How To Use nose job In A Sentence
- Some are opting for nose jobs to correct old sports injuries, otoplasty for ears, or breast reduction surgery for the dreaded 'moobs'. - Frontpage RSS Feed
- The show provides her with a facelift, nose job and tooth veneers. The Sun
- The first choice for men was a nose job, followed by eyelid surgery and liposuction.
- He had several nose jobs, his lips thinned, and chin clef put in, among other alterations. Michael Jackson's artistic legacy spans the decades
- But then I'm not sure what to make of all the people who have cosmetic surgery - breast augmentation, cheek bone implants, pectoral implants, nose jobs.
- She looks completely different in this photo - she must have had a nose job.
- I've never had plastic surgery, though people always think I've had a nose job.
- In second place is eyelid surgery, followed by face and necklifts, liposuction and nose jobs.
- In fact it gets quite a good nose job with a very aggressive double grille. The Sun
- His image transformation has long given rise to rumours that he has had a nose job. The Sun