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How To Use Notional In A Sentence

  • Being attractive and likeable can be the small, notionally "irrelevant" factor that helps to tip the balance in our favor. The Untapped Power of Erotic Capital
  • In the absence of clear evidence that a spouse intends to sell or dispose of an asset or will be forced to do so, a court should not grant a deduction for notional sale or disposition costs.
  • It is important to note that the default risk of swaps is not the same as the default risk on the full amount of the notional principal. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • I can see how the functional-notional approach can be seen as prescriptive, in the sense of several decontextualised culturally specific sentences “this is how we apologise, this is how we complain etc.” S is for “Strategies” « An A-Z of ELT
  • He has already amassed a notional 15 million. Times, Sunday Times
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  • These larger totals are derived from notional projections based on evidence from particular cases. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Two Gazelles will go out together and find vantage points from which to observe notional enemy positions.
  • Now, the security for all of these notional values on financial derivatives, is not based on real assets.
  • Horses and what they leave behind them clogged cities that were already insalubrious from coal smoke, industry and notional sewage systems. The Case Against Summer
  • That is more interesting than the notional majority you could headline for either. Times, Sunday Times
  • Multiplying income by a notional 300% more than explained this organisation's good health.
  • But, I thought you couldn’t call it ‘receivership’ either, because those all trillions and trillions of imaginary dollars in notional value Credit Default Swaps have to pay out for banks that go into ‘recievership’ and to have those unexploded CDS liabilities go from imaginary to real would be the world financial system equivalent of Global Thermonuclear War. Matthew Yglesias » Eisinger and Salmon on Bank Nationalization
  • One is about the idea of a so-called notionally defined contribution (NDC) system that could replace the present pay-as-you-go pension system. Budapest Times
  • They could notionally be adapted, reconfigured and resurfaced over time for new tenants. Times, Sunday Times
  • The notional $1.14 quadrillion (as reported by the Bank for International Settlements, which is in Switzerland) only becomes real (and frightfully dangerous) if either counterparty to a derivative goes bankrupt and if the defaulter is a major institution. Dinocrat
  • United was "notionally" considering one or two other markets for p.s. service, but has scrapped that idea during the current oil-price crisis, Mr. Tague said. A Posher Domestic First Class
  • Again the general public or pension funds footed the bill for this notional loss of income without any proper explanation.
  • That is more interesting than the notional majority you could headline for either. Times, Sunday Times
  • In all other instances, the notional pay used in calculating the employee's PAYE and PRSI liability must be the best estimate that can reasonably be made by the employer at the time the benefit is provided.
  • It's not commonly realised that there is a strong notional element in some of the times so confidently listed in the ephemeris, as will become clear if you compare the times given for aspects of the major planets in different ephemerides.
  • There are tables and chairs for the notional interiors; the stark silhouettes of leafless trees are picked out against white walls; at one end some wooden frames denote an old, abandoned silver mine.
  • a notional response to the question
  • Several reporters notionally formulated questions they might later decide to pose to campaign officials in the hope of determining whether the president had intimated an accusation he did not want to make explicit. O: A Presidential Novel
  • The employer, notionally, gives the workman an unshaped plank of wood, and receives in return a plank that has been sawn and nailed.
  • And otherwise, the wotworld is coloured and detailed like a Pre-Raphaelite painting, and to similar aesthetic effect—viz., the embourgeiosification and prettifying of a notional past: Archive 2010-05-01
  • A notional/functional approach essentially seeks to establish correlations between systemic and schematic elements.
  • Gibson has been joined by his younger brother, notionally a bit of a tearaway, played by Joaquin Phoenix, living with him now to keep him company.
  • The Pascalian principle that wagering on a notional truth is as good as treating it as a certainty holds for the determination we have at Cannes to outstare a basilisk movie, or to die in the attempt. GreenCine Daily: Weekend fests and events.
  • These notional missions include observatories designed to operate in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO), at Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO), and at Earth-Sun Lagrangian points L1 and L2. New Uses for Constellation Systems? - NASA Watch
  • That meant that he, notionally at least, outranked them all.
  • To the modern eye, it looks like a fairy-tale notionally transferred to a modern setting, based on a simple narrative system of dualities: good and bad, country and city, sweet blonde wife and wicked brunette mistress.
  • It is essential here to emphasise that commissions are not simply paid by product providers to those giving advice; notionally, they are funded out of the product the customer is saving into or paying for.
  • Alongside the regular steps to the building's 59th Street entrance, Mr. Abadan has created what he calls "notional" steps, too far apart to be comfortably ascended, but well-suited for seating. Transforming a City Campus
  • Until that happy consummation, it will continue to hobble the Scottish economy and extinguish the spirit of enterprise it notionally champions.
  • to improve notional comprehension
  • It was the realisation of much which I have affirmed all my life, and steadfastly believed as well, but only with what might be called a notional assent, as the blind man might believe that light is sweet, or one who had never experienced pain might believe it was something from which the senses shrink. Cecilia de Noël
  • Taxpayers are only 10 per cent away from making a notional profit on their holding. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in fact the notional/functional approach has generally been represented as a radical departure, a complete break with the past.
  • Where an investor purchases Spanish property, for example, and does not generate rental income from it, the tax authorities will deem the investor to have received a taxable notional rent.
  • In all institutions the constituent members are, at least notionally, united to achieve a common goal.
  • The notional addressee is not expected to find the patentee's presumed intention from the specification.
  • In other words, it's a notional drop in a figure as yet untested by elections.
  • Some Labor figures dismiss this poll, questioning its methodology, and especially doubting if the preferences would fall the way Newspoll has notionally distributed them.
  • Aquino recognizes that Newman's preference for what he called real or presumptive knowledge over notional or abstract knowledge was vulnerable to the charges of relativism and fideism.
  • Two English jockeys, in racing silks with whips, compete with each other for the audience's attention in a notional horse race.
  • a notional figure of cost helps in determining production costs
  • She, not being a member of the coparcenary, will not get a share at the time of the notional partition.
  • By the end of 1942 Ninth and Tenth Armies on which this deception was based were almost wholly notional - their real strength hardly amounted to a single fighting division - but they impressed the enemy high command as real.
  • Other items for future discussion include temporary additional notional half days and accommodation of portfolio careers, including the ability to work flexibly.
  • The complete failure to adhere to any semblance of plausible physical law — I am sure neither momentum nor energy are conserved for more than 30 seconds after the titles conclude — far trumps for me any notional botheration about which came first, civilized Mayans or civilized Babylonians. The Volokh Conspiracy » Unnecessary Falsehoods:
  • A notional/functional approach essentially seeks to establish correlations between systemic and schematic elements.
  • Although he dismissed the suggestion that she had a notional earning capacity he put her annual budget, excluding periodical payments for the children, at £65,000 per annum.
  • The AER shows what the notional interest rate would be if the interest was compounded and paid once a year.
  • KAC cannot claim both damages for loss of income from its aircraft and damages based on a notional leasing out of its spares.
  • Look at the big, notionally private British banks now owned by the British state. The optimists of Davos past now face a world whose script has gone awry | Timothy Garton Ash
  • How little you know about academic publishing, my notional friend.
  • The banking regulator plans to ask nonfinancial contract underwriters to deposit with the buyer at least 50% of the notional amount of a contract as collateral if the credit protection is bought by a bank, according to the draft rules. China Considers Rules Allowing Risk Hedging
  • We think as adults we are tougher, that something as remote and notional as a chat room cannot hurt us. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is "mindful of regulatory arbitrage possibilities at the boundary", which translates into English as an acknowledgment that financial professionals who make a handsome living from wriggling around rules and taxes will soon enough find the means to connect notionally separate divisions. Banking: Big brains, small ideas | Editorial
  • But in fact the notional/functional approach has generally been represented as a radical departure, a complete break with the past.
  • sex is a notional category, gender is a grammatical category
  • While there are notional tonnage limits on some Irish roads, they are scarcely policed at all: there is nothing like the French scheme of things, where a vehicle may be confiscated if used in restricted tonnage areas.
  • The public sector Scottish valuation board placed a rateable value of £10,800 on the entire property - the notional sum it estimates as a property's open market value.
  • My calculation is based on notional figures, since the actual figures are not yet available.
  • Wilkins was one of the chief architects of what would come to be known as the communicative approach: his seminal Notional Syllabuses, building on his work with the Council of Europe, would be published in 1976. March « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • Expatriate Saudis living in London, notionally providing opposition in exile, had been bought off long ago.
  • Excluding this now notional interest charge, the total loss for the year was £1.75 million, the equivalent of £35,000 per week.
  • Problems with "notional" - becomes difficult to extract wisdom - we want a "Gross Domestic Product" - unable to be defended - pseudo-scientific - lots of belief statements from Mark Curphey's SecurityBullshit Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Their calculations were based on a notional minimum wage.
  • The point is that the 300 billion, while notionally large, has been broken up into so many very small units, and spent in so many different places that no one business is going to feel sufficient demand, to hire. Matthew Yglesias » ARRA Is Not Crowding Out Private Investment
  • My calculation is based on notional figures, since the actual figures are not yet available.
  • The army cleverly arranged to have inserted among the legitimate insignia properly designed patches for most of the notional formations.
  • I think about the success my own coursebook series has had over the past couple of years (a 24-book series that focuses on “skills” – rather similar to the notional/functional approach you describe above, with “strategies” treated as facilitative actions that build on broader communicative skills), and it seems to be pretty good evidence that an applied (as opposed to unapplied) system still has resonance with learners and schools. S is for “Strategies” « An A-Z of ELT
  • There is nothing in a man that will not dispute against this captivity of itself: innumerable proud reasonings and imaginations are set up against it; and when the mind and discursive, notional part of the soul is overpowered with the truth, yet the practical principle of the will and the affections will exceedingly tumultuate against it. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Cox is pretty much full of songs: he has a side-project called Atlas Sound, has so far run to five LPs of Deerhunter's notionally psychedelic indie, and has enough in reserve as he proved in 2008 when a proposed release leaked online to be able to release still more material. This week's new music
  • Notional concord stands in contrast to grammatical concord and means agreement by meaning rather than grammar, where the two are in conflict.
  • It is important to note that the default risk of swaps is not the same as the default risk on the full amount of the notional principal. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • Our elite culture has been de-Christianized, and the notional faith that I heard preached from the pulpit in Trinity that day amounted to pure concession, Unitarianism in vestments.
  • That good-looking guy Warren Buffett in 2002 after buying General [inaudible] announced that these derivatives are the weapons of mass destruction and why he said that is because he found he couldn't find a true bid for his derivative book and it was based on what's called notional value. Undefined
  • All Italian property owners are liable to pay income tax based on the notional letting value of the property.
  • John McHale argued for the idea of notional defined contribution pensions and provided a thought-provoking discussion of the nature of the Irish pension system and the challenges facing it. Irish Blogs
  • Malay is its notional language, but Chinese, English and Tamil are also offical languages.
  • Before 1836 the registered tonnage of sailing ships was a notional figure calculated by a formula based on the length, breadth and depth of the hold.
  • In a formal sense, of course, the theory refers to some notional riskless rate.
  • The second kind of light may be called a notional scripture light; that is, a bare knowledge of or assent to scripture truths. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • The whole financial engineering industry is today a market with a notional value of approximately $1 quadrillion.
  • The A-Darter will still notionally equip SAAF Gripens, but a long-awaited series of initial flight tests have yet to occur and the future of the programme is in doubt.
  • My daughter isn't some notional stereotype invented to scare elderly cardinals.
  • to create a notional world for oneself
  • They have got to go on actual rental value, not some notional rental value based on space. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first it was just a game - buying notional shares and sitting on them.
  • This haunting work, though notionally concerned with attempts at intrusive human settlement on Mars, is pervaded by a sense of solitude and loss, particularly with regard to the fragile and doomed Martians.
  • My daughter isn't some notional stereotype invented to scare elderly cardinals.
  • Hence, one creates these surchargeable contributions, which are a notional figure, based on what it would have been.
  • But it looks increasingly anachronistic that such figures should have notional involvement in issues of press freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abba the Hutt is a poster for a notional Star Wars/Abba mashup ( The album includes an irresistible mash up of seventies Swedish pop music and Tatooinish sex funk. Boing Boing
  • He has already amassed a notional 15 million. Times, Sunday Times
  • That $10 is the notional earnings base because that is the only ordinary time earnings on my learned friend's argument that is included in the notional earnings base.
  • The repo was a tad small - under the notional $5 bill cutoff for an intraday booster - and the upmove from midnight was only a point and a half.
  • It is hard to escape the feeling that ‘this country’ is not the Republic of Ireland, but a notional territory that encompasses a few of the lower even-numbered postal code areas of Dublin.
  • The reason that the gap between E3 and E1 is so hard to bridge is that (a) the language described for EFL teaching purposes bears only a notional resemblance to the language used by native speakers (as corpus linguists have demonstrated) and (b) the likelihood of most EFL learners ever achieving native-like proficiency is remote, to say the least (not to mention issues of appropriacy, identity etc). C is for Conditional (the Third) « An A-Z of ELT
  • ‘Rates are a fixed charge, incurred annually, that are based on notional property values and bear no relationship to the size or scale of the business or its ability to pay,’ said Mr Bourke.
  • The option of share buybacks looks tricky just now because of notional losses on recent buybacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were led to believe that these difficult bits of gear were prescribed because - even though we were about to join an armoured division - ours was notionally a mounted unit.
  • Even Alan Greenspan concedes that that market - worth $55 trillion in what is called notional value Griffin And Hoxie Mega Feed
  • But in this very early form, the word appears to have denoted fencing, rather than any given area that real or notional barriers could enclose. The English Is Coming!
  • The platoon is also required to promote an uneasy hearts-and-minds policy among notionally friendly locals. Restrepo - review
  • For a month or so, a kind of notional pause on Iran had been in order, a seeming parenthesis of respite and reflection: a departing Israeli spy chief's estimate of a due-date for the mullahs' capacity to build nukes pushed it off three years into the future; a fruitless meeting with Iran in Istanbul was portrayed as going well in terms of Russia and China's cooperation with the United States and its allies; the effect of sanctions and other measures taken against the Iranian leadership was described by Washington as successful to the point of being "underreported" by the news media. NYT > Home Page
  • It is always possible to obtain notional assent to an unwelcome proposition by offering, as the alternative, something less welcome still. Times, Sunday Times
  • Giggs began the game as his notional partner and when Ferguson finally decided to switch him back to the wing, it was too late.
  • Taxpayers are only 10 per cent away from making a notional profit on their holding. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was, in essence, a system of power-sharing in which offices were distributed according to the notional strength of the communities.
  • The notion that spending and taxation would be balanced over some notional trade cycle was never realistic politics.
  • There are four masks - but only two designs - with cartouche surrounds in the four corners of the grotto at the springing of the ribs, notionally supporting the roof.
  • The forced entry may be the result of a predetermined or notional plan to seize an airfield following or during combat operations.
  • Our elite culture has been de-Christianized, and the notional faith that I heard preached from the pulpit in Trinity that day amounted to pure concession, Unitarianism in vestments.
  • The term derivative product is a general term for a contractual agreement between two parties whereby the counterparties exchange -- or swap -- payments based some underlying benchmarks, applied against a contract notional amount. David Paul: Credit Default Swaps, the Collapse of AIG and Addressing the Crisis of Confidence
  • The option of share buybacks looks tricky just now because of notional losses on recent buybacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cut through Nussbaum Gang isolates a notional fragment of it.
  • Using these notional numbers to allocate the burden of customs duties would have Maori indirectly providing over half of the Crown colony's customs revenue provided it can be shown they were consumers of the main dutiable items.
  • They have got to go on actual rental value, not some notional rental value based on space. Times, Sunday Times
  • The notional value of AIG's derivatives book has decreased from more than $2 trillion at its peak to approximately $940bn now, with the gross "vega" - an industry measurement of volatility - on the remaining trades reduced by 75pc. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • The notion that spending and taxation would be balanced over some notional trade cycle was never realistic politics.
  • Friedrich's ‘Landscape with a View of Mt Milleschauer’, possibly unfinished, is a desolate near-abstract without figures or even more than notional vegetation, in five dismal glaucous shades.
  • So: the average such thrillertakes a handsome young virile protagonist, and a heroine notionally attractive according to the very limited logics of 'supermodels', and puts them through the paces ofa reassuringly familiar plot: set-up, small fight, increasing peril, climactic big conflagration. Best of 2009
  • We think as adults we are tougher, that something as remote and notional as a chat room cannot hurt us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their calculations were based on a notional minimum wage.
  • Even Alan Greenspan concedes that that market - worth $55 trillion in what is called notional value - is imploding in significant part because it was not regulated. Dialogic
  • The elimination of the troublesome Catholic exile Reginald Pole was an idea cooked up by Wyatt and others in 1539; some ciphered letters remain, and some loose talk about the efficacy of quick-acting "Spanish poison", but it was more of a notional chess move than a genuine plot and nothing came of it. The Many Lives of Thomas Wyatt by Nicola Shulman - review
  • Those bonuses reflected notional trading profits made in the banks' treasury operations, proprietary trading desks and elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • We think as adults we are tougher, that something as remote and notional as a chat room cannot hurt us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alongside the regular steps to the building's 59th Street entrance, Mr. Abadan has created what he calls "notional" steps, too far apart to be comfortably ascended, but well-suited for seating. Transforming a City Campus
  • They could notionally be adapted, reconfigured and resurfaced over time for new tenants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the notional use of single-member constituencies, this is in effect what happens in Malaysia.
  • It is always possible to obtain notional assent to an unwelcome proposition by offering, as the alternative, something less welcome still. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each report that the cost of construction was set to rise has been denied, only for officials to later sheepishly admit that the building was indeed running over budget and beyond the notional deadline for completion.
  • Those bonuses reflected notional trading profits made in the banks' treasury operations, proprietary trading desks and elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • notionally" valued at $500 to $750 trillion menaced the world - and especially the U.S. - economy. Mathaba Highlights Briefing
  • They reinforce the notion of antagonistic policing, rather than the consensual, even contractual law enforcement that has, at least notionally, been the traditional mark of the copper on his beat. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • The term Tera dollar ($100 trillion) was first used to describe the notional exposure of JPmorgan during the Bear takeover. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Against that, the wife claims there should be a deduction of notional costs of sale at 6 per cent realty commission and $1,000 in legal costs.
  • The total notional amount of positions held by the commercial banks increased $1.7 trillion to $39.3 trillion.
  • He has already amassed a notional 15 million. Times, Sunday Times
  • all the notional vagaries of childhood
  • The IRS in its ruling gave an example of a swap deal: A foreign company enters into a swap -- also known as a notional principal contract -- with a U.S. company as counterparty, based on an index published by X. Foreigners Investing in U.S.
  • ‘Ten’, the commentators explain, is a notional figure connoting many.
  • He has already amassed a notional 15 million. Times, Sunday Times
  • John Baugh - Stifel Nicolaus & Company, Inc. What is your of the credit you've underwritten that's notional or dollar amount, what is the total outstanding, how are you handling the provision, is it kind of overfund? Retail Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha

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