
How To Use Not to mention In A Sentence

  • (12 May 2006) - Three years in the business might seem like a too-brief span for a retrospective, but since 2003, Washington D. C.-based quartet the Fort Knox Five founded their own record label (called Fort Knox Recordings), remixed the likes of Tito Puente, Louis Armstrong, And Tower of Power, and collaborated with hip hop's elder statesman Africa Bambaataa-not to mention all the bodies they've got moving on the ... Cool Hunting
  • It is quite absurd, not to mention infuriating, to have some moron from Sky burbling on about the next attraction when one has not had time to absorb the emotion from the film one has just seen.
  • Grim, sure, but true - not to mention ruthlessly egalitarian, which is why people rarely lob the P-word at those whose answer to life is, "Who knows? Why I love Carolyn Hax
  • Not to mention the expression suite-ing that results in the physical indistinguishability of voles across such a wide range of C-values. A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
  • The tension has been telling on both sides as campaign strategists struggle to identify potential winning themes, not to mention winning voters, in their headlong sprint to the finish.
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  • More alarming -- not to mention revolting -- than any revelation, which has come out thus far about Bachmann, Kennedy once commented to Democratic political adviser Bobby Baker, "You know, I get a migraine headache if I don't get a strange piece of ass every day" see endnote 54. Lara M. Brown, Ph.D.: Michele Bachmann and Migraines: Presidential Disqualifier or Sexism?
  • Not to mention that the whole "photorealism" thing in comics is vastly overrated. That’s Kinda Messed Up | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • An aioli aromatic with coriander seed and lemon (mayo at its most celestial) makes for a strange and interesting contrast - not to mention the fact that it is good enough to eat straight.
  • These consequences have yet to be understood by most physicians, not to mention the public, the media or arguably even the promulgators of this impending disaster.
  • The crack of the whip was so loud; her ears were ringing, not to mention the whelp on her back.
  • It is quite possible that his only truly shameful act was his abandonment of his daughter and her mother, not to mention his mendacious behaviour toward my mother.
  • Ebou Dar seemed to be trying to make up for time lost yesterday, not to mention at High Chasaline and the Feast of Lights, and well it might, considering that tomorrow night was the Feast of Embers, with Maddin's Day, celebrating the founder of Altara, two days after that, and the Feast of the Half Moon the following night. A Crown of Swords
  • Not to mention the thawed, spoilt food in the freezer. The Sun
  • The print revolution undoubtedly had an important impact on folk culture, through, for example, the mass printing of chapbooks, ballads, almanacs, and cheap abbreviated novels, not to mention religious literature.
  • The title of the book gave me the willies--I could only think of my moms 1947 Singer with the giy-normous buttonhole attachment and how many frustrating hours she spent trying to get it to work, not to mention the ruffler . Toys! Wonderful toys! - A Dress A Day
  • (Not to mention the fact that only a monster with a heart of steel or stone could not have missed the fact that Michelle looks better than anyone has a right to in a white, quilted down jacket, when even the most lithe and anorectic supermodels look like fullbacks in the same winter wear.) Erica Heller: The Audacity of Hopelessness
  • And then, of course, there was the skill, the accumulated knowledge and ingenuity, behind dyeworks and glassworks, not to mention ships less frail than they looked, since in the future they would ply as far as Britain .... Time Patrolman
  • Not to mention that one reason the Tamil situation doesn’t arise much here is that the US has no dog whatever in that fight – no AIPAC pushing for US policy in that arena, no billionaires from the region paying Democrats and Republicans campaign money to push US support for the related countries, no scumbags like SLC arguing for “Hama Rules” on the Tamil Tigers. Matthew Yglesias » Do Critics of Israeli Policy Whine Too Much?
  • The odds of him dying early, of Smith having early onset Alzheimer's Disease, hell, of just getting a minor concussion which he plays through and doesn't dare tell anyone because he's afraid of being fired -- NFL players have the crappiest contracts in all of professional major league sports, not to mention those contracts are year-to-year (if I remember correctly) -- just went sky-fracking-high. Archive 2009-10-01
  • The full desiderata of resort luxury is here, including huge seafront grounds private villas and fine dining - not to mention a spa where the healing hands are exceptional.
  • And I'd even go so far as to say that nothing was more political than this sovereign and slightly unreasonable decision, qualified by some we shall be kind enough not to mention here as an "inanity" or a "crime" or a bet that was "lost in advance", to craft something European through the shared efforts of two national workshops. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Arte Is Twenty
  • Similar cosmological impressions stir in "gnostic" tracts dating from Sumer, Egypt, Persia, India, the Far East, Greece, Anatolia, etc., - not to mention Christianity - eg. the cosmic Christ - or - "cosmocrator". Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.
  • And if you heard the folks from this feisty bit of terra firma, you'd know their accent, not to mention their vocabulary was indubitably indelicate if not incomprehensibly improper.
  • Not to mention needing a daddy with deep pockets to fund the path into one of the richest and most elitist sports on the planet. The Sun
  • If you could humor me for a sec I'd like to talk about credit repair and bad credit repair mortgage loan fix repair credit FICO bankruptcy foreclosure equity equifax experian TU dispute not to mention low interest rates on a mortgage and saving someone from foreclosure or bankruptcy. I Can't Stand the Suspense!!! Cheer the Turtle Tonight!
  • It's not like we've a shortage of venality, corruption and lust (not to mention hypocrisy) in this country.
  • So he may appreciate the paradox of his lightning ascent in his second calling – not to mention the mutterings of those press-box colleagues who have toiled diligently for years without recognition from their trade's association and remember the days when they called him Captain Grumpy, a soubriquet he did his best to live up to. US hard courts will reveal if Andy Murray's lapses are part of a cycle | Kevin Mitchell
  • Nora says it is not her island, that the idea of land ownership is absurd, not to mention politically incorrect.
  • It's simple, and easily accessed from gcal and gmail, which I am using everyday anyway not to mention I have it loading in the firefox sidebar. Gmail Tasks Keeps It (Too) Simple | Lifehacker Australia
  • John Shade, the Wordsmith Professor of English Literature, doesn't seem to me imaginatively capable of assembling a story like that of Kinbote-Botkin-Charles Xavier, not to mention the whole Baroness-Orczy plot of Zemblan intrigue. Reading Nabokov
  • He's gone out of his way not to mention his blue-blooded carousing, because he knows it would make the average citizen puke themselves into a coma, and one side-effect of this is that he seems shifty and suspicious. Birthday Boy
  • Not to mention that she'd never shown any interest in a man like him before, a gentle, nurturing, sweet-tempered mensch of a man. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • With a distressed eyeroll at Seanglenn Beckhannity, and a weary headshake at Keithrachel Olbermaddowman, not to mention clenched fists of despair at TalkRadio VonHateScream, let me remind the rest of us -- aka. most people -- that just because the makers of so called News think Balanced and Thoughtful is some long-ago folk duo, it doesn't mean we should join in the sneerfest, and passively watch as standards continue to plummet. Roderick Spencer: Fake News Is the Real News
  • She's whipped the place into shape and everything's sparkly clean, not to mention the fact that the place is as quiet as a tomb, aside from the tapping of keyboards or phone ringing.
  • Not to mention that on a 30-minute run in the Olmsted-designed Prospect Park near my house I see literally dozens of cuties in Marilyn's class.
  • Plus, not everyone believes in hocus pocus lifestyles of the religious superstition and the fact that the Bible is purely FICTION and was written long after those apostles died and that the Gnostics written by women were omitted from the Bible not to mention how much the Bible has been altered and words changed in that work of fiction all these years. Think Progress » O’Reilly Responds: “What I Said Isn’t Controversial. What I Said Needed to Be Said.”
  • Labour are therefore micturating into a demographic Force 10, not to mention sowing dragon's teeth.
  • Not to mention is triggers sexual excitation in adults.
  • So much for the strategic plan and the visionaries who drafted it, not to mention subsequent strategic plans whose piffle is somewhat more restrained, but no more helpful.
  • Chester also had the usual components of a legionary fortress, including a headquarters building (principia), smart houses for the commander (praetorium) and senior officers, amphitheatre, stone defensive walls and a main baths building (thermae), not to mention a large harbour and a bridge crossing the River Dee. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.
  • Not to mention our night-time dog sledge ride. Times, Sunday Times
  • First there is a courthouse and across from it a theatre and then a bakery and a coffee shop; not to mention the imposing plain-coloured sound stages (eight of them, in total) that look like airplane hangars.
  • Of course it's what one's used to, I know, and there are plenty of people not willing to put up with the dry skin that the climate brings, not to mention the thundering nor'westers that are likewise a feature of Cannerbury.
  • Not to mention he sees me as a safe choice, the last male in his acquaintance who'd ever play the masher with his wife's kin.
  • Not to mention what he had to pay for the DSL hookup, the monthly service fee. OFF THE CHART
  • Not to mention the waste of valuable police time it causes. The Sun
  • This last vilifying barb you offer in yet another comment when, having had the whole root of your hatred revealed in the posting of that email exchange, rather than actually give grounds for your risible concern with a purported conflict of interests, you continue your rancorous pillorying, not to mention the concomitant pompous self-aggrandisement. How Not to be a Writer
  • As you see, you can create a lot of visual (not to mention tactile) interest by simply choosing your filler material wisely.
  • Given the difficulty of engaging the production economies of the mainstream popular culture, not to mention the lowish aspirations for humankind often conveyed in the wares offered by the aggressively Accessible mass culture, anyone's decision to enlist in the smaller and more specialized realm of art is understandable. Bettina Korek: David Robbins Talks High Entertainment
  • In fact, it's a marathon and many sprints, not to mention numerous bike rides, a whole bunch of weightlifting, a batch of hockey matches, several days of small-bore shooting and some canoe slalom.
  • He would have much more to be cheerful about and before we knew it he would be full of the blarney, not to mention the Guinness.
  • Also note the reference to chasing them "back to their caves," not to mention the outright call for getting "rid" of them -- them being, again, the Muslims. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Rudy Campaign Official: He's The Guy To Chase "The Muslims" Back "To Their Caves"
  • I'm not moralizing here - I find that unhelpful, not to mention boring.
  • In the intervening years our family (we use the term intentionally) has survived a cross-country move (together) and Anne's remarriage, not to mention all the matters both logistical and emotional that divorced families deal with every day. Jonathan Weiler: A Divorced Couple's Perspective on Raising a Child, Part I
  • Colbie is handsdown the sexiest woman in showbiz today, a beautiful mouth & loving eyes, not to mention amazing legs … Listen To Taylor Swift “Breathe” (Ft. Colbie Caillat)
  • Lth. 1956; in imper. = let alone, not to mention; hence phr. haud awa frae, with the exception of ne. GO TO, THOU ART A FOOLISH FELLOW.
  • She's freaked out by her own shadow, and putting her out would be a very mean thing to do not to mention that I am a proponent of indoor cathood. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Not to mention he accomplished this playing his home games in Yankee Stadium, a difficult park for righthanded hitters.
  • The applesauce is the kind I always buy - and I'm glad they sent me the unsweetened kind too since I find any sweetened applesauce TOO sweet (not to mention leftovers are great in baking!). Archive 2009-02-01
  • With all the consolidation and "corporatization" that's happened to the publishing industry, not to mention the evolution of media in general and its impact on how publishing works, literary agents in particular have it much harder these days than they did in the '60s, '70s, and '80s. Ain't We got Fun!
  • Not to mention the fact that pain is a great fear-inducer, the perfect prenegotiation cocktail. Deal Breaker
  • Not to mention that what he said wasn't even right and now he wants to make money from his massive fau paux??? Defiant Wilson raises more than $200,000 after outburst
  • Not to mention that the only effective way to attack these targets would be through carpet-bombing with depth charges.
  • That is cruel and barbaric, not to mention uncaring.
  • But perhaps it would be more use not to mention far more upbeat to work on a list of tips and tricks to beat those procrastinatory excuses... Monday evening...
  • Although Germain does not offer a physical or geometric derivation of mean curvature, it remains a key concept in the study of minimal surfaces, not to mention the theory of elasticity.
  • What the band lacks in originality (not to mention coherence and subtlety), it more than makes up for with committed chops and indefatigable energy.
  • There is in the penumbra of the USA Patriots Act the rendition of prisoners, the detention of however many anonymous suspects without even the pretense of due process, not to mention legal representation, the perpetual suspension of civil liberty, a new blatancy. Victor Navasky: The Difference Between Being Opinionated (Bad) and Having an Opinion (Good)
  • All memberships are now being recorded through the Internet, leading to huge savings in time and energy - not to mention the prevention of errors in retyping the bad handwriting of players…
  • Viewers baffled by these moments, not to mention the orotund tones and rolled R's of theatrical elocution, will probably welcome the subtitles.
  • We cannot get over how lovely it is but the one thing we miss about home is the people of the Lancaster area not to mention unsmoked bacon, stuffing and gravy granules.
  • That is an example of paraleipsis, the rhetorical technique of pointing something out by asserting you will not point it out, often preceded by the phrase “not to mention.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • It was the forrunner for AJAX, not to mention a proprietary technology called RDS that was used by MS back in 97 doing Ajax like updates. Microsoft Watch
  • Not to mention the unmelodious and meaningless songs they parrot.
  • Venison ran with dogs would be tougher and gamier from the chase, not to mention shot to hell and back. Deer Hunting with Dogs
  • Not to mention the fact that Clinton "outmaneuvered" Newt Gingrich after Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • That's not to mention booking airline tickets or seats to the theatre and making appointments on the move. The Sun
  • Ade is handsome and smart , not to mention being a good athlete.
  • But by virtue of the last principle — the retardation of acceleration of time — we have the proceleusmatic foot u u u u, and the _dispondæus_ ----, not to mention the _choriambus_, the ionics, pæons, and epitrites. Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
  • The movie is in dire need of some sass, not to mention a drop or two of genuine emotion.
  • Not to mention the “felafel” aside, which is just silly. Think Progress » Sarah Palin admits to questioning whether Saddam was behind 9/11.
  • Not to mention that the years spent fighting each other had given them a bit of a competitive streak.
  • The next day he rose early, and while the rest of his suite were sleeping went out unattended, returning before breakfast was over with a tally-card showing a killing of thirteen dinosaurs, twenty-seven megatheriums, and about six tons of chlamy-dophori, not to mention a mammoth jack-rabbit that some idiot had told him was the only specimen in the world of the monodelphian mollycoddle. The Autobiography of Methuselah
  • Not to mention their baggy trousers. The Sun
  • The doctor told me not to mention dieting to her in case she took it to the extreme.
  • Not to mention our own epic duel on the game, which remains ongoing. The Sun
  • It was easy to grow—adaptable and prolific, not to mention stylistically diverse, ranging from the minerally, peppery style of the Northern Rhône, its ancestral home, to the headier, more opulent style of Australian Shiraz. Can We Rekindle Our Love Affair With Syrah?
  • And politicians and bureaucrats, not to mention corporate lobbyists and advocacy groups, thrive on their abilities to influence tax policies.
  • AND not to mention as informed by the angry video game nerd Winston was cut out of all the old video games. slash i don't care how, but i'd love paul rudd in this. he has that murray cynicism. Bill Murray Gives Details on His Ghostbusters 3 Appearance | /Film
  • On top of these were flower displays, fishing and small-bore rifle shooting, not to mention rows and rows of trade and craft stalls and, of course, plenty to eat and drink.
  • It's just the museum's serene, aquatic lighting - not to mention its ongoing exhibition of seashells - that surrounds you.
  • Meat was abundant, for those who could catch it or wrest it from the competition, i.e. leopards and lions, not to mention hyenas, jackals, and vultures.
  • Cue to last fall, when all the apartment owners in the low rise buildings on the North Road side found out that the big concrete beams of the guideway would cut 50% of their view on the 2nd floor and all of it on the 3rd floor…not to mention that the resale value will go down a lot..all of a sudden a tram looked good.. Bond shies away from major TransLink reforms « Stephen Rees's blog
  • We are now overdrawn on our bank account and it has put us in financially difficulty, not to mention all the stress and worry it has caused.
  • Not to mention the problems built into their respective governments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not to mention I live near Philadelphia, PA and he will not shoot outside of a certain radius away from the city, which would mean filming of BD would be nearby. Twilight Lexicon » Add M. Night Shyamalan to the Breaking Dawn Director Pile
  • Generic, national polls remain unreliable for reading individual House, and even Senate, races, not to mention the other challenges of modern polling, to correctly measure actual turnout, to actually obtain polling answers from likely voters, and so on. Sound Politics: Republicans Picking Up Steam As Election Day Nears
  • For a dead guy, he sure knows how to get his name around town, not to mention the world.
  • There are relatively few amusement arcades but plenty of shops selling brightly-coloured buckets, spades, inflatable dinghies and beach balls, not to mention lettered rock and ices.
  • An abrasion-resistant toe cap, thin 5.5mm carbon sole, and Agion anti-bacterial insoles, not to mention the blinding, fluorescently radioactive lemon yellow color, make them both functional and eye catching. The Clothesline: Mavic Huez road shoe
  • Think of composting and worms immediately come to mind, not to mention such unsettling concepts as decay and rot.
  • Not to mention their baggy trousers. The Sun
  • Not to mention poetry, in my college years Udmurt was relatively background language, secondary to Russian. MITHRIDATES.
  • Not to mention that there is a strong connection between counterfeit goods and organized crime gangs and terrorist organizations - it's one way they finance their organizations.
  • How, exactly, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem came to involve at least one flying, no less ungulate with a photoluminescent proboscis, abominable snowmen, a Christmas elf yearning to be a dentist, not to mention more than one lobster... is a bit hard to fathom. David Katz, M.D.: Fatness, misFitness and the Right Kind of Island
  • Not to mention the massive nosebleeds that just start out of nowhere and go until I pass out… Goldylockz22 Diary Entry
  • Not to mention the Illiad (an intermural squabble among the Olympian Gods), the Hundred Years War (is God a Catholic or a Protestant?), the Crusades, and every clash of civilizations from the Bronze Age to the Gunpowder Age. Rep. John Lewis Compares McCain To George Wallace
  • The school's audio-visual apparatus includes a new set of multi-media device, not to mention films, records, etc.
  • Just a handful of black licorice on a regular basis can reduce the amount of potassium in the body and may lead to fluid retention, not to mention irregular heart rhythms.
  • He definitely has a unique sound not to mention a unique eyebrow/sideburn situation, but LA says he's seen Nick do better. The X Factor Episode Recap: It's Mansion Time!
  • I'm going now, Jake," said Roxie, hesitating a little, and finally concluding not to mention the checkerberries, lest her father or brother should object to her going alone into the wilder part of the forest. St. Nicholas, Vol. 5, No. 5, March, 1878
  • It's her movie without a doubt and the script is fine-tuned to showcase her comic talents (not to mention her deportment, decorum and the ability to mince around wearing kitten heels and a bikini).
  • It's too far to walk, not to mention the fact that it'll probably be closed by now anyway.
  • Pucky happens to have a 3-ply parapsychic capability and therefore he's best suited for controlling unusual situations-not to mention protecting me from special dangers. Starless Realm
  • Not to mention, the Laffer curve, if it were true, does shows that increasing taxes increases tax revenues ... at one extremum. The Volokh Conspiracy » Ideology and Economic Ignorance
  • He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France.
  • Not to mention the fights, the laughs and the dramatics.
  • The medieval and early modern periods were characterised by frequent intellectual interchange, not to mention trade relations between Christendom and the Islamic world, and not just conflict.
  • Not to mention the fact that bookmarking isn’t as good in a lot of the common e-book tools (note: I have NOT tried a kindle yet, but other tools have really not met my needs), pagination is cumbersome, different tools use different keystrokes or commands to scrool or page and some of them limit the amount you can see at any one time to just a portion of a page. Books are Outdated « Write Anything
  • Yet most are uniform not only in their puerility of perspective but in their stale language and ideas (not to mention the distance they keep from any hint of meter or rhyme).
  • Featuring some vicious assessments and enlightening insights, not to mention a new defintion for the acronym STD, take a look at what Roadrunner Records Latest News
  • Even though every time Scott would stay at his house he would pull out his stash of assorted drugs and start smoking right in his face, not to mention offering him a hit every now and then.
  • Not to mention what he had to pay for the DSL hookup, the monthly service fee. OFF THE CHART
  • Apparently he was one of the most eligible bachelors in all of Paris, not to mention the most sought after.
  • The bar hosts a raucous monthly trans-friendly party called FKA that's one of the city's best queer events (pictured above), not to mention its weekly "Bear Den" happy hour, quarterly South Chicagoist
  • They produced antikamnia medicines containing the coal tar derivative, acetanilid, an anti-fever drug with pain relieving properties somewhat related to paracetamol, but which would be later shown to be a toxic compound not to mention addictive. Boing Boing
  • In appending the formal education with cultural education, it may be possible to create a space that really is inclusive, not to mention that it might just liven things up around here.
  • Just check out these features which will save you LOTS of drafting, calculating, head-scratching and searching (not to mention TIME and MONEY!): - GORE PATTERN LAYOUT - simplifies drawing the full-sized gore pattern! - Business News
  • Not to mention they have to be the right fit for the script and director it may seem as simple as "just go get so-and-so" to us sitting behind keyboards but it's a lot more involvedly then that. Captain America Shortlist Reportedly Down to Three | /Film
  • Pollution has a negative effect on the health of everyone living in the city, not to mention the damage to the environment.
  • Somehow, the Gance film is most startling in this department, as the women's bared breasts and the men's bared bottoms -- not to mention the devastatingly unleashed female libido portrayed -- are couched in an opulent production that marries the rustic fantasia of Cocteau's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST to a velvety color cinematography that recalls THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD or, better yet, one of the early Disney animated features. Archive 2006-08-20
  • Not to mention the foundries for anchors, nails and chains. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • And it goes without saying a lot of the graff was gang related, but some of it was also there to inspire the community and provide hope - not to mention making political statements in a way people in those communities could understand, it was their language, their alphabet and well respected. Carmen Zella: InterZona Urban Art
  • Of course it's what one's used to, I know, and there are plenty of people not willing to put up with the dry skin that the climate brings, not to mention the thundering nor'westers that are likewise a feature of Cannerbury.
  • Poussin's A Dance to the Music of Time, countless paintings by Fragonard, Rubens, Reynolds, not to mention acres of armor-is sometimes described as a staid museum. Encounter Books
  • Not to mention big kudu and sable antelopes and hundreds of the cute little impala antelopes. The Sun
  • Empty posturing, artistic commodification and media faddism must all face the force of his opprobrium, not to mention talent corrupted. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I must have spotted at least four of five types of palms, not to mention bright flowers and a variety of crotons.
  • I had to be forcibly stopped from standing on a table and openly apologising to the other poor souls who had been similarly treated - not to mention ripped-off - in my own country.
  • Wearing nice-looking sneakers with jeans or any other type of sporty pants looks amazing, not to mention that it's extremely comfortable.
  • I aim to regain my courage to ride alongside 18-wheelers loaded with Anheuser-Busch products and on roadways shared with dump trucks thickened with construction-site mud, not to mention the other constant dangers of being a pedalist in a motor-driven world. 2008: A Year of Transportation Ups and Downs 2009: A Year of Fresh Resolve to Roll Green
  • Not to mention exposure to staph infections in your run-down state. TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH
  • The kind of educationist with whom no one would trust a poodle for half an hour may and does constantly assume, on a scale involving millions of children, from year to year, that all is well if the girl be taken from home and put into a school and made to learn by heart, or at any rate by rote, the rubbish with which our youth is fed even yet in the great name of education: though perchance whilst she is thus being injured in body and mind and character, she might at home be playing the little mother, helping to make the home a home, serving the highest interests of her parents, her younger brothers and sisters and herself at the same time -- not to mention the unborn. Woman and Womanhood A Search for Principles
  • The toast of Watford, not to mention Munich, was the increasingly familiar South African axis of Schalk Brits and Derick Hougaard, who collectively caused the visitors recurring headaches. Leicester turn air blue against Saracens in rage at referee exchange
  • Not to mention that after the long wait, when you finally get to the counter, you meet an unsympathetic employee telling you there's no child support money deposited there for you to collect.
  • At least I would be able to go home and get some sleep, a luxury unavailable to Alan, Sam, and many other senior Bear Stearns people, not to mention the bankers and bankruptcy crews who had settled in for an allnight ordeal. The Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns
  • I have one full bag of 100 miniature daffodils to plant, not to mention some cyclamen and about 100 miscellaneous other bulbs.
  • Your pater was always well-heeled, not to mention being a bit of a crook, eh? SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • The audience, not to mention the bewildered cast, were not amused.
  • Revered by many of today's generation of poets, Stephens was generally considered a spoken word pioneer, not to mention an often caustic literary critic for the Mirror.
  • Careful and considered craftsmanship is obviously one of Mivasagar's guiding principals, not to mention an appreciation for refined and elegant quality - the show was 100% silk. Marissa Bronfman: Toronto Fashion Week: Fun Fashion and Glamorous Garb Rules the Runway
  • A guy who installs underbody neons and drives around with his 15’ subwoofer pounding 24/7 is probably overly self-assured and cocky, not to mention compensating for his inadequate manhood.
  • She has a natural ability and an unforced charm (not to mention the requisite athleticism) that make it easy to accept Sara as much more than a writer's construct.
  • Cigarette retailers and tobacco farmers are staging a tough campaign against the bill, complaining about the certain reduction in their incomes, not to mention the protests of habitual smokers.
  • Cue bedlam in the stands, not to mention on the Colombia bench. The Sun
  • I cannot just brush off scenes of violence, blood and gore, not to mention senseless killing.
  • In actuality it came from the name of a bird - the Willow inker - that had a dreadfully loud caw, not to mention a terrible unaccommodating personality, and happened to live in a willow tree.
  • I want to model my cooking after the Lake Austin spa cuisine, including the right balance of carbs, protein and fat - not to mention portion size!
  • Also, your slavish use of obsolete, twee and anglicised Hibernicisms is peculiarly un-Irish, not to mention unconvincing and uncouth.
  • From her point of view, it was better not to mention the mistake because it was only a small mistake and admitting it would only result in her boss mistrusting her ability.
  • Athletics coaches and administrators, not to mention a few journalists, have been on the receiving end of her plain speaking over the years.
  • There's some medical stuff involved, not to mention that I come from fine German childbearing stock.
  • He would be compromised by his party allegiance, not to mention his string of directorships.
  • As a journalist, I've been cajoled, flattered, and importuned (not to mention insulted, ignored, bored, and patronized) by politicians.
  • Not to mention the tech is a ways off, as you pointed out. No Winners, No Losers
  • This space also holds many, many portrait miniatures and paperweights, not to mention drinking glasses and tableware from the various imperial chateaux.
  • I didn't really fit in, not to mention I was completely smashed.
  • Not to mention that single payer was compromised from the beginning. The Volokh Conspiracy » Bloggers foresee big political benefits in health bill. Split Ax vs. Rahm 
  • (Not to mention that the reform that was passed was modeled after the Republican counterproposals from the 1990’s in response to HillaryCare ... you know, back then it was the Republicans who proposed the health insurance mandate for private insurance ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Federalism Restoration Amendment: Take 2
  • Ocean heat content would be easier to determine if it didn’t require determining temperature with one millidegree precision and accuracy, not to mention measuring the depth accurately. Unthreaded #11 « Climate Audit
  • She could outwalk most humans, she reminded herself, not to mention outrun them. Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • No one who knows the qualities and traditions of the French people and who has a conception of the solid, widely diffused wealth and of the natural advantages and resources of that beautiful and aboundingly favoured country -- not to mention the immense value of its North African and other Colonial possessions -- can be tempted into any misgivings as to the future of that great and brilliant nation. An International Survey
  • I mumble a noncommittal reply and decide not to mention the TV series I present.
  • Not to mention chassidm and even rebbes associated with even more unsavory things, so that there has to be glatt food in prison for the heimish criminals, and so on. Your Moral Leader
  • The latter name (not to mention neem itself) has sometimes been confused with M. azedarach, a West Asian tree commonly known as Persian lilac, bakain, dharak, or chinaberry. 3 The Tree
  • But by virtue of the last principle — the retardation of acceleration of time — we have the proceleusmatic foot u u u u, and the _dispondæus_ ----, not to mention the _choriambus_, the ionics, pæons, and epitrites. Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
  • But, he argues, this stymies NGOs, "and other public-interest institutions, not to mention ethically incentivized corporations, which could use it to further the ideals of regional agriculture, broader productivity, agricultural diversity and global food security. Isabel Cowles: Just Food ... and a Few Hard Truths
  • Another technically important chain reaction is the combustion of carbon monoxide, not to mention the combustion of hydrocarbons. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1956 - Presentation Speech
  • There was no sign of her father, so I decided not to mention the burglary yet.
  • Not to mention so unsisterly. The Sun
  • This last vilifying barb you offer in yet another comment when, having had the whole root of your hatred revealed in the posting of that email exchange, rather than actually give grounds for your risible concern with a purported conflict of interests, you continue your rancorous pillorying, not to mention the concomitant pompous self-aggrandisement. Archive 2009-01-01
  • I must provide a strong vacuum cleaner because of her dust allergy, not to mention the cat allergy although she really loved puddy-wuddies, and please, please let her have the small and windowless spare bedroom, because the futon in the living room would destroy her back. Seasonal Discord
  • It had been a relief for Ted after Connie's death, not to mention after the esurient pursuing by other women to which he'd been exposed, to find himself in the company of a woman who wanted to build a structure first before taking up residence within it. A Traitor to Memory
  • The trend is a serious economic flaw because it has resulted in financial haemorrhage not to mention the serious loss of business to local insurance firms.
  • The full desiderata of resort luxury is here, including huge seafront grounds private villas and fine dining - not to mention a spa where the healing hands are exceptional.
  • It's a dark theatre and you can't see anything, not to mention the film that's being shown on the screen.
  • I'd say you're a real asset to the old firm, not to mention highly decorative.
  • A few original sketches by Bret Blevins, Min Ku, and Bill Galvan, not to mention some He-Man paint-by-numbers my grandpa did back in the day, hang above the shelf, along with a Garth Ennis signed Preacher poster and a David Letterman signed glossy (though I think an intern really signed that one, since I mailed away for it). Send us your shelf porn! | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Not to mention that she has written bools on the Constitution and graduated in law. Hillary Spokesperson: She Won't Say Anything About Her Successor
  • It was an act of self-defense in the face of blood-curdling threats to vanquish the Jewish state, not to mention the maritime blockade of the Straits of Tiran, the abrupt withdrawal of UN peacekeeping forces, and the redeployment of Egyptian and Syrian troops. David Harris: Why History Matters: The 1967 Six-Day War
  • She supposedly studied at Princeton in this general area, and should have been aware of the issues involved (not to mention basis statistics, such as the difference between one-tailed and two-tailed analysis). The Volokh Conspiracy » One Thing We Know About Elena Kagan’s Views on Particular Free Speech Cases
  • Eric thinks he's just God's gift to humanity (not to mention all women), but all he is is a low-down, parasitical by-blow of a cockroach and a worm.
  • Not to mention get fit and have a nutritious meal. Times, Sunday Times
  • BP's stock gyrated similarly last year, buffeted by everything from bad weather to robotic snafus on the sea-bed, not to mention a steady drip-feed of comments from politicians and clean-up officials. BP's Parallel With Japan Crisis
  • Ibsen would be a classicist, a romantic, a Scribean, a realist, a symbolist, not to mention a Hegelian and a feminist, before he would be an apocalyptic.
  • Such releases tend not to mention these things, and we fear nobody will tell us.
  • MM: Oh, I would beg to differ, at least in terms of what would be more useful in terms of analyzing unbridged divides for quite a while not to mention the seriously effective tactics of those--on both sides of the divide! Desperate advice for McCain.
  • But seeing as a real mellotron will run you three times as much, is much harder to move, less reliable. and not to mention the price of all those tape banks, I think the memotron will be great for touring bands who use mellotron sounds a lot. Memotron digital Mellotron... but why?

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