How To Use North-east In A Sentence

  • Sinosteel, another Chinese-owned metals conglomerate, has plans to develop a massive opencast iron ore mine in the Weld range, a ridge of hills 400 miles north-east of Perth. Australia leases out mineral-rich land as China's hunger for resources grows
  • The sun shone high in the December sky and a cold north-east wind dried the countryside after weeks of rain.
  • Two trains collided head-on in north-eastern Germany early this morning.
  • The conical upper section of the mountain is reached and the well-defined, rocky path zig-zags to the short summit ridge with its steep drop into the ben's north-east corrie.
  • Temperatures are expected to drop even lower this evening as a north-eastern wind blows over the UK.
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  • They found ‘high’ sulphur levels in some tree species from 20 to 40 miles in a north-easterly direction from Sudbury.
  • When I moved back to the north-east in the early 90s I travelled up with our furniture in a removal van with two blokes from the west end of Newcastle. Sportsmen and their women: history's great divide
  • He sent them off between the Sky and the Earth, one to the south, another to the east, another to the north-east.
  • Just before the 19.30 sets off in a north-easterly direction from King's Cross, she'll be standing on the door trying to keep order.
  • Mother Dairy has already launched a dairy whitener in the north-eastern market, while its butter business was kicked off last year.
  • Although clambakes are traditional in the north-east of the US, barbecues and picnics are popular elsewhere.
  • Adnan Abidi/Reuters Ziona, a man from the north-eastern Indian state of Mizoram, has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren. Bizarre India, 2011
  • And it was not unknown for a peevish north-easter to blow in off the Wash from March to the end of June. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • The road leading from Dalcastle towards the north-east, as all the country knows, goes along a dark bank of brush-wood called the Bogle-heuch. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
  • Given the prevailing south-west to north-east winds of the Sudbury summer, Penage is normally upwind, not downwind, from the smokestacks.
  • He has a 600-acre beef farm near Benalla, in north-east Victoria.
  • They dug a channel about 100 metres long to take it around the north-easterly side of Cannon Hill.
  • Towards the north-east corner of the site there was a shrine which later became the site for a small Roman temple.
  • Much of south-east Queensland has become a carpark, almost, during commuter hours, and north-east New South Wales is not much better.
  • But sporadic fighting continues between militiamen, rebels and government troops in the lawless north-east.
  • A north-eastern wind from Germany will send temperatures plummeting as low as -5C.
  • Monday's strong wind gave the fleet a good race as boats tacked off from the start to find the best wind in the main north-westerly, or to pick up the north-easterly air stream down Troutbeck.
  • The Great Barrier Reef spans almost 135,000 square miles along Australia's north-east coast.
  • The day after his address, a report of the select committee recommending a detailed survey of a 119 mile expansion westward from Porus to Montego Bay and north-eastward from Bog Walk to Port Antonio was presented before the council.
  • In the very crowded skies of north-east America, planes are restricted to very tightly controlled lanes.
  • The best-preserved section of Roman wall is in the north-east of the town, along the Rue de la Citadelle.
  • The wetter south-west season runs from May-November and the north-east monsoon from December-April.
  • I think his reply was that they'd see them if they went north-east a bit.
  • He was always genial, with the parochialism and humour of his north-eastern background.
  • The wetter south-west season runs from May-November and the north-east monsoon from December-April.
  • It was thought that the most remote instrument was in a church at Wick at the very north-east tip of Scotland, but then this one appeared in the Netherlands.
  • As the north-easterly gradually takes control of the Northern Gulf, as is usual at this time of the year, it nevertheless features relatively light, shifting winds, interspersed with at times ferocious, front-line squalls.
  • Of course, the excitement is dependent upon the wind and lately it has been shifting between the customary north-easterlies and southerlies.
  • An earthquake hit the north-east of the country, the second to strike in three months. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • Some schools stayed closed yesterday and airlines struggled to catch up as the US north-east plowed out after the powerful weekend snowstorm that piled snow nearly four feet deep in places.
  • Lower Carboniferous conodont faunas from North-East Devonshire. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The main body lies roughly to the north-east, though I advise against using a compass.
  • The main body lies roughly to the north-east, though I advise against using a compass.
  • A contemporary Portuguese geographer recorded that Diaz realized ‘that the coast here turned northwards and north-eastwards towards Ethiopia under Egypt and on to the Gulf of Arabia, giving great hope of the discovery of India’.
  • Despite a reduction in earnings there are compensations in moving to the north-east where the quality of life is excellent.
  • Found off Australia's north-east coast during the tropical wet season (our winter), it is a smaller relative of the lethal box jellyfish.
  • In 1742, when the Qianlong Emperor had been on the throne for six years, he gave orders for a new palace and garden to be built in the north-east quarter of the Forbidden City.
  • Found off Australia's north-east coast during the tropical wet season (our winter), it is a smaller relative of the lethal box jellyfish.
  • To the north are the Northamptonshire uplands, the most north-easterly extension of the broad band of limestone that runs diagonally across England and is best exposed as the Cotswold hills.
  • The golden headed langur, which is found only on the island of Cat Ba in north-eastern - Articles related to Monkeys, butterflies, turtles… how the pet trade's greed is emptying south-east Asia's forests
  • A good example is the Bora wind which is a cold north-easterly wind which blows in winter down the east coast of the Adriatic from the Balkan mountains.
  • Screening for women aged between 50 and 64 was introduced in the Eastern Health Board region, the midlands and the north-east.
  • Robert was born when his father was still an obscure north-eastern colliery workman.
  • But before it was yet day the waggon began to move again, and it was to the north-east that the waggon-pole pointed thenceforwards, and the letter Bough had given Smoots The Dop Doctor
  • Saying so assumes that there will be more north-easterly winds.
  • On their journey south they hit a bank of fog off the north-east coast of Scotland.
  • He said there were several other accidents on the ring road, and others on the B1225 York-Wetherby road and on the A64 to the north-east of York, but within the city boundary.
  • one who cleans and restores and sometimes ruins old pictures"; Pict: "one of an ancient people of obscure affinities, in Britain, esp. north-eastern Scotland; in Scottish folklore, one of a dwarfish race of underground dwellers, to whom (with the Romans, the Druids and Cromwell) ancient monuments are generally attributed"; perpetrate: "to execute or commit (esp. an offence, a poem, or a pun)"; and eclair: "... long in shape but short in duration. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 1
  • The week past saw very little angling pressure on all trout waters within the region, the low temperatures brought about by the cold north-easterly winds keeping anglers indoors.
  • Despite a reduction in earnings there are compensations in moving to the north-east where the quality of life is excellent.
  • Despite a reduction in earnings there are compensations in moving to the north-east where the quality of life is excellent.
  • A loose travelling circus built around a nine-piece band, the Rolling Thunder Revue sucked any number of guests into its orbit as it worked its way around the American north-east.
  • To the south-west is a rank clay, that requires the labour of years to render it mellow; while the gardens to the north-east, and small enclosures behind, consist of a warm, forward, crumbling mould, called black malm, which seems highly saturated with vegetable and animal manure; and these may perhaps have been the original site of the town; while the woods and coverts might extend down to the opposite bank. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 1
  • Now Haleakala is so bulky and tall that it turns the north-east trade-wind aside on either hand, so that in the lee of Haleakala no trade-wind blows at all. Chapter 8
  • Roads along the coastline in north and north-east Trinidad began to rapidly erode because of heavy rainfall, sometimes closing off residents' access to the rest of the country.
  • The north-east of England is a land where uplands and lowlands meet, and are never far apart.
  • The unseasonably early winter storm, known as a "nor'easter" due to its north-easterly movement, was being called "Snowtober" and affected up to 60 million people. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Just before the 19.30 sets off in a north-easterly direction from King's Cross, she'll be standing on the door trying to keep order.
  • MPB head of conservation Arrie van Wyk said the land claims affected one-third of the 28000ha reserve, which protects the threatened north-eastern sourveld and has the highest known plant diversity figures in the province. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • During a visit to England in 1977, Ali played an exhibition match at a pub in the North-east, against Welsh champion Alan Evans, who was only allowed to score on trebles, to keep the match competitive.
  • Friday saw the last ever outing of the traditional No 73 Routemaster bus, which goes through north-east London to Victoria.
  • This year, because the weather system has not followed its usual pattern, for the month preceding our visit, there had been continual cold north-easterlies.
  • The inhabitants of Eriskay earned a reputation as whisky lovers after helping themselves to the precious cargo of the SS Politician, which ran aground off the north-east coast of the island in 1941.
  • A freshening north-easterly brought three new world records and a stunning British win on the second day of heats here yesterday.
  • So, here I am in Horton Heath, to the north-east of Southampton and just east of Eastleigh where I lived from 1992 to 1995.
  • To the north are the Northamptonshire uplands, the most north-easterly extension of the broad band of limestone that runs diagonally across England and is best exposed as the Cotswold hills.
  • Many of the semi-detached houses to the north-east of the town centre were built for Vickers' workforce.
  • The park's principal geomorphic feature is the north-east to south-east geosyncline which is surrounded by raised folds and high mountains. Darién National Park, Panama
  • The strong north-eastern wind which had been drying out the rain-sodden land was fanning the fire, driving it remorselessly onward.
  • Delaware is a glorious river; but the Sculkill, being an hundred miles boatable above the falls, and its course north-east toward the fountain of Susquehannah, (that tends to the heart of the province, and both sides our own), it is like to be a great part of the settlement of this age. Great Epochs in American History, Vol. II The Planting Of The First Colonies: 1562—1733
  • The firm has proposed a north-south road alignment which would cut through the south-east and north-east corners of the Chapman Regional Park.
  • Near a dirt airstrip to the north-east of the city, the battalion adopted its attack formation. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • The other good news is that the northerly monsoons have arrived in the Gulf, blowing steadily from north-west veering north-east.
  • Sir William Armstrong, the north-eastern armaments king, built himself an extraordinary country retreat at Cragside in the Northumbrian hills.
  • I can't explain it: but then, students of the literature emanating from the chilly north-east have always had the same trouble.
  • Vast tracts of America's north-eastern seaboard were closed for business as blizzards brought more than a foot of snow.
  • The North-East should be seen as a bridge to lands and opportunities beyond rather than as a cul-de-sac in a troublesome extremity of the country.
  • In the north-east is agricultural land on chalk or limestone well drained by rivers.
  • Four miles to the north-east is the island of Boreray and its atmospheric outliers: the whitewashed tooth-like 564 ft Stac Lee and its more northern neighbour, Stac an Armin.
  • The death toll from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami is expected to run into the tens of thousands as local and international rescue teams continue searching through the ruins of north-eastern coastal cities for survivors. Japanese tsunami aftermath: life and death along a devastated coast
  • They found ‘high’ sulphur levels in some tree species from 20 to 40 miles in a north-easterly direction from Sudbury.
  • We rounded the north-eastern end of the island and started to sail west.
  • There, however, the current running north-east is called the Gulf Stream, and it is the warm water of this stream, coming from the equator, which makes the climate of north-western Europe so mild, and prevents even the northernmost fiords of Norway from freezing in winter. From Pole to Pole A Book for Young People
  • This is Menie Links, a 4,000-year-old unspoiled coastal dune system on the north-east coast of Scotland which Molly Forbes has christened paradise.
  • Unlike the riders you can enjoy the luxury of looking out across much of south-west France and north-east Spain when you eventually reach the summit.
  • I'm on the north-east side. The Glasgow Girls
  • She told me how my grandfather Robert's elder brother, John Linklater, came to New Zealand from Orkney in the 1870s, and bought a farm at Gisborne on the north-east coast.
  • In summary, we report that the allele distribution of the ldh-A gene in Pacific swordfish is homogeneous among temporal samples within-regions but that significant differences exist among pooled regional samples from the NCPO (Hawaii-multiple years), the north-eastern Pacific Ocean (NEPO: Mexico and Ecuador-multiple years), the south-eastern Pacific Ocean (SEPO: off Chile), and the SWP O (Australia). Think Progress » Kansas Attorney General Refuses To Sue Federal Government Over Health Care Reform
  • In the summer of 1974, my brother John spent the summer with three students from Aberdeen University, studying the breeding biology of falcons and shearwaters on the uninhabited island of Dragonada, off the north-eastern coast of Crete. Family life
  • Rail works continuing until Bank Holiday Monday will mean Virgin cross country trains from Birmingham to north-east Scotland will be diverted from Leeds and Wakefield to Doncaster and Sheffield.
  • ‘We hope that the opening of the fifth site will make it easier for people, particularly those living to the north-east of York, to travel into the city centre,’ he said.
  • He had been due to travel to Tripoli on a connecting flight from Heathrow yesterday afternoon, after taking the British Midland flight to the capital from the north-east.
  • All the elements of outstanding success were there for the asking: the superb maritime ambience of Phuket, the December offshore north-easterlies, safe anchorages and the potential for a matchless social milieu.
  • In the north-east quadrant was a second circle, although little survives.
  • But this month's emphatic rejection of limited devolution powers by the people of north-east England appears to have put that plan on hold.
  • The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east.
  • Temperatures are expected to drop even lower this evening as a north-eastern wind blows over the UK.
  • Those tall red cliffs are hammered in the winter months by prevailing north-easterly winds that generate heavy seas.
  • Where the fields go wild and grow into brakes, and the soil becomes fenny, on the north-western edge of Grande Pointe, a dark, slender thread of a bayou moves loiteringly north-eastward into a swamp of huge cypresses. Bonaventure A Prose Pastoral of Acadian Louisiana
  • The area is drained by several major rivers: the Welland and the Nene which flow north-eastwards to the Wash; the Avon running south-westwards to join the Severn; and the Sence running north to join the Trent.
  • David has been a chef for nearly 12 years, training at Darlington College in his native north-east after leaving school.
  • The Route Coloniale, which was the one I followed, has its beginning at Kep, on the Gulf of Siam, runs north-eastward through the jungles of Cambodia to Pnom-Penh, and, recommencing at Where the Strange Trails Go Down Sulu, Borneo, Celebes, Bali, Java, Sumatra, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Cambodia, Annam, Cochin-China
  • By 1941, the only way the western Allies could assist China directly was over the mountains through eastern India and north-east Burma.
  • The under-16-year-olds Optimist sailors (many as young as nine) were fearless - not only of the north-easterly, but the awesome speed of the multihulls zooming in and out of their fleet of tiny craft.
  • Benito Mussolini was born on July 29th 1883 near Predappio, in north-east Italy.
  • In the bed of the river, whose waters are beautifully clear, are hornstone rocks, dipping north-east, and striking north-west. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • One of the undiscovered gems of north-eastern France is the medieval city of Troyes.
  • That first week in December always heralded in the dry, cooler and stronger north-easterlies, absolutely ideal conditions for yacht racing off Phuket's lovely shore-lines, coasts and surrounding islands.
  • The land to the north-east fell away into meadows.
  • The head linguister, who, like “Persian interpreters” to commanders in chief of India during my clay, could not speak a word of any language but his own, after clapping hands, congratulated us in the name of the great king Nekulu; he lives, it appears, in a Banza at some distance to the north or north-east, out of sight of the river, and he cannot be visited without great outlay of gunpowder and strong waters. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • And it was not unknown for a peevish north-easter to blow in off the Wash from March to the end of June. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • If there is any Deviation on this heading, adjust the cast iron cylinders (called Quadrantal Correctors), which are on each side of the compass bowl, by moving them toward or away from the compass until the ship's head by compass is North-east at the proper time and bearing by pelorus. Lectures in Navigation
  • It did so because it was directed against Muslims not only in Palestine, but also in Portugal and Spain, and against the pagan Wends in what was to be Prussia and is now north-eastern Germany and Poland. Review of two books on the Second Crusade
  • Nigeria's army killed more than 50 members of the sect during fighting on Thursday and Friday in the north-eastern city of Damaturu, Lieutenant General Azubuike Ihejirika, the force's chief of staff, said in comments published in local media. Nigeria clashes kill at least 68, say officials
  • It is still possible to see the wagon entrance to the quarry at the north-eastern corner and remnants of haulage roads to lime kilns.
  • The temple is easily identifiable by its long, rectangular Central Court, in this case oriented north-north-east to south-south-west.
  • Monday's strong wind gave the fleet a good race as boats tacked off from the start to find the best wind in the main north-westerly, or to pick up the north-easterly air stream down Troutbeck.
  • With the perfect conditions currently being experienced in the Northern Gulf, influenced by the forceful north-easterlies, it is going to be a superb weekend.
  • Avoid the rocky outcrops, and when you reach approximately the 550-metre contour line, bear round to the east and then the north-east until you arrive at the steep slope which leads onto the wide summit ridge.
  • They dug a channel about 100 metres long to take it around the north-easterly side of Cannon Hill.
  • The hill's north side is sculpted by two huge corries divided by the big north-east shoulder of the mountain.
  • This latest attack was at Careysburg, twenty miles north-east of the capital, Monrovia.
  • Grogan Fault, along which much of the main channel of Redwood Creek flows, is a major structural feature within the park, separating well foliated meta-sedimentary schists and meta-basalts on the south-west of Redwood Creek from the unmetamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the Franciscan to the north-east. Redwood National Park, United States
  • The inhabitants of Eriskay earned a reputation as whisky lovers after helping themselves to the precious cargo of the SS Politician, which ran aground off the north-east coast of the island in 1941.
  • And she knew exactly where it came from, from an area about three hundred and fifty miles to the north-east of that area, and they'd been collecting seeds and using them for food.
  • Aramac is about an hour north-east of Longreach.
  • Monday's strong wind gave the fleet a good race as boats tacked off from the start to find the best wind in the main north-westerly, or to pick up the north-easterly air stream down Troutbeck.
  • Vestiges of a street plan can sometimes be seen on ploughed land north-east of the amphitheatre.
  • Soon the views of the great buttresses and ridges and gullies of the north-east face begin to open up.
  • The earthquake had its epicentre two-hundred kilometres north-east of the capital.
  • It has all the ferocity of a gust that has been snowballing since its departure from Cullen - 20 miles away, but clearly in view across Spey Bay - along the north-east coast.
  • At first this was confined to the older industrial regions of the north-east, Scotland, and South Wales.
  • The unseasonably early winter storm, known as a "nor'easter" due to its north-easterly movement, was being called "Snowtober" and affected up to 60 million people. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • It was thought that the most remote instrument was in a church at Wick at the very north-east tip of Scotland, but then this one appeared in the Netherlands.
  • By the summer of 1792 France was being invaded and Paris itself, a mere 200 kilometres from the north-eastern border, was cruelly exposed.
  • The north-south divide is emphasised by the fact that directors in the north-east and East Midlands also get up to 12 per cent below the average.
  • I can't explain it: but then, students of the literature emanating from the chilly north-east have always had the same trouble.
  • The orientation of the valley means that you will find flat calm water for 200 to 300m offshore, even in a north-east gale.
  • The choice of a veepee seems to have been narrowed to the North-east zone where the late Thisday Online
  • Centred early yesterday over mountainous south-western Georgia, the storm was expected to weaken to a tropical depression within hours and curve back toward the north-east.
  • With Mr Dempsey and Mr Brady both based in Meath West, leaving Ms Wallace on her own in Meath East, the ideal scenario would be to identify a candidate in the north-east corner of the county.
  • The wind reverses during this ‘dry’ phase, becoming a north-easterly.
  • A ‘dinosaur freeway’ has been discovered that stretches from north-east New Mexico to north-west Colorado.
  • They were going north-east, but when the tide turned, they would sweep back towards the south-west.
  • In a report highlighting the 25 most endangered primate species, conservationists have outlined the desperate plight of primates from Madagascar, Africa, Asia and Central and South America, with some populations down to just a few dozen in number. golden headed langur, which is found only on the island of Cat Ba in north-eastern Vietnam, is down to 60 to 70 individuals. The Guardian World News
  • If there's one great insight that he brings in this transposition of Uncle Vanya to 1960s north-east Scotland, it's that it's a very funny play.
  • A ‘dinosaur freeway’ has been discovered that stretches from north-east New Mexico to north-west Colorado.
  • Past generations of researchers have examined the monumental stone sculpture of northern England and the north-east Midlands largely in an attempt to chart the movements of the Danish settlers.
  • The London and Toronto-listed company, as well as controlling resources off west Africa, also has oil assets in Iraqi Kurdistan close to Emerald's in north-east Syria on the Iraq border.
  • The north-east, with 60 million people, is the most densely populated part of the United States.
  • A good example is the Bora wind which is a cold north-easterly wind which blows in winter down the east coast of the Adriatic from the Balkan mountains.
  • The wind at the time the captain went below was blowing a fresh breeze from east-north-east, with a heavy sea, which increased to a violent gale; he was, however, not called until 2 o'clock.
  • Udine-Campoformido, North-East Italy, used by GISS, has totally wrong data since 2004, using data just from 8AM to 5PM for making averages, so overestimating mean monthly temperatures overall during summer months, when overestimate is 2-3°C. Does Hansen's Error "Matter"? « Climate Audit
  • Many were put off by his wooden demeanour and background of north-eastern liberal politics.
  • The shore, one of the most westerly in Africa, is cooled by the north-east trade winds, taking some of the edge off the searing tropical heat.
  • This, for instance, is how Darius describes the foundation of the sea-green palace of Susa, across the border north-east of Basra.
  • Its position below the buttresses and ridges of Ben Nevis' convoluted north-east face really is outstanding.
  • Like many former mining towns in north-east England, Easington is still struggling to come to terms with the sudden loss of the major local employer.
  • Experts said they had been washed ashore by exceptionally strong north-easterly winds which had churned up the seabed off north Norfolk.
  • The Sling-tailed agama is a large, robust lizard (c. 300 mm long) with an armour-plated look, and it’s wide ranging, occurring across eastern Europe, northern Africa, north-east Arabia and Asia. Harduns and toad-heads; a tale of arenicoly and over-looked convergence
  • Unlike the riders you can enjoy the luxury of looking out across much of south-west France and north-east Spain when you eventually reach the summit.
  • St Abbs is a fishing village in the north-east, just south of the Scottish border, which has become justifiably very popular with divers.
  • Rarely, the city of Trieste may see snow blizzards with north-eastern winds.
  • The best-preserved section of Roman wall is in the north-east of the town, along the Rue de la Citadelle.
  • The north-east of the country is ill-served by the rail network.
  • But Rio was a long way from the north-east, and not known as a trafficking route for such parrots. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • A near cloudless sky and a light north-easterly breeze made it feel more like a day in early June than in October.
  • It is probable that the wind which retarded the progress of Cook was a north-eastern wind of a changeable nature.
  • I jackerooed across the state from the bush at Port Augusta to Keith in the wetter south-east, before marrying and going on to manage the family property at Olary in the north-east of SA.
  • It lay very high upon a turfy down, and looking north-eastward before I entered it, I was surprised to see a large estuary, or even creek, where I judged Wandsworth and Battersea must once have been. The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
  • Vast tracts of America's north-eastern seaboard were closed for business as blizzards brought more than a foot of snow.
  • First, it faces north-east, the worst direction.
  • Ronnie Campbell, a north-eastern MP, was most disobliging about Branson, whom he described as a "goody two-shoes" who might very well ditch the north-east and move the operation to London, or even offshore. A rocky ride in the Commons for bank sale | Simon Hoggart's sketch
  • It is probable that the wind which retarded the progress of Cook was a north-eastern wind of a changeable nature.
  • At the risk of being called yet another whingeing scouser by adoption, the north-east is not the first region to be marginalised by the south-east and London media and political class. Letters: Geordies, banality and the truth about Cheryl
  • Coast starts from the famous landmark of John O'Groats - the most north-easterly point of the British mainland.
  • The golden headed langur, which is found only on the island of Cat Ba in north-eastern photo: Creative Commons/Tristan Nitot photo: Creative Commons/Nicolás S - Articles related to Saving endangered species: It’s all about the economy
  • Towards the close of April, these dry west winds are prevailed over by the eastern and north-eastern winds moving vigorously from April to October.
  • With 4,000 employees the company remains a business pillar of the north-east.
  • The gardens to the north-east contain a caravanserai, which is fairly well kept and comfortable. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The birds, about the same size as a starling and brown with a distinctive head crest, normally travel south for food in winter, but only come to Britain when there are strong north to north-easterly winds.
  • As the former England manager surveyed the debris by which he was surrounded, he knew that a spark was required to ignite the passion for which they were renowned in the north-east.
  • Boro can take pride in being the sole North-East members of the exclusive club.
  • The north-east of England is a land where uplands and lowlands meet, and are never far apart.
  • A freshening north-easterly brought three new world records and a stunning British win on the second day of heats here yesterday.
  • With the perfect conditions currently being experienced in the Northern Gulf, influenced by the forceful north-easterlies, it is going to be a superb weekend.
  • A wander north-east will take you to Tate Modern.
  • Wednesday last was July ‘Fair Day’ in Swinford and the weather was ideal for the occasion with a light north-easterly breeze.
  • The blasts wrecked the buses and other vehicles on a mountain road about 15 miles north-east of the capital. The Sun
  • This lush, warm red exudes a warm, heathery nose, that evokes the other worldly burned soil and lavender of the north-east Languedoc.
  • On the north-east coast, Royal Findhorn Yacht Club's race officials were thwarted by unfavourable tides and dying wind for day one of their dinghy regatta.
  • Alsace is in north-east France and produces aromatic white wines (Riesling, Pinot Gris, Gewurztraminer, Muscat and the lesser-known Sylvaner).
  • Apr-Sep; from £160 for a weekend, £240 midweek, £495 per full week; 07773 505671Cae Wennol is situated in an 11-acre, family-run smallholding in the north-eastern approaches of the Snowdonia national park. The 10 best campsites for luxury
  • Yorkshire intend to start building the north-east stand next winter at a cost of between £800,000 and £1.1m, money they will have to find themselves.
  • The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east.

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