How To Use Notably In A Sentence

  • He took nourishment from press conferences, where he was notably generous, but not bountiful enough to promise a match.
  • Several Cowboys, most notably cornerback Deion Sanders, are due to receive substantial amounts of money that year.
  • Many of the major characters are historical figures, notably Llewellyn and David, their mother Lady Senena and their two other brothers Owen Goch “Owen the Red” and Rhodri, and King Henry III of England. Sunrise in the West, by Edith Pargeter. Book review
  • But he is still notably dishier than anyone who spends all day hunched at a desk could hope for. Times, Sunday Times
  • The system of education and discipline pursued has undergone some modifications in recent years -- notably during the provostship of the Rev. Francis Hodgson; but radical defects are still alleged against it. The Grand Old Man
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  • The countries laying claim to this bounty have all been building up their navies, notably China which this week officially confirmed long-known plans to deploy its first aircraft-carrier.
  • Most notably, it acknowledged the lack of consensus on the "immutability" of sexual orientation - that is, on the question whether it has a biological basis or not - but noted that it was, at the very least, "highly resistant to change. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • There has to be a substantial increase in the number of specialized clinics; most notably in fields such as orthopedics, imaging and ophthalmology. Curing Canada's Sick Health-Care System
  • He's made some bad ones, to be sure - he was notably burned by telecom companies during the dotcom bust - but over the course of a few decades of investing, Gilder has become known as a prescient technophile. News
  • In addition to expediting the compounding process and enhancing patient safety, RIVA has notably improved work and safety conditions for hospital staff, reducing their exposure to a multitude of drug compounds - namely cytotoxic drugs. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Endosperm starch content of sweet maize was lower than normal corn notably.
  • It is true, and worth stressing, that scholars have often treated some activities as exclusively male - notably hunting, stone toolmaking, and rock art - whereas ethnography shows that women often do these things too.
  • Notably, John F. Kennedy took medicine cabinets of alleviative medications for back pain, among other problems. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • In addition to supporting Columba trocaz, several forest areas are also very important for a number of Madeiran subspecies, notably the birds of prey and passerines living within the forest canopy such Madeira chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs maderensis) and Madeira firecrest (Regulus ignicapillus maderensis). Madeira evergreen forests
  • Many birds and some antelopes, notably the dik-dik and the saiga, sport noses that give them an exceptional ability to regulate brain temperature and conserve water.
  • At least there was now some quality in the hitting, even if subtlety remained notably absent.
  • And in the past 20 years some Islamic states, notably Iran and Pakistan, have tried to reimpose the Koranic ban—in practice, that is(Sentencedict), to make bankers find ways round it.
  • He was introduced by the captain himself, a notably pious man, who spoke of the labours of his brother in the dark places of heathendom. Prester John
  • We still have many concerns, notably about the adequacy of transport planning for the two weeks of the Games. Times, Sunday Times
  • Small amounts of various metals, notably antimony and silver, are added to tin-lead solders to increase their strength.
  • They are clean creatures, preying on other fish, notably herring. Food Watch
  • For all the whiff of street danger, this is a notably wussy, non-violent picture.
  • His recollections are more generous, but notably concerned with the moral impression made on Gandhi, rather than the reverse.
  • Associated Press In the centuries after the Reformation, some Protestants, notably the Puritans in England, sought to ban Christmas celebrations as pagan bacchanals, which they often were. No Church This Sunday—It's Christmas
  • By 1860 imported boars and improved husbandry yielded a hog notably superior to that of the 1820s and '30s.
  • Haydock does host Flat racing, most notably the Group One Sprint Cup, but it is primarily known as a jumps course.
  • The new name to watch in Scottish publishing is Birlinn, which has been busy buying up imprints (notably Polygon) and is clearly intent on making its own mark as a publishing house of national importance.
  • The house had many drawbacks, most notably its location and price.
  • English and to a lesser extent Scottish aristocratic society were indeed notably fluid in the aftermath of the bouleversement of 1066.
  • In some industries, most notably textiles, massive changes took place in technology and in the organisation of production causing dramatic productivity growth.
  • As for the gameplay, senior producer Jeronimo Barrera took the "brawler" genre -- 2-D fighting games like Double Dragon that had become passe -- and spectacularly reinvented it by incorporating advances from its more recent titles, most notably the ability to give orders to one's fellow gang members. Why Rockstar Is the Leader of the Pack
  • Indeed, the Presidential Palace has remained notably tight-lipped since the scandal broke.
  • Colin Dean played some pieces on the organ, notably a fantasia by Farnaby.
  • It is intoxicating, a potentially cold and academic work warmed by the power and skill of the actors, notably Valk.
  • It does, however, seem probable that Luke has to some extent glozed over the asperity of the controversies within the Church, notably the opposition to Paul and his views as described by Paul himself in Galatians and II Corinthians, in his attempt to emphasise the fundamental unity of the early Church.
  • Like most of the sauces here, the duck's citrus glaze is notably reserved.
  • By the beginning of the 12th century, the counts of Barcelona had large holdings north of the Pyrenees (notably in Provence), to which they added for a brief period Majorca and Iviza (1114–15) and, permanently, Tarragona. 3. Barcelona and Catalonia
  • These figures are not notably different from those in the UK or anywhere else in the Western world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today sexual-harassment suits might have shut down his balletic endeavors, for Diaghilev was inveterate about conscripting into romance the young men he made the leading male stars of his company, most notably Nijinsky and Massine. The Passions of an Impresario
  • In this exceptionally picturesque region, beauty and grinding toil continue to coexist, very much as described in John Steinbeck's novels, notably The Grapes of Wrath.
  • More than once I heard people talk about not trusting someone from north of the Mason Dixon line (of which I am one), and that people of color (referred to as "darkies") were not to be trusted (most notably from the name partner of a large law firm to his client referring to another attorney in the D.C. area representing a major corporation with whom the client had business dealing with). Apology not accepted, lawmaker says of McDonnell
  • But there's also a lot of interesting stuff at the low end - notably The Ghost in the Machine which is a proposed explanation for some ghost sightings, whereby there's some infrasonics (caused by wind through a room or whatever) that hits the resonant frequency of the human eye, around 18Hz according to NASA (pdf) causes weird visual artifacts. Danny Ayers : Raw Blog
  • Players, most notably Tiger Woods, have been asked to boycott the season's first major.
  • All this depended in turn on mathematical progress, notably calculus developed by Newton and Leibniz, which allowed for actuarial calculations.
  • Most notably, Area 2 had been home to Detective Jon Burge, a name synonymous in the city with torture in interrogations. Long Way Home
  • This thumb claw varied in size, shape and orientation among the sauropod groups: it was particularly big in diplodocoids, where it was also laterally compressed and notably deep, and clearly separated from the rest of the metacarpus. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Some, notably the antinomians, were theologically unorthodox; their obsession with personal “conversion” led them to question whether the “visible saints” governing the colony were truly saintly.
  • Notably, the company checked the Trujillos 'time sheets against the security gate log of entries and exits, ignoring the fact that workers often "piggybacked" -- failed to show their badges at the gate, following after someone who had -- and had done so for years without comment by the company. Joan Williams: Health Care? Let's Do It for Charlie
  • When the resulting flight from asset-backed commercial paper caused exposures to come back on to the balance sheets of banks that had sponsored such programs, uncertainty about some banks 'exposures raised their funding costs, most notably in the term interbank market, as evidenced by widening LIBOR spreads. Lacker Speech on Financial Stability
  • KABUL -- On the 18th of May, as Hamid Karzai prepared to report on his notably successful visit to the United States, a suicide bomber in Kabul detonated his explosive-laden van, killing 6 coalition soldiers and 12 Afghan civilians, wounding nearly 50 others. Lt. Col. Ed Ledford: What Effect Did the Taliban Attacks Have? None. Really, None.
  • Finger millet is subject to bird predators - notably to the notorious quelea (see Appendix A). 2. Finger Millet
  • Grosseteste's method is primarily dialectical; its aim is the discovery of a definition, a generalized verbal characterization, and it is perhaps not surprising that he discusses composition before taking up resolution, for in certain sciences (notably mathematics) the syn - thetic or compositive method is all that seems to be needed in most cases. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Most notably, the Pueblo Indians in the Southwest used adobe masonry to moderate weather extremes and keep their homes comfortable.
  • Professor Gregory is distinguished for his studies in experimental psychology, most notably in visual perception and the nature of visual illusions.
  • The spicy perfume of clove pinks is unique, notably from a line of them edging a path. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, principled values and beliefs are notably absent.
  • The negative effect is greater for certain sectors, notably semi-skilled and unskilled work in services. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than once I heard people talk about not trusting someone from north of the Mason Dixon line (of which I am one), and that people of color (referred to as "darkies") were not to be trusted (most notably from the name partner of a large law firm to his client referring to another attorney in the D.C. area representing a major corporation with whom the client had business dealing with). Apology not accepted, lawmaker says of McDonnell
  • Of particular interest is the large suite of secondary lead and copper minerals that can be found - most notably pyromorphite and wulfenite.
  • Some, such as the wryneck, ceased to breed in East Anglia; others, notably the stonechat, all but vanished.
  • Indeed the first Greek responses to the radical feminism, which emerged in the early phases of the French Revolution, came from men, and most notably from the radical exponent of the Greek Enlightenment, Rhigas Velestinlis (or Pherraios) (1757 – 98). Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein on Saturday warned legal action may be taken against bloggers and publications that reprint what he calls fraudulent claims. snip several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News
  • The bathrooms are tiled, and notably spacious, and if they're not enough, the hotel has its own health spae, containing a jacuzzi, a solarium, a steam-bath and a massage chair.
  • Emigration has notably increased over the past five years.
  • But not enough is heard of the immense advances made in various areas, most notably protection against bad weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • As usual, the label delivers strong belts, hats, and tees, but most notably are their new backpacks, buttondowns, jackets, and wallets (pictured above). CtotheJL
  • In one place, His Eminence speaks of the way in which the term "preconciliar" has been used as an insult "as if an abyss should be created between the "before" and the "after" the Council" and then says:Today, thanks to the Motu Proprio, this situation is changing notably. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Patiently at first, and notably less so as the hours went by, he explained how Liberty Media would be "advantaged" by the breakup announced in January. How to Address
  • Cooked Tomatoes When fresh tomatoes are cooked down to make a thick sauce, they gain some flavors—notably rose- and violet-like fragments of the carotenoid pigments—but they lose the fresh “green” notes provided by unstable fragments of fatty acids and by a particular sulfur compound a thiazole. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • These majestic forests are dominated by the Dipterocarpaceae tree family, notably Anisoptera spp., Peninsular Malaysian rain forests
  • The arrival of the internet spawned a host of websites, most notably lastminute. Times, Sunday Times
  • She looked nice and taut and fresh, but notably inexpensive. Emily Fox-Seton
  • Notably, any statement P is true in {P} and false in {not P}. creeky belly Disinformation Theory - The Panda's Thumb
  • But several areas, notably nuclear magnetic resonance, are less satisfactory.
  • Notably, they have been known to sweep into power relatively unknown candidates, such as Khatami in 2001 and Ahmadinejad in 2005. Al-Ahram Weekly Online
  • Other Faculties, notably Arts and Science, did not limit numbers so much as accept any student who met certain criteria.
  • Under them, the entire company -- most notably McLeavy as a tender-tough Stella and Tim Richards as unpolished but compassionate gentleman-caller Mitch -- vivify a revival that works to remind anyone who's forgotten that here's one of the handful of preeminent 20-century American plays. David Finkle: Blanchett as Blanche in Tennessee Williams's Streetcar Named Desire
  • Mask's interanimation of the material and the ideational, of grit and philosophically-oriented intellection -- results in stanzas notably more literary and poetic than Wolfenstein's. Kaufman, Notes- _Reading Shelley's Interventionist Poetry, 1819-1820_ - Romantic Circles Praxis Series
  • However, color display as well as camouflage is likely to involve visual signals, ambient light, and/or photoreceptors notably active in the near ultraviolet to which humans are not sensitive.
  • One of the most troublesome diseases affecting this species is anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, sometimes in association with other fungi, notably Botryodiplodia and Fusarium spp.; crop losses can sometimes amount to 70-80 per cent, but spraying at 10 day intervals with zineb or ferbam is stated to be effective. Chapter 37
  • Although the plot for the cinematic version has been notably streamlined and occasionally reworked in substantial fashion from the bloviated novel, viewers are, by the end, possessors of this little nugget of truth: Dan Brown is just as bad at plotting as he is at writing, and his inability to create characters who are believable is equaled only by his inability to accurately represent the history, art, architecture, and technology found strewn throughout novel/movie. "Angels & Demons" is methodical, pedestrian, and quite silly
  • They include unique assemblages of mammal remains, notably hominid and primate records, but also bones of Elaphas planifrons, Stylohipparion libycum, Libytherium maurusium, Anacus osiris, Testudo gigans and T. emys. Ichkeul National Park, Tunisia
  • He wrote several books on film and art, notably Dada: Art and Anti-Art.
  • The show includes film stills and coolly fetishistic fashion photography, notably various ad campaigns.
  • Laban studied corporeal movement in notably impersonal terms, disciplining bodies even as he asked them to pulse with new life.
  • Earlier the pair had offered a glimpse of a future working relationship in notably respectful exchanges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also coming are smart glazings, notably electrochromics, which use low-voltage power to modulate from clear to full color.
  • Proper buffet cars are economic on only a small handful of their routes, notably Waterloo-Bournemouth.
  • The audience was notably less interested in his contribution than those of the others. Times, Sunday Times
  • Notably, the binding was biphasic with each species, i.e., there was a rapid phase followed by a much slower one.
  • Notably absent from this conventional taxonomy, however, is kinesthesia, our sensory awareness of the position and movement of the body.
  • The King conferred revised sentences - notably four full pardons and a reinstatement - on the group, which included three majors and two lieutenant colonels.
  • Today his tall frame is clad in a shirt with notably large blue checks; his jet black hair is immaculately cut, setting off a strong, aquiline nose.
  • Large events such as the Olympics and Commonwealth Games are often plagued by budget overruns, slack ticket sales and venue fiascos but bad publicity about Manchester has been notably absent.
  • Overall solute concentrations, notably chloride, sulphate and aluminium, are higher in the former which are also more acidic.
  • In literature, the Renaissance was led by humanist scholars and poets, notably Petrarch, Dante, and Boccaccio in Italy.
  • She also displays a number of interesting artefacts, notably an early ballot box, with discs for voting on the guilt or innocence of an accused. Times, Sunday Times
  • After 1976 and until the late 1990s, the weather here became notably more zonally energetic, cooler in the summer, very rainy, and featuring a seemingly almost regular pace of alternating El Ninos and La Ninas, with El Ninos being particularly strong. Road Map #3 « Climate Audit
  • Jews in Poland adopted a local doughnut, paczki in Polish, filled with preserves, most notably prune lekvar and rose petal preserves. - News
  • Mr Barroso and Mr Sarkozy also discussed the forthcoming December meeting of EU leaders in Brussels, "notably the European response to the economic situation and the negotiation of the climate and energy package," said a communique from the French president's office. - Headline News
  • Notably Mentz argues that the inscription is not an example of tachygraphy but rather an early attempt, during the tumultuous times surrounding the Pelepponesian War, to reform the Greek language.
  • He was a winger in his early years but later preferred the fly-half's position: stocky, barrel-chested and quick as a flash, he was a notably inventive player.
  • Most notably, the United States has been removing formal requirements for copyright subsistence, in line with the Berne Convention.
  • Earlier archaeologists, most notably the British prehistorian Glyn Daniel, had concluded from stylistic similarities and differences among stone monuments that the earliest of them were constructed on Crete, Malta, and other sites in the Mediterranean. The Goddess and the Bull
  • With his teachers he salvaged from oblivion many of the Swahili poets, notably the Mombasa poet, Bwana Muyaka.
  • Michael Hofmann is a poet and translator - notably, of the work of Joseph Roth.
  • Finally, certain vulnerable groups were most affected by these changes, notably black families living in inner city deprived areas.
  • The crash was one of the lows in a career that has had many highs, notably winning the World Under-21 title in 1993.
  • Nothing is more characteristic of Czech music than the ‘dumka’, which Dvorák made particularly his own, notably in his Op 90 Piano Trio, which strings six of them together.
  • Our study has shown that aspartame is a multipotential carcinogenic compound whose carcinogenic effects are also evident at a daily dose of 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight mg/kg, notably less than the current acceptable daily intake for humans. Flawed aspartame study | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • It's generally not responsive, and turns either the political or issue debate that might otherwise happen on this notably high-quality site into a contest of who's more snarky, and what does one person have to type to personally feel like they've one-upped or out-negatived the person they disagree with. Thirty-Two Ambassadors Praise Hillary's Foreign Policy Experience -- As First Lady
  • Most notably, William Jennings Bryan, “The Great Commoner” and the fieriest critic of the new concentrations of wealth and power, fused fundamentalist religious fervor and political radicalism, culminating in his famous “Cross of Gold” peroration at the Democratic National Convention of 1896.36 The phrase “What would Jesus do?” was popularized in a bestselling 1899 novel by Charles Sheldon, a Congregational minister in Topeka, Kansas, as an appeal to overturn economic inequality. American Grace
  • A top forty single would fit the bill nicely, and would offer openings into all kinds of other stuff - most notably magickal stuff.
  • Most notably, the hills and buttes that mark the landscape are generally depicted in a descriptive shorthand, outlined in a single stroke, or suggested by a mass of a single color.
  • It was pretty, but also slow and notably devoid of drivers for CD-ROM burners, DVD players and other peripherals essential to the modern desktop computing experience.
  • So too did disease, notably plague. Times, Sunday Times
  • The men on either side of no man's land had much cultural hinterland in common, notably football. Times, Sunday Times
  • Previous efforts to establish equities-type exchanges in this market have failed in the face of strong opposition from most banks, despite heavyweight backing, most notably from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Reuters. Necessary and neutral
  • The Credit Suisse results may not be as bad as they appear at first sight when allowance is made for own-credit losses, which are meaningless in economic terms, but there are some disturbing aspects, notably at the investment bank," said Peter Thorne, London-based analyst with independent brokerage Helvea. Credit Suisse's Profit Shrinks
  • Several of these tasks require the collaboration of production with other departments, notably Marketing and Finance. 21.
  • Notably absent from this conventional taxonomy, however, is kinesthesia, our sensory awareness of the position and movement of the body.
  • Side by side with his mining operations he extended his activities to the production of firebacks and other articles for use in building operations where resistance to great heat was required, notably blast furnaces.
  • The hotel offers rooms of five-star quality at four or even three-star prices and is notably eager to please.
  • Two lads with notably large feet and broken shoes dance skillfully while a slovenly, fat woman picks at her guitar.
  • Prehistoric finds are to be found in the same building, in the Musée d' Histoire Naturelle et de Préhistoire, notably several statue-menhirs from the Chalcolithic period.
  • There were flashpoints: most notably when the board tried to rubberstamp massive bonuses for the very people responsible for screwing the company up.
  • Football is not notably less significant than any of these actions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some quietly, like Nick Nolte as a gravel-voiced trainer-turned-owner, seeking redemption for a lost horse; and some loudly, most notably Kevin Dunn channeling Dennis Franz as a dyspectic gambler in a wheelchair, part of a gang of four shaggy underdogs including a scraggly Jason Gedrick, plus Ian Hart and Ritchie Coster who end up with a personal stake in what horse makes it to the winners' circle. Weekend TV in Review: Good Wife, Luck, Spartacus, Hallmark's Moon
  • He crossbred visual panache and hedonistic flair, notably in "Sign of the Cross" (1932), with a lesbian dance sequence, a lithe Claudette Colbert bathing in milk, and Charles Laughton playing an extravagantly gay Nero. Review of "Empire of Dreams," Scott Eyman's biography of Cecil B. DeMille
  • Now, maybe modern technology and materials have made train travel through that area safer, but there have been problems with derailments in that area in the past, most notably in 1989. Matthew Yglesias » High-Speed Rail in the Stimulus
  • It may also be worth noting that the area of origin for the m triceps is extensive, and the olecranon process of the ulna is notably large.
  • Cartwright admits that some host cities, most notably Durban and Cape Town, have tried to initiate projects, but says in general it has been left too late.
  • This chameleon-like ability is all that protects them from hungry birds, notably titmice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fall of Rome had also made many of her laws recede into the distance, slowly; Roman statute law was notably more misogynist than the customary law of the tribal groups the empire had conquered.
  • The arrival of the internet spawned a host of websites, most notably lastminute. Times, Sunday Times
  • A handsome and mysterious stranger, an Argentine illegal worker (Demian Gabriel) arrives by fishing boat, and connects with an assortment of eccentrics, most notably an older woman (Warhol superstar Viva) who occupies a rundown and secluded oceanfront compound of old style, grand, shingled houses and bungalows. Regina Weinreich: Paul Morrissey Dishes on Acting School and Andy Warhol
  • Most of the species that remain - notably, all five living species of rhinoceros - are in danger of extinction; others, like the quagga, have already been driven to extinction.
  • Yes, there may be underutilized workforces globally, but there is notably less available supply of copper, platinum, and crude oil.
  • The men on either side of no man's land had much cultural hinterland in common, notably football. Times, Sunday Times
  • Notably, self-identified conservatives do not look favorably upon "libertarian:" 35 percent of conservatives rate the term favorably, only 10-points higher than their rating of Center for American Progress
  • Notably, Hamilton was one of the most influential figures in children's literature in the 20th century.
  • His work included several propaganda and trade exhibitions, notably the Soviet Pavilion of the 1939 World's Fair in New York, and his dynamic techniques of photomontage, printing, and lighting had wide influence.
  • There can still be seen in Glencolumbkille examples of vernacular architecture, notably in the surviving thatched cottages, with their particular feature of the rounded roof, the thatch being held down by a network of ropes (sugans) spaced over it and fastened to pins beneath the eaves and on the gables.
  • Most notably, our headwaiter could not understand at the outset that we wanted to order and share half portions of each of several different dishes.
  • Migratory wildfowl, notably wild ducks, are carriers of the viruses, but are unlikely to develop an infection.
  • Czech players were once legendary for their instinctive musicianship, most notably the fiddlers.
  • It is said that the organ of carving upon wood is prominently developed on all English skulls; and the sagacious Mr. Combe has placed this organ at the back of the head, in juxtaposition to that of destructiveness, which is equally large among our countrymen, as is notably evinced upon all railings, seats, temples, and other things-belonging to other people. Paul Clifford — Complete
  • One area of particularly rapid growth is that of organic baby foods, notably in Germany.
  • The gothic also mystifies the social system in other ways, most notably through a type of transference.
  • Inside fittings again testify to the town's religious life in the Middle Ages, notably the twenty stalls for the members of Chichele College at the east end of the north aisle and an unusual number of medieval monumental brasses.
  • The ability to detect drugs and other unauthorised items will be improved, notably by the provision of a more effective searching procedure to be used where it is reasonably believed that a prisoner is concealing contraband.
  • Notably, while students had varying degrees of success with project two, it was clear that the rhetorical analysis they took up in project two helped them to think about their own goals as rhetors in project three.
  • Plants with strong forms predominate, notably agaves and cycads, which complement the existing bird of paradise and queen palm.
  • He worked parties, roadhouses, jukes, and barrelhouses in the South and Midwest, notably Memphis into the 1920's.
  • Behind the uncertainty of the future of the British Grand Prix is motor racing's desire to exploit untapped markets, notably in China.
  • We can detect a loosening of the brush in some of Garofalo's other paintings, notably in the drapery and visually resonant landscape of the Suxena Altarpiece.
  • Okagawa noticed the shock of surprise that seemed to grip several of her companions, most notably Kelthos, who folded his arms and sat back in his chair, his expression indicating that the Klingon was through with the current conversation. Creative Couplings
  • Gunpowder reigned supreme until the invention of more powerful substances, notably nitroglycerin and its offshoot, dynamite.
  • Notably, only a few photographs were framed and hung.
  • The alternative to Segal's style of self-build was the kind of free-spirited hippy homes that sprung up in self-consciously alternative communities, notably in California. Junkitecture and the Jellyfish theatre
  • This is notably true before the emergence in his poetry of the dogmatising tones that mar some of the poems that follow The Waste Land.
  • The Wagnerian _leit-motif_ idea is adopted in this and other works of his, and the chief objection to his writing is its too great fidelity to the Wagnerian manner, -- notably in the use of suspensions and passing-notes, -- otherwise he is a very powerful harmonist and an instrumenter of rare sophistication. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • Professor Walt is notably abstract when he talks about the role of local power balancers.
  • A dynamic videoconference with participants in Ghana interacting with participants in Beirut highlighted the importance of access to information, notably the need for solid legislation guaranteeing journalists' and citizens' right to government-issued data. Magda Abu-Fadil: IFEX Conferees Told Media Freedom Must Be Preserved
  • In contrast, glacial and periglacial deposits, such as dropstones, were formed at high latitudes; these are notably important in the late Carboniferous and early Permian.
  • Geophyte diversity is remarkably high; the lowland and montane fynbos ecoregions support about 1,500 species, most belonging to the petaloid monocot families, notably Iridaceae, Orchidaceae, Hyacinthaceae, and Amaryllidaceae. Montane fynbos and renosterveld
  • His creation is always based on the foundation of classical diapason and balance, and meanwhile notably features in anti-romanticism.
  • Ragwort is the food plant for more than 70 species of insects, most notably the cinnabar moth.
  • There proved to be several varieties of duck among the countless flocks which I saw, notably mallard, teal, pochard, and shoveller. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • Big-eyed, friendly and notably well-mannered, Amukamara has been a presence in the Giants locker room from the moment he arrived. A Little Football and a Lot of Hazing
  • Approved were 15 changes to the Constitution, most notably a new clause that the nation would ‘respect and ensure human rights’ and lines that say the government must compensate people for property it confiscates in the public interest.
  • Leaving balloons and various forms of gas-bags out of consideration, other experimenters, notably Langley and Lilienthal, antedated him in attempting the navigation of the air on aeroplanes, or flying machines, but none of them were wholly successful, and it remained for Chanute to demonstrate the practicability of what was then called the gliding machine. Flying Machines: Construction and Operation
  • With the arrogant humility of an important young artist, he schooled himself in the most advanced art of his time - notably the work of Picasso and the cubists.
  • Notably, the oldest known Early Cambrian chordate Yunnanozoon had its metameric muscular units located dorsally of the notochord, although its body was laterally compressed.
  • So too did disease, notably plague. Times, Sunday Times
  • A small band of British artists, notably David Hockney and Lucien Freud, have always enjoyed international reputations.
  • They strongly deplete animal populations and notably reduce a number of rare and vulnerable species through habitat degradation, sport hunting and especially through exploitation for bushmeat, which is exacerbated by drought-related food deficits. Western Africa and biodiversity
  • There is an obsession with details among all the best managers that is notably absent in McCarthy.
  • Yet the development of the general theory of relativity introduced Einstein to the power of abstract mathematical formalisms, notably that of tensor calculus.
  • Moreover, in "Szomorú Napok" will be found some of Jókai's most original characters, notably, the ludicrous, if infinitely mischievous, political crotcheteer, "Numa Pompilius;" the drunken cantor, Michael Kordé, whose grotesque adventure in the dog-kennel is a true _Fantasiestück à la The Day of Wrath
  • Coming from media conglomerates and other corporate giants, that sort of rhetoric is notably self-serving.
  • The book is also full of name-dropping (notably of rather unnotable people) and worst of all - she tries to have it both ways - revelling in scandalous anecdotes yet claiming she remained ‘above it all’.
  • The frequent occurrence of sediment dewatering structures (notably in facies V) provides ample evidence for high sedimentation rates.
  • Advances against the diseases were notably improved by the discovery of their causative microorganisms.
  • Notably, all aural analogues share the same sinewy, coruscant guitar work.
  • The divorce would be granted when more important problems, notably the fate of the children, had been decided.
  • That particular hound was a Bouvier des Flandres, which is described by the American Kennel Club as having a "notably rugged appearance.
  • What is notably absent is any of Laing's more recent figurative sculpture.
  • Other songs, notably Long Shadow, intended for Johnny Cash, are untypically personal.
  • The eighteenth century will for ever be associated with the amusements of a fashionable oligarchical society, represented most notably in the prime of the first of the great spa towns.
  • The year also witnessed the suspension of some special programmes, most notably infant and adult education among refugee populations.
  • For certain technologies, notably strategic defence against nuclear weapons, researching makes more sense than deploying a half-baked system.
  • I've just finished an article which addresses some of the issues that have come up in this comments trail, notably the 'meaninglessness' of certain aspects of MMOs. Blizzard v WoW Glider: Interesting, no?
  • Since the 1970s, speakers of American English have notably taken to using a shortened version of cinema in the compound word cineplex. The English Is Coming!
  • Certain infections in children, most notably croup and epiglottitis, can also cause airway obstruction.
  • The gourds or fruits, which are about 5 cm long, yellowish-white, and prickled on the upper part, are cooked as a vegetable, notably in Peru.
  • Despite some support from local Catholic groups, there is vocal opposition, notably from the far right Northern League. Berlusconi Behind Anti-Immigration Wave in Italy
  • These words had already been heard in many an opera (notably in a beautiful chorus from Rameau's Pygmalion).
  • Starch - in certain countries, notably the Netherlands, Denmark and the USA, considerable quantities of potatoes are used for the preparation of a large-grained starch, which is used by the food, paper and textile industries, in the manufacture of adhesives, in the preparation of modified starch products such as amylopectin, and for the preparation of glucose and dextrins, etc. Chapter 25
  • Mr. Bruce was a voice actor in many cartoons of the thirties, forties and fifties, most notably as the narrator of silly travelogues and newsreels.

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