
nose dive

  1. a steep nose-down descent by an aircraft

How To Use nose dive In A Sentence

  • But in January, coincidentally (or not?) the same month that Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced the forthcoming tablet computer dubbed the iPad, netbook sales took a nose dive.
  • I think I finally gave up on Saturday mornings when they moved the final season of Gargoyles there from weekday afternoons, which is also when the show took a nose dive in terms of writing and animation quality. Where have you gone to Saturday morning cartoons?
  • And to make things worse, coffee prices have been on a nose dive since the split, eroding farmers' confidence in coffee.
  • Luckily, to anyone who didn't know this table nearly took a nose dive down some steps, the marks are almost unnoticeable.
  • While the employees were both fired and the franchise was closed for sanitation, the brand's social stock still took a nose dive in both traditional and social media circles.
  • As Wideman has played with worse teammates (Corsi Rel QoT) and the goalies behind him performed worse (On ice Sv%), his plus minus took a nose dive. Statistical analysis: A closer look at Dennis Wideman's plus-minus rating
  • A high mounting location for the upper control arms on the front suspension helps limit nose dive under hard braking, while a long steering knuckle provides negative camber for extra stability in cornering.
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