
How To Use Northerner In A Sentence

  • Come, uncle," said Nellie, "I thought you were going to leave the 'prating' and the 'eloquent nonsense' to we Northerners, while you would stick to the scripture argument. Nellie Norton: Or, Southern Slavery and the Bible. A Scriptural Refutation of the Principal Arguments upon which the Abolitionists Rely. A Vindication of Southern Slavery from the Old and New Testaments.
  • Though they were few in the countryside, northerners and foreigners concentrated in large numbers in urban places.
  • Who parties better - northerners or southerners? The Sun
  • WALLNER: A "doughface" is a term that refers to Northerners who had Southern sympathies, Northern politicians with Southern sympathies. Franklin Pierce: New Hampshire's Favorite Son
  • Northerner observed this injunction by robbing the slave-owner and stealing away the slave -- all in the name and for the greater glory of God! Singularly enough, the parents of these moralists -- who teach the negro the unapostolic christianity of stealing himself -- were those who stole from their homes, and sold for the highest penny, the Angola ancestors of our present slaves. Cause and contrast : an essay on the American crisis,
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  • A "scalawag" was any Southern white who allied himself politically with the negroes, and a "carpet-bagger" was a Northern adventurer, for whose worldly goods a gripsack sufficed, -- or, in general, any Northerner whatever. The Negro and the Nation A History of American Slavery and Enfranchisement
  • Every body here knows _overdriving_ to be one of the most common occurrences, the planters do not deny it, except, perhaps, to northerners. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • In the 19th Century, white Northerners were highly averse to black emigration from the South. The Volokh Conspiracy » Bruce Bartlett’s Attack on Libertarianism
  • A recurring reference on the Internet in China is that northerners and inlanders are itching for a showdown with Taiwan, while southerners and coastal inhabitants, who have the most to lose in a war, are leery of confrontation.
  • The tendency of southerners to outnumber northerners in the army continued to the outbreak of civil war.
  • That Northerners should feel superior on the racial issue was understandable.
  • All four League members are transplanted northerners who moved to London almost two decades ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless some easily defensible frontier could be found, the northerners would remain outside the Imperial frontiers. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • But as the RADA-trained actress sees her reputation grow, she fears being typecast in roles as brassy northerners.
  • So Yinka, redirect your frustration somewhere else but not to the mallams or the Northerners.
  • Perhaps rich people just don't like northerners. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the ensuing riot, a hut containing refugees seeking to flee the violence, mainly northerners, was set on fire.
  • They were frequently dismayed to be identified as beifangren ‘northerners’ when they spoke their southern dialect of the national language putonghua, or Mandarin rather than Cantonese. China’s Natural Mason-Dixon Line « Far Outliers
  • To determine if this was the case requires a comparison of foreigners, northerners, and southerners at the same levels of wealth.
  • Ten years ago, Ivorians weren't northerners or southerners.
  • Northerners are more cautious and suspicious than southerners.
  • I do like to help northerners - it must be so awful for them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite heavy casualties, the Confederates kept their formation until they were intermingled with the northerners.
  • As it happened the group was fairly evenly divided between northerners and southerners.
  • But at the other end of Britain northerners flocked to beaches to bask in hours of glorious sunshine. The Sun
  • To those, mainly northerners, who denounced the brutality, others, often southerners, replied that the exemplary punishment was justified by its outcome.
  • The three northerners conversed for a moment; then one of them called tentatively, "You fight? The Misenchanted Sword
  • The report dispels the myth that Northerners have a fattier diet than people in the south.
  • Rich northerners are more likely to vote Labour than poor southerners. Times, Sunday Times
  • The possibility that the historic figure was a northerner rather than a southerner has been revived with the launch of a new Hollywood film, called simply King Arthur, which will be screened in this country from July 30.
  • The tendency of southerners to outnumber northerners in the army continued to the outbreak of civil war.
  • With their political dominance, the northerners have attempted to Arabize the country and to promote Arabic, at the expense of French, in the educational system.
  • As an unashamed Northerner, I doth my flat cap to James Cameron for following a passion of his and realising it in such glorious grandioso style. Top Ten Works of James Cameron | Obsessed With Film
  • Two minutes later Simon Rea was unfortunate to see the ball cross the square with the goalie gone and still the ball didn't go into the Monaghan net, a mighty let off for the northerners.
  • Underneath his 'sealskin' is nothing but a sweaty northerner with poor taste in dungarees and a inoperable genital wart condition, peel back my silky black skin and you will find nothing but GENUINE BLUBBER. semen Army Rumour Service
  • The war, and the politics regarding the draft and bounties, exacerbated differences between Northerners and Southerners, Republicans and Democrats, and rich and poor.
  • A Northerner who did not seem to understand Punjabi almost cost King his balance as he thrust broad shoulders between him and the bunnia. In The Time Of Light
  • There is something about northerners that people in the South don't get. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am reminded of the politics of the post-bellum era - in which average-to-below-average Republicans in the North could be elected by "waving the bloody shirt," i.e. referencing their (seemingly) prominent roles in the Civil War to win the support of Northerners. Top Rudy Ally: First Responders Who Criticize Rudy Don't Understand That Terrorists Attacked Us On 9/11
  • Even their curiosity about the sudden influx into their midst of rather ignorant white and black Northerners was restrained and courteous.
  • If we northerners are willing to dig our glads and cannas and store them in the basement or garage, why not do the same with Acidanthera, Bletilla and Galtonia?
  • He thinks we're thick northerners because he wanted to write for the theatre when he was sixteen and we were football hooligans. THE LAST PARTY: Britpop, Blair and the demise of English rock
  • As it happened the group was fairly evenly divided between northerners and southerners.
  • Not only had the slaveholders perpetrated the preponderance of atrocities, and with impunity at that, but they had begun to boast that northerners and New Englanders were congenitally soft and altogether lacking in "chivalric" and soldierly qualities. The Man Who Ended Slavery
  • In Britain, we have townies and country folk, northerners and southerners, but Spain has 17 distinct regions, each with its own food, festivals and politics.
  • The village lay a few latitudes above the equator and was now enjoying what the northerners might call a mild winter but for southerners, it was simply the rainy season.
  • The passage of that bill further outraged northerners. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • Now many northerners face the sort of affordability problems previously seen only in London and the southeast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Second, a number of recent historians have maintained that Northerners were as committed to white supremacy as Southerners.
  • Surely this pattern can be taken as an indication of the preferences of landlords and other northerners.
  • ‘'Tis I who have the map to the pearl-treasures of these isles, and not thee, Northerner, ‘he called, taunting Viro.
  • In the ensuing riot, a hut containing refugees seeking to flee the violence, mainly northerners, was set on fire.
  • Born in Wakefield, Taylor may be a down-to-earth working-class northerner, but she went straight to college from school, trained as a hairdresser, became a successful stylist, was promoted to training apprentice stylists, and later ran a charity, before becoming a highflyer at A4E. Hayley Taylor: 'I've felt what the unemployed feel: losing confidence, staring at four walls'
  • Yet, in a week when four Highland clubs are aspiring to follow Inverness up the leagues, the absences also serve as a measure of how far Paterson's northerners have come in five short seasons.
  • Unless some easily defensible frontier could be found, the northerners would remain outside the Imperial frontiers. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • The southerners prefer rice and the northerners prefer food made from flour.
  • In retaliation to killings of northerners in the South, the military rulers massacred thousands of southerners and many were brutally tortured.
  • Perfectly timed for the coming cold comes a dose of relief for us northerners.
  • Being a northerner, I didn't like Southern Ice Tea when I first tried it.
  • Darfuris are sometimes called abid "slaves" by the northerners. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I am reminded of the politics of the post-bellum era - in which average-to-below-average Republicans in the North could be elected by "waving the bloody shirt," i.e. referencing their seemingly prominent roles in the Civil War to win the support of Northerners. Republican party
  • Northerner answers: "North is cold rise, piddle should take a club, scatter freeze, follow along with aspic knock, otherwise person and wall want aspic to be in one place.
  • Meanwhile, over half of northerners claim that southerners are snobbish and arrogant and wear pinstripe suits. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was conducted by market researchers Taylor Nelson Sofres, and showed more southerners than northerners wished to lose weight.
  • Unless some easily defensible frontier could be found, the northerners would remain outside the Imperial frontiers. THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
  • We were never really big communicators anyway—we're Northerners.
  • Pierce's other opponent for the Democratic nomination was James Buchanan of Pennsylvania. Buchanan was a northerner who would probably leave the South alone.
  • But at the other end of Britain northerners flocked to beaches to bask in hours of glorious sunshine. The Sun
  • Some 40,000 northerners are employed there, producing goods such as kitchenware, sport shoes, semiconductor parts and watches. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • Meanwhile, over half of northerners claim that southerners are snobbish and arrogant and wear pinstripe suits. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as the RADA-trained actress sees her reputation grow, she fears being typecast in roles as brassy northerners.
  • For ten years before secession, Northerners were commonly referred to as ‘mongrels and hirelings.’
  • There are a lot of northerners who've moved down there.
  • Noted will be the northerners' scutching of UCD last weekend.
  • The study found that, compared with visitors from the south of England, northerners were twice as likely to have phoned in sick so that they could spend the day at Alton Towers.
  • As a result of much dissatisfaction with far away government in Adelaide, several northerners formed the Great Northern League.
  • He would stand against the slaveholders unless they happened to be powerful, wealthy Northerners like Jefferson and Washington.
  • There was never anything sophisticated or subtle about the doleful northerner but boy, could he make you laugh.
  • The passage of that bill further outraged northerners. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • Pierce was a Democrat and a "doughface" a Northerner with Southern sympathies who served in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. AS SEEN ON TV: FRANKLIN PIERCE
  • That Northerners should feel superior on the racial issue was understandable.
  • Those moving north, who have made a killing on their property sale in London, are competing with wealthier northerners for the better properties.
  • Even their curiosity about the sudden influx into their midst of rather ignorant white and black Northerners was restrained and courteous.
  • There was never anything sophisticated or subtle about the doleful northerner but boy, could he make you laugh.
  • The framework of clans is of great importance to most Chadians, be they northerners or southerners, though clans are of declining relevance in the towns.
  • A professional northerner, the episodes she featured in seemed like a cross-promotion for spending winter in Blackpool.
  • Many also survived in part because of a bird that seeks out the sloughs of the Cache and White Rivers in much the same manner that winter-weary northerners flock to sunnier climes when north winds begin to howl.
  • The northerners do not understand that these expressions are only meant in a sort of "Pickwickian" sense; hence the error. Before the War, and After the Union; An Autobiography
  • Although tensions existed between the army and the group, the president defused them by playing the politics of tribalism and regionalism, often targeting northerners as the source of the nation's problems.
  • For he was a Northerner born and bred; and what should he be doing hallooing for the Stars and Bars among those grey and moribund veterans?
  • Southerners think that all northerners are cloth-capped thickies, while northerners think that most southerners are over-paid, loud-mouthed know-alls.
  • Wasn't Mr Bergmann's call of `earth first "an affluent Northerner 's luxury? DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • She was a quiet southern belle and I was a loud northerner.
  • The southerners prefer rice and the northerners prefer food made from flour.
  • The southerners prefer rice and the northerners prefer food made from flour.
  • As a northerner who is admittedly guilty of having done some southern bashing in my time, I am ashamed of the intellectual vanity of these people, and of my own past mockery.
  • Actually, white Southerners would have been pro-slavery without religion; while white Northerners likely would have been antislavery only because of religion. American Grace
  • The northerners were never allowed any leeway.
  • Two university psychology professors say they have scientific evidence that southerners are more prone to violence than northerners.
  • The slaveholders ... had begun to boast that northerners and New Englanders were congenitally soft and altogether lacking in "chivalric" and soldierly qualities. John Brown in The Atlantic

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