How To Use Nothingness In A Sentence
But the howling vacuum had opened up inside her again, with its endless vistas of nothingness and no return, the harlequinade of grasping, painted lovers.
Shortcut Man
I'd have been content to wait out the weather in my tent, but Ron consulted his topo map and we headed off, marching along a streambed into foggy nothingness, south toward the foothills.
The Other in Being and Nothingness alienates or objectifies us (in this work Sartre seems to use these terms equivalently) and the third party is simply this Other writ large.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Certain words drift into the realm of nothingness to be eminently forgotten.
We sailed off into the nothingness of the flat calm sea.

He could already hear the sounds of patrolmen, calling out over the stretch of nothingness, flashing their lights every which way.
I could feel my blood pumping comfortably in my arteries and wondered why it didn't just leak out into nothingness.
There is thus nothing much surprising, even if there is something more than a little regrettable from the standpoint of principle, about the narrow-almost - (but-not-quite) - to-the-point-of-nothingness opinion today.
I feel nothing; the nothingness I feel is complete, roundish, and heavy, not entirely shapeless.
Now or Something Very Similar
Death was not necessarily a portal to the blank bliss of absolute nothingness. It was a deep dive into the unknown. Amy Tan
She swept up the bottle, opened it, and poured the liquid into the kitchen sink, then switched on the garbage disposer and ground the root into nothingness.
Root in a Bottle
Until eventually a perfect unified, timeless nothingness is all that is left.
Dawkins and ID
This absence of perception is absolute nothingness, the nothingness itself being beyond perception.
Because if sagas make contemporary war stories pale into nothingness, the old fairy tales make contemporary horror seem like nice, sweet stories dreamed up by the boys at Disney.
They'd swim around their tank all day, occasionally gawping open-mouthed through the glass before going off on another circuit of nothingness.
Choose between smallness and grandeur, between nothingness and immortality, between him and me!
I take the mug out to the cloakroom and tip the dusty brown nothingness away down the sink.
She would then stare out, as if in her own little world, her own little void of nothingness.
In eroticism the poles of life and death, being and nothingness, fullness and emptiness are one, dissolved like subject and object in the insensible totality of things.
All the world was lapsing into a grey wish-wash of nothingness, she had no contact and no connection anywhere.
Women in Love
A more important question is at stake: is nothingness synonymous with death?
Bookended by a tremendous opening sequence, and a strong finale, the film sags into near-nothingness.
We Have a Pope – review
During our dinner she admitted that she had procrastinated until the whole idea of building a business had retreated into nothingness.
To actively seek nothingness is worse than defeat; why, Kudra, it is surrender; craven, chickenhearted, dishonorable surrender.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
Why would a person of reason suggest that nothingness is applicable in any shape, manner or form to m & e?
Dawkins and ID
While listening, I got a kick out of the silence because I thought the "nothingness" was some sort of wise-assery, like a silent reflection, and combined with that title, I thought it was brilliant.
Mike Ragogna: Triple Threat Friday : Conversations with BoDeans, Bleu and The Chapin Sisters
A labourer howls in the nothingness of the blank paper, which is also the empty, impoverished land.
The puerility and sloth of the students, the pure nothingness of the curriculum: it's all sham and mummery, gutless as a haiku poem.
Under that merciless star light of infinity, any unrightful challenger would be brushed into nothingness as effortlessly as a man might brush an ant from his sleeve.
The Grey King
The large void, terrible in its complete nothingness, yawned again before me and around me and inside me.
Some were from two hundred years previous to this day, and it was a small wonder that they had not simply decayed and disintegrated into nothingness.
Indeed, it may be the fear of nothingness, of simply blinking out of existence which motivates many to take up their faiths.
First I will look down, so that every cell in my body cringes with the awareness that I am doing this to myself, that this is wholly my choice; then I will step out into nothingness.
It would have been a great loss, had any one survived to feel that immense void, that inestimable loneliness, that despair of nothingness.
The French can intellectualise anything - food and drink, football, being and nothingness.
The absence of light, a void, a vacuum, nothingness is so extraordinary that it can only be part of the pre-creation world.
My mind is a blank, a vast, puffy expanse of nothingness.
All of this pales into nothingness, however, when faced with The Ghost's latest masterpiece.
Presumably death is a limit or a boundary, and the beyond of the limit of death is nothingness.
South London Gallery, SE5, Thu to 18 SepSkye SherwinAn exhibition of art that changes and disperses throughout the gallery during its summer-long run, these are art objects that aspire to states of next-to-nothingness.
This week's new exhibitions
The more the man whispered, the more Michela found herself falling into a void of nothingness.
There was, of course, no denying that Willie's disregard for the meal hour had become what she termed "chronical" and severely taxed her forbearance; or that since she was a creature of human limitations she did at times protest when the chowder stood forgotten in the tureen until it was of Arctic temperature; nor had she ever acquired the grace of spirit to amiably view freshly baked popovers shrivel neglected into nothingness.
Flood Tide
Raoul at 38: “the amount of know nothingness is staggering.”
Matthew Yglesias » Is Stimulus Impossible
You are the being that gives form, albeit temporary, to my nothingness.
She would have to pass through great agony to become a part of the great yawning nothingness.
The Mariner's conceptuality is resonant in the sliminess of "a million million slimy things" (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798), 4.230); a register picked up again in Sartre's disturbingly phobic Being and Nothingness (601-15) .13
'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' as an Ambient Poem; a Study of a Dialectical Image; with Some Remarks on Coleridge and Wordsworth
Rob listened as Diana walked out of his room and heard her footsteps fade into nothingness.
Their tombstones leaned forlornly over nothingness, like an existentialist 's ultimate metaphor: Sartre would have loved it.
He likewise never dramatizes a cultural crisis of meaning as a kind of descent into nothingness, madness, and absurdity.
The contrast between the ocean's nothingness and civilization's muchness is captured by the photographs of Alex L.
Photo-Op: Life on the Edge
He could already hear the sounds of patrolmen, calling out over the stretch of nothingness, flashing their lights every which way.
But instead of investing his energy into outward noise that drifts skywards into nothingness, you sense he invests energy inwards, into making himself the best that he can be.
Tendrils of mist snaked from between the trees and lay across the road like a blanket of living snow, shifting, curling, reaching upward to ensnarl Ranyart's legs for only a moment before dissolving into nothingness.
And Other Tales Of Valdemar
Sleep has muffled the last few days into nothingness.
Multiple guitars and vibes unwind a skeletal melody into nothingness while a lonesome organ drones sadly against the silence.
Zeke watched horrified, as Zhore went limp and his energy faded into nothingness.
I call sentient beings out of the blessed gulf of nothingness, that they may pay a duty to my weakness by and by, and curse me in their hearts?
A Pessimist In Theory and Practice
Even in those dark regions, where nothingness prevails, something, nonetheless, is.
I thought life should have ended there and then with me lying in a pile of rubble crying tears of nothingness.
A guy looking off into nothingness is hardly an homage.
Fanboys Movie Poster | /Film
A slight scratch here, a growing patch of rust there, a long-forgotten digit and a patch of skin resting together in the middle of nothingness.
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Only in nothingness can nothing truly exist, and this is where Cecil was.
And I would rather have something of Her Nothingness rather than nothing of Her Nothingness. sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin (18: 58: 48): reality check. you are forgetting that at least 45\% of the people in this country are not rational thinkers. they want to be fed their opinions. they want to be told News
I want to be able to turn on Radio 1 and hear you playing your own unique music one day, stopping that flow of anodyne pop nothingness.
There might be something beyond the grave, you know, and not nothingness.
Death was not necessarily a portal to the blank bliss of absolute nothingness. It was a deep dive into the unknown. Amy Tan
I didn't like the end bit of the reincarnation about going off and being the Godhead, that was a bit freaky, I didn't want to be into this nothingness.
People - and by no means professional philosophers only - often have experiences which they describe as astonishment at the fact of existence, awe in the face of 'Nothingness', apprehension of the unreality of the world or the feeling that whatever is impermanent must be accounted for by what is indestructible.
Inside Higher Ed
Not until life and existence implode into oblivion, nothingness, will the fighting end.
The dim figures faded into nothingness in the fog around them.
A popover is not a lot of nothingness - it has lots and lots of delicious flavor.
Pretty Near Perfect Popovers
But behold, the sinner now, at the sight and sense of his own nothingness, falleth into a kind of despair; for although he hath it in him to presume of salvation through the delusiveness of his own good opinion of himself, yet he hath it not in himself to have a good opinion of the grace of God in the righteousness of Christ.
The Riches of Bunyan
Nothingness the ultimate contradiction is the last lonely feeling.
The numbing effect of this is that we are at risk of becoming, as Manning once said, subjects in the kingdom of nothingness.
Hopelessly and regrettably diluted, diminished by relentless overuse, reduced by popular culture, trendified to the point of empty nothingness.
Times, Sunday Times
I cannot think, though, that this means my father's life has come to nothingness with his death.
The disavowal of nothingness hides another disavowed, even more denegated and foreclosed thing, the inertia of the self-pleasurer, who after all appears in the form of an inert statue, a self-consuming artifact, the static image of a meditator disappearing into nothing, and/or dissolving into enjoyment.
Hegel on Buddhism
Buildings budded quickly from the jealous soil, flowered, faded, were razed back into nothingness.
Shortcut Man
The dissonant chords melt into nothingness giving the impression of not wanting to fight anymore, a cruel world left to savage itself away.
The point of religion, he used to say, was to reconcile us to the hollowness, the futility, the nothingness of life.
Traveling the depths of space proved the most troublesome; even within the tightly packed interiors of Tzenkethi vessels, the reality of the nothingness through which the ships journeyed harrowed even the sturdiest psyches.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
By entering this nothingness, which is the constitutive risk of already dwelling on the earth - call it the burden of consciousness or the task of history - we take up the needfulness of futurity itself.
a kind of supernal visitant, vanishing anon into nothingness, or only a pawnbroker's duplicate.
The Lovels of Arden
Traveling the depths of space proved the most troublesome; even within the tightly packed interiors of Tzenkethi vessels, the reality of the nothingness through which the ships journeyed harrowed even the sturdiest psyches.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
For, as I say, we moderns believe in nothing: the nothingness of the will miraculously giving itself form by mastering the nothingness of the world.
When the candidate for initiation sees (not merely believes, remember, but actually _sees_) that what has always before seemed to him empty space is in reality a solid mass of inconceivable density, and that the matter which has appeared to be the one tangible and certain basis of things is not only by comparison tenuous as gossamer (the "web" spun by "Father-Mother"), but is actually composed of emptiness and nothingness -- is itself the very negation of matter -- then for the first time he thoroughly appreciates the valuelessness of the physical senses as guides to the truth.
Occult Chemistry Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements
Not until life and existence implode into oblivion, nothingness, will the fighting end.
He had one or two Latin texts continually in his mouth on the nothingness and vanity of human life; and, had it been regular to have enjoyed such a plurality, he might have held the office of confessor to the jail in commendam with that of executioner.
Quentin Durward
The intense bright of the chamber and the nothingness in the surround was unnerving.
He then merely raised his hands above his head and ancient phrases started to escape from his lips as a black sphere of nothingness started to appear between his palms.
And one shouldn't not confuse quantum vacua or other fields with absolute nothingness.
Behe's response to Many Universes Hypothesis
He believed that the cosmos was comprised of being, or substance, and nonbeing, or nothingness.
Of course, there are also those who do not subscribe to any religious faith and who may believe that death leads to nothingness, oblivion.
Essence is the intrinsic limitation of esse, the crystallization of existence, bordered by nothingness.
The image of Deaths wide-open mouth evokes the devouring void, the very nothingness that comes with the cessation of consciousness.
He said he saw it as a great black nothingness coming towards him.
Times, Sunday Times
I watched and felt Elbryan's spirit dimmish and dissipate into nothingness even as I witnessed the breaking of the blackness, the destruction of Bestesbulzibar.
He dug his small hands into the rock and dirt, watching bits crumble off and fall into the void of absolute nothingness below him.
Interstellar space could, in general, be defined as a rarified nothingness, a more perfect vacuum than anything achievable in a laboratory.
Trek to Madworld
On the table, the candleholder lies empty: the three candles must have melted into nothingness some time ago.
Vanishing into nothingness, he felt his body and soul, breaking apart and ripping.
collection of perceptions" which makes up our consciousness may be an orderly phantasmagoria generated by the Ego, unfolding its successive scenes on the background of the abyss of nothingness; as a firework, which is but cunningly arranged combustibles, grows from a spark into a coruscation, and from a coruscation into figures, and words, and cascades of devouring fire, and then vanishes into the darkness of the night.
Hume (English Men of Letters Series)
If God's consciousness can exist in nothingness, so can mine.
Dawkins and ID
Every wall I had constructed to keep myself from hurting deeply, from being vulnerable, eroded away into nothingness, leaving me alone and frail.
Death was not necessarily a portal to the blank bliss of absolute nothingness. It was a deep dive into the unknown. Amy Tan
And, because the sets are still not used by a mass-market audience, you do look like a headcase in public places speaking, apparently, into nothingness.
He turned away, his feeling of anguish at the nothingness of it all overwhelming him.
And the thankfully near full moon was magically radiant in its slight yellowness, divinely suspended in nothingness amid the sequined backdrop of stars, planets and galaxies.
One sunny morning both children were sitting on the back steps; Bob was whistling between his teeth and staring into nothingness so Brigid wisely kept quiet.
Besides, he began to find himself a mere novice in French gallantry, which is supported by an amazing volubility of tongue, and obsequious and incredible attention to trifles, a surprising faculty of laughing out of pure complaisance, and a nothingness of conversation which he could never attain.
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
Nirvana is commonly described as 'nothingness' or a 'void.'
Michael Brenner: The Buddha As Icon
--Terri, I've seen some theologians argue for "annihilationism" of the individual soul, perhaps by choice, to choose nothingness instead of choosing God.
Failing the Fundamentalist Final
It's sheer desert for three-hundred miles, with only hills and buttes to alleviate the nothingness.
The never-ending flow of mental activity started as consciousness abruptly exploded from the void of nothingness.
A slight tingle filled her hands as she held the vessel and she could feel her anxiety pass into nothingness.
“Cha na wu kong” pronounced chah nah woo kawng means go suddenly into the emptiness and nothingness condition.
Tao II
The thinking child may reason that if the bush is not conscious, then something must be helping the bush figure out what I want, and so we create a being from nothingness, a god, or rather, God.
Archive 2009-08-01
The hot weather we had last week deteriorated to gray nothingness here.
Seemingly, as was always the case in FTL flight, the ship had been hanging in black nothingness, with no semblance of motion, when it had staggered, lurching and careening through whatever limbo of foreverness in which it had been situated.
Project Pope
And all that had vanished into the Nothingness was in the minds of the two dogs as they sang, and they sang back through the Nothingness to the land of Otherwhere, and ran once again with the Lost Pack, and yet were not entirely unaware of the present and of the indubitable two-legged god who was called Villa and who sang with them and loved them.
He was often dazed and drifted out of his senses while staring emptily into nothingness.
The world was spiralling into oblivion, to nothingness.
He had become inexistent in his own mind, crushed to nothingness, and he did not feel like getting back to his feet, did not feel like picking up the pieces.
She was just about to give up, to stay in the nice, cold dark void of nothingness when a light appeared before her eyes.
Of course, there are also those who do not subscribe to any religious faith and who may believe that death leads to nothingness, oblivion.
She saw the door slam, the ghost evaporate, and the girl running until everything around her bleared into nothingness.
By risk he means being placed at the limit of death of and nothingness.
It was that void; that gushing nothingness which she so feared.
Indeed air travellers will perceive the islands as tiny specks in endless expanses of blue nothingness.
With death, if he did not slide into nothingness, there would never be an escape.
Her eyes, glazed with the drug, stared with half closed lids at nothingness.
The denizens of this world are so lost in falsity and nothingness that they convict themselves even in their vain defenses of the disgusting behavior at issue.
Matthew Yglesias » Penn Again
A low card table with a green felt inlay, deck of dog-eared cards, the suits faded and fingered to nothingness.
Where's Me Dinner Woman?
Throughout the ages, snow scene has been added more profound by intoning and drawing. The ancients always intone, watch and draw snow, as a meaning of understanding life and exploration nothingness.
Sometimes there are notices warning of inanimate dangers such as the invariably poorly-designed curves, sharp-edged shoulders that drop off into nothingness or shoulders that don't exist at all, perilous intersections, and traffic lanes that turn from two into one or from one into none, snail-paced farm implements and, inevitably, roads under repair.
Free riding the roads of Mexico
There might be something beyond the grave, you know, and not nothingness.
Allah is something that you cannot imagine, because it’s beyond everything, and so it is the big “ah” at the end of the word lah that designates the nothingness.
Some Common Features of Islam and Buddhism: A Conversation with Snjezana Akpinar and Alex Berzin
The light was alone, shining its brilliant rays into the nothingness.
It looked like a giant bicolored drop of milk oozing out of nothingness parallel to the floor.
Into the Thinking Kingdoms
Swirls of nothingness embraced me and whispered to me of nothing, and everything.
a zone of shadow, a terra incognita, which is clearly visible in its minutest details to all those who inhabit it with him, but is darkest night and nothingness to those who may not penetrate it but touch its fringe without the least suspicion of its existence in their midst.
Within a Budding Grove
It is a love story in which denial becomes desire and the fundamental states of being and nothingness are put to the ultimate test.
It might commove Europe and bespatter it with blood, but that would not hinder it from plunging itself into nothingness in the abysmal ooze of definite dissolution.
The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
All that we know of life is connected with a shape, a form, a body of materialism; and now that that is palpably melting away into nothingness, the boldest heart may be excused a shudder, when there is forced upon it, in spite of itself, the idea of ceasing for ever.
Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
So translated by Floyd Dell: "O ye deathward-going tribes of man, what do your lives mean except that they go to nothingness?
A Book of Prefaces
Death was not necessarily a portal to the blank bliss of absolute nothingness. It was a deep dive into the unknown. Amy Tan
The good scenes start strong and go nowhere, but most scenes in this film start nowhere and wander off into nothingness.
Try to see the difference and the burden of the one, and the same in the many, in the willingness of unthink in the trials of nothingness
Singular vs. Plural
Already at the beginning of time, a great light shone into the void of nothingness.
We stared into the black nothingness inside the cave.
For an inordinate seven minutes, the song lilts and rolls into glorified nothingness.
He followed it up to the ceiling, where it parted into two thinner cracks, which eventually merged into nothingness.
Carrying her prostrate figure, he straightened and threw our direction one triumphant look before encasing them both with his majestic wing and fading into nothingness.
There might be something beyond the grave, you know, and not nothingness.
There might be something beyond the grave, you know, and not nothingness.
In the plenitude of youthful health and strength, was his life to ebb away, like an unreplenished stream, flowing into nothingness?
Fairy Fingers A Novel