
How To Use Nosed In A Sentence

  • In chronic smoldering cases, inflammatory bowel disease can be misdiagnosed, and treatment with steroids only exacerbates the infection.
  • He was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when he was about 18 months old. The Sun
  • George was diagnosed with the potentially deadly condition days after his second birthday.
  • Fancy an heir that a father had seen born well-featured and fair, turning suddenly wry-nosed, club-footed, squint-eyed, hair-lipped, wapper-jawed, carrot-haired, from a pride become an aversion, -- my case was yet worse. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • A hard-nosed unmoveable man, who sacrifices his lovely daughter to ward off future kidnap threats on his beloved son.
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  • He first felt discomfort back in June and the problem was diagnosed as a stress fracture. The Sun
  • Vertical circulation is primarily via lifts just inboard from these stairs, in a bull-nosed service tower sheathed in stainless steel.
  • She was diagnosed with mental-health problems and put on medication. The Sun
  • The general practitioner diagnosed the illness of the baby as pneumonia.
  • They are wholly unfitted, by temperament and training, for the cut-throat, hard-nosed commercial environment in which they now find themselves.
  • He struggled at school because of undiagnosed dyslexia and left at 15, after the death of his father. Times, Sunday Times
  • And she fitted well into the homely scene: short and somewhat "squatty" of form, red-haired, freckle-faced and pug-nosed. Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross
  • I identified the frightful ingredients masking the mixtures of tannin and powdered carbon with which the fish was embalmed; and I penetrated the disguise of the marinated meats, painted with sauces the colour of sewage; and I diagnosed the wine as being coloured with fuscin, perfumed with furfurol, and enforced with molasses and plaster. Là-bas
  • Coat color colorful monkeys snub - nosed monkey is unique to China.
  • As the next five years passed, his back pain gradually got worse and eventually spinal canal stenosis was diagnosed.
  • Unfortunately for both, their careers took a nosedive after they both became embroiled in controversy.
  • Crane has also been diagnosed as suffering from exhibitionism and anti-social personality disorder.
  • In order for cyclothymia to be diagnosed, hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms must be present alternately for at least two years.
  • She had blood clots on the lung, but when the symptoms recurred, her doctor diagnosed something completely different.
  • He had been diagnosed as cortically blind and virtually the only vocal sound he was capable of making was a ‘clicking’ in his throat.
  • How can any woman rest easy now, knowing her breast cancer may be misdiagnosed?
  • My car nosed under the guardrail and broke in half.
  • Then he was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder along with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which co-occurs in about 40 percent of those diagnosed with ADHD.
  • Bray was diagnosed with a brain condition called arteriovenous malformation or AVM. - Articles related to Survey: Limits Keep Teens From Bad Texting
  • He told me that he has been diagnosed as suffering from reactive depression and is currently being treated for that by a psychiatrist.
  • She mentally reviewed his no longer youthful figure, his monastic face, black-haired and large-nosed, with eyes full of expression, his curly mouth, at once judgmatic and benevolent. Flowering Wilderness
  • A few months ago her glands came up and she had lymphoma diagnosed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the recent check up I was diagnosed with early stage of chronic open angle glaucoma in both eyes by computerised field perimetry - left eye more than right, although left eye is much less myopic than right one.
  • Severe lipaemia in an undiagnosed diabetic will usually resolve with the institution of insulin therapy and effective diabetic control.
  • Has it taken until now for these hard-nosed businessmen to finally twig they have been sold one pup after another? The Sun
  • Remember, he is more accustomed to interviews with fawning, gushy, fans, rather than with more hard-nosed journalists.
  • ‘We took her to the doctors on a number of occasions and at first she was misdiagnosed,’ she said.
  • Each year, 600,000 or more Americans are diagnosed with shingles, a painful skin disease caused by a reactivation of the chickenpox virus.
  • They diagnosed cystitis and then they diagnosed nephrolithiasis & then they diagnosed Malta fever with ovarian complications & then they went all hush-hush while they diagnosed a tuberculous infection so that I couldn't possibly guess what they were testing for. Another piece of the puzzle
  • These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive.
  • Obama is a stuffed-shirt, retrousse-nosed, po 'boy, the worst kind of elitist! On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • A second study, which looked at whether combining glutamic acid decarboxylase GAD plus aluminum hydroxide to create an antigen could prevent the loss of insulin production in patients newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Trials of type 1 diabetes vaccines bring mixed results
  • Nine months later - or two hours in TV drama time - she was back on the diving board, with her dreams revised and a doting dad holding the baby by the poolside, minutes after a snottery-nosed declaration that he and his gymslip mum were about to ruin each other's lives by staying together. The Daily Record - Home
  • The Indochinese tiger, Asian elephant and endemic species like the saola, Tonkin snub-nosed monkey and Siamese crocodile are on the verge of extinction in the country. Javan rhino driven to extinction in Vietnam, conservationists say
  • Far from seeming hard-nosed and realistic, they suddenly appear beside the point, if not immoral.
  • The condition, called aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, is often misdiagnosed, even though it is one of the most deadly neurological emergencies. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Eighteen years after their mad cow epidemic was first diagnosed, the British are still destroying all cattle over 30 months of age.
  • At 18 months, he was diagnosed with spastic diplegia, a form of cerebral palsy that affects balance as well as movement below the waist. The Seattle Times
  • The bank yesterday revealed a 30 per cent nosedive in profits.
  • She called her attackers "snot-nosed little punks who deserve a tuneup. Undefined
  • Species are diagnosed on the basis of carinal height and the nature (height, symmetry, completeness) and number (zero, one, or two) of flanking rows or parapets.
  • In August, it sold £7.4 billion worth of European government bonds and then, after prices had nosedived on the back of the huge sale, bought a portion back at a profit.
  • Therefore, it is possible that some patients were misdiagnosed in our study.
  • Establishing the diagnosis is critical, although historically asthma has been misdiagnosed.
  • Her condition was misdiagnosed as arthritis.
  • To protect against this requires a strong willed BOFH-style Operations team and the odd hacker if possible to carry out penetration tests, along with a hard-nosed Information Security officer to simple say "that's not going live". Archive 2007-04-01
  • Peter Tork, best known for his time in The Monkees, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called adenoid cystic carcinoma, according to March 4 reports. Lead Stories from AOL
  • Bullets cause injury by transferring their energy into the body tissues; the design of the bullet influences this process, with hollow nosed or dumdum bullets being designed to maximise energy transfer.
  • Once, she said, as she stood in shallow water in her high-necked, skirted, black bathing suit, a long-nosed garpike swam across her toes and startled her.
  • Torn between the aspect of keeping his lousy grade and keeping up with snot-nosed kindergarteners, he sat in the lounge and rolled his papers between his hands uncertainly.
  • Turkeys at two Dutch farms were diagnosed with parasite-borne blackhead, but the government was not very concerned because about 10 cases of the disease are reported each year.
  • People here just want to get on with their lives and not bother with a toffee-nosed Tory from the south-east.
  • I would relish the opportunity, as I placed my cross on the ballot paper, to think of wiping the permanently smug, self-satisfied smirk from his arrogant, squirrel-cheeked, toffee-nosed features.
  • John himself was diagnosed with cancer some years ago and knows what a dreadful experience it can be.
  • She was diagnosed with MND two-and-a-half years ago and had been getting progressively weaker, her family said in a pooled interview with the Manchester Evening News. Sixth Stepping Hill hospital patient dies after suspected saline contamination
  • The young woman had acquired (right after receiving her fourth -- mandatory -- anthrax shot) a shockingly precipitous mystery disease, eventually diagnosed as a bizarrely speeded-up form of ametropic lateral sclerosis -- she lost in three months the amount of muscle function a middle aged ALS sufferer would lose in four years. Sheila Weller: In This Case, A Soldier Was Treated Beautifully at Walter Reed
  • Jacob was immediately transferred to the Children's Hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), where doctors diagnosed him with fulminant hepatic failure — liver failure with a very rapid onset. Meet Our Patients: Jacob Jowett
  • This is a complicated issue for the elderly because HIV and AIDS are often misdiagnosed in this population, as symptoms often mimic other illnesses.
  • We know African-Americans are diagnosed at younger ages with what we call hormone-sensitive cancers, like prostate and breast cancer. News for WSAV
  • I did this years ago, and babyfood jars were perfect with copper wire, ooooh, pretty but have one of those long-nosed lighters or extended matches, because if you try to light the candle and then drop it in, it goes out nine times out of ten. Turn Old Jars Into Hanging Candle Lanterns | Lifehacker Australia
  • Meaning it can go undiagnosed while still being highly treatable. The Sun
  • The common representation of fox hunters and those who support it, is that they are toffee-nosed snobs who ride around the country in their cold-hearted way, thinking they own the place.
  • Your doctor will want to know whether you have ever been diagnosed with any noncancerous condition of the prostate, such as prostatitis Undefined
  • One IS jumpy when soft-nosed bullets putt-putt around him. CHAPTER XLVII
  • Hypochondroplasia is a similar condition, often diagnosed as the child develops, but the inherent abnormalities are less apparent than with achondroplasia.
  • At the age of 95 and still in possession of his mental capacities he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and metastases in the lumbar spine causing a spastic paraparesis.
  • And in Italy, my husband walked in with some horrible strep thing, to a hospital, was fixed with free medicine and then sent to a specialist a few days later who diagnosed some allergy he had that no one here ever noticed... and he did not get charged a centime. Nina Burleigh: A Socialist and a Capitalist Walk Into a Bar...
  • They said the problem could be as common as some childhood cancers, but goes undiagnosed because doctors do not know about it. The Sun
  • Giardia infection can be diagnosed by looking for the parasite in the stools.
  • Ever since Goody, our twelve-year-old bichon frise, was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, I have been compelled by pity and fear to do his bidding. Knowing Jesse
  • He was diagnosed as actinomycetoma clinically and pathologically. The diagnosis was confirmed by positive culture and isolated Nocardia brasiliensis.
  • These two bossy, determined, sharp nosed, short women certainly appear to have much in common.
  • As the doctor told us during that first day in hospital, the condition Jake was in, which is called keto-acidosis, when type 1 diabetes goes undiagnosed and unmanaged, should never happen to him again. Home | Mail Online
  • A couple of hours later the city health officer called on my patient and diagnosed it as varioloid and much to the patient's disgust, removed him to the city pest-house.
  • It's well known that this school costs quite a sum of money to attend so only snot-nosed, shallow kids like Terry and Theresa could afford it.
  • Murray also can laugh at himself, as was revealed in his Comic Relief appearance last week, when he was confronted by a snotty-nosed kid who told him: Yeah, you're my fourth favourite tennis player. Britain's Andy Murray looking like the Hamlet of tennis after latest loss | Kevin Mitchell
  • Then the great depression of the 1930s ruined the economy and Prince Industries' stock took a plummeting nosedive.
  • The mammals include a number of well-known animals such as the eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus, the red-necked wallaby M. rufogriseus, wallaroo M. robustus, koala Phasocarctos cinereus and wombat Vombatus ursinus, the greater glider Petaurus volans, the squirrel glider P. norfolcensis, mountain brushtailed possum Trichosurus caninus; also the rarer spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus (VU), long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus (VU), yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis and brush-tailed rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata (VU). Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • She was trying to sound like those snotty-nosed Brits!
  • They were considered the epitome of hard-nosed business thinking about public problems.
  • Longshoremen rank with teamsters in the lore of hard-nosed trade unionists and Hobsbawm preferred their leader's politics.
  • In that case, hypersensitivity to human seminal plasma was diagnosed.
  • Then the Stoke club secretary was diagnosed with cancer and died within two weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The condition had gone undiagnosed for years, perhaps decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first one diagnosed severe arthritis; the second one agreed but switched the seizure medication; the third one diagnosed probable degenerative myelopathy, a nerve disease similar to multiple sclerosis in people, which is common in shepherds. The Last Chance Dog
  • Sometimes interruption of the aortic arch is diagnosed on a fetal ultrasound and/or fetal echocardiogram. Interruption of the Aortic Arch
  • They have diagnosed the problem, but have they fixed it? Times, Sunday Times
  • All patients were diagnosed as having anterior optic neuropathy.
  • I was some snotty nosed kid with an attitude in a subway.
  • It is most often diagnosed in women in their thirties and forties, although I've seen it in many younger women, as well.
  • One member species, Rhinopithecus roxellana, is widely known as golden monkey or snub-nosed monkey for its shining golden coat and funny snub nose.
  • She was bright and successful at school and he suffered with undiagnosed dyslexia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Radiation temperature in hohlraums is diagnosed by using two soft X-ray spectrometers and a multi-pinhole soft X-ray streak camera.
  • If there is pus on the tonsils then the condition can properly be diagnosed as tonsillitis.
  • The next day David was diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grieving and Recovery
  • The montage of icons does cohere into a sort of meta-icon perhaps, of dogs that are (for me) short-haired, middling-sized, with dark-brown fur; but this is … a sort of cubist collage of perspectives that spills out beyond its casual frame, each dog a Cerberus with three heads superimposed one over the other, snub-nosed and long-snouted, ears pricked and flattened, slavering and not slavering. Archive 2009-07-01
  • A potential limitation of using both affected and unaffected sibs in family-based association testing, as we did in our study, is that some unaffecteds may actually be misclassified undiagnosed, subclinical cases.
  • I have since been told that using a pair of pointy nosed pliers is the best way to install it.
  • Shortly after he finished his first album, he was diagnosed with chronic paranoid schizophrenia.
  • And it only fuels employees' ire when they lose savings in stock nosedives and otherwise feel a lack of financial and personal support.
  • Dr. Katzman, the chief researcher, and her team are studying 50 recovered anorexics who were diagnosed during their teens.
  • For example in Sweden, more than one-third of English Springer Spaniels are diagnosed with mammary tumours, analogous to breast cancers in humans.
  • His condition was diagnosed as some sort of blood disorder.
  • He was first diagnosed with a benign tumour nine years ago. The Sun
  • He was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when he was about 18 months old. The Sun
  • If you put all your cash into one share and it nosedives, you are in trouble.
  • Doctors diagnosed a problem with her stomach lining and switched her to soya milk. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had blepharospasm, a rare and mysterious condition - sometimes diagnosed as psychological - that prevented my eyelids from opening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Medics are checking if she had an undiagnosed heart condition. The Sun
  • He diagnosed the trouble that caused the engine knock.
  • Companies run by hard-nosed business people wouldn't be spending millions on it if it didn't work.
  • Last week, I was diagnosed with seronegative arthritis, in addition to the fibromyalgia. The Health FAQ
  • The problem, as diagnosed by government, is that too many people do not get the best deal on gas and electricity prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the age of 48 he was diagnosed with mesothelioma, nicknamed asbestos cancer, and died five years later at his home in Lanhill View.
  • These moments of Norwich respite could be easily diagnosed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Upon their return they were diagnosed with cryptosporidium and shigella. Times, Sunday Times
  • PTSD is easily medically diagnosed but not at all medically respected, despite its disabling effects. The Sun
  • A hard-nosed attitude says no, obviously not. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were no signs of Bleeding into the peritoneal cavity nor of pneumothorax, But the head and neck became increasingly cyanosed and the jugular veins considerably distended.
  • Unfortunately, even when the disease is diagnosed correctly, the common treatment is just to replace the diminished thyroid hormone, usually with an oral tablet or pill of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4 or levothyroxine), a synthetic analog. Dr. Andrew Lange: How Thyroid Medications Can Destroy Your Thyroid
  • There are 11 species of skunks, which are divided into four genera: Mephitis (hooded and striped skunks, two species), Spilogale (spotted skunks, two species), Mydaus (stink badgers, two species), and Conepatus (hog-nosed skunks, five species). Ferret frenzy «
  • She said that police sent her to a psychiatrist who wrongly diagnosed her as suffering from Stockholm syndrome, a condition in which hostages empathise with their captors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scabies is diagnosed based on the patient's clinical presentation, including history and physical findings.
  • These very common symptoms lead to difficulties in detecting the disease, and leptospirosis can only be accurately diagnosed through a blood examination.
  • Parents want autism to be diagnosed as early as possible, and early intervention may improve long term outcomes.
  • Atypical manifestations are common: vesicles may not form, and HSV infection may be misdiagnosed as another disease.
  • Radio communications between the shuttle commander and mission control fell largely silent as the shuttle nosedived toward the Mojave Desert landing strip.
  • I says to Goldsworth, I knew this trade when you was a snot-nosed runner, I says, and I know more than you'll ever know, I says. WHISTLER IN THE DARK
  • A technician diagnosed a bad pump in the engine.
  • At first, given her vision problems, doctors diagnosed her with MS. They did a brain biopsy and found, however, that Kayla had central-nervous-system vasculitis, an autoimmune disease of the blood vessels of the brain. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • He was diagnosed with cancer and given six months to live. Times, Sunday Times
  • After examining her, doctors diagnosed arsenic poisoning and said it was caused by drinking contaminated water in her native village on the India-Bangladesh border since childhood.
  • Roshan had been diagnosed with extrahepatic biliary atresia - a rare condition in which the common bile duct in newborns is blocked or has not developed. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • The sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is closely associated with cervical cancer, which is diagnosed in more than 490 000 women and causes 240 000 deaths every year.
  • My physiotherapist and an orthopaedic surgeon have examined the scan results and said I was misdiagnosed.
  • That's why it is important that your condition is diagnosed as early as possible.
  • Having had an allergic reaction to his own dogs diagnosed in the springtime, he found his performances below par. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was very fortunate to be in the care of the doctor who diagnosed Addison's disease when he came to visit me at home.
  • So, it was with some trepidation that I offered to expose myself to a department of the snotty-nosed blighters little darlings, even with pay.
  • Riley, 2, was diagnosed with an atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor in her brain on Nov. During a checkup, the doctor noticed Riley's head circumference had jumped up out of proportion with the rest of her body. | news
  • After struggling for months, it dawned on me that I needed to grovel. She was as important to the department as the snot-nosed junior banker giving her the work.
  • Oil prices took a nosedive in the crisis.
  • Today, ‘true hermaphroditism’ - cases in which an individual has one or more ovotestes - is considered ‘extremely rare’, but it is hard to know how many cases go undiagnosed.
  • Was diagnosed at two as possibly having separation anxiety or attachment disorder.
  • Fleets of mainly Spanish and Panamanian trawlers fish for deep-sea species such as the orange roughy and the round-nosed grenadier which are popular among consumers on the continent.
  • Our doctor diagnosed a throat infection and prescribed antibiotic and junior aspirin.
  • Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy.
  • But she had an undiagnosed heart condition and it was sudden adult death syndrome. The Sun
  • The shortnosed batfish is also odd looking, and it uses its nose as a shovel and a fishing lure: EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Rosy-Lipped Batfish
  • The programme has also unearthed a rare interview he gave to the local historical society after pancreatic cancer was diagnosed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The academic curriculum in the late 1950s, featured large doses of both hard-nosed and soft-headed psychology.
  • This means they are more likely to have serious illnesses diagnosed sooner. The Sun
  • In December it got really bad… Doctor thinks it could have been set off by a bad sneeze (how sad is that), and my job (which is all sitting) compiled with a day of moving furniture, constantly carrying around my fat (25 lb) cat Tux… and even my chiropractor treatments (chiropractor was treating another problem with my sacroiliac, and misdiagnosed the leg pain as it as the IT band) made it really bad. Grumble grumble «
  • Then the film career nosedived when the diminutive comic suffered the indignity of playing a cute elf - the role he was born to play! Times, Sunday Times
  • In patients from endemic areas, Lyme disease may be diagnosed on clinical grounds alone in the presence of erythema migrans.
  • In the Pechenga-Varzuga volcanosedimentary belt, alkali basalts eruptions about 2.2 Ga in age gradually gave way to tholeiite pillow lavas, Fe-picrite flows and Ti-rich basalts with ages around 1.98 Ga.
  • From a Japanese standpoint, she would take to task the gaijin ladies in Japan who refused to comply with traditions with a condescending attitude, at the same time chastising Japanese obatarian who despaired of the big-nosed foreigners.
  • Like others here, I only recently got around to having myself diagnosed for the ADHD, mild dyslexia and moderate dysgraphia I was always aware of. The Volokh Conspiracy » Suing to Get More Time on Exams
  • Tuesday morning will be inexplicably cold, and your commute will be filled with snot-nosed morons heading back to school.
  • She has been diagnosed with blepharospasm, an incurable condition affecting a handful of people. The Sun
  • It can be diagnosed by various details of the premaxilla, nasal, and dentary in the skull and the shape of the distal caudal vertebrae.
  • She has seen such symptoms go undiagnosed. Times, Sunday Times
  • But because of laws that her brother unstintingly supported, that same group was ushered out again: the abortion rate for fetuses diagnosed with Down syndrome, for instance, is estimated to be as high as 90 percent. ProWomanProLife » The Kennedys on abortion
  • Lesions with associated hydrops that are diagnosed late in gestation may benefit from resection using an Ex Utero Intrapartum Therapy (EXIT) approach. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • If Scout leaders really want to teach financial survival skills to a new generation, they need a much more hard-nosed approach.
  • How can any woman rest easy now, knowing her breast cancer may be misdiagnosed?
  • They are deeply uneasy with social instruments like shame or opprobrium, which smack of big-nosed authoritarianism in a new guise.
  • Then, at about 13,000 feet, Gillian began to feel unwell and was diagnosed by a doctor as having a chest infection.
  • He has had pneumonia and septicaemia since he was diagnosed at eight months. The Sun
  • She was diagnosed with a viral infection and sent home but her condition worsened and she was taken back. The Sun
  • This can result in the concept of overdiagnosis, which is the detection of latent disease that would not have been diagnosed in the patient's lifetime if screening for cancer had not taken place. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Then the film career nosedived when the diminutive comic suffered the indignity of playing a cute elf - the role he was born to play! Times, Sunday Times
  • Under active thyroid is easily diagnosed by your family doctor by means of a simple blood test.
  • His hard-nosed business approach is combined with a very real concern for the less fortunate in society.
  • Because the IT sector, by the year 2000, accounted for roughly half of U.S. GDP growth, the nosedive in IT growth slashed the growth rate of the overall economy.
  • As if to illustrate his point, one sheltie limped up and nosed Claire, then plopped down beside her.
  • In their view, Spengler diagnosed the main historical trends of human society and accurately predicted the fate of decaying bourgeois society.
  • The 60-year-old retired engineer was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January.
  • All those chimney sweeps and ribbon girls, ragmen and hook-nosed Jews, bricklayers and Highland warriors, Turkish dancers and London match girls? The Terror
  • The airplane made a faulty landing approach and nosed over.
  • Of those patients, 214 were diagnosed with noncancerous masses, and 30 had cancerous neoplasms.
  • Mary, a short pug-nosed brunette, jumped in fright at the sudden entrance of a stranger and opened her mouth to scream but no sound came.
  • A malignant brain tumour was diagnosed last September. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's the kind of a guy who would put a lampshade on his head and dance the fandango if he thought it would make one person smile, and it takes a similar kind of Texas chutzpah to get up on the stage at the Carlyle, in front of debutantes and dowagers sporting enough jewelry to exceed the gross national product of Madagascar, and sing "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Jubilant and Jazzy for the Holidays
  • After an ultrasound test and a physical examination, ovarian cancer was diagnosed.
  • With maybe a shovel-nosed snake once in a while, just for variety. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Shock Treatment
  • When a classical pianist is diagnosed with motor neurone disease, she begins to form a close relationship with a student who becomes her carer. The Sun
  • They attribute his stealing of petty items to an untreated and undiagnosed case of kleptomania, a psychiatric condition that causes a person to steal compulsively.
  • If nothing else, Doug is a hard-nosed businessman.
  • The doctor diagnosed the illness as pneumonia.
  • The majority of injuries were diagnosed as contusions.
  •  It reported that a Washington Redskins cheerleader, Desiree Jennings, was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder called dystonia alleged to be caused by a severe reaction to the seasonal flu shot. Video of flu shot cheerleader is misleading
  • For a split second, ugly scenes try to squeeze into my brain: planes nosediving, twirling, horrific screeching, explosions on impact.
  • I'm a newly diagnosed "aspie" and was looking to join the discussion here. Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
  • I admitted him to hospital, where he subsequently had tuberculous meningitis diagnosed. Times, Sunday Times

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