How To Use Nostoc In A Sentence

  • Yale graduate student Bob Kemp determined the fates of reduced pyridine nucleotides, NAPDH and NADH in Leuconostoc mesenteroides fermentation and growth using 1-T glucose, 1-T 2 deoxy-glucose and 3-T glucose. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • This special process, locally known as idli or dosai fermentation, involves the microorganisms Leuonostoc mesenteroides, which is used in other parts of the world for producing dextran gums from sucrose. Chapter 25
  • D, E, H. Colonies of _Myconostoc_ enveloped in diffluent matrix. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Or that, if often reported, grayish or whitish gelatinous substance is not nostoc, and is not spawn if occurring in times unseasonable for spawn. The Book of the Damned
  • Memel may have had such an experience may be indicated in that Ehrenberg found in it gelatinous matter, which he called "nostoc. The Book of the Damned
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  • Or we've arrived at one of the oldest of the exclusionists 'conventions -- or nostoc. The Book of the Damned
  • There are few strains of malolactic bacteria that are friendly such as leuconostoc and oenococcus oeni.
  • We are not told of nostoc, this time: it is said that the object contained numerous eggs of "some species of Chironomus, from which larvae soon emerged. The Book of the Damned
  • I told him that the phlegm was a vegetable called nostoc, and he thereupon concluded that too much learning had turned my brain, and, fully persuaded of his own complete knowledge of nature, was pleased to be very facetious at my expense. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 19 — Travel and Adventure
  • Dr. Edwards writes of the substance that had so completely, or beautifully -- if beauty is completeness -- been identified as nostoc -- "It turned out to be lung-tissue also. The Book of the Damned
  • Mr. Brandeis 'communication, his feeling was of conviction that propriety had been re-established, or that the problem had been solved, as he expresses it: knowing Mr. Brandeis well, he had called upon that upholder of respectability, to see the substance that had been identified as nostoc. The Book of the Damned
  • It will mean that something had been in a stationary position for several days over a small part of a small town in England: this is the revolutionary thing that we have alluded to before; whether the substance were nostoc, or spawn, or some kind of a larval nexus, doesn't matter so much. The Book of the Damned
  • Cosmical gelatinous vesicles, similar to the organic 'nostoc' (masses which have been supposed since the Middle Ages to be connected with shooting stars), and those pyrites of Sterlitamak, west of the Uralian Mountains, which are said to have constituted the interior of hailstones, * must both be classed among the mythical fables of meteorology. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • Now, I can't say that nostoc is always greenish, any more than I can say that blackbirds are always black, having seen a white one: we shall quote a scientist who knew of flesh-colored nostoc, when so to know was convenient. The Book of the Damned

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