notorious doodlebug, or buzz bomb.
Parts of Cornwall's coast and its coves are notorious for such dangerous conditions.
Times, Sunday Times
As the entire public health care system in Poland is notoriously underfinanced, the rather costly methadone maintenance does not constitute a priority concern.
Cost estimates are notoriously uncertain in this business.
Maps of the region are notoriously inaccurate.
London audiences are notoriously bad at reacting well to anything that hasn't been pre-certified as ‘cool’ by the style mags and weekly newspapers.
The leaves of the notorious North American native Nicotiana tabacum, a relative of the potato and tomato, are harvested when they begin to turn yellow and develop resinous secretions, then either sun-cured or fermented in heaps for several weeks, and dried by contact with hot metal.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
But their grasp of quantum mechanics is notoriously weak.
Times, Sunday Times
In his now notorious 1998 Lancet paper, Dr Wakefield invited further researches into his MMR-autism hypothesis in the spheres of epidemiology and virology.
Oil is notoriously difficult to explode or burn, as it keeps putting itself out, but these were quarrymen, versatile, and well used to explosives, danger and hard physical labour.
Some prison facilities… are notorious for the cruel and prolonged acts of torture inflicted upon political opponents of the Government.
The other trump card of the pessimists, erotic desire, is notoriously restless and insecure, and apt to deliver only partial fulfilments.
he changed his name in order to avoid confusion with the notorious outlaw
Channel Four is to film a version of Belle de Jour, one of the more notorious weblogs, now finished.
Oh, and I had no idea that, last year, Greg Paul (a notorious taxonomic "lumper" since at least the '80s) split the taxon Iguanodon into Iguanodon, Mantellisaurus, and Dollodon.
"But I could sleep with you there. I could sleep with you there."
Gone the barren parking lots and notorious entrance halls of the banlieue.
Mail and Guardian
This 'bloody baboonery', as the communists called the highly publicized police performance, was preceded by inspired press reports of evidence - more sensational than the notorious Zinoviev letter, - of a revolutionary plot directed from Moscow to prepare the way for the black republic.
Class & Colour in South Africa - Chapter 18
Consequently, nitroglycerin went largely unnoticed for many years, while the manufacture and use of guncotton, despite several notorious accidents, spread throughout Europe.
Environmental authorities in Beijing, China's notoriously smoggy capital, have started releasing more detailed pollution data in response to public pressure.
Beijing releases pollution data after public pressure
An air of mystery surrounds plans being drawn up for a new road that will cut out the bad bends at the notorious Cononley Lane Ends.
She told us the story of one of Britain's most notorious country house murders.
Prostitution among dressmakers and milliners was notorious, due to the seasonal nature of the work and the lack of wages for up to eight months of the year, as Henry Mayhew reported in his 1851 series on needlewomen in the Morning Chronicle.
Such a notorious person has got to the top of the company. That's more than I bargained for.
Bob Koke, who was just back from Singapore, took the opportunity to ask about the notorious Bali hotel proprietress turned radio propagandist Surabaya Sue, who seemed to be working as a spokesperson for his administration.
A Covert Affair
Have you forgotten that your tribe, the Efik, were among the most notorious slavers on the slave coast?
The eruption is also spewing invisible sulphur dioxide gas, which is notorious for causing respiratory problems, smog and acid rain.
Times, Sunday Times
The prime minister's Social Democratic party is itself notoriously split on the issue of European integration.
Seeds are notoriously over-sown, producing far too many weak, spindly seedlings.
Englishmen were notoriously litigious, but that represented a willingness to submit to the arbitration of the king's courts.
It is seen as the least dangerous of the notorious cobra family but its bite can still cause rapid death without quick intervention.
China's notoriously dangerous mining industry has exacted a terrible toll in the first four months of 2003.
Network operators have been notoriously reluctant to allow Skype services on their mobile handsets, fearing it will cannibalise revenue earned from traditional voice calls.
He has spent the past three months in Florida, ostensibly for medical treatment, but in actual fact to avoid prosecution for a series of notorious armed robberies.
His work could have leaked out all over the place despite his notorious dislike of releasing it to patrons.
The fruit is notorious for not falling off the tree, even when it is ripe to the point of spoiling.
Most notorious were the Diggers, who advocated the abolition of private property and an end to government.
Anyone who thinks they can see anything from a glass-bottomed boat is living in airy-fairy land - the North Sea being notoriously bad for underwater visibility.
The alt-country singer/songwriter is notorious for his prodigious output as well as his colossal inconsistency but this tune is an absolute winner.
Tuesday Tune: 'Halloweenhead' by Ryan Adams
The mistral of the southern Rhône is one of the more notorious examples of this.
Researching the prevalence of elder abuse is notoriously difficult, and information on the abuse of black elders is non-existent.
“To cut the matter short, Ratcliffe, you have been a most notorious thief,” said the examinant.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
And while investors say they would be relaxed, what happens if their notoriously fickle mood changes?
Times, Sunday Times
Then there's health, where the notorious two-tier system supports the rich at the expense of the poor.
The tides and undercurrents are notorious, and even in summer bathing is not recommended.
Today The Shed, on the site of that notorious terracing, is a restaurant beneath a swish hotel.
They were unanimous in their condemnation of what they called notorious abusers, but divided on the question of zero tolerance.
CNN Transcript Apr 25, 2002
The kid, the son of wealthy attorneys in New Rochelle, N.Y., is a notorious computer hacker.
The reply received was evidently not in favour of extreme measures for the strong arm of the British was notoriously far-reaching, and serious trouble might ensue if the subadar were killed.
The Story of the Guides
a retired FedEx pilot, said MD-11s were so notoriously "squirrely" to land that pilots routinely spent extra time in flight simulators practicing how to control the plane.
FedEx Jet Has Control Issues
Finger millet is subject to bird predators - notably to the notorious quelea (see Appendix A).
2. Finger Millet
His image as an obdurate hardman culminated in the notorious case where he bit reporter Frank Oliver's nose.
A notorious pickpocket could not even be arrested, much less convicted by a civil court, simply on the ground of being commonly known as a pickpocket; while such evidence would convict and expel him from any ordinary society.
13. Legal Rights of Assemblies and Trial of Their Members. 75. Trial of Members of Societies
A notorious flop, the film almost scuppered the careers of all involved.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a text, it has to be said, that is not so much translated — Pound's Chinese "translations" are notoriously inaccurate, though accuracy as such was hardly the point — as derived, paraphrased, transmuted from the eighth-century source (by way of professors Fenollosa, Mori, and Ariga) into a new and startlingly powerful, startlingly alive, English poem.
Ezra Pound, “Lament of the Frontier Guard”
In 1963 Aysgarth had commissioned her to produce the now notorious sculpture which I had succeeded in banning from the Cathedral churchyard.
Each offender was aware she was importing cocaine into Canada and, given the notorious dangerousness of the drug, each must have been aware of the serious wrong committed.
Hard-to-please boaters and outdoorsmen are notorious for already having every cool gadget, which makes them difficult to shop for.
Famously banned from the BBC's Play for Today slot in the 1970s, Clarke's harrowing drama about life inside a borstal was remade two years later as an equally notorious film.
In the first month of his new program, ever-aware Gandolo imprisoned the matriarchal Rotomor Gang and the triplet harridan sisters that commanded it, hung the notorious filcher Scynod of the Prehensile Feet, and chased a boisterous company of apes-turned-highwaymen from the Regretful Tomb Way all the way across the river Snat.
By 1860, it had long served as a waste collector for the tanneries, dyers, and other factories in the area, and it had a notorious reputation for its brown color and putrid odors.
The fashion industry also appears to be taking lessons from its notoriously secretive counterpart and is pulling a cloak of mystery tightly around its financial affairs.
Times, Sunday Times
Walther Bothe was brilliant, disciplined, and notoriously thin-skinned
Walther Bothe and the Physics Institute: the Early Years of Nuclear Physics
Those reports were based on the notorious forged documents, in some cases they were text transcriptions of the documents.
Alcoholics are notorious for their ability to deceive themselves about the extent of their problem.
Would he declare his future intentions or display his notorious tattoos?
Times, Sunday Times
Peter the Great's notorious visit to London in 1698 inaugurated the new century in a diplomatic, economic and cultural manner.
Early symptoms reported by SCA2 patients appearing before gait ataxia, which is the most notorious clinical deficit, include dysarthria, problems with hand writing, and sleep disturbances
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The eruption is also spewing invisible sulphur dioxide gas, which is notorious for causing respiratory problems, smog and acid rain.
Times, Sunday Times
Analysis of protein loop conformations is a notoriously difficult task because they do not have easily identifiable regular geometric patterns.
He's notorious among Utah enviros for not even inviting environmental experts or advocates to be involved in state/industry negotiations over environmental policy.
Heliogabalus, or Elagabalus as he is also called, is indeed a prime example in the category of Roman decadence, along with other notorious emperors such as Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.
Go ask the physiognomists, phrenologists, pathognomists and characterologists « Jahsonic
A deputy headteacher's career is in ruins after he was convicted of kerb-crawling in a notorious red light area.
Labour markets are notoriously complex to analyse, with many labour market outcomes being the result of complex negotiations between employers and labour representatives within a bilateral monopoly framework.
The Romneyans are spinning this as a moral victory since Mitt came in second, the reality is, that in Wowserdom he running twenty five points behind a religious fanatic and a notorious latah for the White House.
The Chimes at Midnight
It is in fact the notorious old song, complete with lines about happy "darkies" in the cotton fields, sung by Roger Sterling -- in black face!
William Bradley: Mad Men: "My Old Kentucky Home" -- HuffPost Review
Charles Lamb, a notorious punster, explained that the pun is “a pistol let off at the ear; not a feather to tickle the intellect.”
But 30-odd years in the notoriously fickle fashion industry have left him well accustomed to setbacks of the sort he experienced yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
He worked in the notoriously unhealthy environment of a coal mine.
One unambiguous photo of the performance has been circulating, but it is unclear how many people actually saw the acts; Cheng's case hinges on convincing the notoriously ironhanded Chinese judiciary that his performance, open only to a select group of invited artists, was not intended to create a disturbance and was not harmful to society.
Performance Artist Sentenced To A Year In A Labor Camp For 'Art Whore' Exhibition
It is notorious that many of the leases of new dwelling-houses contain a clause against dancing, lest the premises should suffer from a mazurka, tremble at a gallopade, or fall prostrate under the inflictions of "the parson's farewell," or "the wind that shakes the barley.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 536, March 3, 1832
I did my time (the best part of an hour) in a prison that was briefly the most notorious in the Scottish penal system.
It is an effort to remember whether the subjects of Celebrity Justice were famous before being charged with something bad or they became notorious after they were accused of a crime.
And no wonder - his once notorious bachelor pad is now apparently rather grotty.
The Sun
This same motif of the observing procuress appears in one of the prints in the notorious series of pornographic designs by Giulio illustrating various positions of copulation between men and women.
The wealth management industry is notoriously secretive and does not publish figures for the performance of clients' portfolios.
Times, Sunday Times
In the past, the President notoriously spent immense amounts of time poring over the, leading one exasperated congressman to describe her as a "fussbudget" (defined by the American Heritage dictionary as a "person who fusses over trifles.
Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose
But show chiefs are notoriously secretive and often use code names.
The Sun
The area was notorious for extremes of weather.
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
Close students of how markets work will not be surprised to learn that such expertise, coupled with the notorious difficulties of persuading snowdrops to establish and naturalise, mean each tiny bulb can sell for £25 or even £30.
In praise of … snowdrops | Editorial
Celebs are notorious for choosing cringe-making names.
All of them were notorious criminals, who had been charged with every conceivable crime, from burglary to kidnapping and "maiming," and some not to be conceived of by the
The Battle with the Slum
The end of compulsory language teaching in secondary schools is leading to a renaissance in linguistic ability in a nation notoriously averse to acquiring a foreign tongue.
Times, Sunday Times
Trevor leaves town on FBI business, but to keep Bobbie Faye from having one of her notorious very bad bad bad days as he will be gone for three days, he leaves her under the care of what he calls a bodyguard; she calls that person an adult babysitter.
When A Man Loves A Weapon-Toni McGee Causey « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
First up, the breaking news: On the eve of a memorial for 13 people massacred at Fort Hood, Texas, we have new information about their alleged killer and his ties to a notorious recruiter for global jihad, sobering new questions, as well, about warning signs that may have gone unacted on.
CNN Transcript Nov 9, 2009
A third east coast low developed on 26 June, and became notorious for the huge seas it produced.
The wealth management industry is notoriously secretive and does not publish figures for the performance of clients' portfolios.
Times, Sunday Times
Driftnets and longlines are notorious for killing other species, including seabirds and marine mammals.
But their grasp of quantum mechanics is notoriously weak.
Times, Sunday Times
The festival was notoriously transformed into a giant mudbath in 1997, 1998 and 2005.
The Sun
However strongly a person may feel that he or she is right, human memory is notoriously fallible.
He has spent the past three months in Florida, ostensibly for medical treatment, but in actual fact to avoid prosecution for a series of notorious armed robberies.
He was a notorious parasite and schnorrer, but few of his hosts were overtly unwelcoming, since he could be ingeniously vindictive in print, even when seeming to offer praise.
Which brings us to Dawn of the Dead, a loose remake of the second movie in Romero's notorious trilogy.
Musicals are notoriously expensive, and a lack of cash tends to compromise their look and our enjoyment.
The bird is a notorious skulker, tending to show itself only momentarily, and is as difficult to see well as a nightingale.
He is one of the most notorious warlords in the country.
Times, Sunday Times
Next month the joint managing directors of the notoriously media-shy company plan to show financial journalists round the store.
As a gifted mimic and notorious perfectionist, she would later become the most respected female actor of her generation.
Less than an entire page was devoted to the most notorious murder of modern times.
Times, Sunday Times
Now, insular autarkies are notoriously unstable, but so are economies that are completely dependent upon foreign trade for basic necessities.
Ethical Technology
In the praying mantids, the insect group most notorious for sexual cannibalism, males have been suggested to reduce the females' aggression by courtship displays and ‘cautious behavior’.
The couple have a notoriously rocky relationship and both have been accused of cheating.
The Sun
Football's original pin-up was described by university registrar James O'Kane as ‘noteworthy, sometimes notorious, but never ignored’.
Yet in a world notorious for bungs, Stephens has a reputation for straight dealing and honesty.
Potential listeners also are cautious about venturing on to a campus with circuitous roads, dense eucalyptus groves and notoriously problematic parking.
So Cambridge Spies is not the story of the most notorious agents in the history of spying, it's just a story.
Previously, only the electricity sector and non-ferrous smelting industry were subject to the limits on nitrogen oxide and sulphide dioxide, two of the most notorious and significant contributors to smog.
After all, this is a country that's notorious for having to commercialise its innovations overseas.
MBE is notorious for charging "handling" charges that can also be in excess of the cost of the article being shipped to you.
Newbie for the Lake area
'To bereave a man of life, or by violence to confiscate his estate, without accusation or trial, would be so gross and notorious an act of despotism as must at once convey the alarm of tyranny throughout the whole nation; but confinement of the person, by secretly hurrying him to jail, where his sufferings are unknown or forgotten, is a less public, a less striking, and therefore a more dangerous engine of arbitrary government.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Froomkin: A Blow Against Tyranny
With this country notorious for dodgy weather, they must have worried the flame would die.
The Sun
The soul singers - the soul divas especially - of the 1990s became notorious for their ranges, their vocal power, their melisma.
His book details his family's land battles, his brother's notorious murder charge and his uneasy existence in a two-sided world (born of a Maori father and a pakeha mother).
The forex market is littered with failed trading platforms and initiatives, and multibank efforts are notoriously difficult to promote because of often conflicting interests.
Banks Bid to Regain Forex Market Clout
It was a notorious case.
The Sun
Government is notoriously lousy at procurement deals with business.
Times, Sunday Times
The items, shown for the first time, give a rare insight into the lives of the notorious gangsters behind bars.
Times, Sunday Times
And I was born among a people who speak English, a notoriously nonphonetic tongue.
A Speller's Manifesto
A meeting was arranged for August 5, and Sam tagged along to see firsthand the notorious defier of federal and biblical authority.
Triflic anhydride, and its hydrolysis product, the viciously strong triflic acid, are notorious plastic-eaters and cap-softeners.
It looks as if there's one law for the notorious, and another for the schlemiels in the pews.
The central idea of his work came to him as he autopsied the body of a notorious Italian criminal.
I don't represent them in any way but merely think highly of them and especially of their longevity in the notoriously high-turnover world of anti-organizational organizations. apoxia
Cult scene: New Zealand and Africa - Boing Boing
Proteins are notorious shape-shifters, curling and uncurling like serpents as they go about their work in and around living cells.
The notorious chair helps set the tone in what the museum hopes will be a blockbuster show.
Times, Sunday Times
The security forces are notorious for using heavy-handed tactics to keep the peace.
Times, Sunday Times
The performer's notoriously spiky interviews and awards show interventions have also made headlines around the world.
Over a period of years a sympathetic observer notices marked changes, although such personal reflections are notoriously subjective.
He was not only a very dexterous thief, but was notorious for his boldness and hardihood, and for the number of his previous convictions.
It is at any rate more candid than the notoriously slimy postwar equivocations of Albert Speer.
The weather here is notoriously fickle.
Miss Bertha Bowlong, who was governess to the KAISER in the late "sixties," is shortly about to publish her reminiscences of her now all-too-notorious pupil.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, January 19, 1916
This ascription has notoriously become a matter of debate and controversy in the modern era.
While most techs are just happy if you don't toss the mic around like Roger Daltry, they're notorious for their futile attempts at keeping bands from exceeding pre-determined stage volume levels.
Some animals release powerful scents when ready to mate, while others display skin color changes, but human ovulation is notoriously difficult to detect.
Study: Fertile Women Dress to Impress | Impact Lab
Then it flopped, failing to capture that notorious off-screen chemistry, as did all her follow up films.
A member of a notorious crime family meets his untimely demise, and his surviving brother, the leader of the organization, makes the funeral arrangements with the priest.
The drawings of the notoriously brutal camp are being shown ahead of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and will be the first time they have been seen by a wide audience.
Breach of the peace" is a notoriously imprecise notion.
Lynch wrote a notoriously vengeful poem, full of vicious curses, a story he tells against himself in shamefaced penance.
But growling is sometimes a duty; and the traveler might well be suspected of being a "dead head," or a sneak, who did not find frequent occasion for its performance, among the notoriously careless, make-shift, impersistent people of the South.
A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States; With Remarks on Their Economy
That last label is the funniest of the three because a story about a notorious miser visited by four ghosts who scare the hell out of him to make him change his life is by definition overwrought.
Lev Raphael: Does A Christmas Carol Really Need to be Rescued?
The area has become notorious for late night car speeders and other activities that greatly annoy the locals.
Mr MacKenzie-Wilson said a car park on the estate was a notorious hotbed of crime so is warning residents to leave their vehicles in well-lit areas, and fit alarms.
Doctors notoriously neglect their own health and fail to seek help when they should.
Lobotomy is notorious for its over-zealous application and long-term damaging effects, post-trauma counselling - otherwise known as 'debriefing' - has been shown to make trauma worse in some people, and drug company advertising is widely cited for its insidious effects on both doctors and patients.
Mind Hacks: July 2006 Archives
Because so little is known about the tiny creature, a relative of the notorious box jellyfish, no antidote for its venom is available.
Times, Sunday Times
The weather here is notoriously fickle.
This man, crible de dettes, as he told me, and daily compelled to adopt the most extravagant methods for a bare subsistence, had repeatedly approached me with adventurous schemes for the exploitation of my notorious fiasco.
My Life — Volume 2
I was not long ago in England, and witnessed there the hanging of one Elizabeth Evans–Canberry Bess, they called her–a notorious murderer and cutpurse, who was taken with her partner, one Thomas Shearwood.
On The Anatomization of an Unknown Man (1637) by Frans Mier
I do have an agent, but the industry is notoriously lean.
The CIA drone fired two missiles into a tribesman's house in Mir Ali, a notorious militant hub in North Waziristan.
'German militants' killed in US drone attack in Pakistan
Even though nightclubs and rock shows are notoriously wicked places, those who died will be eulogized as being ‘good’ people who did not deserve to die.
Football's original pin-up was described by university registrar James O'Kane as ‘noteworthy, sometimes notorious, but never ignored’.
This is a notorious contradiction of natural history and it is great fun to drop into conversation as a mind-boggler.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, the Camorra spawned one of Italy's most notorious female criminals, Pupetta Maresca, who became famous in 1955 after she personally avenged the murder of her husband.
He was notorious for his unstatesmanlike dirty tricks when dealing with people who failed to toe his line.
I once saw a young girl from the audience land a smooch on the cheek of a stoutly-built male singer, whose singing was notoriously out of tune.
Two Front Teeth trailer: 4. Christmas Evil review – A Christmas cult classic, this film came out before the notoriously boycotted Silent Night, Deadly Night, even though it has the similar theme of a man snapping and doning a red Santa suit to instill Christmas fear in anyone who he deems as being “naughty.”
Top 5 Holiday Horror Movies
He was not sure he should place his trust in the words of someone who was a notorious liar and thief.
He didn't send the letter, in fact he spent the remaining five years of his life redrafting it - he was notorious for redrafting scientific papers - and he redrafted this letter.
Everybody, of course, is aware that Professor Joff committed one of his notorious "howlers" when he derived "Carmelite" -- in the street name -- from "Cromwell's Heights.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, March 25, 1914
Theoretically facing a death sentence, he mistook the police photography equipment for his notorious mechanical garotte, and remembers asking himself ‘whether this was the right time to shout something defiant and noble’.
sexploitation by advertisers is notorious
Many cyclists choose to dismount and walk, cycle along the pavement or make a long detour up and down the city's notorious hills.
Times, Sunday Times
There is no access to the island by air, and only a few boats per year put into the notoriously dangerous harbor.
Breach of the peace" is a notoriously imprecise notion.
Such a notorious person has got to the top of the company. That's more than I bargained for.
Most of these tasks were in the pipeline anyway as part of Beijing's plan to modernise its outdated infrastructure and clean up its notoriously foul air.
I am a notoriously bad timekeeper, yet, through sheer paranoia, I have turned up at my daughter's school half-an-hour early.
In 1988 Johnson became a disgraced Olympic 100m champion who is still branded the most notorious cheat in sporting history.
Ben Johnson: 'My revelations will shock the sporting world'
During the middle ages, the church became notorious for the punishment meted out to persons dealing with persons practising the occult sciences which included palmistry, astrology, and astronomy.