How To Use Notion In A Sentence

  • It is important not to confuse the sociological meaning of age with the notion of chronological age, the length of time a person has been alive. Sociology
  • This, along with all the arguments against ratification of the EU Constitution, is something which we need to ram home at this moment when our electorate is so alive to the notion that they are being cozened by Labour and the Liberal ‘Democrats’ about the true effect of this Treaty. Archive 2008-02-03
  • Thereafter thought, weighing the truth or falseness of the notion, determines what is true: and this explains the Greek word for thought, dianoia, which is derived from dianoein, meaning to think and discriminate. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • I have said enough elsewhere to discredit such notions.
  • That notion identifies heritability with the regression of the offspring phenotype on the parental (or biparental mean in the case of sexual reproduction), where both phenotypes are presented as z-scores (i.e., set to mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1). Miss Winter Solstice
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  • He has no notion of the difficulty of the problem.
  • You must judge each film on its own merits, without any preconceived notions about what it's like.
  • It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.
  • By the time the higher elevations are reached, such strange notions as Einsteinian curved space-time and the quantum uncertainty principle, heavy meals indeed, seem not so difficult to digest.
  • At least it is not, so long as we avoid equivocating on the notion of satisfying a desire.
  • Republicans, meanwhile, are mulling whether to abandon the notion of filing ethics charges against Rep.
  • When we moved from pilot to series, the notion of recasting Mitchell, Annie and Herrick was met with wails of despair. SFX
  • The full moon instilling some notion of romanticism in the minds of the stupid humans.
  • There seems to be a general notion that nothing can be done about the problem.
  • In view of such a unilateral rejection, it is amazing that anyone should continue to cling to the false notion of universal acceptance.
  • He wasn't a large man, and had never been the sporty type, so there were no golf clubs or baseball bats lying handily around, and the notion of overpowering a hulking burglar with the meagre physical means at his disposal was laughable. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • The observation of even the miscellaneous objects in a large city leads to a variety of concepts, and in the end, by comparison, to the general notion, _city_. The Elements of General Method Based on the Principles of Herbart
  • It is argued, based on archaeological and ethnohistoric data, that the layout of the mound, burials, and charnel features is patterned after Native American notions of the cosmos.
  • When I wrote, imprecisely, that domestic subsidies for agricultural commodities are equivalent to protective tariffs, I was groping at the notion that in both cases (1) domestic consumers/taxpayers pay a premium above the world price and (2) that foreign producers are discouraged from entering the domestic market. The Case for Free Trade, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This usage proceeded, in part, from the notion of consanguinity between every member of a clan, even of the lowest degree, to his chieftain, and the affability and courtesy with which the head was in the habit of treating those over whom he ruled. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
  • Florin dismissed any notion of martial law-like conditions prevailing.
  • The notion of a fair trial is not limited to those in the dock. Times, Sunday Times
  • The history of Christian missions, after all, is the chronicle of Western missionaries and their exploits, and the notion of missionaries from the East preaching to a godless Europe is the stuff of creative fiction. The Chinese are Coming
  • It also has led us to rethink the notion of naturalness and the rock solid expectation this used to lead to, of finding new physics just beyond the electroweak scale. Two cheers for string theory
  • In fact, our lunar friend provides an instructive example of how a vulgar and dogmatic notion of ‘science’ can be quite compatible with the most arcane fantasies.
  • Being attractive and likeable can be the small, notionally "irrelevant" factor that helps to tip the balance in our favor. The Untapped Power of Erotic Capital
  • He had a preconceived notion of what a messiah should be like. Christianity Today
  • I had a notion to write them a letter.
  • Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy[7] to explain it.
  • In reticulate evolution, there is no unique notion of genealogical descent: genetic content can be distributed collectively. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • With this technology, theorists can distinguish the values of the two descriptions above, since they are structures with different components (cf. Carnap's [1947] notion of intensional isomorphism). Names
  • Elizabeth - You're not he first to mention grandmothers ... perhaps the notion of using mayo in cakes is not new? Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake
  • The notion of integrating the goals of liberal education into students' majors was taken seriously.
  • The related axiomatic study of epistemic notions has benefited from application of techniques used for proving incompleteness and indefinability results since the early sixties. Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
  • Sir Alex Ferguson feels the notion of a Premier League play-off system to allow clubs finishing outside the top four to compete for a Champions League place is "harebrained". ESPNsoccernet
  • Our notions of order and disorder stand in stark contrast to the dynamic artistry of the integral beauty of things as they are in nature.
  • But a rather different picture of the structure of frameworks is also possible, one in which the notion of centrality is a matter of degree and in which no single set of beliefs or principles serves to individuate a framework. Relativism
  • But, this notion of Matter seems too extravagant to deserve a confutation. A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, by George Berkeley
  • Other Titles: Are Content Externalism and the Notion of Self-Knowledge Compatible ?
  • This notion of the singularity is the most popular (although by no means the only) current theory. Think Progress » Cheney: If You Don’t Support Everything I Do, You Aren’t Serious About Terrorism
  • This posting is about intercommunication among Zapoteco villagers in Oaxaca State and the notion that communications among various villages can be improved by foreigners introducing radio signal interrelationships to, supposedly, improve inter-village understanding and, perhaps, harmony. Radio stations in Oaxaca
  • The notion of addicts as passive victims of their addiction is a gross simplification. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan disabused us of this notion. The President's Risky Defense Strategy
  • Contemporary Western feminist theory in the 1980s moved beyond the dialogues that sought to differentiate feminisms from each other and instead began to articulate a more pluralized notion of feminism at its core.
  • The application of Multimedia CAI courseware in fosbury flop training will help students have a complete and correct notion of the action, and master the skills to improve their performance.
  • The notion of forthcoming godhood is a religious and spiritual notion. Movie Review: Akira
  • The second conclusion we can draw is that Gray's opposition to the notion of historical moral progress poses no serious challenge to existential humanism.
  • Ads constantly bombard us with the notion that we will be irresistible if we purchase the product being promoted. Christianity Today
  • So the stark ontology of the mechanical philosopher is established a priori by appealing to a notion of intelligibility.
  • But there is something very romantic about the notion of the pirate that remains to this day: The skill of two swashbucklers battling on the deck of a ship, the hunt for buried treasure and the thrill of lawlessness.
  • They reject the notion of group guilt.
  • In the absence of clear evidence that a spouse intends to sell or dispose of an asset or will be forced to do so, a court should not grant a deduction for notional sale or disposition costs.
  • Proponents say exam scofflaws are part of the price of annual testing, which shows parents how well a school is really doing, and dismiss the notion that accountability itself is the problem.
  • In a book appropriately entitled Konturen einer Geistesgeschichte der Mathematik (1946), Bense devoted a whole chapter (ch. 2) to articulating how the notion of style applies to mathematics. Mathematical Style
  • Such a proposal is distinct from pantheistic notions which equate God with the natural world, because D'Espagnat relegates the natural world - the world of space, time and matter - to what Kant referred to as the 'phenomenal' world, the world produced by the modus operandi of our minds upon the noumenal world. Archive 2009-03-01
  • How can we square this with our notions of a great creative artist?
  • Our notions of nationality tend to lag behind the realities of a changing world. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term "atheist" is itself confusing, since it is often unclear whether those who use the label understand it to mean a rejection of every notion of God, or a rejection of theism. Science and Religion Around the Blogosphere
  • The “right to privacy” meme, of course, is a strawman – by attaching some invented notion of “privacy” to the surgical process of electively vacuuming out a developing human life in pieces from the womb, the left thinks they make abortion a “right” – wholly and completely ridiculous. Think Progress » Samuel Alito’s America
  • I had some right to surmise that my illness may have been merely the effect of the hot wind; and this notion was encouraged by the elasticity of my spirits, and by a strong forefeeling that much of my destined life in this world was yet to come, and yet to be fulfilled. Eothen
  • Early in the film, Janice's transgressions already resonate on a specific historical level and tap into older notions regarding the feminine.
  • But Darwin, happily insomnious with his vision of South America rising on swelling magma, thought this notion of collapsed lakes small thinking. Wired Top Stories
  • While others were scoffing at the notion of ebonics, I was lapping up inner city slang: that beautiful, musical, profane prose. Slashdot: Book Reviews
  • The "incompetency" of criminal defendants to testify at their own trials was part of the common law of England and then the United States until the Nineteenth Century, during which incompetency gave way to the notion that the basis for disqualification - the defendant's FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • Peruvians' notion of an afterlife very much follows Catholic notions of heaven, purgatory, and hell.
  • When the notion of Santa Claus arrived in Britain, the same ladies would dress up as the bearded gent to visit poor homes with a toy for each child.
  • Huts, fences and palisades are often fashioned from saplings and shoots, and basketry is thus commingled with comforting notions of home, security and comfort.
  • It is important to note that the default risk of swaps is not the same as the default risk on the full amount of the notional principal. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • Sorry, it was late at night and I was just put off by the notion that some substantial return of illegal migrants in the US to their native land would "repopulate" Mexico. Living in Mexico
  • I can see how the functional-notional approach can be seen as prescriptive, in the sense of several decontextualised culturally specific sentences “this is how we apologise, this is how we complain etc.” S is for “Strategies” « An A-Z of ELT
  • Therefore in speculative matters the same truth holds among all men both as to principles and as to conclusions, even though all men do not discern this truth in the conclusions but only in those principles which are called axiomatic notions. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • But the notion of a film or TV show based on a Facebook status update is not necessarily a trivial or inane one.
  • Is your notion of identity a romantic one? Times, Sunday Times
  • Not an overly religious woman, Maggie had some vague notion of a grand plan.
  • And when he takes his notion and rolls it into a wonderful softball and bowls it at you, he's incredible.
  • James Ponsoldt: This notion is at the core of Killer of Sheep: what it means to be an adult, and how children learn and internalize grown-up behavior and responsibilities through lectures, through tears, but mostly by silently observing, peeking around corners, usually unbeknownst to their parents. GreenCine Daily: Filmmaker. Spring 07.
  • Personally, I find thinking of God in Trinitarian terms particularly helpful in making sense of the notion of God as eternal love, since it is hard to envisage love or at least, a love that is not egocentrical without there being more than one person. Ecce Recensus: The Only True God Persuades A Skeptic
  • They have the effect of jarring your preconceived notions. Times, Sunday Times
  • It looks and plays like a first-person shooter, but is built around the notion of powering up your character by earning experience points, and hunting through dungeons for randomly generated loot. Slate Magazine
  • I made my way home each night with at least some notion of hope and plans for a new assault on Wilde.
  • The clouds have no notion of being caricatured, and the trees keep cautiously away from the brink of such streams -- save, perchance, now and then, here and there, a weak well-meaning willow -- a thing of shreds and patches -- its leafless wands covered with bits of old worsted stockings, crowns of hats, a bauchle Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • His notion of synchronicity is that there is an acausal principle that links events having a similar meaning by their coincidence in time rather than sequentially.
  • He has already amassed a notional 15 million. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keane's mastery of the holding role in midfield gave the Reds the chance to go out and attack Olympiakos, contradicting the notion that they will have to bore in order to succeed.
  • One is not superior to the other. no. every effort to portray 'caucasians' as more evolved / superior / etc have been solidly debunked time and again. even the notion of 'caucasian' and 'three races' has been steadily falling apart since the Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Wallace always felt that ‘selection’ inappropriately imported anthropomorphic notions of Nature choosing purposefully between variants into natural history.
  • Behind this kind of ethic stands the Aristotelian notion of entelechy: humans have a natural potential to develop rationality and through it acquire virtuous character. Guess Who Was At The Party?
  • He certainly gives a clear account of the growth of his belief, and sustains it by a great many droll notions about the physiology of plants, which would hardly be admissible in the botanies of to-day. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 77, March, 1864
  • The notion that theories take precedence over facts is now a truism of a postmodern, post-fact, true-spin/values world. Are We Finally Waking Up...or Merely Trading One Set of Illusions for Another?
  • Preconceived notions are prejudices about what is supposed to happen during the ritual, or the way in which the ritual must be done.
  • Some philosophers defended the position that the visual and tactual notions of a globe differ from one another, and can only be related by either experience or reason Molyneux's Problem
  • -- I'm sitten down here, after seven-and-forty miles 'ridin', e'en as forjesket and forniaw'd as a forfoughten cock, to gie ye some notion o 'my land lowper-like stravaguin sin the sorrowfu' hour that I sheuk hands and parted wi 'auld Reekie. The Letters of Robert Burns
  • And this ‘mental modeling’ notion is pure hokum.
  • In the lecture he also examined the notions of cost and cost accounting in relation to the pricing of cost-plus contracts during the second World War.
  • They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.
  • The notion of relative autonomy raises the question of the limits within which the state's autonomy may vary.
  • But I know right from wrong, as perhaps only a scoundrel can, and I'll say that there was great virtue in the notion of Taiping - if it hadn't somehow been jarred sideways, and become a perversion, so that the farther it went, the farther it ran off the true. Flashman and the Dragon
  • Chinese people seem to have more affection for, and put more belief in, Western notions and practices.
  • How dare they give Cody the notion that his mom is no saint?
  • As much as he hated the notion of prolonging his exposure to those sons of bitches, once someone breathed the word assassination it all became a new ball game. Scott Free
  • Now that she was back, under the same roof, I considered and instantly dismissed the notion of trying to have a word with her; nothing could have been worse just then than talk spreading in the bazaar and the camp that she'd been colloguing with a British officer. Flashman And The Mountain Of Light
  • Not all the notions concerning sacrifice are entirely absent from our lives.
  • Instead, being wrapped up in the notion of evangelizing the world, they had neglected to keep their children in school in any one place. An American Tragedy
  • In particular, we shall look at the issue of whether objects must be individuated under the kind of sortal expressions that correspond to Aristotelian substance concepts, or whether a more generic notion, such as physical body, will suffice. Substance
  • All men are prone to believe in such marvels; and it is quite possible, as Niebuhr supposes, that some discoveries of the remains of mammoths and other monstrous forms embedded in the crust of the earth, may have given definiteness and prominency to the Chaldaean notions on this subject. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 1. (of 7): Chaldaea The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • His challenge to Doerflinger was to defend, in a nonarbitrary way and without reference to religious principles, the notion that society should recognize moral value and legal rights at any particular point along that line. The Democrats and the Abortion Wars
  • In this paper, I will try to show that these contributions fail to articulate an adequate concept of embodied personhood for anthropology because they presuppose impoverished notions of semiosis and language.
  • The notion that the 2005 riots were primarily or even tri - or quad-marily anti-Semitic is purely invented. Matthew Yglesias » France Hearts Jews
  • Marriage is a very real commitment and is devoid of the romantic notions and premonitions we have about it, and that we carry before engagement.
  • Service learning often relies on a notion of volunteerism, charity or philanthropic effort.
  • It is a peculiar notion of masculinity that is naturalised and internalised in everyday practices and relationships by both men and women.
  • A loose analogy with T. S. Eliot's notion of how a new classic affects the canon of a literature might be drawn here.
  • And if we examine Frege's definitions of particular finite cardinals we see at once why the notion of cardi - nal numbers can hardly be extracted as traditional abstraction doctrines suggest. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The notion that vitamins and colloidal minerals, herbs, coffee enemas, colonic irrigation, Laetrile, meditation, etc., can enhance the immune system and thereby help restore health is bogus.
  • Equally, if Stringer was lost for any period of time then you could park any notions of grandeur until he returned.
  • But by gum, I just can't bear the notion of some Joe Lunchpail and his slovenly wife trundling clumsily through my private slaughterhouse, or trying on my world-renowned collection of 16th century undergarments.
  • Some challenge the notion of corporate culture as the primary culprit.
  • These data are consistent with the notion that the perturbation to the system due to the UV light pulse was minimal to the overall function of the mitochondria.
  • The notion of job security at big law firms is unlikely to endure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tickled by the notion of this souvenir of my transgression, I paid the surcharge, and keep the photo in my album to this day.
  • ˜God is good to us™ understanding of God's goodness is ruled out on this approach: for the notion of ˜good to us™ is a normative notion. Theological Voluntarism
  • This notion of sovereignty considers inviolate the internal affairs of nations.
  • The original impetus was that of return, and reversing the so - called loss of Arab land and patrimony, rather than a fulfillment of post-colonial self-determination via the statehood route; a complot designed after 1967 as a new Palestinian identity with at its core the notion of the armed struggle as a galvanizing force. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • All of us should therefore operate today with some notion of very probably reaching much larger audiences than any we could conceive of even a decade ago, although the chances of retaining that audience are by the same token quite chancy.
  • For example, students and professors were in agreement that students sitting at the front of a class make better grades; in reality, this notion had been disconfirmed several years earlier.
  • The group approach explicitly rejects the notion that a small elite dominates the resource allocation process.
  • The notion that bureaucratic infighting and occasional abruptness of manner should disqualify one from high office is laughable.
  • On Washington Avenue, where clubs now pulse till dawn, stores used to sell whitefish and five-and-dime notions to gray-haired ladies like Mrs. Wallach. Lea Lane: South Beach: Then and Now
  • Over the years, the main explanation of non-use has centred on the notion of nuclear deterrence: states have been deterred from using nuclear weapons because of the concerns of retaliation in kind by adversaries.
  • They speak fluent French, passable German, and have notions of Spanish.
  • Wouldn't it be useful to record centrally the notion of attestation? From Incite comes Insight...: The correct way to think about identity...
  • But he couldn't be got to conceive the notion of envying Champion. The Wisdom of Father Brown
  • The third, and worst, degree of turpitude is reached when a masterpiece is planished and patted into such a shape, vilely beautified in such a fashion as to conform to the notions and prejudices of a given public. Check out ...
  • All indications are, of course, here in Washington, as we've been reporting, the notion of timetables, time frames, projections, whatever you want to call it, putting the pressure on Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to begin to set some benchmarks. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2006
  • I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. 
  • Gradually this notion of election has been conflated with another, still more dangerous idea.
  • The notion is irreconcilable to basic skeptic tenets.
  • Indeed, she found the notion of regality hilarious. Dreaming in French
  • This means 'to fold inward' ... so we may be led to explore the notion that in some sense each region contains a total structure 'enfolded' within it ". Notes From The Geek Show
  • When the psychologist attempts to employ statistical methods her encounters the usual obscurantist notion that you can prver anything with statistics.
  • Thar, thar, honey, don't be runnin 'arter Abel's notions till you find out whar they're leadin' you. The Miller of Old Church
  • There were still others where the notion frothed and foamed, turning up unexpected ideas, revealing depths of dissatisfaction, of desire, of unsuspected powers in woman that startled the staid old world. The Business of Being a Woman
  • By these means the notion of my partiality took air, and whether Miss Thrale sent him word slily or not I cannot tell, but on the 25th January, 1783, Mr. Crutchley came hither to conjure me not to go to Italy; he had heard such things, he said, and by _means_ next to _miraculous_. Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) Edited with notes and Introductory Account of her life and writings
  • Futher reading (click here if you dare) uncovers other obsessions with coulomb forces in nuclear fusion and a notion that space-time curvature sets humans apart as a species. The Queen is my dealer
  • No longer can that notion be dismissed with a contemptuous pah.
  • That's a radical notion to many scientists who have long thought of aging as an uncontrollable process of deterioration that isn't regulated by single genes.
  • It also lends credence to the notion that the availability of gambling opportunities is correlated positively with the incidence of problem and pathological gambling behaviors.
  • The notion that economies, as a whole, sometimes lack sufficient drive derives from a faulty set of economic doctrines that focus on the demand side of the aggregate economy.
  • My notion is that the complicated issue of welfare is the biggest problem facing this nation and this society at this time.
  • And you know what Gideon was like once he'd got a notion up his hooter. DISPLACED PERSON
  • A connoisseur would shun the very notion of ‘spoiling’ this fragrant and bubbly brew by adding milk or sugar to it.
  • In the widespread, though erroneous, use of the term in current popular literature, there is a remnant of the notion that metaphysical means ultraphysical: thus, "metaphysical healing" means healing by means of remedies which are not physical. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Part art installations, part scientific investigations, they are molecular gastronomy writ large and play with our notions of what food should be. Times, Sunday Times
  • These things being premised, I shall now set down and make public that proposal which heretofore I have tendered, as a means to give some light into a way for the profitable and comfortable practice of church government; drawing out of general notions what is practically applicable, so circumstantiated as of necessity it must be. The Sermons of John Owen
  • They argued that the lupine fantasy could be seen as a fundamental challenge to Western notions of subjectivity.
  • The notion that an enzyme might exist in a number of forms decided purely on probability is anathema to many scientists.
  • She entertained the notion that her art might consist of a fine balance of painting and sculpture; that one disciple could inform and feed into the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, but that doesn't salvage your suggestion that a posited evolutionary pathway is a notion that works best when one doesn't think about it too closely. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • These larger totals are derived from notional projections based on evidence from particular cases. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Viewers in those days were agonized by his notion of justice and fair play!
  • Whites continued to be imprisoned by notions of white supremacy, Mandela said, and by the notion of Afrikaner interests that were separate and opposed to the interests of the rest of the population. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Lately I've been circling back to the large issue of consilience, the notion that there is a unity of the sciences through a network of cause and effect explanations in physics, biology and even the lower reaches of the social sciences.
  • Indeed it is urged, that it is suitable to the goodness of God, to imprint upon the minds of men characters and notions of himself, and not to leave them in the dark and doubt in so grand a concernment; and also, by that means, to secure to himself the homage and veneration due from so intelligent a creature as man; and therefore he has done it. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • And still she would not be ill to fall in with Louis's preconceived notions; living an absolutely normal, rather tough life, hardened by her father's Spartanism, she found that a natural process made very little difference to her. Captivity
  • So you're interested in turning your PC into a digital video recorder, but the notion of opening your computer to install a TV-tuner card gives you the shakes.
  • Two Gazelles will go out together and find vantage points from which to observe notional enemy positions.
  • The concept was later refined as "doublespeak" -- which is simply the notion that if you say something often enough, you can convince normal people that something is its opposite. George Orwell is Reborn as Mitch McConnell
  • Newton's absolute time may feel like an accurate description of the beast that rules our daily lives, but in science the notion was shattered in 1905 by Einstein's special theory of relativity.
  • So I went to college, with that kind of preconceived notion which didn't materialize. Oral History Interview with Eva Clayton, July 18, 1989. Interview C-0084. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Justice theorists have constructed impressive edifices by refining traditional notions of fairness and responsibility.
  • That the sky was a bowl, a kind of omnipresence holding us, and then there was the notion that the earth was the bowl and we were in the sky, looking down at it. Clusterbook #1 | clusterflock
  • Incidentally, it may be worth mentioning that the notion of an aesthetic judgment should obviously not be elucidated in terms in terms of the idea of a work of art: we make aesthetic judgments about nature and we make nonaesthetic judgments about works of art. Aesthetic Judgment
  • One always has to be aware that as one writes as an American, looking in on America, and living here and writing about "the system" it is not considered an act of anti-patriotism or treason or antisocialism or Communism or whatever other bizarre notion they might be able to convince you of. AMERICA IS MANUFACTURING SICK PEOPLE NOW
  • Well, Herr Barbour, go down the road in plainclothes and try to get one single black man to shake your hand and come away with a clear notion of who the untermensch is ... DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'
  • As if to confirm the notion that Europe's contentious politicians are finally getting their arms around the crisis, one of the continent's wobbliest financial dominoes, Portugal, managed to sell more than a billion euros' worth of its long-term debt at lower than expected interest rates. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Oscillating universe ideas were popularized by atheists like the late Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov solely to avoid the notion of a beginning, with its implications of a Creator.
  • Although we are now familiar with the notion that an assured shorthold tenancy gives the tenant a very limited security of tenure, that would not have been the case in 1988.
  • The notion of a single cybernetic organism is rejected in favor of a body-without-organs, ‘an imageless, organless body [which is] perpetually reinserted into the process of production’.
  • My mind, firing on all cylinders, entertained these notions and more, delirious as I was with cabin fever, lack of social interaction, and those strange pointy champignons I had consumed earlier.
  • Thus contemporary virtue ethics needs a notion of moral character apt for the twenty-first century. The Times Literary Supplement
  • All the painters in our gallery paint their works from beginning to end—Pat Steir, Jonathan Lasker—and I think their collectors like the notion that every ounce of paint on their works was brushed on by the artists alone. The Art Assembly Line
  • ‘Some people believe aspartame gives them headaches,’ Schardt says, but this notion is disputed by most research.
  • And it leads me to think that the notion of queer used here is strongly associated with neophilia and neophobia, ie degree of attraction to novelty.
  • These cultural notions run counter to the quest for academic excellence.
  • The whole notion of the transporter, which is admittedly one of the favorite devices in this mythos, created scores of problems in a dramatic context.
  • Mr. Himpler disagrees with the notion nonbank finance companies aren't regulated, noting the firms are licensed and regulated in every state in which they operate. CFPB Gears Up to Examine Mortgage Firms
  • Thousands of ad campaign strategists flooding the DVR'd airwaves (and our Internet hours) with ignorable notions that are not swaying anyone with that blurry rhetoric. Richard Laermer: "Your Life Hasn't Changed By The Man Who's Elected"
  • Though it's not a popular notion among doctors, there are indications that the crisis is shaking out weaker practices that had been glutting the region with obstetricians and keeping reimbursements low.
  • The notion that this has been a uniquely terrible year is now well established. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without tracing the history of the notion of rights, or exploring their uncertain ontology, let me simply note here that the current concept arises from the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Archive 2009-01-01
  • only indistinct notions of what to do
  • She may have originated with the notion of human sacrifice to ensure plentiful crops, for her actions were often bloodthirsty.
  • He also noted that pigmented fungi were resistant, consistent with the notion that pigments serve as protective filters.
  • Tim the Rev had picked up on the notion that the codification is intended to put a political gag on charities, and Peter said that the draft legislation had no such intent.
  • According to a South Korean news agcy report, North Korea's leader is waving off any notion of additional nuclear tests. CNN Transcript Oct 20, 2006
  • Further, in the sociomorphic and anthropomorphic nature of the morphology that is paranoically and schizophrenically projected upon realty, the God class comes to articulate the discourses at play in our notions of society and humanity. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Forget any romantic notions of setting horse hair traps for rabbits in the pale dawn and then settling down to tickle trout from the mossy banks of the stream.
  • This is expressed in Sokushinjôbutsugi, ch. 5, in Kûkai's notion of kaji (Skrt: adhisthâna), which has been variously translated as Laughter
  • It's not a coincidence that I quoted his notions of raciality in fantastical races above. Ishoo Wun
  • Throw in the notion of cloudlike systems that are effectively operating system-agnostic, and this move seems even less logical. CNET

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