
How To Use Noticed In A Sentence

  • I've noticed a lot of people larding their speech with that phrase lately.
  • Gideon could see the places where the silver was wearing off the cane and he noticed a good deal of clumsy darning on the inside of the cloak, as though the lining had come away from the backing several times.
  • As soon as everyone stopped laughing, they noticed a few baby cradles at the other side of the room.
  • For the wider body of students, certainly I have noticed that an OE of some kind almost invariably follows within a couple of years of graduation.
  • That's when I noticed the little sticker on the window explaining the purpose of the ‘Child Safety Lock’.
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  • One effortlessly got saturation coverage, the other struggled to get noticed, despite the mandatory presence of a celebrity, a suitably weighty one too.
  • Minerva has noticed a growing enthusiasm for using infant bath seats in adult bathtubs.
  • When he discovered, in 1954, that dimethylnitrosamine was hepatotoxic he noticed that the poisoned livers contained enlarged cells similar to those seen in veno-occlusive disease.
  • Of course people have noticed before that Matisse posed his models in flimsy, filmy harem pants on divans and cushions covered with flowered or striped stuffs against fabric screens and curtains.
  • Bond really has to work in this movie - he has to set up his cover well in advance and try not to be noticed.
  • As she got up and moved to support him, she noticed some strange dark stains on his left shoulder, which had been hidden under the pelisse before.
  • He noticed the Scotch on a tabouret and a cigar box near a chromium smoking stand. What Would Philip Marlowe Do
  • After many days I noticed my belly was becoming distended.
  • The anarchs have status because they are noticed and respected for what little power they have achieved.
  • As a postscript your readers may have noticed that this individual has been allowed to have two letters published in the same edition, although she describes herself differently in each letter.
  • Manzo noticed the neatly trimmed goatee and mustache combination that framed Rossiter's facial features and the chiseled jaw of a man who was in peak physical condition.
  • As he fought to rip the net apart, Francis noticed, with horror, that their struggles were only pulling the net tighter, causing it to inject increasing amounts of tranquilizing drugs into their bodies.
  • He noticed the curious stares of the regular patrons of the inn.
  • Andrew noticed the sudden change of direction, as the wave moved faster towards them.
  • This in some degree corresponds with Captain Cook's record of the irregularity of his compass when he passed near this part of the coast, in consequence of which he called the peaked island to the westward of the cape, Magnetical Island: this irregularity, however, was not noticed by me in my observations near the same spot; and the difference observed by him may very probably have been occasioned by the ship's local attraction, which in those days was unknown. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • In closing, I would like to reflect upon what I think was the most disturbing, and unnoticed, subtheme of Van Sant's film biography of Harvey Milk. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house for our annual Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.
  • I noticed a tap for a local microbrew called Prohibition Ale, brewed by Speakeasy Brewery.
  • Then Vernage noticed Sergeant King staggering down the road in a desperate bid to flag down a car.
  • After a dozen golden oldies had been sung loudly if untunefully, it was noticed that a number of non-MEOSA guests had fled the premises.
  • In the confusion that followed, she managed to slip away unnoticed.
  • A staggering 77 percent said they were, proving that the Weekender is getting noticed on-line as well as on the news-stands.
  • Pete sounded muffled. and as he turned Marcus noticed that he too had a loose thread on his shirt.
  • I should have noticed that there had been no one around the lit fire, or there were no sentries or patrols whatsoever.
  • You might have noticed by now that the keywords Mr. McWhorter has chosen to mark "language-ness" spell out the word "idiom"—which is apt, in that idioms are the parts of language that are the most ingrown, disheveled, intricate, oral and mixed. Strange and Twisted Tongues
  • At length one noticed the fact, and another; and then it became the general topic of conversation in the group upon the bridge, where Ethelberta, her hair getting frizzed and her cheeks carnationed by the wind, sat upon a camp-stool looking towards the prow. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • Otherwise, I would not have noticed as it now blends in nondescriptly, with the rest of the businesses.
  • I've just noticed that the Cafe Car has a big jar of wooden - not plastic - coffee stirrers right there on the counter.
  • As I'd grown older, I'd noticed that Florence had ceased to bowdlerize her storytelling. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • What is so alarming about the commissioner's report is the revelation that so many relatively minor inroads on civil liberties have gone unremarked and unnoticed.
  • Upon arrival we noticed very quickly we were not greeted with friendly faces. Christianity Today
  • Just then, Dallas noticed one of the luscious women walking towards him.
  • A pressman from the paper noticed it and called the newsroom, but it was too late to pull the illustration.
  • That was all of the incident, but he heard Ruth muffle a dry sob in her throat, and noticed that she turned her face away to gaze out of the window. Chapter 26
  • For years, HPV testing was a relatively small, unnoticed component of the medical economy, struggling to find its place in medical diagnostics.
  • She noticed a soft nightdress, also pale blue, had replaced her torn gown.
  • It was a good thing Mrs. Scott's mom was so involved with her son, or else she'd have noticed the horror-struck expression on my face.
  • It cannot have gone unnoticed that our global power has waned in tandem with the waning of our pants. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we were getting changed, I noticed some of my new team-mates were putting on what looked like cricket boxes.
  • Many observers have noticed that negroes become several degrees lighter after syphilization; but no definite relation between syphilis and leukoderma has yet been demonstrated in this race. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Not long after we left home we noticed a car following us with its lights turned off and so we cut across a park but about three men followed.
  • You may have noticed, Mrs Jordan, that we are finally around to respecting your womanly judgment.
  • I noticed he had the picture of us reframed and it was on his desk where it always had been.
  • Then he noticed that sitting next to her was a man who seemed very uncomfortable, touching her arm trying to coax her down. Christianity Today
  • All this, it will be noticed, is a case of cell-multiplication, which differs from that which takes place in the unicellular organisms only in its being _invariably_ preceded (as far as we know) by karyokinesis, and in the resulting cells being all confined within a common envelope, and so in not being free to separate. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • I was ready to about-face and let him drag me home when I noticed an imposing shape in the distance.
  • I was a little unnoticed "shaver" -- the errand boy of the house -- not quite ten years old. My Own Life Story
  • We have to invent a new method for sneaking prisoners out without being noticed by the guards.
  • They were all in their street clothes, so I'd figured they'd vacated the locker room with the intention of going home… until they'd noticed the basketballs.
  • You probably haven't noticed, but my surname bears a passing resemblance to a certain vulgarity.
  • I felt this to have been a very dangerous proceeding, for if le bon Dieu had noticed Ghislaine's travesty, He might have made the wind turn, and she would then have remained a deviless and been forced to live in hell for all eternity. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • However, I also noticed that Speedos and swimming briefs are extremely popular on the beaches of Europe.
  • The dog trapped poorly, ran disappointingly, and when I met Marlyn with the dog at the trackside, I immediately noticed he was over duly distressed.
  • But directly, as a Mississippi regiment passed by, he noticed at the head of one of the companies an old man, almost as old as himself, his clothes torn, and ragged from long marching; shoeless, his feet tied up in sack-cloth and his old slouch hat aflop over his ears. The Bishop of Cottontown A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills
  • Further to this point, you may have noticed that we live in a world that is ever-increasingly disenchanted: quantified, privatised, desacralised and commodified.
  • These organisms are small and rarely noticed, much like relative nobody Preston. The Sun
  • Her eyes were red and swollen, something I hadn't noticed earlier because of the way her hair shielded her face.
  • Stepping outside, he noticed the rain had stopped, the sky had cleared, but the sun was setting.
  • However, breaking the law often starts with unethical behaviour that has gone unnoticed.
  • She noticed a diminutive figure standing at the entrance.
  • The government has also noticed how quiet the protests have been against the antiterror law, which increased the power of law enforcers to act against potential terrorists.
  • His doctor noticed immediately that Tom did look ill: his skin and the whites of his eyes had a yellowish hue this is called jaundice, and he had a swollen, distended abdomen. DR. SANJIV CHOPRA’S LIVER BOOK
  • They noticed fifty and twenty dollar bills floating in the water.
  • Alert readers may have noticed the misprint in last week's column.
  • Erin, the mousiest of the bridesmaids, elbowed Gladys when she noticed, only to find herself subtly rebuked with a withering glare from Cheryl, whose short brown hair and severe temperament remained unchanged for the happy occasion. Crossed
  • I was in a training course which was just about to start when I noticed that I had gotten an inordinate amount of hits this morning.
  • Once finished, I noticed a rasbora on the carpet looking a little sere with a pillow feather stuck on its body. "It's okay to eat fish 'cause they don't have any feelings..."
  • Though as I've noticed, doing auric repairs on someone even without their involvement will cause their physical body to repair itself to match the change in their energetic body.
  • While things are bad now, I've noticed that blue collar families that had jobs during the boom, but couldn't afford to get into one of the overprices houses are now snatching up foreclosures, fixing them up and living the dream. top stories
  • You might have noticed more and more people of all ages gliding down the streets on skateboards, sliding along walls and flicking and spinning their boards with various degrees of success.
  • He touched her lightly under the chin with a solitary finger, a common exhibition of affection she had noticed, and the look in his eyes made Sara blink back tears of happiness.
  • He noticed that most of the other words were racist epithets or the standard obscenities.
  • He seems to have picked up a certain Southern inflection in his voice that I hadn't noticed before. Waldo Jaquith
  • HARRIS: During a second search of a wooded area with several ponds near the family home an officer noticed what he described as a bump in the sanitation pond. CNN Transcript Apr 26, 2005
  • I noticed that to our right there was a large balcony equipped with facilities for preparing and serving food.
  • Feeding soldiers is not a glamorous business; for the most part it is an administrative function that goes unnoticed.
  • Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house for our annual Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.
  • Ben hadn't noticed but it was actually half past nine at night.
  • When the bones were brought to the Montana State University's lab, it was noticed that ‘some parts deep inside the long bone of the leg had not completely fossilized.’
  • The waitress returned to their table with their orders, but the food was left unnoticed.
  • He also noticed that depressed patients were more negative and pessimistic about themselves and their performance than nondepressed patients. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
  • I decided the best thing to do would be to try and fade into the woodwork and hope that no one noticed me.
  • Davis thinks the Wizard may also suffer from skin irritation -- he noticed a bit of a rash during Arenas's cleanshaven days. Gilbert Arenas and his crazy new beard: Barbers tell us what it means
  • As they ate, he noticed two teams of refugees playing volleyball in the street.
  • Captain Brownson had noticed the incident and he sent word to delay opening the breechblock until all danger of explosion had passed. A Gunner Aboard the "Yankee"
  • Of course I had to study the photos to check out all of the features, and I noticed that there appears to be something interesting about the cheekpiece of that stock.
  • & odq; I had noticed that she was much changed, & cdq; Mr. Wentworth declared, in a tone whose unexpressive, unimpassioned quality appeared to Felix to reveal a profundity of opposition. & odq; It may be that she is only becoming what you call a charming woman. &cdq; The Europeans
  • He noticed a phrase that was occasionally repeated throughout the book: Do not arouse or awaken Love until it so desires.
  • Indeed, it was only last week that I noticed the change of colour in the leaves of the persimmon tree in our front yard.
  • (Mr. Rose's meddling with Joyce's use of the Miltonic "woful" has reverberated all the way to Beijing where translator Sylvan Nathans noticed I had called Stephen Dedalus the "woful lunatic. 'Making the Wrong Joyce': An Exchange
  • I first noticed it here years ago, a stippled forefinger pointing upstream. Times, Sunday Times
  • He gazed down into the water and noticed the staff of one boat sticking above the surface.
  • Iwas walking through a wood of medium-sized pine trees when I noticed a pink shower descending from one. Times, Sunday Times
  • I bit my lip as I noticed that his hair was wet but not dripping, as if he'd just shaken the water droplets out.
  • We noticed that no matter what level of restaurant, from street-side dining to white table cloth establishments, all moquecas and feijoadas in Salvador are served in panela de barro - rustic, hand-thrown clay dishes. Fernando Navas: Exploring Brazil: On The SAMBA Track
  • Walking out to the train, I noticed that it sported a blue and white color scheme with black stripes unlike the usual forest green, cream, and mocha colors.
  • Then one day, he noticed that a mare, a stallion and a foal had crossed the fence into the park.
  • I've often noticed the Market Street streetcars because they've returned a number of restored antique cars to operation.
  • I now noticed that the card felt slightly thick, squidgy almost. RESCUING ROSE
  • It is pretty clear that they were to some extent under the influence of pique and irritation when they noticed his deviations from the established faith, and applied to him the epithet of "babbler;" but Paul was not the man to be put down either by irony or insult; and at length it was found necessary to allow him a fair opportunity of explaining his principles. The Ancient Church Its History, Doctrine, Worship, and Constitution
  • I've noticed a few women friends starting to dress very prettily and femininely, wearing more skirts and makeup in prettier (less drab) colors. 18th and 19th Century Country Women
  • I noticed her entrance because she slipped and fell in the doorway.
  • The doubtfulness of it comes out, by the way, when it is noticed that this idea can make two items that are in a fundamental way absolutely identical into two different thoughts.
  • As I dodged down the yard I noticed the broken bottle lying in the drain.
  • They admired the varied vistas of the narrow, crooked streets, and noticed how convenient it was to have shops and residences and even small factories mixed up together.
  • When I did awake I noticed a shadowy figure standing over me.
  • We get so close to our materials that it's easy to miss things and your detail oriented proofer can catch mistakes that could be a deal breaker if left unnoticed. Caroline Dowd-Higgins: Convene Your Personal Board of Directors
  • Manda noticed the front door was opened, and she heard a faint sound of a motorboat, chugging through the water.
  • Consequently, nitroglycerin went largely unnoticed for many years, while the manufacture and use of guncotton, despite several notorious accidents, spread throughout Europe.
  • Both had an interest in Bulgarian folklore and noticed on their travels that this was shared by people in many other parts of the world.
  • Some of you may remember my New Year's resolutions and noticed that quite a few of them had something to do with weight loss.
  • But officials noticed a discrepancy between her spending and the amount she was claiming. The Sun
  • And I noticed this morning that the New South Wales Premier was talking about cooperation and amity and harmony and love and peace.
  • Perhaps it's his glaring vanity - it is surely disingenuous for a man in his sixties to sport such a pompadour and pretend that he doesn't want it noticed.
  • It was largely unnoticed until shed and swimming pool owners began to receive hefty bills. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you noticed too, the dire horses used the Velociraptor calling snort as well. 22-Minute Behind-the-Scenes Featurette on Creating Avatar’s World | /Film
  • She noticed that his skin was a pale, dusty white and his breath was shallow.
  • Glancing at our navigation chart, I noticed the Lakehurst Naval Air Station with its huge airship hangars was slightly off course inland.
  • She cast a sidelong glance at Eric to see if he had noticed her blunder.
  • Finally, I noticed that a huge number of the stories on Latham's bouts of pancreatitis made reference to how pancreatitis was often triggered by excessive alcohol consumption.
  • She noticed that her teeth chattered and that her whole body was nearly numb with cold, but she tried hard not to let it show.
  • They noticed that the Elephant was limping, and then they saw the long blackwood splinter sticking out of his swollen foot.
  • Then I noticed that a lot of debris, consisting of tree trimmings and garbage that people had thrown into the gully was rammed up against the side of the bridge facing the direction the water flowed from.
  • Suppression of the androecium as a teratological occurrence has been most frequently noticed in the following plants, omitting members of those families whose floral construction is normally incomplete in the majority of instances, and exclusive also of cases of substitution. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • And I noticed yesterday while in town that they have tables and chairs in that exact tangerine tone.
  • She finally rounded a corner and noticed that the path this time seemed to slope downwards.
  • Some parents have noticed their babies quietening when a familiar song or TV theme tune comes on.
  • So often these and all the natural phenomena of spring pass unnoticed. The Education of a Gardener
  • As I set that up for her, I noticed that the rear of the dock had both a VGA connector and a DVI-D connector.
  • It was this temperance and self-restraint that led to Mendes being noticed in Hollywood.
  • I noticed that land was only about one hundred yards away, but there was a fierce battle being fought.
  • Of course to do it really well there should be some foreshadowing, but if done really well the foreshadowing is there but not noticed on the first play through. Big Trouble For Dangerous High School Girls
  • As he was pulling the hoody over his head the shirt rode up a little and I noticed that the last few buttons on the bottom of his shirt were undone.
  • The blue flames that Mr. Astor and I noticed came from the fierce burning of this arseniuretted hydrogen as it hissed from oil vents in the trenches under the drive of powerful pumps. The Conquest of America A Romance of Disaster and Victory
  • How many vehicles have harmful faults that go unnoticed? The Sun
  • His tail drooped limply and she noticed that though he usually looked quite joyful and energetic, it now seemed that almost all his energy had run out.
  • Alan noticed the bike a couple of weeks after he first rode his own bicycle to Tracy's weekly appointment.
  • Yes, and in telling about it I'll show my naive ignorance: 4, 5, 6 (?) years ago on a vacation through much of New England, we stopped at a bookstore and I noticed a "local" author shelf with some mass market pbs with "woodcut" - style black and red covers depicting Sleepy-Hollow-like scenes. A Touch of Genius
  • Rumour has it that he nearly choked, but he noticed that a dark ring of dirt developed on the other side of the hanky and went on to develop the first machine.
  • Small blood-vessel disease causes ‘mini-strokes’ that go unnoticed but erode neural-cell communication.
  • She noticed a handwritten note on the table and tentatively picked it up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or again, he noticed that if b is the length of the side of a square, then b² represents its area, and b³ the volume of the cube with edge equal to b. The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained
  • Thus, as you watched, and however grim the revelations, it was as if a grating background noise which had annoyed you for decades had simply ceased without your having noticed it.
  • The incident passed unnoticed.
  • Bernard's exceptional rugby ability has not gone unnoticed and he has recently been invited to play rugby with Leinster.
  • I noticed he'd cut his finger quite badly.
  • His eyes brightened when he saw Krys's face, his brows beetling when he noticed her worried look.
  • A couple of weeks later I was on the U.S. Army home page and noticed a link to unit insignia and patches.
  • One day, Mom noticed him counting on his fingers under the desk.
  • Tim Stanley has noticed that Dr Paul is repeatedly showing signs of what I possibly not he would call crankiness in his answers. @timothy_stanley Paul's very frisky tonight. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • I noticed you've got a decent lock on the door, and the chain, but of course any door can be jemmied. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Molly stood up in surprise and noticed that she was now wearing a gauzy dress of iridescent white.
  • And in Italy, my husband walked in with some horrible strep thing, to a hospital, was fixed with free medicine and then sent to a specialist a few days later who diagnosed some allergy he had that no one here ever noticed... and he did not get charged a centime. Nina Burleigh: A Socialist and a Capitalist Walk Into a Bar...
  • All eyes were on the speaker, and nobody noticed me slip into the hall.
  • Had it not been for the obituary notice they placed in the Mumbai newspapers, this once well-known abstractionist's death on June 23, at the age of 76, might have passed unnoticed.
  • With unhuman speed, he got out of the community unnoticed.
  • She noticed some words scrawled in Dinah's handwriting at the top of her notes.
  • We saw several fist-sized sea squirts which were bright pink in colour, and only when studying the photographs afterwards noticed that each was attended by a number of well-camouflaged commensal prawns, also pink.
  • Edgar noticed that Clyde was wearing a necktie with a driblet design. Underworld
  • So the other day, I noticed a large group of people oohing and ahhing around one guy's computer.
  • The main thing I noticed is that the remasters are a bit louder, but there is no obvious improvement in sound quality. Stories / Popular
  • Right now, you may have noticed, I'm obsessing about Plácido.
  • How could such alleged abuse have taken place on so wide a scale for so long and gone unnoticed by authorities?
  • If you happened to be patronising the inns of Kendal on Friday, you no doubt will have noticed a rather merry group of women dressed head-to-toe in pink.
  • Came away with tummy nicely full (hope no-one noticed me in embarrassingly close proximity to the mini-pavlovas for much of the evening!) and a heart newly inspired. Kakiseni at Alexis
  • Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house for our annual Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.
  • Have you noticed how each of us is guilty of ascribing motives to other people's actions, yet so often get it wrong?
  • In her concentration she had not noticed that they were both still lying uncomplicatedly in the same position they'd started in six hours before.
  • Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.
  • During the madding pace of the night, Father De La Cruz managed to slip into the hotel unnoticed.
  • George Carlin nailed this dynamic with his, "Have you ever noticed that everyone who drives too fast is a maniac, and everyone who drives too slowly is a moron, while you always drive at the correct speed? Barry Eisler: Fictional Politics
  • Following each triaxial test it was noticed that the low strength specimens, grades C and D, generally sheared along one smooth inclined plane of failure.
  • Bond noticed that he had not enquired his own name and finally volunteered with downcast eye, ‘My name is Gerda.’
  • She noticed that he was looking towards the stairs, so she turned her gaze there and was surprised to see Katz in her sleepwear, holding her teddy bear tightly in her arms while staring at them with wide eyes.
  • i allso noticed that te fat load that is prescott has started his "battlebus" along with the hilarious eddy izard. PREZZA TO THE RESCUE?
  • I noticed a certain peculiarity about his appearance.
  • To avoid their after taste during dessert, we might have refrained from eating them had we noticed them sooner.
  • Every visitor noticed that her effusive welcome was not sincere.
  • I just noticed: not only does his tie match her outfit It is a nice shade of salmony orange, but his teeth match her hair! Should a man wear a tie the color of his wife's outfit... even when the color is orange?
  • I noticed that no one has written a review for the kneepad yet. Are You Advertising One Knee or Two?
  • As we were entering the restaurant I noticed they had a small Ferris wheel and an equally small carrousel at the end of the block but thought nothing of it. Friday nights in Guadalajara
  • I just noticed the chestnut tree in our front yard was dying and wondered why.
  • The first thing I noticed was how bright the display looked-a testament to its luminance, which is measured at Macworld
  • I noticed that no ID supporter has bothered to correct your misunderstanding of phylogenies. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • The soil immediately around the house is heavy clay and I have noticed water pooling after rain.
  • While the servants were cleaning up, I noticed that Itrenore was stealing some looks toward me.
  • As Mitch walked back to the car, he noticed he was favoring his right leg.
  • I noticed that the others were already moving towards the staircase without me, so I hastened to catch up.
  • Shortly after this incident,… his accusers noticed that he posted a memo on the law school's Web site admonishing them in what seemed to be an act of spite.
  • I was sort of walking past Cathay with my mind kind of blank apart for “argh parkmall =/= parklane” and then I looked at her because she looked kind of pretty… and then I noticed she was looking at me, and then I realized she looked kind of familiar, and then… J-gan Diary Entry
  • Has anyone else noticed a lot more groundling crowd noise on The Daily Show and the Colbert Report? Is it just me #354: Kegger Edition | Goblin Mercantile Exchange
  • The sacrifices that the people at my place have given have apparently gone unnoticed.
  • Elsewhere in the world, hostage-taking still continues virtually unnoticed in the outside world.
  • We've noticed he's been swinging the ball away from the bat quite a lot all the time.
  • The old peer took several somewhat hampered steps, and she noticed that his red slippers were heelless. The Silver Spoon

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