How To Use Nosedive In A Sentence

  • Unfortunately for both, their careers took a nosedive after they both became embroiled in controversy.
  • These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive.
  • The bank yesterday revealed a 30 per cent nosedive in profits.
  • In August, it sold £7.4 billion worth of European government bonds and then, after prices had nosedived on the back of the huge sale, bought a portion back at a profit.
  • Then the great depression of the 1930s ruined the economy and Prince Industries' stock took a plummeting nosedive.
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  • And it only fuels employees' ire when they lose savings in stock nosedives and otherwise feel a lack of financial and personal support.
  • If you put all your cash into one share and it nosedives, you are in trouble.
  • Radio communications between the shuttle commander and mission control fell largely silent as the shuttle nosedived toward the Mojave Desert landing strip.
  • Oil prices took a nosedive in the crisis.
  • Then the film career nosedived when the diminutive comic suffered the indignity of playing a cute elf - the role he was born to play! Times, Sunday Times
  • Then the film career nosedived when the diminutive comic suffered the indignity of playing a cute elf - the role he was born to play! Times, Sunday Times
  • Because the IT sector, by the year 2000, accounted for roughly half of U.S. GDP growth, the nosedive in IT growth slashed the growth rate of the overall economy.
  • History suggests such a connection could give way at any time - over almost any issue - and send Obama into the kind of nosedive from which other presidents never recovered. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.
  • I saw it coming across the village when it just suddenly nosedived. The Sun
  • Predictions that property prices are set to nosedive and warnings from the Central Bank do not appear to be deterring first-time buyers around the country.
  • the stock took a nosedive
  • Corn prices nosedived because of an expected mass livestock slaughter programme in Europe.
  • The plane took an immediate nosedive, and managed to hit another plane below it while it was heading towards a one-way-meeting with the ground.
  • Just nosedive in it like a madman because I love to act and the money is real good. The Sun
  • But he is determined not to let the drama plunge him back into the darkness he felt after his career nosedived in the early Noughties. The Sun
  • It's been 17 months since the stock market nosedived in April 2000.
  • Her spirits took a sudden nosedive after her husband's death.
  • Its share price nosedived from 23c to an all-time low of 4c and it lost the services of two group finance directors.
  • Individual technology stocks can nosedive up to 70 per cent in a bad week as we saw in the stockmarket meltdown that occurred in March.
  • As so often appears to happen with corporate nosedives of this magnitude, the general response from City types seems to be one of total bewilderment.
  • The caliber of conversation in the pod has also taken a nosedive as the blessed date draws nigh.
  • For no clear reason, the handbrake is a lever of the kind that copiously sweating pilots in films use to bring their planes out of nosedives.
  • I had to pull back hard on the stick as my wounded victory drops into a steep nosedive.
  • Witnesses said the plane was swaying from side to side after it had taken off, and it then went into a nosedive.
  • Possum, that is the first I have heard of the "nosedive" concept. Smoothing Out The Transition - NASA Watch
  • I saw it coming across the village when it just suddenly nosedived. The Sun
  • Spectators in the crowd watched in horror as the plane nosedived.
  • The Renegade plummeted into the atmosphere in a steep nosedive.
  • It is said by the specialists that the Japanese yen would nosedive further.
  • Dazzling, rapid-fire prose and fast, dry dialogue lend tragicomic humour to these tales of individualists who nosedive inevitably into degeneracy, despair, desperation and disillusion.
  • It was in a nosedive, heading right towards them.
  • House prices nosedived without warning.
  • He said everything seemed normal on the landing approach until suddenly the movement changed and the helicopter went into a nosedive.
  • Oil prices took a nosedive in the crisis.
  • Unemployment nosedived, the economy hummed along and millions of people were lifted out of poverty.
  • His average nosedived because of a sore back that caused him to change the mechanics of his swing.
  • Then in 1986, oil prices took a nosedive and so did the profits.
  • LTS thrust his throttle forward, sending him into a nosedive.
  • The Scottish economy has been dealt a new blow by figures that show exports have nosedived in the last quarter despite a solid performance from the rest of the UK.
  • I nosedived from about an altitude of 3,000 meters and practically a 60-degree angle.
  • Her spirits took a sudden nosedive after her husband's death.
  • But he is determined not to let the drama plunge him back into the darkness he felt after his career nosedived in the early Noughties. The Sun
  • Shopper traffic took a nosedive causing retailers to downgrade their sales and profit projections for the remainder of 2001.
  • Since then, though, his career has nosedived. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, if the housing market starts to nosedive and mortgage lending slows, new business growth at both firms could dry up, especially when property investors start to get burned.
  • Stock markets have crashed in the biggest nosedive this century.
  • The Soujumah airship took a nosedive, and crashed into the ground, driving a muddy trench into the earth.
  • A toothless display ensured Boston's nosedive continued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the US invasion the president's reputation has nosedived.
  • Others may say that their careers took a nosedive from 1996 onwards.
  • The pound took a nosedive on the foreign exchange market today.
  • During that period the quality of British film-making nosedived.
  • This means they have little leeway to maintain payments should profits suddenly nosedive. Times, Sunday Times
  • For most, it seems to be a springboard to a vaguely successful first album, which is followed by a sales nosedive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cassandra and Joe started dating, but within a year the relationship took a nosedive.
  • Since then, though, his career has nosedived. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though I was a good student, my grades took a nosedive because of my lack of class participation.
  • The pilot appeared to fight for control before the little plane nosedived to the ground with a resounding crash on a hill near today's Western Institute of Technology.
  • The economy has nosedived since he took power in April, though he has hardly begun the dolorous restructuring he promised.
  • But, you know -- it's interesting, since the art of song writing seems to have taken a nosedive, I've gone the way of what they call electronica music. CNN Transcript Apr 14, 2006
  • Grain prices took their customary nosedive after last year's brief upward fling.
  • Ever since the "Flash Crash" in May of 2010 - when the market took an unprecedented short-term nosedive due to computer-driven trading - many investors had wondered if the growing popularity of exchange-traded funds was somehow driving the market through its manic periods. - Top Stories
  • Then the film career nosedived when the diminutive comic suffered the indignity of playing a cute elf - the role he was born to play! Times, Sunday Times
  • My bodyweight will start to nosedive if I don't watch it those last couple of weeks.
  • I also deep-sixed a few sites whose content had taken an nosedive in the past two years.
  • Since the US invasion the president's reputation has nosedived.
  • But he is determined not to let the drama plunge him back into the darkness he felt after his career nosedived in the early Noughties. The Sun
  • With the economy in a nosedive and tax revenues plummeting, the only way to balance the budget was to drastically cut government spending.
  • The dollar soared, the euro dropped, and gold and its shares took a nosedive.
  • This means they have little leeway to maintain payments should profits suddenly nosedive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pound took a nosedive on the foreign exchange market today.
  • This means they have little leeway to maintain payments should profits suddenly nosedive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Customers stood to lose a large proportion of their capital because the value of the 30 companies plunged as the stock market nosedived.
  • As the plane, which has a padded interior, plummets towards earth Darren will experience the thrill of weightlessness, then huge G-forces as the plane pulls out of its nosedive.
  • His career nosedived after the accident. Times, Sunday Times
  • Customers stood to lose a large proportion of their capital because the value of the 30 companies plunged as the stock market nosedived.
  • In the last six months alone, the companies have seen their values collapse by 34% as global share prices have nosedived.
  • His career nosedived after the accident. Times, Sunday Times
  • These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive.
  • Though 2000 was the year that telecommunications took a nosedive, Brightstar was banking $631 million.
  • There were no survivors aboard the plane, which was carrying 260 people from New York to the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean when it nosedived less than 10 miles from the airport.
  • I could not believe we were in a straight nosedive!
  • On balance, Pattaya's success is set to continue unless airborne tourism across the world takes a sustained nosedive.
  • When air travel nosedives, as it did over the past two years, carriers jilt airports by dropping routes and frequencies. 'Speed Dating' for Airports, Airlines
  • The pound took a nosedive on the foreign exchange market today.
  • In June, new orders took a nosedive, including bookings for capital goods.
  • I suddenly felt the plane go completely downwards, into a nosedive.
  • The global supply chain was taken by surprise and high-tech shares in New York nosedived as a result.
  • Krys shut her weapons down, returning light to the cockpit, and sent the hypership into a nosedive.
  • Then the film career nosedived when the diminutive comic suffered the indignity of playing a cute elf - the role he was born to play! Times, Sunday Times
  • His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.
  • There was alarm in the markets when the dollar took a nosedive.
  • I had no trouble with any of them, but as soon as graphics entered into the picture, general quality took a nosedive.
  • The value of other shares nosedived by £2.6 billion.
  • Instead he did a nosedive right beside the chest, his chin gouging a furrow in the sandy soil.
  • Ray began to nosedive, heading right for the ground below.
  • Then the film career nosedived when the diminutive comic suffered the indignity of playing a cute elf - the role he was born to play! Times, Sunday Times
  • Ramirez flung the gargantuan vessel into a steep nosedive.
  • Although Jade Goody's value to Big Brother was her famously tactless "motormouth", a career nosedive was not part of the script. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • I saw it coming across the village when it just suddenly nosedived. The Sun
  • During that period the quality of British film-making nosedived.
  • Daunton argues that both public trust in and the administrative competence of the state both took a nosedive in the same period.
  • By ‘of late’ I don't mean the past century or so, which has been characterized by warming trends, but the past several million years, when planetary temperatures took a nosedive.
  • Since then, though, his career has nosedived. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nosedive could be a sign that it lacks the shelf life that made Baron Cohen's "Borat" a Undefined
  • A witness said that the woman in her 70s saw the car "nosedive" into the Avon from the opposite bank. Your Local Guardian | Wimbledon
  • Green obtained planning permission from Fingal county council for phase one of the project but the out-of-town office market nosedived shortly afterwards.
  • The city's seamy side overpowers him, and Nell slips into a self-destructive nosedive.
  • Many committed contractors complain that rates have nosedived.
  • The gyroplane, which had both rotor blades and a propeller, had reached a height of no more than 20 ft after take-off when it started to nosedive.
  • The pound took a nosedive on the foreign exchange market today.
  • The pilot put the plane into a nosedive.
  • Church leaders in Malmesbury have united in opposing the return of a Sunday market because they fear congregation numbers will nosedive.
  • He nosedived again for bombing.
  • But such vocal opposition had unexpected effects - Ulrich saw his band's credibility nosedive, at least among the Web cognoscenti.
  • However, he remains at pains to locate his own wife and when his colleague Silvio and daughter Teresa are also abducted, things take a sharp nosedive.
  • His career nosedived after the accident. Times, Sunday Times
  • The airliner nosedived into Rockaway, about five miles from the airport, just after 9am.
  • According to estimates, Indian agriculture, which showed high rates of production prior to the 19th century took a nosedive.
  • The pound took a nosedive on the foreign exchange market today.
  • Stock markets have crashed in the biggest nosedive this century.
  • This means they have little leeway to maintain payments should profits suddenly nosedive. Times, Sunday Times

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