How To Use Notation In A Sentence

  • In the first sentence, the ship is described as a frigate, which has a pretty strong military connotation. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » The Five Page Challenge!
  • I guess you can get the smart person award for the person who got that little denotation!
  • He examines orders of elements and proves (although not in this notation) that there is a subgroup for every number dividing the order of a cyclic group.
  • Caesarian deliveries were occasionally performed in the Middle Ages, but carried with them connotations of the devil, as the child would be not of woman born.
  • Hence it became necessary to distinguish one from the other _by name_, and thus the notation from midnight gave rise, as I have remarked in one of my papers on Chaucer, to the English idiomatic phrase "of the clock;" or the reckoning of the clock, commencing at midnight, as distinguished from Roman equinoctial hours, commencing at six o'clock A.M. This was what Ben Jonson was meaning by attainment of majority at _six o'clock_, and not, as PROFESSOR DE M.RGAN supposes, "probably a certain sunrise. Notes and Queries, Number 214, December 3, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
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  • For example, the request variable is bound to the request zone, which means you can use a dot notation such as request.myData to access myData in the request zone.
  • Musical notation for instruments, based on figures, letters, or other symbols instead of conventional staff notation.
  • He made a notation on his engagement calendar.
  • It has profoundly negative connotations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus the new connotations and conceptualizations put forth by the Fathers revitalized the Church's memory of what the Apostles taught, and historical theology today would enable us to revitalize our memory of what the "unsurpassable" Fathers taught. Archive 2007-03-01
  • However, the constraints of HTML and web browser technology prevent the reader from personalizing the files, although we have provided readers with a simple search engine, and some indexing and annotation.
  • Originally, Kring wanted to use the word 'banzai', but Masi lobbied against it for its war-like connotations, and 'yatta' was selected. September 2007
  • That is why I use the term devotee because it brings a different connotation; someone who is dedicated to following a specific faith rather than simply acknowledging it because they were born into it. The Nation: Top Stories
  • By the nineteenth century, the Beta Israel eventually took up stigmatized craft occupations, which also became associated with the connotation Falasha (Quirin, 1992). Ethiopian Jewish Women.
  • It was called IRL when I got here and the IRL had a negative connotation with a lot of fans because of the split and the divorce. Karl Ueberbacher: Indycar's Las Vegas Gamble: Series Chief Doubles Down on Season Finale
  • I use the word in its connotation of an unimpaired or uncorrupted state of affairs.
  • It had connotations of blameworthy action, perversity or obstinacy.
  • The lorette carried within her persona all the connotations of urban display and luxury consumption.
  • It is true that the dic - tionary meaning of the term symmetry has shifted since antiquity, but none of the original connotations has become obsolete, certainly not entirely so. SYMMETRY AND ASYMMETRY
  • For convenience, we consider only the case of two alleles at each of the three loci and the notation in this case is varied to reduce the superscripts and subscripts.
  • They are likely to receive a diagnosis that carries strong negative connotations. Trauma and Recovery
  • The female fox is called a vixen, but if a human is called a vixen, the connotation is an attractive but cunning woman! Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • It is difficult to track any supporting documentation for West's sources because there are no footnotes or notations.
  • In addition, while some of the images are repeated to support reiteration in the text, in their second incarnation they often lack any annotation at all.
  • I am referring to a well-defined phenomenon with this term, which as such carries no disparaging connotation whatsoever.
  • Crafty once meant powerful, and cunning meant knowledgeable; each has gradually taken on negative connotations (this is called pejoration). Catachresis and the amusing, awful and artificial cathedral
  • Concerning the imbalance of the data set used in image annotation, a new self-balancing model based on external database was proposed.
  • Thanks to Cheney, "dither" has taken on a new connotation for me. Mitchell Bard: We Should Be Grateful That Obama Is "Dithering"
  • He went on marking things down on his clipboard, violently scratching a multitude of checks and notations onto the paper.
  • Don't take it literally as a geminate consonant, as might be the interpretation of those familiar with IPA notation. Markedness and the uvular proposal in PIE
  • I think it needs more in the way of paraphrase and/or annotation, which I hope Oxford University Press's forthcoming version of Durr's book on the cantatas will provide.
  • Upon completion of the survey and of marking the boundaries, a copy of the record along with the headright certificate was presented to the secretary's office where a patent was prepared and a notation made of those imported. Mother Earth Land Grants in Virginia 1607-1699
  • Not all annotations and marginal notes were politically motivated or denominationally influenced.
  • It is suggestive how the Armorican tradition seems to manifest itself, either directly or indirectly, in nearly all the "Lives" of the Saint which are considered the best; in St. Fiacc's, in the annotations of the Scholiast, in the "Tripartite Life," in the Fourth "Life," and in the Fifth by Probus. Bolougne-Sur-Mer St. Patrick's Native Town
  • In the second place, there is nothing whatever in the connotation of "kibosh" that would prevent it appearing in the pages of your magazine. "I do not enjoy the suggestion that you have a better ear or eye for how I want my words to read than I do."
  • Words and terminologies that were once accepted or unquestioned are now being changed in all languages because over a period of time these words have lost their original meaning and acquired negative connotations.
  • Christian contemporaries, and that their knowledge was mainly confined to mere commercial notation, an anonymous writer has shown how the modifications of form could be naturally made, in vol.ii. of the _Bath and Bristol Magazine_, pp. 393-412.; the motto being _valent quanti valet_, as well as the title professing it to be wholly "conjectural. Notes and Queries, Number 18, March 2, 1850
  • This difference is expressed in the notation of oxidation state versus ionic charge.
  • Unique PROSITE domains without INTERPRO annotations were ignored; these include low complexity regions such as proline-rich, serine-rich or glutamine-rich regions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The simplest denotation of a tree, a trunk dividing upward into two thick branches, appears against placeless black.
  • His annotations to this CD proudly point out the Cs, C sharps, and Ds that he must sing.
  • Rather, my instinct is telling me that the "ablautless" forms are coloured by uvulars, hence *-a-, and that ablauting forms stem from a lengthened Narten present, *ɢēb- or *gʰēbʰ- in traditional notation, since it's already been established by other IEists that long vowels are not affected by laryngeal colouring and thus, by extension, they wouldn't be affected by uvular colouring. PIE *kap- and *ghabh-
  • Our society often attaches a negative connotation to the word ‘game.’
  • This is a CD-R, and the packaging is minimalist, although there are annotations (on the inlay card, not in a booklet).
  • I tell him I don't know what either flotsam or jetsam mean beyond their colloquial connotations.
  • The notation 30X means the 1: 10 dilution, followed by succussion, is repeated thirty times. Archive 2006-08-01
  • However, the Babylonians has no notation to indicate where the integer part ended and the fractional part began.
  • And that's why the term differentiation has acquired a negative connotation. The Times of India
  • As an explorer and practitioner of the core connotation of traditional culture, Mr Xifang Jin, in his years of meditation and enlightenment seeking, has discovered two ways of human learning.
  • The IP address in dotted decimal notation or the domain name of the ultimate destination. Ping
  • There was no written music, but my father, since he had studied Western music, which is written on paper, got the idea to develop notation for Indian music too.
  • Certainly, there are marked, and perhaps primary, political connotations to such myths.
  • To accomplish this, just substitute 0xc0a8090a in the filter code with the IP address of your choice in hex notation.
  • The tune of My Country, 'Tis of Thee, as printed in tonic sol-fa notation below will make these points clear. Music Notation and Terminology
  • I love the parallel nuttiness of the denotations and the curiously balanced and opposed vowel sounds that follow.
  • Schoenberg sought what he called ‘speech melody’ - something between declamation and song - and he devised a notation that indicated the rise and fall of the voice, as well as its rhythm.
  • He hated the phrase “student body,” for instance, insisting that “studentry” was both clearer and without the ghoulish connotations he saw in the former term. On writing by stephen king
  • This notation, common in some form or another to all early manuscripts, consisted of staffless ‘neumes ', signs that to a certain extent indicate the contour of the melodies but not the exact intervals.
  • The expressive notation facilitates abridgement in order to specify broader categories.
  • The notational PHP application probably includes a module that lets system administrators create, edit, and delete users.
  • Participants are mostly arranged along the top of page , unless drop - box participant creation notation is used.
  • The inclusion of so many annotations does not sit easily with the view that these books were commissioned from professional copyists.
  • For Reginfo, the top horizontal line with the curvilinear arrow bears the same connotation as one of the implications of the quartered circle.
  • Phrases like ‘puppy farms’ with its connotation of cute and cuddly has changed into a byword for appalling dens of excruciating cruelty.
  • Doctors previously used the term hormone-replacement therapy (HRT), which carried the connotation that menopausal women were missing something essential. The Seattle Times
  • No wonder the Italian poet Petrarch, who idolised women, could not read her letters without exclamatory annotations in the margins.
  • Because it's all to do with binary notation, since two raise to the power of ten gives 1024 not 1000.
  • On page 88, Livio writes “An Indian plate from 595 already contains writing of a date in Hindu numerals using decimal place-value notation, implying that such numerals had been in use for some time.” Somali pirates, U.S. crew, Rush Limbaugh, and Barack Obama.
  • The paper introduces an annotation tool based on pen interaction.
  • The word 'lady' has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.
  • Yet a similar confusion of thought is involved in this indiscriminate application of the term piracy, unless we emphasize the fact that in this connexion it must be divested of its ordinary moral connotation. England under the Tudors
  • _Primo Libra di Messe_ on the _canto fermo_ of the hymn _Conditor alme siderum_ is published in modern notation in the _Anthologie des maîtres religieux primitifs_ of the _Chanteurs de Saint Gervais_. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Sometimes the word scherzando (joking) is used in musical notation to indicate that a passage should be executed in a playful manner. Environment news, comment and analysis |
  • In that interview, with a department employee listening in, she explained that the root of the word intifada meant "shaking off," but that it had acquired other connotations because of the Israeli-Palestinian struggle. Vos Iz Neias - (Yiddish:What's News?)
  • The LDAP server IP address in dotted decimal notation. Specifying an LDAP Server for Certificate Revocation Lists
  • Once one realizes that we can appeal to connotation theory, and more generally the theory of exposition, without invoking new entities, the door is opened to applying mathematical analyses (all of which are exponible, for Ockham) to all kinds of things, and in particular to physical nature. William of Ockham
  • And yes, to an Asian-American in San Francisco, the word conservative likely has negative connotations related to anti-gay bigotry, whereas to an African-American in a crime-ridden neighborhood on the East Coast it might have positive connotations related to issues of personal responsibility and character. Matthew Yglesias » Are African-Americans Conservative, or Is Ideological Self-Identification Meaningless?
  • It resembles musical notation; the dots have the rat-a-tat of a man sending code.
  • The sea bream, or tai in Japanese, carries auspicious connotations because of the phonetic association of its name with the Japanese word for congratulations (medetai).
  • Some of their words seemed to carry connotations that I was never able to recognize.
  • The fratto song is a type of executed liturgico Christian song with values proporziona them: to the contrary of the so-called gregoriano the cantus fractus it often possesses a notation with mensurali elements, that it indicates with precision the value of notes. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Drawn by a total revulsion of ideas from the chain of thinking that had led him to composition, he relinquished his annotations in resentment of this dismission, when he might have pursued them uninterruptedly without neglect of other avocations. Camilla
  • Any other indication of document content, such as classification notation or alphabetical subject headings, are partial representations of content.
  • I find there are too many negative connotations to genre writing, especially to the ever-so-popular science fiction / fantasy.
  • This memo, and a follow-up notation on the memo the next day, support that there was a perceived urgency at the time and it was not created after the fact to justify the claim being made.
  • Her claim that the term impure (teme’ah) is obfuscated because of its biblical connotation of transmission of impurity and the rabbinic usage of unavailability for sexual purposes needs further clarification. Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
  • Though most widely used in ballet companies, choreology has subsequently been evolved to deal with non-classical movement also, and together with Labanotation is the most internationally used system.
  • In Wuthering Heights Catherine Earnshaw's old books and scrawled, diaristic notations discovered by Heathcliff's hapless tenant afford a spiritual channeling scene in which Catherine's ghost is summoned from the beyond.
  • It supplies descriptions of numerous dances, plus musical notation, with the steps and positions clearly defined, e.g. basse danse, galliarde, volte, courante, allemande, and 24 versions of the branle.
  • Then the thesis briefly introduces cultural connotations of scholar - bureaucrat group.
  • The idea that failure doesn't have negative connotations is amazing, because in real life there is no way to move forward without having to deal with failure. The Sun
  • Punic names were characteristically theophoric, and the Romanizing upper classes of North Africa typically assumed Latin names that retained the religious or moralistic connotations of the originals.
  • Q How did the notation "overnights" get put on that memo? Mccurry Lewis Briefing
  • The current rash of quick-turn CEO replacements, with the former CEO being brought in for a replay, creates some interesting connotations.
  • Conversely, the ‘performer’ will be able to generate a rough Labanotation score that can be refined by a notator.
  • This type of annotation may be extremely useful for bibliographies and booklists.
  • However, in some circumstances, nonsexual conduct may take on sexual connotations and rise to the level of sexual harassment.
  • Urban annotation thus becomes a process of involution, an intensive rather than an extensive phenomenon: a potential anti-sprawl.
  • A dentist years agi actually had a notation on the front of my chart, “gagger”! Quality time
  • Hardcover and paperback, spotless and battered, beautiful books and cheaply printed books, crude paper-bound galleys with pages scribbled in mysterious annotations.
  • Historically, sketches have been autograph manuscripts, but today a sketch of an electronic work might be in the form of a tape, or notation might be realized in a computer notation program, and so on.
  • This use never caught on, but the devilish connotation of the word reappeared over 200 years later when Sir Walter Scott used Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • One could not possibly even write the number down in full, in our ordinary denary (power of ten) notation: it would be one followed by ten to the power of 123 successive zeros!
  • Consider arithmetic expressions in Common Lisp, which must be written in prefix notation.
  • Such an experience, which seems very remote from our jet-age culture, carried with it connotations of personal development and maturation.
  • A definition is just a definition, but when the definiendum is a word already in common use with highly favorable connotations, it is clear that we are really trying to be persuasive; we are implicitly recommending the achievement of optimal states. NYT > Home Page
  • The software enables the user to design a rich, visual timeline of his or her life with text or audio annotations.
  • The musician must also know software, printing technology, and have a range of skills in notation and imaging programs. The Roots of the Pay Problem
  • In addition to that I think that the ending is less then definite, taking into account the predominant viewpoint of the film and the combinative delusional and Oedipal connotations of the film.
  • In Chinese, the character refers to an animal of the monkey species, and has the connotation of `parsimoniousness.' CHINESE 'JEW.'
  • The term is not new and it continues to suffer from the negative connotations of information overload. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course we have modernised the notation, for example subscript notation was not used in Parseval's time, and we have also corrected his theorem for he omitted the first 2 on the left hand side.
  • It supplies descriptions of numerous dances, plus musical notation, with the steps and positions clearly defined, and 24 versions of the branle.
  • The annotation of coreferential chains in a text is a difficult task, which requires a lot of concentration.
  • In that female dominated world of choreology it was indeed rare to find another man who was interested in notation.
  • Nonetheless, the localisms introduced lingering friction in the international discourse, which has been compounded by the US not adopting ‘neo-liberal’ either, because of its own peculiar left-wing connotations of ‘liberal’.
  • For future studies, whether using microarrays, proteomics or genetics, I believe it is essential that this requirement is met and it is now the time to develop large-scale annotation programmes.
  • AR will permit people to explore environments at their own pace, look at what interests them, and access multiple layers of annotation describing what they are looking at.
  • The raw, unrehearsed commentaries reveal the connotations that define particular types of music and the groups who identify with them.
  • A compleat recording of the annotations 339pp. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Dividing by two and then taking the remainder gives us a number's last digit in binary notation.
  • Hamowy's scholarly annotations are of great value in understanding the text.
  • A major thrust in our current work is aimed at determining more precisely what shades of emotional, connotational or semantic content are able to cross through the brainstem and how they affect cognitive processing on the other side. Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
  • I'd probably get in a notation on my permanent record for this.
  • And so it acquired its contemporary, pejorative connotation of idle chatter.
  • For convenience, we consider only the case of two alleles at each of the three loci and the notation in this case is varied to reduce the superscripts and subscripts.
  • There's also, in some of his works, a sense of festination -- of explosive speed, though that doesn't have quite the same connotation as "to festinate" -- as though the work is hurrying to get through itself before devolving into violent noise. " music is also seductive, even spiritual"
  • The Memex had many features that are now familiar components of e-books: pages, page turners, annotation capability, internal and external linking, and the potential for storage, retrieval, and transmittal. 'The Oxford Companion to the Book'
  • The paper introduces an annotation tool based on pen interaction.
  • On palma the MS. gives a liquescent note, on the first syllable of adnunciandum it has a podatus (a c, or d f, as this notation should be read a fifth lower) instead of a single note; in the last, a podatus instead of an epiphonus. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Not only does the choir provide a vocal education, and a subsequent platform for performance, there is also an important focus on the comprehension of music notation and theory.
  • For example, the Javadoc specification allows you to specify annotations in the comments associated with a program element.
  • Eng. for “young hobo,” one who is new on the road and usually in the company of an older tramp, with catamite connotations. Literacy; why is it that we want to stay with modern meaning rather than return to the True meaning of a word? « Children Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • In the documents of the last volume, drawn from the imperial court, you can read the Emperor's notations down the margins.
  • The hand fratto is a type of Christian liturgical song performed with proportional values: on the contrary, the so-called Gregorian cantus fractus have often with a notation elements mensurali, which indicates with precision the value of the notes. Archive 2008-01-01
  • To think in these terms - clearly derived from popular music practice - is to question an almost universal precept of music education systems, that students need to learn to read and write in music notation.
  • This type of denotation was not used just to name the child in question, but to express the kind of bond and identification that preservice teachers had developed with their children.
  • Poems on Divine Subjects; original, and trans - lated from the Latin of Marcus Hieronymus Vida; with large Annotations, more particularly concerning the Being and Attributes of God; LondJ 1 732/* 8vo; Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century: Comprizing Biographical Memoirs of William Bowyer ...
  • They fall into the basket, the correct notation shows, a click track plays four preparatory pulses, then the rhythm.
  • And now Microsoft has appropriated the hash sign for its new software dev tool C#, supposedly pronounced C Sharp (as in the black key after C on the piano # denotes ‘sharp'i n musical notation) but which looks to many of us as C Hash.
  • In India the word spastic is used without negative connotations, with The Spastics Society of India being India’s most noted non-profit and a non-governmental organization NGO, working for Neuro-Muscular and Developmental Disabilities. SYNCHRONIZED SPAZ ATTACK - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Marginal notations add to this volume's value by helping readers see the interpretive choices, hermeneutical assumptions, and contextual influences at play in each essay.
  • Commentaries, annotations, and interpretations are all posterity's views from different quarters and corners.
  • The annotation of literary texts makes them more accessible.
  • Can be seen everywhere on campus celebrity of Painting, epigram, motto, displayed a rich cultural connotations.
  • The notation of section thickness on a microscope slide informs the observer of the approximate level of magnification most suitable for examination of the tissue section.
  • Annotations are defined that govern injection of method parameters and class members, which provide valuable contextual information to applications during runtime.
  • This kind of annotation of the rhythmic structure of a verse is called scansion, and the basic rhythmic pattern of a poem (if it has one) is called its meter.
  • For hundreds of years, composers have argued over what's the best way to represent music on the page, and many have experimented with weird new modes of notation.
  • The culture of administrative self-accusation consists of two kinds of key elements: the subjectivity with special connotation and the regulatory.
  • Despite the negative connotations, it can be healthy. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the knowledge web, not only the author but also third parties can create links, comments, and annotations.
  • The phrase that Walt popularized that raises hackles, because it is a name, which implies a (corporate) entity being named and is for that reason vaguely conspiratorial in connotation, is “Israel Lobby.” Matthew Yglesias » A Valentine From Steven Walt
  • It resembles musical notation; the dots have the rat-a-tat of a man sending code.
  • It's simply that Arthur's notation is standard and identical in every respect to what Wolfram does -- excepting only the omission of the subscript S on the integral sign to help underline that it is a surface integral. Rabett Run
  • Employing unit is a concept and category with particular connotation and denotation in our labor law.
  • The portrait is an endlessly interesting example, a theme redolent with social connotations and artistic references.
  • The notation Nagy used was for the same master mark that had burnt her. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • To chill out and to relax have similar connotations and implications. Times, Sunday Times
  • A link brings you to an informative introduction, followed by a list of six birds whose sounds are represented as sonograms and in musical notation.
  • In the following table, we give the prefix and infix notations and the corresponding expansions.
  • The notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical.
  • Thank Christ I changed my name bac~ Never thought Slaughter would have less murderous connotations than the alternative. ' Quite Ugly One Morning
  • This is nearly the opposite of the philosophical connotation of "existentialism" of being as happy with nothing as you would be with whatever wealth you might accumulate Jon Stewart's Extended Interview with Newsweek Editor Jon Meacham | Indecision Forever | Political Humor, 2010 Election, and Satire Blog | Comedy Central
  • So the radical fringe on the left, following the Alinsky playbook and in an effort to continue to move our equally free country in the direction of the equally miserable, disposed of the term reparations, along with it's negative connotations, in favor of a much more common and already accepted term, "justice. All articles at Blogcritics
  • The aim of the first part is to introduce the Hindu numerals, to explain a place value system and to describe addition, multiplication and other arithmetic operations on integers and fractions in both decimal and sexagesimal notation.
  • Kinship terms can also be broken into components, such as the term ‘father’, and this could be associated with various ‘connotations - positive or negative… [for] each of the following relationships: generation, collaterality, sex, relative age, affinity etc’.
  • They use the notation [λx Ox & x 5] as the name of the concept being an object x such that x is odd and x is greater than 5 (or, more naturally, ˜being odd and greater than 5™). Frege's Logic, Theorem, and Foundations for Arithmetic
  • I find that statement particularly significant in that it has a pejorative connotation: bigness is apparently assumed to require restraint. The New Society: New Title, Same Old Debate
  • These issues and their connotations for academic freedom and campus sustainability are complex and convoluted.
  • When our words lose the ability to convey an ethical connotation they become sterile and worthless.
  • He established choreology, the discipline of dance analysis, and invented a system of dance notation, now known as Labanotation or Kinetography Laban.
  • The different connotation between them dominates the aesthetic criterion. Anyway , the otherness of their conventional architecture is dissimilitude .
  • And afflicted people will tacitly struggle against such connotations until the spectrum of acceptance broadens and mental impediments are no longer considered disabilities, but respected facts of life.
  • Lastly: I believe that despite this level of detail, this is fundamentally hoi polloi fiction redshifted or, to take our cue from political notation, blueshifted in the direction of complexity, without being, in itself, for the most part, complex. Hoi Polloi
  • Of course notation is an impoverished version of music, but all musicians know that, and approach notated sources appropriately. All your compliments and your cutting remarks / Are captured here in my quotation marks
  • All kinds of expectations and connotations lie embedded in ‘comedy’: for example, the trap of sentimentalism.
  • In feudal society , its denotation is personality - killing and absolute integrity and super stability.
  • Higher integrated specifications, simple and annotation driven, single-classloader WARs, next level of industry standard Sun Bloggers
  • The oddest is the Chicken Dinner, apparently chosen for the connotation of prosperity. It's a beautiful world we live in
  • Tremolo on the annotations, vibrato on the interpretations, and sostenuto on the implications: long, triumphant open vowels of discovery! WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • In arithmetic, and in other disciplines as well, truths remain the same even if notations are changed, and it does not matter whether a decimal or a duodecimal number system is used (Leibniz 1670, 128). Thomas Hobbes
  • It obviously does carry some negative connotations, but people are increasingly prepared to buy there. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could be best described as a selection of readings accompanied with annotations and explanatory notes.
  • In addition, marginal notations of dates indicate the initial entry of books in the Register which were subsequently reregistered by another party, likely as the result of a sale or trade between stationers.
  • Thirty-four years after I made this crabbed notation - ‘Mr. Chapman and guest.’
  • Economy in denotation and connotation can prohibit thought as well as promote it.
  • Revenge was such a malicious and stupid act in some people's definition, but the denotation to her was justice.
  • Additional, the furniture culture connotation of Europe type style is very rich, suit decorate the style is Oushi classicism .
  • I use the term handyman deliberately because it has a kind of unsophisticated connotation that is meant to quietly offend an expert tradesperson. EzineArticles
  • There's no emotion or umbrage here or even shit-picking attached to telling you that when I read "harangue" I assume "bombastic ranting," which is not my connotation, but a standard and prevailing definition of the word "harangue. Readercon 16: Day 1
  • And you are right, it is a good word in it’s original meaning and it is regrettable that the “zombie” connotations have overwhelmed it’s meaning when there isn’t an adequate replacement (educable, educatable & teachable have their own connotations). The Volokh Conspiracy » Adderall
  • I object to the term sulfite mining gives it a bad connotation. One Mom
  • She also worries that orthorexia has positive connotations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Markings on bone plaques clearly represent systems of notation, perhaps even lunar calendars.
  • The connotation and the practical teaching status quo had been analyzed about the applied chemistry specialty.
  • Roberto Mancini's flowing, beautifully styled locks means the word "hairdryer" has a very different connotation at Football news, match reports and fixtures |
  • When I encounter especially memorable statements, or those I intend to cite or refer to later, I underline them and put words and other notations (like stars) in the margin.
  • When you write an English word in Urdu, all the t's and d's are retroflex - indicated by a little sign over the top called ‘toy’ - it looks like the flat sign in western musical notation.
  • His annotations to an incunable edition of Old Frisian law reveal his interest in Anglo-Saxon canon law.

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