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How To Use North In A Sentence

  • Hopefully, North Norfolk will soon shake off this surreal obsession with the Lib Dems and embrace their NE Cambs neighbour's decent Tory stance. Will Iain Dale have to repay the donations ?
  • The mysterious jack snipe is a typical bird of the often water-logged northern taiga, birch and willow country.
  • Sony Pictures Animation has a full slate of films including the mouth-watering 3D comedy Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, which opened as the #1 movie in North America on September 18, Hotel Transylvania, now in pre-production and, in association with Columbia Pictures, The Smurfs, now in production. Anton Yelchin and Fred Armisen Join The Smurfs | /Film
  • Anybody who has ever been on a North Queensland pastoral lease knows that you can go 20, 30, 40 miles day after day and all you will see is a few brumbies and some wild pigs; you will not see any cattle anywhere.
  • I call him the little weasel, a little northern monkey. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Those morning glories are grown every year along the south face of the historic, well-preserved post-and-beam barn that is the center of Heritage Farm; the 890-acre spread a few miles north of Decorah that Seed Savers Exchange now calls home. Kurt Michael Friese: Memories of a Life Spent Saving Seeds
  • The embassy had been shut down due to Mongolia's support for South Korea's "sunshine policy" of conciliation toward the North.
  • Police arrested 13 people, and some students were treated for minor injuries at the scene in northeast El Paso.
  • After putting its energy into the 2008 acquisition of Northwest Airlines, the Atlanta-based carrier plans to spend more than $2 billion through 2013 to lure travelers with new flat-bed seats, video on demand and upgraded facilities in hotly contested markets such as New York. Delta Refocuses
  • And we -- it does extent all the way up toward Jacksonville, all the way down into West Palm Beach, all the way over to Fort Myers, and northward, almost kind of budging into the pan -- the Big Bend area, almost into the Panhandle, but not quite just yet. CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2004
  • All that day and the next we crept away from the northern perimeter of the storm.
  • We're looking at some idea that it might be a colder than normal winter in the Northeast and Midwest.
  • We also saw our first pelagic bird, the natty Northern Gannet.
  • Many had played around the world, including in North America's National Hockey League.
  • They were making plans to move north, to protect their border from the Kariens. TREASON KEEP
  • Organic carbon mineralization was studied in a large humic lake in northern Sweden during a well-defined summer stratification period following high water flow during snowmelt.
  • Hundreds of the aircraft are on order, but loss of the Northwest batch is a serious setback.
  • Already well dispersed, they probably acquired iron technology around 500 C.E. On their route eastward, the Bantu speakers skirted the northern forest edge toward the interlacustrine region of East Africa. D. Africa, 500-1500
  • More than 26,000 people made the trip to inspect the acers and aspidistras at what is fast becoming one of the best, and best-loved, horticultural events in the North of England.
  • This is the northernmost and wettest of the central Asian depressions, remnants of a Tertiary era inland sea, with relict glaciers, glacier lakes and a wide variety of rock types, the result of a long series of successive eras of deposition and orogeny. Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
  • A solid snake of people still wound back along the north shore of the loch.
  • Clach climbed five places into fifth spot after a wash out in the Highland League, with a 2-0 triumph over north rivals Fort William.
  • Played three times for his native Northern Ireland. The Sun
  • Northampton was another elegant county town and regional market centre and was known far and wide for its horse fairs.
  • Now, its membership has soared to more than 200, with monthly meetings in a north-west hospital.
  • Whether these positive initiatives will be enough to overcome disappointment on the limited over-all budget reduction will depend on the extent to which the investor is willing to look beyond near-term sluggishness in North American growth. Budget '85 Special Meeting of The Empire Club of Canada
  • The next morning we passed a large island, opposite to which on the north is a large and beautiful prairie, called Sauk prairie, the land being fine and well timbered on both sides the river. History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean
  • Thompson claimed that his grandmother, who lived in Blyth, Northumberland, was a pagan high priestess, and that she had passed on her powers to him. Sex cult leader jailed for forcing girlfriend into sex with others
  • anisotropy," has been seen from the Northern Hemisphere by previous experiments, she says, but its source is still a mystery. Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
  • Initially von Leeb, using troops borrowed from von Bock, was able to mount a concerted attack both on the defensive positions of the southern suburbs and the area north of the main rail line to Moscow, their objective being the historic village now a suburb of Schlüsselburg, right on Lake Ladoga. Deathride
  • Since Kashmir was (and is) a Muslim majority territory, Pakistan felt justified in seeing Pushtun warlords charge in from the north-west of Pakistan, late in 1947, to seize control of Kashmir.
  • Although tensions existed between the army and the group, the president defused them by playing the politics of tribalism and regionalism, often targeting northerners as the source of the nation's problems.
  • Since ye cannae hunt nae more north of the border, something's got to eat these beasties.
  • At that time Swindon south Tories were against the development while the north Swindon Tories were for it.
  • Sinosteel, another Chinese-owned metals conglomerate, has plans to develop a massive opencast iron ore mine in the Weld range, a ridge of hills 400 miles north-east of Perth. Australia leases out mineral-rich land as China's hunger for resources grows
  • In the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas, primary production occurs over a shallow shelf (50 to 200 m) and as the zooplankton and bacterioplankton cannot fully deplete this carbon source, it is either transferred to the benthos or advected downstream [17]. Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
  • He is a solid on the ball defender, which makes up for his unorthodox offensive game.
  • Most of Norilsk's m ajor mines are north of the Arctic Circle. Commodities Trader Trafigura Buys Norilsk Stake
  • At any rate, there is a worrying trend developing along the North Mayo coast.
  • Engineers are very anxious to learn of its findings and to begin to correct the faults of the main water supply line from up north in New York State down to the City.
  • Some small villages in the northern Andes were left isolated as roads were blocked by slides.
  • Starting this month, rival United Parcel Service Inc.'s freight division is raising average noncontractual shipping rates in North America by 6.9%, as the industry copes with rapidly rising fuel costs. FedEx to Raise U.S., Canada Freight Rates 6.8%
  • Northern migratory species winter in the savanna, such as spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia, barn swallow Hirundo rustica and blackpoll warbler Dendroica striata. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • The uplands are the northernmost part of eastern Australia to experience (infrequent) winter frosts. Einasleigh upland savanna
  • The largest city of Illinois, in the northeast part of the state on Lake Michigan.
  • Running low on fuel Fuchida headed directly back to the battle fleet, now 190 miles north of Oahu.
  • The coal mines of North China are centred in Shanxi Province.
  • We need a northern powerhouse too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus the various ritual capacities of North Mekeo chiefs and sorcerers typify the sort of interpersonal agency implicit in Melanesian personal partibility.
  • When you hear the words, " adventure travel" , perhaps you think ofthe Venetian merchant Marco Polo, the distinguished African explorer David Livingstone, or North Pole adventurer Robert Peary.
  • Konduz lies at the heart of the north-south axis of the country connecting the capital Kabul to the former republic of Tajikistan - a significant route for trade.
  • This small granivorous parrot is native to grasslands and forest edges of northern South America.
  • Central Asian desert and grow cotton, which tsarist Russia lost access to when the American south, its supplier, began fighting the American north in the Civil A Conversation with Tom Bissell
  • The stadium is oriented south and north.
  • They then head to Townsville in North Queensland for return matches against the AIS, Japan and Australia.
  • But nothing prepared them for life in this squatters' community of Tijuana, a city of three million souls that is known as the Wild West of Mexico's northward immigration.
  • North African catfish live in a variety of freshwater environments, including quiet waters like lakes, ponds, and pools.
  • Why, I'm sure that Saint John the Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Populist's votes had nothing to do with the corporate interests in North Carolina that he might find necessary to court later (or pay back for an earlier campaign donation). Tonight: The Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
  • Unfortunately, alternatives to bombing the North Vietnam were hard to come by.
  • In the event, Gabriel got work with a road crew, digging up the streets of north London for cable companies; Andrea, again unable to persuade a bank to give her an interview, took up house- cleaning.
  • For a two-year period, he worked in the old force control room before moving to Kendal traffic department, later transferring to the North and West Traffic Unit.
  • And Leeds North West Labour MP Harold Best also believes there is a case for toughening the rules.
  • The auction house decided to withdraw from the sale when its December 1990 contract with Lord Northampton came up for renewal.
  • Since 2001, areas north of Point Conception to an intersect with the Oregon coast has been closed to drift gillnet fishing from August 15th through November 15th in order to protect endangered leatherback and loggerhead sea turtles. Permit to Kill Pacific Sea Turtles and Whales Requested by Seafood Company
  • With the clearing of forests and the spread of farming, the cowbird's range expanded north and east.
  • The journey north-west from Edinburgh is a delight, with lush pasturelands giving way to the rugged beauty of the Trossachs and then Argyll and the western seaboard.
  • The overall statistics include 185 progeny sired by North American stallions that were foaled abroad.
  • Shanks Evans, another companion of First and Second Manassas, was at Kinston, North Carolina. LEE’S LIEUTENANTS
  • Free-range pigs have shelters shaped as triangles or half circles, but most porkers were lurking inside; pine trees had snow plastered on the north side of their trunks and the hot sun on the south side.
  • Howard's belated triumphalism in the South Pacific may be no more successful than Mussolini's equally tardy attempts at empire building in North Africa.
  • Only a legitimate government can tackle the festering grievances in the north.
  • The far northwest coast of Tasmania is a wild place. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so they traveled north with the current and favorable winds of the season.
  • A famous bearer of the name was Publius Aelius Hadrianus, better known as Hadrian, a 2nd-century Roman emperor who built a wall across northern Britain. Neth Space
  • The northernmost point of land, the islet of Y’Ami in the Batan Islands, is separated from Taiwan by the Bashi Channel (c. 50 mi/80 km wide). Philippines
  • Branching out: A northern store chain is helping to open branches of a different kind.
  • We turned north along the Shyok gorge and passed through some of the most incredible scenery that any of us had witnessed.
  • Koité, from Northwestern Mali, is a member of the hereditary Mande caste of musicians and craftsmen known as jalis.
  • It points to every direction on the compass, north, south, east and west… what more do you want.
  • Scarcely had I managed, helped by the second mate, Aaron Northrup, to lower away half-a-dozen barrels and kegs, when all cried from the boat that they were casting off. Chapter 19
  • The following day, North accused his bosses of appalling, dishonest and unethical behaviour.
  • She was come as a part of a delegation from her people; one of the ragtag nomadic bands that roam the mountains to the north and east. Duet « A Fly in Amber
  • Meanwhile, the brownish-blackish gunk is drifting along the coast to the northeast, Brower said. The Lovecraft News Network
  • The group built their reputation by playing across the length and breadth of North America.
  • Some common shorebirds and seabirds in the Southern Arctic are the semi-palmated plover, northern phalarope, lapland longspur, parasitic jaeger, and semi-palmated plover.
  • Negative equity is not only an issue for those who bought new-build apartments in northern city centres. Times, Sunday Times
  • Due to current economic conditions and overcapacity for LDPE in the North American marketplace, Dow Chemical is to close its Poly 2 LDPE plant in Freeport , Texas.
  • The frontier ran roughly north-westwards from London into the north-west midlands; Guthrum was to withdraw with his troops behind this line, where he was to be recognized as king of an independent kingdom.
  • There are now believed to be only 12 places in the country where the fritillary thrives, and Cricklade North Meadow has the highest proportion of the blooms.
  • There are many things to do on the North Island, but we wanted to get to the south as quickly as possible. Our only major excursion in the North was a day's canyoning in the Piha Canyon just outside Auckland.
  • The study found that, compared with visitors from the south of England, northerners were twice as likely to have phoned in sick so that they could spend the day at Alton Towers.
  • Cooperation and Development (OECD), Bermuda, Israel, South Africa, and the European ministates; also known as the First World, high-income countries, the North, industrial countries; generally have a per capita The 2007 CIA World Factbook
  • The Flemish, those residing in Flanders, the northern half of the country, speak Dutch.
  • In October, the retailer said it would shut 21% of its namesake North American stores over the next two years, coming to terms with the overextension of its store network before the recession and predictions that U.S. growth will be slow. Gap's Profit Falls 36%
  • Surprisingly, Albee points to the new-play development programs found in theatres across North America (involving dramaturges, readings, workshops) as a source of the blandness of so much of the drama of the past 20 years.
  • Whether you ride a moped or a Honda, a scooter or a vintage Hog, the organisers of the annual North Coast Children's Motorcycle Toy Run want you to join the ranks raising money for charity this weekend.
  • In North Carolina, no one at the school has access to the answer key or to grading the essays on our state tests.
  • Over 10,000 filar-micrometer and red light CCD measurements of Mars' north polar cap have been taken over the past 40 years, and they show that it has been shrinking. The polar-bears-on-the-melting-ice-cap photo.
  • At the Fallowfield lead mine, near Hexham in Northumberland, it is associated with witherite; and at Bromley Hill, near Alston in Cumberland, it occurs in veins with galena. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • The capital of the overseas territory of French Polynesia, a port on the northwest coast of Tahiti in the Society Islands of the southern Pacific Ocean.
  • The polar ice caps will expand to reach around 45 degrees latitude north and south.
  • He was driven to use reprisal raids, the razzias that had traditionally formed part of warfare in North Africa.
  • North Korea is said to be the world's most heavily militarized country, with over 1 million men in the armed forces.
  • If you've booked an open-jaw international ticket out of Darwin, the hop between Kununurra and Darwin will start at £73 with Air North.
  • The current appeal site comprises only the former lairage fields, lying between the rear of residential properties fronting West Road and factories to the north and east.
  • Griffons were pony-sized, quadrupedal avians with such a reputation for savagery that they had been banned from all the Northern mountain provinces.
  • In the northern part of the cordiform World map he wrote the name Asia on each side of the central meridian to cover both present-day North America and Asia which were represented as one continent.
  • I love successionist tendencies, be they Texas, Northern California, the south, Alaska or Coastopia. The palin drone
  • Increasingly, Labour and Conservative support has become polarized between North and South and between urban and rural areas.
  • I will guess that the hypothesis is that the Earth enters a deglaciation period because of orbital parameters deglaciation occurs when the northern hemisphere winter is extra-cold and the northern hemisphere summer is extra-warm. "Crisis = opportunity + danger."
  • On June twenty-fifth, nineteen-fifty, North Korean soldiers crossed the thirty-eighth parallel.
  • So maybe you'll get what we call a titty brim," said Tommy Bryant, a veteran north Florida bass and panfish guide, grinning. Spring Tactics for Big Bluegill from Field and Stream's John Merwin
  • An evolutionary biologist at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, specializes in trapdoor and funnel-web spiders, and tarantulas.
  • On three sides your land extends for a mile, while to the north you are protected by dense woodland. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something like one of these multimillion dollar condos would have doomed Edwards, but 28,200 square feet in exurban North Carolina is solid. Matthew Yglesias » Edwards’ Big House
  • I think that the North Korean system will collapse at some point.
  • Professor Willoughby is a graduate of Temple (MMus) and Northwestern (BMus) Oklahoma City University
  • Another tomb of interest (and of which we will speak in extenso in the next instalment of this series) is the tomb of the Pope Clement II, the only pope to be buried north of the Alps. The statue, sculpted by the same (unknown) sculptor as the Horseman, was originally the slab of the tomb, which remains on the west choir, behind the cathedra: Catholic Bamberg: The Cathedral
  • Morel mushrooms are in season in the spring and early summer in the Northwest.
  • I have completed a monument more lasting than bronze and higher than the decaying Pyramids of kings, which cannot be destroyed by gnawing rain nor wild north wind, or by the unnumbered procession of the years and flight of time.
  • That vantage point also allowed him to depict in the foreground the community's schoolhouse, which was built in 1861 a short distance north of the church family.
  • In a sweeping half-moon behind me, the rugged, unspoiled Inishowen Peninsula rolls out across this little known spear of North West Ireland.
  • He hoped to strike the camp simultaneously from the north and south, but had not counted on the maze of bluffs and ravines he would have to contend with to get there.
  • the Mainland," while North Island, where three-quarters of the population lives, is also called "Pig Island," partly for the wild pigs that Cook brought during a visit and that still roam in KOLO - HomePage - Headlines
  • In North Africa, it represented the whole Free World against the Axis powers - Germany and Italy.
  • Winds are generally north-westerly, increasing in the afternoons and ranging from 5 knots to 20 knots (5¾mph to 23mph). Times, Sunday Times
  • Süleyman the Magnificent in the sixteenth century extended his reach from the Sudan and the northern shore of Africa to Baghdad and far into Europe, where - twice - Turkish rams would batter at the gates of Vienna.
  • Folds associated with intraformational faults in the Tertiary mudstones of the southernmost North Sea show a similar asymmetry, with anticlines locally developing into diapiric structures.
  • Descended from a long line of respected yogis in Yoga Vedanta philosophy, Swamiji was born in Rajasthan in Northwestern India where he has established a school and other social welfare facilities.
  • The answer, according to emerging clues and security analysts, is that North Waziristan, once a hub of Taliban fighters with links to Pakistan's military, has evolved into a stewpot of militant groups, each with different loyalties. In Pakistan, ex-spy Khalid Khawaja's killing is surrounded by mystery
  • The predator community found in our study differed from that found in North Dakota.
  • There are southern and northern dialects, each having three regional idioms.
  • At the height of the craze, I stood on the North Bank at Highbury in a forest of bananas, watching awestruck as they celebrated another goal going in by either bopping your neighbour over the head, or simply chucking the thing in the air.
  • The bank has been discussing a possible sale of the platform to local wealth manager IOOF Holdings Ltd. and a newspaper report Wednesday claimed that NAB has lodged an updated version of its bid with the ACCC, including a plan to sell North to IOOF for less than A$50 million. AXA Asia Profit Falls 19%
  • Now this remote region in northwest Siberia is under threat from global warming. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the government's toadyish diplomacy, which overlooked the key issue affecting its relations with North Korea, led to a delay in resolving the abduction cases and resulted in tragic consequences.
  • This ecoregion forms the northern part of the subarid bioclimate zone of Cornet. Madagascar succulent woodlands
  • Ammopiptanthus Cheng f. is the only genus of evergreen broadleaf shrubs in the north-western desert of China.
  • Uncle and aunt have moved back up north to have another go after her affair. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rocks are deformed into kilometre-scale monoclinal folds, the axes of which plunge moderately to steeply north northwest.
  • For those who like to roll and rock, an 8,000-square-foot roller-skating rink, complete with nighttime deejays and "old-school" wheeled rental skates, is opening next week beneath the northernmost open end of the High Line. High Line on a Roll
  • For example, the Banpo people cultivate millet , is from the north common ancestor Setaria nurture formed.
  • The machine that prints tickets assigned the number 666 as a prefix on all the tickets for the film, said Gary Smith, owner of the Movies at Berry Square in northwest Georgia.
  • The sun shone high in the December sky and a cold north-east wind dried the countryside after weeks of rain.
  • Current conditions out of the airport, the very last hour, reporting north-northeasterly winds at 40 miles an hour with gusts to 73 miles an hour. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Singapore Airlines 747 Crashes in Taiwan; No Fatalities Reported - October 31, 2000
  • Among the projects that will be jumpstarted with this new funding are the Midtown Tunnel tube in Norfolk, the extension of HOV/HOT Lanes on I95/395 and the widening of I-66 in Northern Virginia, work on the Coalfields Expressway in Southwest Virginia, and the widening and improving of multiple sections of Route 58 in southern and western Virginia. UPDATED: Key Democratic panel approves McDonnell's transportation plan
  • Don't think you can blame them for seizing contol except I do not think you can blame them for being tired of being used by the remainder of the Republican Party in the North and West for 40 years. Vitter defends Southern influence in GOP, slams Voinovich
  • Soon, Laemmle moved west and opened a movie studio on a 230-acre ranch north of Hollywood.
  • One reason may lie in its unorthodox approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • What if he goes north and we go south or somewhat like that? A Time of War
  • Among her stops was a low-slung cement building in northeast Paterson.
  • While the far west may have the more vicious winter temperatures, often subceeding minus 40 degrees C, the northeast is infamous for its radically changeable winter atmospherics.
  • Islamabad: security forces killed 35 militants, on Tuesday in a military assault at tehsil lakarho and tehsil pindalai - mohmand agency, north-western tribal region of Pakistan, adjacent to Afghanistan. 35 militants killed in north-western Pakistan
  • After advancing about 100 meters, it became obvious that high ground to the north and south meant their western line of advance could be flanked from the high ground on both sides. Todd, Robert J.
  • Another rematch is KY-3 (Louisville), in which Proud Liberal John Yarmuth is up double-digits over Smirky-fellator Anne Northup, whom he upset in 2006. Polls: Dems Could Sweep House Rematches
  • The demonstrations in the province northeast of Baghdad were sparked at the beginning of the week, when local authorities voted to seek semiautonomy status from the central Baghdad government. Disruptions Mount in Iraq
  • He oversaw the work and left to return north on Friday satisfied that the situation had been stabilised.
  • Two trains collided head-on in north-eastern Germany early this morning.
  • Although most skiers traverse the Inside Road from north to south, both directions demand stamina with substantial elevation gains and losses.
  • The north, he said, would continue with the dinar and south Sudan would adopt the new Sudan pound.
  • With a peaceful and stable southern border, Begin felt free to concentrate on his northern front.
  • The tectonic framework of Bachu - and north - south dissimilitude.
  • The roster of tattooed, pierced misfits and post-punk gals has become a phenomenon with a recent burlesque revue touring North America.
  • North of Larchmont, the homes are more modest turn-of-the-century bungalows with two or three bedrooms.
  • As Tunisians flooded Lampedusa earlier this month, Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, of the anti-immigrant Northern League, stoked fears that terrorists and al-Qaida supporters could have mingled among what he described as a "biblical exodus" of migrants. The Seattle Times
  • Dan, a mechanic for 16 years at Northwest, commented on the decline in safety conditions at the airline, before and during the strike.
  • But Scotland and Northern Ireland will see the best of the weather with mostly dry spells.
  • Red squirrels exhibited a similar breeding cycle to that of northern flying squirrels.
  • Back on the ship, the 14-man team were fighting against strengthening north-westerlies.
  • Drums proved to be a real hit at an event held in North Bradley at the weekend.
  • The brant and bernicle beat their way North against the roaring winds, and man with a different instinct pressed on towards the West. The Girl from Keller's
  • With its unique silhouette of a wild, North American member of the Bovidae. Grouse Diary Entry
  • Many of the Confederates were of opinion that this decisive victory would be the end of the war, and that the North, seeing that the South was able as well as willing to defend the position it had taken up, would abandon the idea of coercing it into submission. With Lee in Virginia A Story of the American Civil War
  • The conical upper section of the mountain is reached and the well-defined, rocky path zig-zags to the short summit ridge with its steep drop into the ben's north-east corrie.
  • There was indeed a ship headed in the direction of Dolphin which was still on her southeasterly tack while Indefatigable was now headed northwest.
  • Later migrations from northern and eastern Europe brought the Brythonic Celts and Nordic tribes to the area.
  • The complex of field systems and large stone walls extend from the north western slopes of Mount Brandon to within the boundaries of Dingle.
  • Testing the new bike in the dizzying mountains north of glamorous Monaco, all of these improvements came together beautifully. The Sun
  • Boeing began final assembly work at the North Charleston facility during the summer. Boeing Union Presses Plant Relocation Issue
  • Smurfit is the second-largest North American maker of containerboard and corrugated boxes behind International Paper Co. Containerboard is made from trees or recycled containerboard. Smurfit Deal Is Set
  • Albicores, bonitoes, and dolphins followed the ship for several days in succession; and one albicore, which had a mark on his back, from which we knew it, followed us from 3 degrees north latitude to 10 degrees south latitude, a distance of eight hundred and forty miles. Mark Seaworth
  • From 1932 to 1964 Graves lived in or near Seattle, then moved to Loleta in north-west California.
  • Edgar Hoover from the rear of the Director’s house in northwest Washington and this is what people remembered, what I remembered when I first reheard the name Jesse Detwiler. Underworld
  • Northern Ireland Railways has replaced the telephones, and the police, telephone Moira 611222, have appealed for information.
  • These findings demonstrate that there may be natural foci of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in northern forest area in China.
  • The recent extent of the Northern Hemisphere tree-ring densitometric network currently under construction which forms the basis of the results discussed in this paper. A Briffa Collation « Climate Audit
  • On Tuesday the frontal rain in the north is likely to slide southwards, drawing down colder air for a time over northern and eastern parts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tokyo yesterday announced planes to develop its first spy satellite in response to the North Korean missile threat.
  • He often flies Northwest Airlines.
  • I've never been north of Edinburgh.
  • The daft governor of Massachusetts, Mitch Romney, apparently is still thinking that the wingnuts will somehow allow a northeasterner to be a serious presidential candidate so he completely wimped out (and sucked up to the wingnuts) by leaving it to his spokesman. 07/14/2005
  • A region and former kingdom of southern Europe along the northeast Adriatic coast.
  • In fact, this is a difference between the northern and southern hemispheres. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two could no longer coexist and it was therefore a class struggle between the Southern slaveholding aristocracy and the Northern capitalist democracy.
  • My kitchen sink view is to the north, up the hill that crests our property, to a small apple orchard and the run my husband put up for our dogs (we call it their "playpen" and whenever they hear that word, they go crazy!) Posy
  • The 'surfboat' was about a quarter of a mile offshore 125 miles north of Sydney when the crew, most of who have been volunteer surf lifesavers for just a few months, encountered the shark. Home | Mail Online
  • Our nepeta is blooming too, funny how fast the flowering catches up from north to south. Bee Speed « Fairegarden
  • A sooty tern: dozens were spotted in New Jersey – far north of their tropical home – after Hurricane Floyd in September 1999. Weatherwatch: Birds of the hurricane
  • Full rivers and overflowing dams have been reported in the northern region of the province as rains continue to fall.
  • He arranged for several deaconesses to work abroad, not only in North America but also in Russia, Estonia, and Bessarabia.

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