
How To Use Nostrum In A Sentence

  • Non argumenta, non verisimilitudines quaerimus, quibus judicium nostrum incumbat; sed ut rei extra aestimandi aleam positae, judicium ingeniumque nostrum subjicimus ... Pneumatologia
  • The search for a replacement cause brought with it shallow opportunism, the honing of public relations skills and a ragbag of nostrums, some of them purloined from its political opponents.
  • May I take this opportunity to wish all NLM readers a very happy and blessed Easter, in the words of the EF Martyrology: Hac die, quam fecit Dominus, Solemnitas solemnitatum, et Pascha nostrum: Resurrectio Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi secundum carnem. Papal Easter Day Mass and Urbi et Orbi Blessing
  • Est in unoquoque nostrum seminarium aliquod stultitiae, quod si quando excitetur, in infinitum facile excrescit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Munus nostrum ornato verbis, et istum aemulum, quoad poteris, ab ea pellito. Anatomy of Melancholy
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  • Pepper, though, was of infinitely more moment to the ancients than to be merely a topping, nostrum, or cachou. Excerpt: Krakatoa by Simon Winchester
  • Shrunken and mean the spirit fails Like old snow falling from the crags And priest and pedagog compete With nostrums for the age that ails, The Eye of Zeitoon
  • It was said to be a nostrum for "haemorrhage, dysentery, diarrohea, poisoning, plague, and nosebleeds. Richard Bangs: Here Be Dragons: Mt. Pilatus in Switzerland, Part 3
  • Not surprisingly Roy King pays particular attention to the considerations which affect the successful negotiation of an acceptable research role and suggests a number of nostrums for the conduct of research in prisons.
  • Ferre non possunt ut illorum Messias communis servator sit, nostrum gaudium, &c. Messias vel decem decies crucifixuri essent, ipsumque Deum si id fieri posset, una cum angelis et creaturis omnibus, nec absterretur ab hoc facto et si mille interna subeunda forent. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Jail is the conventional and time-honored nostrum, which is administered with a glow of moral self-esteem, and no more thought about it. The Subterranean Brotherhood
  • Igitur a principio coronationis nostr� imperium nostrum aduersus dei inimicos Persas nostrum odium in corde nutriuit, dum cerneret illos in Christianos gloriari, eleuatique in nomen dei, et Christianorum dominari regionibus. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Et venit ad nos interpres ipsius, qui statim cognito, quod nunquam fueramus inter illos, poposcit de cibis nostris, et dedimus ei, poscebat etiam vestimentum aliquod, quia dicturas erat verbum nostrum ante dominum suum. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • More and more plainly as the years went by, it reflected disbelief in the nostrums of neo-liberal reform that every government, left or right, unvaryingly proposed to its citizens.
  • Sentimentality and superficial nostrums must be avoided. Christianity Today
  • We are not trying to revive the reformist nostrums of the past, but work for an independent movement of the working class on an entirely different perspective.
  • The problem with sorting out proposed educational reforms is that the nostrums, strictures, and recommendations too often reflect personal dispositions more than disinterested analysis.
  • As to their nostrums and remedies: ‘Virtually everything that was supposed to make things better made things worse,’ he says.
  • Stengler describes a multitude of illnesses which herbs, chemicals, homeopathic nostrums, acupuncture, etc. will fix.
  • But he is critical, too, of some liberal notions and nostrums about migration, refugees and asylum seekers.
  • At the end of the day, discounting products is nothing more than a short-term nostrum for a problem that is much more severe and will benefit no one in the end if it isn't accompanied by making sure that there were patients to inject these products into. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
  • Quo facto, flexit vnusquisque nostrum quater genu sinistrum, et monuerunt, ne tangeremus limen deorsum. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • Regardless of any ideological bias, exposure to public choice analysis necessarily brings a more critical attitude toward politicised nostrums to alleged socioeconomic problems.
  • Lucullus, Catulus, and Hortensius, to Cato and Brutus, he finally adopted the suggestion of Atticus to gratify Varro by giving him a share in the dialogue together with Atticus and himself (_ad Att. _ xiii. 13, 1, 'commotus tuis litteris, quod ad me de Varrone scripseras, totam Academiam ab hominibus nobilissimis abstuli transtulique ad nostrum sodalem et ex duobus libris contuli in quattuor'). The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Erilis patria, salve, quam ego biennio, 170 postquam hinc in Ephesum abii conspicio lubens. saluto te, vicine Apollo, qui aedibus propinquos nostris accolis, veneroque te, ne Nicobulum me sinas nostrum senem prius convenire quam sodalem viderim Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • 苂ypto Consul eorum abesset, Consul illic Gallicus existens, Vento nuncupatus, quamuis ante h鎐 tempora ne manus in Anglos mitteret mandatum nostrum fuerit datum, Angli sub vexillo et tutela nostra sunt inquiens, mandatum C鎠areum vili existimans, non cessauit perturbare Anglos. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The old right-wing nostrums which befuddled public opinion in the 1980s and 1990s no longer have the same impact.
  • Dantes Poëta illustrissimum Christianissimorum Regum Franciæ genus à laniis Parisiensibus deducit, utique tam vere, quam ille tenebrio nostrum à scalarum fabro: quas mirum, ni auctor generis _in suspendium eorum parabat_, quos vaticinabatur illustri nobilitate suæ obtrectaturos. Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Among other things, when the economy spirals out of control both parties' remedies tend to be politically shortsighted nostrums that invariably make things worse, not better.
  • Republicans try to undermine the president at every turn and offer their nostrum of tax-cuts-will-solve-everything — without ever specifying what services they'll give up to pay for them.
  • May I take this opportunity to wish all NLM readers a very happy and blessed Easter, in the words of the EF Martyrology: Hac die, quam fecit Dominus, Solemnitas solemnitatum, et Pascha nostrum: Resurrectio Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi secundum carnem. Papal Easter Day Mass and Urbi et Orbi Blessing
  • Labor's campaign in Aston was a measure of the party's abandonment of its old nostrums of social reform.
  • So Septimiusfought with his difficulty by himself, as many a beginner inscience has done before him; and to his efforts in this way arepopularly attributed many herb-drinks, and some kinds ofspruce-beer, and nostrums used for rheumatism, sore throat, and typhus fever; but I rather think they all came from AuntKeziah; or perhaps, like jokes to Joe Miller, all sorts ofquack medicines, flocking at large through the community, areassigned to him or her. Septimius Felton, or, the Elixir of Life
  • No matter what will happen, there has been a steady rise in the popularity of both the pre-Vendome and Vendome Mare Nostrum these days.
  • He spouted some nostrum about how people who ‘steal’ movies were screwing him, not the studios.
  • Fraudulent doctors and sellers of nostrums have hawked their wares throughout the world since earliest times.
  • As far as I can see, though, no one has really developed such a framework at the very time it's needed - so blinded have the left been by the nostrums of neo-liberal "no alternativism" in macro-economic policy. Larvatus Prodeo
  • Ad h鎐 itaque imperium nostrum vbi malum superabundabat, reputans secum oportunum iudicabat retr� expectare, atque illos qui illic erant adiuuare, expectando vtiqu� contra infinita illa Persarum agmina bellum sustinuit. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The traditional strategic nostrums of the past represent an inadequate response to our current range of problems.
  • Perhaps we can pass up the pat solution, the easy nostrum, and immerse ourselves, with gratitude, in the complexity, the unknowability, the sheer imperfectibility of our lives.
  • Christian Pederson, Canon of Lund, whom he compliments as a lover of letters, antiquary, and patriot, and urges to edit and publish "tam divinum latinae eruditionis culmen et splendorem Saxonem nostrum". The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • The variety of radioactive medical nostrums seemed endless: pastes, plasters, muds, inhalers, drinking water, and so forth.
  • Recently the Festival has been under the spell of one of those tiresome trendies who use the great works of the past as a profitable vehicle to peddle their fashionable nostrums.
  • The latest rage in baldness nostrums was the drug minoxidil, sold under the label Rogaine.
  • None of this is surprising, though it does dismantle the liberal nostrum that a new entitlement will somehow reduce health spending. National Health Preview
  • Finitus vero est annus ipse, et venerunt ad eum anno secundo, et dixerunt ei, Non abscondemus a domino meo, quod integra pecunia, et grex jumentorum apud dominum meum: non remansit coram domino meo praeterquam corpus nostrum, et terra nostra. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • Leaders and media observers repeated the nostrum that the best way for the country to respond to such a foul crime is to return to normal and signal that the nation's spirit and resolve cannot be undermined.
  • Fili carissime, digne censeri videtur filius, qui, paternos in bonis mores imitans, piam ejus nititur exequi voluntatem; nec proprie sibi sumit nomen heredis, qui salubribus predecessoris affectibus non adherit: Cupientes igitur, ut piam affectionem et scinceram delectionem, quam erga monasterium de Melros, ubi cor nostrum ex speciali devotione disposuimus tumularidum, et erga The Abbot
  • His paternal grandfather made a fortune in the States with a nostrum called Brandreth's Pills, which still exist.
  • The nostrum, in fact truism, that countries cannot really devalue their way to prosperity is important to bear in mind. The Down Side of Very Low Interest Rates Over Time
  • Those other ingredients listed are deadly poisons, but bear in mind that they're not really there; just the ‘vibrations’ remain, as with all homeopathic nostrums.
  • These are the kind of men who do the bidding of their political masters, who unthinkingly repeat the nostrums of their own respective cultures.
  • It pains us to see people buying quack nostrums that we can't touch because of the way the law is written.
  • Neque rursus nos aliter discere poteramus, nisi Magistrum nostrum videntes, et per auditum nostrum vocem ejus percipientes, uti imitatores quidem operum, factores autem sermonum ejus facti, communionem habeamus cum ipso Christologia
  • When his own nostrums failed to effect a cure, William Griggs, a doctor called to examine the girls, suggested that the girls' problems might have a supernatural origin.
  • In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fiera fecimus patentes per septennium durantes: Dum tamen ijdem Burgenses interim bene & fideliter se habuerint erga pr鎓atum electum fratrem nostrum. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Photography studio provide you with a few small nostrum you must use.
  • More and more plainly as the years went by, it reflected disbelief in the nostrums of neo-liberal reform that every government, left or right, unvaryingly proposed to its citizens.
  • Our people run after nostrums of cartelization or socialization, though no theorist has succeeded in discovering how to make them work.
  • Privatization" is a crowd-pleasing nostrum for public officials seeking to shed the budgetary cost of programs and services that they nevertheless know to be a public responsibility. Essays/Opinions
  • The Alleluia chant Pascha Nostrum is one of the most elaborate I've seen the books, a full three lines of notes that cover only five words: Pascha nostrum immolatus est Chistus, that is, Christ, our paschal lamb, has been sacrificed. Varieties of Gregorian Chant
  • This will allow the doctor to help the patient think through the pros and cons of such a decision, to avoid notoriously dangerous or ineffective nostrums, and to monitor for side effects.
  • Erilis patria, salve, quam ego biennio, 170 postquam hinc in Ephesum abii conspicio lubens. saluto te, vicine Apollo, qui aedibus propinquos nostris accolis, veneroque te, ne Nicobulum me sinas nostrum senem prius convenire quam sodalem viderim Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • A ludicrous example of this is a woman out West, whose picture graces the advertisements of a certain nostrum, accompanied by a testimonial that said nostrum cured her of a "polypus"! Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • Quominus in nostris ponaris, amice, libellis, nominis efficitur condicione tui. aut ego non alium prius hoc dignarer honore, est aliquis nostrum si modo carmen honor. lex pedis officio fortunaque nominis obstat, 5 quaque meos adeas est uia nulla modos. nam pudet in geminos ita nomen scindere uersus desinat ut prior hoc incipiatque minor, et pudeat si te qua syllaba parte moratur artius appellem Tuticanumque uocem. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Proptereaque animum nostrum inpr鎠entiarum vestr� celsitudini emetimur, ben� sentiendo et pr鎑icando, quantopere nos obstrictas beneficij huius in subditos nostros collati putemus memori� sempitern� long� vberiorem, et ampliorem gratitudinis erga vestram celsitudinem nostr� testificationem datur�, cum tempora incident, vt possimus et � nobis desiderabitur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Et venit ad nos interpres ipsius, qui statim cognito, quod nunquam fueramus inter illos, poposcit de cibis nostris, et dedimus ei, poscebat etiam vestimentum aliquod, quia dicturas erat verbum nostrum ante dominum suum. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • It was he who put the kybosh on welfare "as we know it," who carried the deregulation of almost everything to absurd extremes, who rode "free trade" and other nostrums of global capitalism for all they are worth, and who, with a few well timed "humanitarian interventions," dispatched "the Vietnam syndrome" once and for all. Andrew Levine: Two Reaganite Presidents: Bill Clinton and Barack Obama
  • It is even less respectable when the economic nostrums proposed are no longer (after many intellectual and practical failures) presented as part of scientific economics but are frankly described as political economy.
  • The priest sings three new prayers, each one preceded by only “Oremus”, (without “Dominus vobiscum”, or “Flectamus genua - Levate.”), ending with the minor conclusion (“per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum”), keeping his hands closed. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.2 - Good Friday, The Adoration of the Cross and the Rite of the Presanctified
  • That 27-minute lunch is a result of ‘flexible labour markets’ and other late twentieth century political nostrums.
  • The fashionable City nostrum that you can have a single market without any social dimension is simply delusion.
  • Popular nostrums abound on the Web, but it can be very hard, if not impossible, to find the results of properly vetted, taxpayer-financed science - and in some cases it can be hard for your doctor to find them, too.
  • The trial has cost the Italian health service $5 million and no credibility remains in this anticancer nostrum.
  • Si enim solum posse nostrum hac gratia juvaretur, ita diceret Dominus, Omnis qui audivit a Patre, et didicit, potest venire ad me: [5628] 1 Pneumatologia
  • Christo glorioso disserens Scriptura, ad nostrum captum se demittit. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Iam autem dixerat ad servum, Quis est vir iste, qui ambulat per agrum in occursum nostrum? Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • Scito quod orator Reginæ Angliæ in porta mea existens libellum supplicem ad portam nostram mittens significauit, quod cum ex Ægypto Consul eorum abesset, Consul illic Gallicus existens, Vento nuncupatus, quamuis ante hæc tempora ne manus in Anglos mitteret mandatum nostrum fuerit datum, Angli sub vexillo et tutela nostra sunt inquiens, mandatum Cæsareum vili existimans, non cessauit perturbare Anglos. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 05 Central and Southern Europe
  • Tui precatus munere nostrum reatum dilue, arcens mali contagium, vitæ repellens tædium. October 23: St. James of Jerusalem, Brother of our Lord Jesus Christ, and Martyr
  • But it neatly charts the changes in medical orthodoxy, not least since 1986, when a scathing British Medical Association report was still portraying alternative therapies as daffy nostrums peddled by quacks.
  • Item volumus, ordinamus, & statuimus, quod in qualibet villa mercatoria & feria regni nostri pr鎑icti & alibi infra potestatem nostram pondus nostrum in certo loco ponatur & ante ponderationem statera in presentia emptoris & venditoris vacua videatur & qu騞 brachia sint equalia & ex tunc ponderator ponderet in 鎞uali. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Bene, unde nostrum _Boon_ additis particulis Fr. G. The Rowley Poems
  • Scitis autem summum sacerdotem et pontificem nostrum filium Dei, qui primos parentes in paradyso copulavit, et non minore magnificentia quam sapientia et potencia suam ordinationem contra sophistica et tyrannidem diaboli et multiplicem ingratitudinem nostram defendit, ut totam actionem, ita etiam invitacionem hospitum et communia officia sua presentia et primo miraculo comprobasse [t] ac monstrasse [t], quantum dilectetur (_sic_) istis congressibus. The Scottish Reformation Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics
  • Unlike the 44 pre-A's, however, this specific dial does not at all resemble the pre-Vendome 5218-301/A Mare Nostrum dial.
  • Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Short Child etc.
  • Lucullus, Catulus, and Hortensius, to Cato and Brutus, he finally adopted the suggestion of Atticus to gratify Varro by giving him a share in the dialogue together with Atticus and himself (_ad Att. _ xiii. 13, 1, 'commotus tuis litteris, quod ad me de Varrone scripseras, totam Academiam ab hominibus nobilissimis abstuli transtulique ad nostrum sodalem et ex duobus libris contuli in quattuor'). The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • The discourse coheres an apparently unrelated array of policy nostrums.
  • May I take this opportunity to wish all NLM readers a very happy and blessed Easter, in the words of the EF Martyrology: Hac die, quam fecit Dominus, Solemnitas solemnitatum, et Pascha nostrum: Resurrectio Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi secundum carnem. Papal Easter Day Mass and Urbi et Orbi Blessing
  • Cæterum spem et fiduciam in Christo sitam habeo, nos (de se et vxore loquens) licet corpus hoc nostrum caducum, inimicorum flammis, mortalitatis corruptionem subeat, ab æternis tamen flammis liberatum iri. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • All that means is that he is susceptible to every reactionary nostrum floated by right-wing thinktanks.
  • It would be a "nostrum" to drive your customers away by scolding employees or quarrel with your spouse in customer's presence.
  • The old nostrums of national reformism are well and truly dead.
  • This sounds like the pitch for a nineteenth-century patent medical nostrum.
  • He criticized such right-wing nostrums as wage freezes or cuts in public spending.
  • Semper enim est, quoniam "semper" praesentis est in eo temporis tantumque inter nostrarum rerum praesens, quod est nunc, interest ac diuinarum, quod nostrum "nunc" quasi currens tempus facit et sempiternitatem, diuinum uero "nunc" permanens neque mouens sese atque consistens aeternitatem facit; cui nomini si adicias "semper," facies eius quod est nunc iugem indefessumque ac per hoc perpetuum cursum quod est sempiternitas. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • To coax a tulip to break, early growers used a variety of entirely useless nostrums, including plaster from old walls, pigeon dung, or water from dung hills.
  • Their creeds were their schemes, their religions their nostrums, their philosophies their devices, by which they half-believed they would outwit the Noseless One and the Night. John Barleycorn
  • Rather than rise to the challenge, the trend in intellectual circles has been to adapt to the prevailing rightward shift that has seen the repudiation of all the old nostrums of social reform.
  • It wasn't just that he doubted whether such nostrums would deliver the promised effects although he did doubt this very much.
  • (qui causam facias cur ita, saepe dabit), 40 inde domum repetes toto comitante senatu, officium populi uix capiente domo. me miserum, turba quod non ego cernar in illa nec poterunt istis lumina nostra frui! quamlibet absentem, qua possum, mente uidebo: 45 aspiciet uultus consulis illa sui. di faciant aliquo subeat tibi tempore nostrum nomen, et 'heu' dicas 'quid miser ille facit?' haec tua pertulerit si quis mihi uerba, fatebor protinus exilium mollius esse meum. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • C鎡erum spem et fiduciam in Christo sitam habeo, nos (de se et vxore loquens) licet corpus hoc nostrum caducum, inimicorum flammis, mortalitatis corruptionem subeat, ab 鎡ernis tamen flammis liberatum iri. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation

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