How To Use North side In A Sentence

  • Free-range pigs have shelters shaped as triangles or half circles, but most porkers were lurking inside; pine trees had snow plastered on the north side of their trunks and the hot sun on the south side.
  • On the north side of the building, waterproofing of areaways will narrow the southern-most College Walk lane, but it will remain open at all times.
  • On a hot and humid day like today my normal survival approach is to turn the fans on full, adjust the ventilation to draw air from the north side of the house to the south, draw the blinds, and slop around waiting for things to cool down.
  • The fact that the vault is also has a fasciated architrave on its north side, facing the seats, where it does not continue, suggests that it was opening above the adjoining seats. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Odeion Report 1
  • Bray's _History of Surrey_ (vol.i. p. 314.) without any notice of its contents, is preserved in the upper chamber of a building on the north side of the chancel, erected in 1513, and designated as a "vestibulum" in a contemporary inscription. Notes and Queries, Number 01, November 3, 1849
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  • Known to many as ‘Wrigleyville,’ the north side neighborhood serves as Chicago's sports Mecca, where the Cubs play hardball in the Friendly Confines.
  • Moving as silently as only could a man who had been both herder and scout, he slipped through the quarasote, using his night vision and Talent-sense to make his way to the wash on the north side of the lane. Darkness
  • The aumbry on the north side in the south choir aisle has been glazed, and is utilised as a cupboard to hold some curiosities. The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • He had built himself another granary on the north side of the mistal. The Three Sisters
  • Keeping their course on the north side of the lake until they reached its head, they started up the mountain.
  • Around this grand square with its central lake were arranged as follows: on the north side a superb colonnade of sculptured columns, forming the façade of the Temple of Mnevis, the sacred ox of On, at the gate or propyla of which crouched two sphinxes, with majestic human heads. The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
  • The remains of former chalk quarries can be seen above the road on the north side. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • Cross the stile in the wall and follow the path running along the north side of Upper Ogden reservoir.
  • On the north side of Crystal Pond.
  • Entry to the basement-level parking garage is via a gently sloping ramp on the north side.
  • I should mention that we young blades came from the north side of the bog, a distance of more than two miles.
  • The north side of the building doesn't get much sun.
  • City of York Council chiefs are to screen opinion for the viability of a new train care facility at a former refuelling depot on railway sidings, to the north side of Leeman Road.
  • The ship, the same size of the Golden Seas, ran aground Dec. 8, 2004, and broke apart on the north side of Unalaska Island, also in the Aleutians. rss feed
  • I find it, and soon I'm climbing up switchbacks on the north side of the canyon.
  • To the right of St Edward's chair was another chair of state in which the King was to sit during the sermon, and opposite this on the north side of the chancel were the purple thrones of the bishops.
  • In general, the north sides are concave in both their horizontal and vertical sections, having been sculptured into this shape by the residual glaciers that lingered in the protecting northern shadows, while the sun-beaten south sides, having never been subjected to this kind of glaciation, are convex or irregular. The Yosemite
  • A hockey fanatic from Chicago's far North Side wouldn't receive a deal for half-price yoga lessons in the city's South Side Hyde Park neighborhood.
  • You can also try your hand at paddling through Kayak Pittsburgh, which offers free kayaking 4 p.m. to dusk Monday-Friday in Lake Elizabeth on Pittsburgh's North Side, near the National Aviary (10 a. m.-dusk Saturday and Sunday, $5 per boat). - News
  • There was a ditch on the north side, and a military zone on the south defined by an earthwork called the vallum.
  • A massive, red-lit room features a stage in the back corner and a beautiful 40-foot wood bar running the length of the north side, barely lit by table lamps and the backlit bar.
  • The style that is called a saltbox has a low wall and roofline on the north side for protection from harsh weather and maintains a tall wall on the south for natural exposure to the sun’s warmth. BUILDING THE TIMBER FRAME HOUSE
  • When touring the blues clubs of Chicago, it is best to stay around the centre and the north side of the city.
  • The hill's north side is sculpted by two huge corries divided by the big north-east shoulder of the mountain.
  • Claiming that Sarah Ferguson comes from Basingstoke is pushing it: she grew up on the 876-acre family farm at Dummer, safely south of the M3, gentility's bulwark against the town which sprawls along the motorway's north side.
  • My wife, son and I then boarded the Mary Whalen, which is moored in the Red Hook containerport, one the north side of Pier 9B, and helped Carolina wrap up the cookie plates. Christmas on the Open Sea
  • A tourist trolley car was the only operating piece of equipment this day, and they were using the old train depot on the north side of the property for all boardings.
  • On the ground floor a corridor has been introduced along the north side, but the original ceiling beams continue across with traces of early paint. Times, Sunday Times
  • When touring the blues clubs of Chicago, it is best to stay around the centre and the north side of the city.
  • The houses on the north side of this street cling to an immense wall of rock that rises directly behind them. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • The north side of the downs is being restored to chalk grassland, with the turf shortened by a large rabbit population and grazing sheep and cattle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The largest and best opening of all is the Thomas orfe bank on the Thomas tract, on tlie Ore Knob, a small spur of the north side of Pond Mountain, about a mile and a quarter east of the northwestern corner of the tract and of the region. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • Buildings were strung out on the north side of the river.
  • The pageant device itself was made up of the representation of two hills or mountains, the one on the north side being "cragged, barreyn, and stonye; in whiche was erected one tree, artificiallye made, all withered and deadde ...".
  • The location of the court and tollbooth of the Bishop was facing the Tuesday market, on the north side of Jews Lane, although no proven traces remain of this building.
  • The climate is hot and subhumid; it is modified greatly on the south side to moderately on the north side of the mountains by marine influence. Santa Monica Mountains (Bailey)
  • 100 years ago, an important discovery was made during restoration work to the nave arcading on the north side of Holy Trinity Church in Micklegate, which had been walled up for several centuries.
  • Buildings were strung out on the north side of the river.
  • The tips of spruce trees on the south side of my yard are past harvest time, while those on the north side are still harvestable. How to Harvest Spruce Tips with Recipes for Using Spruce Tips (or Pine Tips or Fir Tips)
  • On the north side of the room was Dipper's Magic shop, which was rather humble, comprising only a few shelves behind a counter upon which rested beakers and glass containers of what Doremi recognized were common spell components.
  • The best diving is usually found on the exposed north side of off-shore reefs, but boat skippers prefer to moor up in the lee.
  • On the north side facing the courtyard the pediment was straight-edged, its two fellows to east and west were curved.
  • On February 14, 1929, Al Capone dispatched his henchmen to dispose of his crime syndicate's rival, Moran and his North Side Gang.
  • The whole of the north side of the ground floor was devoted to the preparation and storage of food and drink. Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
  • Most diving takes place on the north side due to the prevailing south-easterly winds, and most of the sites are within easy reach.
  • Have you ever seen the houses along the Lake Shore on the North Side?
  • The sole reason he gives for moving from Paris to Rapallo is that "the north side of the alps is an error. Filial Piety Made New
  • This also demonstrates the rehabilitation expenditure and incidence in North Side neighbourhoods and census tracts.
  • He stressed that beachgoers still could swim on the north side of the island, where none of the organisms have been spotted.
  • On the north side of the peristyle is a double portico containing the _exedrae_, or seats of the sophists, where each most cunning rhetorician delivered his opinions _ex cathedrâ_, and lay in wait for any passer whom he could insnare into an argument. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 19, May, 1859
  • The south side soaks up the sun reducing the amount of active heating, while the north side opens up to vistas of the lake. Jason Sahler | Inhabitat
  • Most diving takes place on the north side due to the prevailing south-easterly winds, and most of the sites are within easy reach.
  • Buildings were strung out on the north side of the river.
  • On the north side of the peristyle is a double portico containing the _exedrae_, or seats of the sophists, where each most cunning rhetorician delivered his opinions _ex cathedrâ_, and lay in wait for any passer whom he could insnare into an argument. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 19, May, 1859
  • The nave is barrel vaulted and on its north side a staircase leads to the upper storey which has a round gallery.
  • America, upon the gulf and entrance of a great river called St. Lawrence in Canada; into the which, navigation may be made both on the south and north side of this island. Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland
  • There's a wide ledge on the north side of the Arch at 25m, a good place to stop and watch a huge shoal of anchovies stream past.
  • On the north side of the building, the extension has reached first-floor level and the outline of the windows can be seen.
  • Going up towards the altar, on the north side standing room is railed off for the rest of the Council who are not lords, and on the south side for the ambassadors.
  • The north side has some very good silty clay loam, while the southwest corner is very sandy.
  • Incorporated within the timber louvres are troughs for planting that will gradually become established on the north side, screening and diffusing the sun's glare.
  • Gulf-shaped region, open, a north side lies, west south veins heaven standing, southern is a pamirs plateau, the search for what the eastern practically unpatrolled karakoram taklamakan big desert.
  • But the most impressive structures along what became the A40 were the three big monumental brick blocks rising on the north side on an eminence at Park Royal.
  • Nylan and Ayrlyn rode side-by-side behind Ryba and Saryn down the damp clay track on the north side of the ridge, a track that should be turned into a metaled road, Nylan reflected. The Chaos Balance
  • The isle of Rotte has not so lofty and mountainous an appearance as Timor, though it is agreeably diversified by hill and valley: On the north side, there are many sandy beaches, near which grew some trees of the fan-palm, but the far greater part was covered with a kind of brushy wood, that was without leaves. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 13
  • For an antidote to steel and glass troglodytism head for the soaring vaults of the church of St-Eustache, on the north side of the gardens.
  • A second parallel range, on the north side, was added a little later in brick, creating a central courtyard.
  • The complex consists of a contemporaneous crematory site on the north side of the Maumee River as well as a cemetery on the opposing side.
  • The pagoda is generally approached from the North side along an extended avenue.
  • Factory buildings spread from the leats on the west side of the river up the north side of Exwick Hill.
  • The remains of former chalk quarries can be seen above the road on the north side. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • The mountain is best viewed from the north side.
  • I reset the ones that were in place, and worked new ones in on the west and north side of the bed (the south side butts against the fence, and the east side is against the patio steps), and effort that at one point resembled gandy-dancing, as I had to bounce up and down on the logs to get them to go where I wanted. In case anyone was wondering...
  • The north end of the entry opens directly into the east alley of the infirmary or" farmery "cloister, which is built against the north side of the east end of the frater. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • The remains of former chalk quarries can be seen above the road on the north side. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • Welles is Hank Quindlen, police captain in the filthy town on the north side of the Mexican border.
  • They headed back down the path towards the dense cloud on the north side of the serra. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Bill and Betty were totally dedicated to the Royal Varuna, occupying for some two decades the apartment on the north side under which Bill ran his famous chandlery.
  • Old maps show that there were once some impressive 17th century mansions, particularly on the north side near the top of Dawson Street.
  • The country on the north side which we passed over was of various description; the hills barren and stony, with dwarf eucalypti, or gums, casuarinae, and a few of the sterculia heterophylla; the country hilly and open: some of the flats on the banks of the river were extensive and rich, and apparently not subject to floods. Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
  • The remains of former chalk quarries can be seen above the road on the north side. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • Besides an inner moat, completely surrounding the castle, there was also an outer one, protecting it on the north and west. {231c} Both these moats were supplied with water from the river Bain, and they had an inter-connection by a cut on the north side of the castle, close by which there was a small machicolated tower, probably connected with a drawbridge. Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
  • There is a hot spring on the north side, and an immense amount of débris covers the slope below the snow-limit, consisting chiefly of fine-grained, iron-stained trachyte and coarse porphyroid gray trachyte; very rarely a dark vitreous trachyte. The Andes and the Amazon Across the Continent of South America
  • The Arup engineers next assumed the same form of shading on the north side as on the south side and then, simulating the sun's path, cut away the material that did not provide any shading.
  • The active phase is usually associated with broad areas of cloud and rain, with sustained moderate to fresh northwesterly winds on the north side of the trough.
  • Worth a look the next time you're walking eastwards up on the north side of the market, the Fox and Anchor is in Charterhouse Street before it opens out into the square. On the Tiles
  • Hooker's assumption that Sedgwick was on the north side of the Rappahannock was his own, and not Sedgwick's fault. The Campaign of Chancellorsville
  • When those same city fathers renovated North Side in the mid-1960s, they decided to dismantle the Anderson monument and destroy the exedra, wiping away the evidence, and the residents did not stop them.
  • I've talked to some folks in different campaigns," said David Fagus, the Democratic ward committeeman in the 49th ward on the city's North Side, who said he has about 100 volunteers at his disposal if and when he commits to a campaign. Chicago Mayor Race May Be A Street Fight
  • If the first fruitlet is taken from the north side of a tree, choose the next fruitlet from the east, then south and so on.
  • The next day, I moved in with my grandparents, who lived on the north side of Metrocon, and I guess to help me heal, they spoiled me rotten.
  • Much was brought from the clearstory where six windows on the south and all save one on the north side still have panels made up of a mosaic of fragments with portions here and there of which the subject is intelligible. The Churches of Coventry A Short History of the City & Its Medieval Remains
  • Free-range pigs have shelters shaped as triangles or half circles, but most porkers were lurking inside; pine trees had snow plastered on the north side of their trunks and the hot sun on the south side.
  • Then the dean of Westminster laid the ampula and spoon upon the altar, and the King kneeling down at the faldstool, and the archbishop standing on the north side of the altar, said this prayer or blessing over him: -- Coronation Anecdotes
  • When in San Miguel last summer, I "lugged" my wi-fi equipped laptop to: The Biblioteca; the Jardin (north side, facing the police station); and Mama Mia's while I enjoyed breakfast. Internet access in SMA (with or w/out Eggs Benedict)
  • A drive from the West Wing allows direct access to the ground floor by way of open courts or areaways on the north side of the White House on either side of the North portico.
  • Millbank Tower, SW1, Mon head to the north side of the river to view the showSam RichardsAs the month draws to a close and opportunities to show off Movember's upper-lip adornments rapidly decrease, Nice'n'Sleazy is as good a place as any to blend in with the brigade who would have us believe that a moustache is not just for charity but a way of life. Clubs picks of the week
  • The square tower, with octangular cupola, attached to the north side of the chancel, was part of a former church constructed in the time of The South of France—East Half
  • g - i'd never heard of it. i try to stay away from the north side of town. everytime i drive through buckhead i want to puke. nothing against those people, their shiny fitted shirts, or their bmws, but i just feel way out of place. i like to keep by douchebaggery on the inside, not display it for the world to admire. BSNYC Ride Report: Slippery When Hairy
  • I should have mentioned that on the north side of the other Piers at some distance another Pier is sunk to serve as a kind of outwork to the others in breaking the Force of the Ice coming down. Journal of a Tour to North Carolina by William Attmore, 1787
  • When the sun is at G, which is called the Tropic of Capricorn, days are at the longest to all those dwelling on the South side of the Equator, and at the shortest to those on the North side. A Museum for Young Gentlemen and Ladies Or, a Private Tutor for Little Masters and Misses
  • America, upon the gulf and entrance of a great river called St. Lawrence in Canada; into the which, navigation may be made both on the south and north side of this island. Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland
  • Two other _Side Chapels_ deserve to be mentioned, viz. the two eastmost on the north side, which were the first roofed with lierne vaulting. A Short Account of King's College Chapel
  • On the North side stands a tower of an octangular form, supporting the spire. Historical Sketch of the Cathedral of Strasburg
  • Initially, work was at Pin Hole Cave, the entrance to which lies towards the western end of the north side of the gorge.
  • The drive extended to a courtyard on the north side of the dwelling, where the porch joined a covered portico with long mounting-block steps. Ordermaster
  • The remains of former chalk quarries can be seen above the road on the north side. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • My friends Max and Bill, both woodworkers, were sharing a cooperative woodworking shop on the North Side, and it had an opening.
  • APPLETON - Appleton police are watching a house in the city's near north side after reports of an armed robbery and a missing victim. The Appleton Post-Crescent Latest Headlines
  • The Northern papers contain a report that the larger portion of Grant's corps has recrossed from the north side of the James River, but state that he retains his position in the surrounding forts. Foreign and Colonial News
  • The greenhouses had to be sited in the unshaded strip at the foot of the cliffs on the north side of the pit.
  • On the north side of the lake [Great Slave Lake] by McKinley Point the caribou are really skinny.
  • The ice floes from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence that swept through the Strait of Canso every year were now blocked on their southward journey, and so they stayed to fill Saint George's Bay on the Causeway's north side.
  • I have four large oleanders planted on the north side of my house; they are partially shaded by a large tree.
  • Howard survived, just as he did in January when he was ambushed in a North Side car wash.
  • The land was good on the north side where her home was and she saved the hay, fed chickens, stooked the oats while, in the evenings, she might go to Mary McCormack's for a little shopping and a visit to hear the local news.
  • I was in a ballsy mood, and instead of taking the documented and cairned route of least resistance on the traverse, I made up my own variation of adventure along which I found myself covering a considerable stretch of ground on the north side of the summit-to-summit ridge. 127 Hours
  • On out through another snowbank-and now they were on a long snowslide on the north side of the range. Split Infinity
  • The last time that happened was in 1894 when a spring freshet sent water surging through the bridge at Eburne and over the north side of dykes.
  • My friends Max and Bill, both woodworkers, were sharing a cooperative woodworking shop on the North Side, and it had an opening.
  • I saved the soil from the excavation and mounded it on the north side for insulation.
  • (1290-1298), it consists of a lofty central arch with smaller openings on the sides; above the arches are enriched gables with pinnacles and finials; over the centre arch in a trefoil is a figure of the Saviour; the restoration of the north side of this monument will afford some idea of its original appearance; the effect has been somewhat subdued by the softened light from the east window. Ely Cathedral
  • The one on the north side of Centro, with hotels, fast food restaurants and "tourist services" chock-a-block? Help appreciated in location choice!
  • The North Side home also provides low-cost apartments for the elderly poor.
  • As a former 'burgh' girl, my favorite is the North Side Steeler shirt cupcake. Celebrate Official Cupcake Day in PIttsburgh!
  • The kitchen, which was on the north side of the house and cool even in the summer months, was therefore virtually unheated.
  • Part of the alleyway, which runs parallel to the north side of Manchester Road, remained sealed off.
  • The north side neighbor's back yard is butting into ours, ever so slowly.
  • During the past couple of weeks work has begun on the dangerous stretch of road on the north side of town opposite the Post Office.
  • Henket solved the problem with one bold basic move: creating a glass and metal bridge at first floor level along the north side of the cloister.
  • The country on the north side which we passed over was of various description; the hills barren and stony, with dwarf eucalypti, or gums, casuarinae, and a few of the sterculia heterophylla; the country hilly and open: some of the flats on the banks of the river were extensive and rich, and apparently not subject to floods. Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
  • Scarborough's seaside chalets and miniature railway are being granted a reprieve under changes to controversial proposals to redevelop the resort's North side.
  • The trail crosses onto the north side and continues downhill and east along the rocky bench above the creek.
  • The gates beneath the outer arch are kept locked save on Sundays, as are frequently the gates in the railings surrounding the churchyard to the south of the minster, which is divided from the churchyard on the north side by the church itself and by railings at the east and west ends of it. Bell's Cathedrals: Wimbourne Minster and Christchurch Priory A Short History of Their Foundation and a Description of Their Buildings
  • This applies only to the windows in the aisle; those in the triforium are of three lights, similar to those removed from the aisle; and those in the clerestory are the original Norman, just as on the north side. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Ely A History and Description of the Building with a Short Account of the Monastery and of the See
  • One of the huge stained-glass windows on the north side of the building had been removed, allowing a bitterly cold wind to whistle around the building.
  • The one side is ditched, and on the other side runneth a riuer called Moscua which runneth into Tartarie and so into the sea called Mare Caspium: and on the North side there is a base towne, the which hath also a bricke wall about it, and so it ioyneth with the Castle wall. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • My trollius is planted on the North side of the house, practically right under a rain gutter downspout.
  • Cromwell's Head Tavern, a building which is still standing on the north side of School Street, upon the site of No. 13, where Mrs. Harrington now deals out coffee and "mince" - pie to her customers, Beacon Hill was a collection of pastures, owned by thirteen proprietors, in lots containing from a half to twenty acres each. The Bay State Monthly — Volume 1, No. 6, June, 1884
  • On both sides of these rocks there is a very good wide channel for ships to come in; that on the south side is three cables long and seven fathoms deep, and that on the north side two cables long.
  • From the altar area worshipers may access the ambulatory as it extends along the north side of the structure, where the confessionals are located.
  • The houses on the north side of the street border one of the many man-made lakes that dot the area, by-products of the efforts to drain swampland for development. There Goes the Neighborhood
  • Two other _Side Chapels_ deserve to be mentioned, viz. the two eastmost on the north side, which were the first roofed with lierne vaulting. A Short Account of King's College Chapel
  • On the other hand, when the prevailing southwesterly winds sweep up the English Channel, the south side of the Isle of Wight can be pummelled while Cowes on the north side is sheltered. Cowes weatherwatch
  • This has been known to occur on the north side of Mavericks where there is no exit from the water, only a rock shelf.
  • In 1993 a lead counterweight of about 660 tons was placed on the north side of the tower's base in order to stop the southward rotation.
  • There were other ways to the summit of K2 via the north side from China, for example, or on a legendary, nearly impossible route on the south face called the Magic Line but the path up the Bottleneck and beneath the serac was the most established route, the easiest, and possibly the safest, as long as the serac remained stable. 'No Way Down'
  • The north side of the river remains a wilder, untamed side compared to the southern, more urbanised side.
  • Billings proved to be sound asleep, napping off the effects of over - indulgence in browned perch, so the boys decided to await the return of Mr. Fulton, a search of the workshop having failed to reveal the wrench, and none of the Stillsons being big enough to take the big nut that capped the fifty-gallon tank sunk in the ground on the shady north side of the hangar. Boy Scouts of the Air on Lost Island
  • Hundreds of freeloaders have skipped the park's $5 gate price, opting simply to view the pyrotechnics from the embankment on the north side of the road.
  • With 15 fellow adventurers, Richard will brave the north side of the mountain, the route taken by doomed explorers Mallory and Irvine in 1924, rather than that taken by Hilary and Norgay Tensing.
  • A village approached from different ends is two villages; the north side of a house has an entirely different character from the south; and most of the views, vistas, prospects or whatever is the right name for the phenomena which on certain motoring maps are indicated by a little spreading blue fan – most of these are entirely one-way affairs, invisible on the opposite journey or only to be seen, cheatingly, by means of a deliberate contortion of the neck. Try Anything Twice
  • At the Bankfield Hotel, traffic on the existing A650 has been diverted to run on the north side of the new roundabout while landscaping is carried out.
  • The recently restored structure, now called Alumni Hall, commands the north side of Court Street, a splendid symbol of the village's palmy years.
  • Workers for Skywork, a Gibson City-based firm, have started sandblasting a boxcar and a caboose on the north side of the museum grounds.
  • Building elements of this portico show that it presented the same smooth entablature with a pulvinated (cushion-shaped), but otherwise smooth frieze, and an undecorated cornice, as on the western portico and the Trajanic nymphaeum along the agora's north side. Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Lower Agora Report 4
  • It's possible that all those years of inoculations finally worked their magic, but also I've always lived in cities -- in New York, and now in Chicago, where even on the steamiest days, I never feel compelled to leave my home on the Near North Side. Gioia Diliberto: The Poison Ivy Chronicles

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