How To Use Northumbria In A Sentence

  • In the museum gardens are several reconstructions including a Roman temple, shop, house, and Northumbrian croft, all with audio presentations.
  • The Oakeydean Burn gathers water from the moorland above, creating a Northumbrian dene, a narrow, wooded cleft snaking down the hillside. Country diary: Allendale, Northumberland
  • Sir William Armstrong, the north-eastern armaments king, built himself an extraordinary country retreat at Cragside in the Northumbrian hills.
  • At the University of Northumbria, applications to study criminology and forensic science have doubled.
  • They are sticking with qualified statement similar to what was one the website: “martial items could have been collected by kings Penda, Wulfhere or Aethelred during their wars with Northumbria or East Anglia, or indeed by someone whose name is lost to history.” The Staffordshire Hoard Appeal
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  • Miss Owen became a fashion stylist in London after graduating from Northumbria University with a degree in economics, sociology and geography.
  • Northumbrian expansion westwards led Mercia to make common cause with the Welsh.
  • When Earl Siward of Northumbria died two years later, his earldom went to Harold's brother Tostig.
  • In 1055, Earl Siward of Northumbria died whilst his son, Waltheof, was too young to succeed him, and Harold manoeuvred his brother Tostig into the earldom.
  • He was preceded by a handful of annalists, notably Hydatius in Galicia, and followed, among others, by Gregory of Tours and Fredegar in Francia, Isidore in Spain, Bede in Northumbria, and Paul the Deacon in Italy.
  • Mr Cheetham, who is a student at Northumbria University, said he thought Mr Gormley's works would help to break down prejudices against modern art, featuring as they do ordinary people.
  • The Northumbrian water supply failed during Christmas 1995 when the main pipes froze.
  • Presumably a similar border dispute lay behind Aethelbald's attack on Northumbrian territory in 740.
  • York was the archbishopric of the old kingdom of the Northumbrians.
  • Presumably a similar border dispute lay behind Aethelbald's attack on Northumbrian territory in 740.
  • Dene is a word from Northumbrian English used in Northumberland and Durham to refer to a steep-sided wooded valley through which a burn runs.
  • Respondent: No I wouldn't, I wouldn't class them as being Northumbrians.
  • The Oakeydean Burn gathers water from the moorland above, creating a Northumbrian dene, a narrow, wooded cleft snaking down the hillside. Country diary: Allendale, Northumberland
  • Northumbria Police said no police vehicles were in pursuit of the stolen car at the time of the crash.
  • Examples of bellows-blown bagpipes include the Northumbrian small-pipes, the Scottish Lowland or Border bagpipe, the Irish uillean bagpipe, the musette, and the dudy.
  • King Angus MacFergus of the Picts commanded a mixed army of Scots and Picts who were fighting an army of Saxons from Northumbria.
  • Northumbria Police issued photographs of her injuries as part of a public appeal to track down the crazed knifeman.
  • Norwagiam, post Scoticam barbariem non sine mortis pauore transcursam, peruenit Northumbriam, & ad castellum se contulit de Tinnemutha velut assylum antiquitus notum sibi: vbi per aliquot dies recreatus iter assumpsit versus manerium suum de Plashy, magnum apportans gaudium toti regno, tam de eius euasione, qu鄊 de aduentu suo. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Like Whitby in Northumbria, several of the Kentish minsters had been double houses, comprising communities of nuns and monks ruled by an abbess.
  • Continuing Pictish-Northumbrian military confrontation was a part of the background, therefore, of Osred's reign.
  • Wilfrid, bishop of Lindisferne, acquired great merit, both with the court of Rome and with all the southern Saxons, by expelling the quartodeciman schism, as it was called, from the Northumbrian kingdom, into which the neighborhood of the Scots had formerly introduced it. [ The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part A. From the Britons of Early Times to King John
  • In 944, when the last Danish king was expelled from York, Northumbria became an earldom of England.
  • Adrian Schofield was - still is - a champion Northumbrian piper, despite coming from Bolton.
  • Penda had campaigned as far as Bebbanburgh in Northumbria some time earlier, as Bede mentions this casually as the background to a miracle story Bede Book III Ch. Kings of Lindsey
  • Norwagiam, post Scoticam barbariem non sine mortis pauore transcursam, peruenit Northumbriam, & ad castellum se contulit de Tinnemutha velut assylum antiquitus notum sibi: vbi per aliquot dies recreatus iter assumpsit versus manerium suum de Plashy, magnum apportans gaudium toti regno, tam de eius euasione, qu鄊 de aduentu suo. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Sir William Armstrong, the north-eastern armaments king, built himself an extraordinary country retreat at Cragside in the Northumbrian hills.
  • Anna who had renal cancer, died just hours after she learned officially that she had graduated from Northumbria University.
  • Moreover, the Northumbrian monarchy already had produced one saint and martyr, Oswald, whose death was at the hands of the heathen Mercian king Penda, of whom Wulfhere certainly, and Aethelbert probably, was a son. The Staffordshire Hoard Appeal
  • Countrie (my visiter was a Northumbrian) than anything he had seen in the south. The Ground-Ash
  • Northumbria has received a generous increase in standard spending assessment of 17.3 percent.
  • Clear parallels can be drawn between the soke and the Northumbrian shire, yet they were not made because, according to Stenton, the soke was Danish.
  • Rome and with all the southern Saxons, by expelling the "quartodeciman" schism, as it was called, from the Northumbrian kingdom, into which the neighborhood of the Scots had formerly introduced it. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • His position once secured (which took some years), his conduct in all the kingdoms except Northumbria and Wessex seems to have been more that of a direct ruler than a remote overlord.
  • Tostig is furious at what he terms the insolence of the Northumbrians, and Wulf the Saxon A Story of the Norman Conquest
  • They are sticking with qualified statement similar to what was one the website: “martial items could have been collected by kings Penda, Wulfhere or Aethelred during their wars with Northumbria or East Anglia, or indeed by someone whose name is lost to history.” The Staffordshire Hoard Appeal
  • Lindsey was lost and the Humber restored as Northumbria's southern frontier.
  • From next week, all bouncers will undergo a compulsory two-week training course and examination run by Northumbria police.
  • Free one-day taster courses run throughout the year to give prospective students an idea of what studying at Northumbria would be like. Times, Sunday Times
  • "Ye're loaded, are ye, Parcy?" asked the genial host in the burring Northumbrian voice we know so well even to-day.
  • The southern Scottish and Northumbrian perkin is a griddle-cooked variety of parkin now more usually tray baked in an oven, and elsewhere early recipes for parkin were similiarly cooked. Archive 2007-11-01
  • The food is a cut above the usual uncomplicated Northumbrian fare as well, throwing in the occasional maverick Norse touch, such as dill-seasoned salmon and a bitter-sweet berry sauce with your duck.
  • Northumbrian English is somewhat famous for the Northumbrian burr, a rhotic realized as a uvular fricative (or approximant).
  • The Observer has had to apologise for saying the handsome town of North Shields is in Northumbria.
  • He tried to take advantage of Henry's religious imbroglio and retake Northumbria, but was captured at Alnwick and only got out of a dungeon in Norman Falaise by swearing fealty.
  • Whatever the right of it, few of the fighting Northumbrian thegns marched away to face William in the south.
  • MyTransport - Northumbria (UK) cycling routes Catchment Areas Shows boundaries of school catchment areas, even "fuzzily Google Maps Mania
  • Traditionalists and historians will argue over whether the stottie cake is a Northumbrian or Tyneside invention, but one thing's for sure - it has graced many a Northumbrian packed lunch.
  • The sweet sound of the Northumbrian pipes, playing folk tunes which would have been familiar to eighteenth-century audiences, greeted us as we climbed the stairs.
  • The Provost looked anew upon the careless, intrepid young Northumbrian, who seemed not to care a bodle for his imminent fate. Border Ghost Stories
  • According to a new research from the University of Northumbria in the UK, men with a sparse and stubbly beard are most attractive.

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