How To Use North korean In A Sentence

  • On June twenty-fifth, nineteen-fifty, North Korean soldiers crossed the thirty-eighth parallel.
  • I think that the North Korean system will collapse at some point.
  • Tokyo yesterday announced planes to develop its first spy satellite in response to the North Korean missile threat.
  • McCormack said ending the North Korean nuclear program, which included a weapons test in 2006, is a "compelling" U.S. national security interest.
  • North Korean leader Kim Jong Il told Russia's Itar-Tass news agency last week six-way talks should resume without preconditions.
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  • BOLTON: The North Korean population has been losing average height and weight over the years and maybe this will be a little diet for Kim Jung Il. ROTH: Bolton does get some praise. CNN Transcript Nov 14, 2006
  • Maazel and the orchestra opened the performance by playing the North Korean national anthem, the "Patriotic Song," followed by the American national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner.
  • Adding to the complexity is a new alliance between China and Iran, a secret one between China and the Taliban, the attempted defection of a North Korean spy to the West and the usual moles on each side. Robert Kaplan on ‘The Ghost War’ « Isegoria
  • There's no evidence at this point that the Bush administration is prepared to get into the kind of nitty-gritty give - and-take wheeling-and-dealing negotiating that the North Koreans have repeatedly signaled they would be interested in if they were to put their missile nuclear programs on the table. CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2006
  • And they got the point-blank answer from the North Koreans that, yes, they were and, in effect, what does the U.S. want to do about it?
  • Since 1990, the North Korean economy has recorded a negative growth rate.
  • The talks were recessed upon news of the death of North Korean President Kim Il Sung, then resumed in August.
  • Shortly after the operation got under way, the North Korean navy reacted with surprise and precision.
  • Such movement would also expose the flanks, rear and supply lines of an advancing North Korean army to amphibious attack like the brilliant US landing at Inchon during the Korean War.
  • Washington financial sanctions on North Korean - linked companies suspected of money - laundering counterfeit U.S. dollars for Pyongyang.
  • Officials initially said the North Korean team would conduct its pretournament preparations in Bulawayo, a city where the crackdown had been concentrated. Zimbabwe Draws Boos For Soccer Overture
  • The danger of war should be removed and peace safeguarded in the Korean peninsula," said the message, which was also emphatically read by a North Korean anchorwoman, wearing traditional Korean dress, in a state television broadcast monitored in Seoul. North Korea Calls For Better Ties With Warning
  • journalists have been sent to Pyongyang and are undergoing a direct investigation '' by the North's spy agency and military, Yonhap quoted a source in China it described as privy to North Korean affairs. Undefined
  • To others, he was a negative, malevolent influence over his father from the 1970s onwards, when North Korean began its long and tragic descent into economic depravation, isolation, starvation and poverty. Kim Jong-il obituary
  • The North Korean side said the accident was between two train wagons that were being shunted on a siding, not a collision of two trains as had been previously believed.
  • State-controlled North Korean media say Mr. Clinton passed a verbal message from U. S. President Barack Obama to Mr. Kim during Tuesday's meeting.
  • High-performance tactical aircraft or drones would cross the demilitarized zone and North Korean coasts and penetrate up to fifty miles inland.
  • Kim Jong-un, his youngest son and anointed successor, was described as the "eternally immovable mental mainstay of the Korean people" by North Korean state news agency KCNA. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The Japanese remember the 1998 North Korean missile test that "bracketed" their country. Undefined
  • North Korean soldiers were hardened, seasoned, and rugged compared to U.S. troops, who were soft from easy living on sake, sukiyaki, and fraternization during the occupation of Japan.
  • The seemingly fashionable hairstyle was also described as "captivating" in Rodong Sunmun, the North Korean newspaper, which wrote: "A young man with an ambitious high sided haircut looks so sobering and stylish. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • It is to be located along the railway in the city of Kaesong, just inside the North Korean border.
  • Two North Korean men, who had previously dashed into a consulate building, were also forcibly removed by Chinese police.
  • The President of South Korea Ron Moo -hyun walks across the Korean Demilitarized Zone in traveling to Pyogyang for talks with North Korean leader Kim Jon Il.
  • Well aware that North Korean missiles can devastate its cities, the Japanese are desperate for both a peaceful solution and American support.
  • Kim said one North Korean artillery shell is believed to have fallen south of the maritime line, citing a preliminary analysis of the trajectory of the shell.
  • Experts believe that the North Korean system is in terminal decline, and its people suffer great poverty and recurring famines.
  • North Korean Leader Chooses Successor Amid Signs of More Brinkmanship.
  • The North Korean vessel then fired back.
  • North Korean state media had previously said they would stand trial and could face up to 10 years in prison for illegal entry and hostile acts.
  • In 2007, Israeli jets bombed a Syrian industrial facility on the Euphrates River that U.S. intelligence officials subsequently described as a nascent nuclear reactor being built by North Koreans. Tests Point to Spread of Weapons Trade
  • Madonna's a neo-Kabbalist (and her "tatooing yourself with Hebrew letters gives you magic powers to disappear from 007's North Korean captivity" version of the Kabbalah is certainly relevant to a discussion of cultural appropriation: -), I don't know about Mapplethorpe. The Sacred Domain
  • Japan wants to raise the ship to confirm whether it was a North Korean spy vessel, but China is cautious about salvaging the ship which sank in its economic waters.
  • Damir Sagolj/Reuters Corn and cobs were the meal a North Korean woman prepared Sept. 30 in her tent in South Hwanghae Province; she lost her house in the summer's flooding. Withering in North Korea
  • South Korean authorities blocked accessto an estimated 65 North Korea-related sites, including the official North Korean Twitter account,launched in August 2010. Keith Wagstaff: New Study Shows Global Internet Freedom Is on the Decline as More Countries Jail Bloggers
  • The Montrealer competing in the 66-kg class bowed out to the eventual 5th place finisher, North Korean Kuk Hyon Hong, losing by yuko on a takedown. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • In past years, such blaring denunciations, of Kim Jong-il's economic failures, were heard only by North Korean guards and the wildlife that now occupies the no-man's land.
  • Their historic encounter in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang in June 2000 has initiated a thaw in relations that could lead, in time, to a confederation of the two Koreas and eventual reunification.
  • Back at the Chinese border shops sell North Korean memorabilia to the tourists who come to gawp through telescopes at North Korea.
  • Both the United States and Japan are deeply worried about the future trajectory of a nuclear-equipped North Korean state, and in the long run by a unified Korea strategically tied more to its historical suzerain - China - than to the West.
  • North Korean students are taught Revolutionary History from elementary school to university, a subject full of tales that mystify and beatify the Kim dynasty, said Jun Myung-ho, a defector based in Seoul, who worked in North Korea's ruling Workers' Party for nine years before escaping to the South in 2004. Pyongyang Myth-Builders Step It Up
  • North Korean state media had used the term "lodestar" in reference to Kim Jong Il, as well as for the name of long-range rockets the country tested in 1998 and 2009, the NYT reports. North Korea To Punish Mourners Who Were Insincere
  • After rumours of the younger Kim's anointment began circulating last year, Ueli Studer, the town's director of education, would only confirm that a "North Korean youth" had been on the school's rolls.
  • Some people brave harassment and shooting to cross the border into China to earn hard currency (many North Koreans, especially black-market traders, cross and recross into China).
  • Another very positive sign that global rhetoric is being turned down a notch is the decision by the North Korean government to refer to its offshore nuclear tests as "intra-horizontal aqua-aeonic degradation simulations. War By Any Other Name
  • China hosted a round of talks on the North Korean nuclear issue in August, but the talks – in which Russia, the United States, Japan, and South Korea also took part – ended inconclusively .
  • In a flash, a dot hovering at the edge of visibility to his left suddenly swelled into the delta-winged angles of a North Korean MiG. Carrie
  • Veterans of North Korean diplomacy say the tactic is based on what they call an "asymmetry of reasonableness. U.S.: Pyongyang Move Surprised China
  • North Korean state media had used the term "lodestar" in reference to Kim Jong Il, as well as for the name of long-range rockets the country tested in 1998 and 2009, the NYT reports. North Korea To Punish Mourners Who Were Insincere
  • ‘The North Koreans are going to wait until after the election because they saw a big policy reverse after Clinton,’ he said.
  • Hoagland reported that China's objectives were "to ensure they [North Korean leaders] honor their commitments on non-proliferation, maintain stability, and 'don't drive [Kim Jong-il] mad.'
  • Kim said one North Korean artillery shell is believed to have fallen south of the maritime line, citing a preliminary analysis of the trajectory of the shell.
  • Prepared in the sense that a nation held hostage by dictatorship could possibly be freed, but only free for a brief moment in thought by North Korean citizens of the death of a man who symbolized a reign of control so frigid and strong, no assemblance of the persecuted could rise and retaliate? Missing Kim Jong Il raises health questions
  • North Korean teams with only a handful playing outside of the ironhanded communist state. Deutsche Welle: DW-WORLD.DE
  • And I think they're probably North Korean special ops.
  • But these days, with Pyongyang preparing for a Workers 'Party convention that could trumpet the rise of leader Kim Jong Il's youngest son, Kim Eun Ho and other defectors who speak regularly to North Koreans hear plenty of opinions reflecting what he described as a broad sentiment against hereditary succession. N. Koreans may be frustrated with government and likely rise of Kim Jong Eun
  • Will also visit South Korea since the Navy's Second Fleet headquarters, and visit the Korean government that the attack by North Korean torpedo sank the "security number" guard ship.
  • North Korean girls - - - - - be as if draw going ahead!
  • She says, she wants to tell North Koreans that people in the South are like kings - they can speak out, protest, and publish.
  • North Korean leader Kim Jong Il told Russia's Itar-Tass news agency last week six-way talks should resume without preconditions.
  • But the most poignant perspective missing for Americans watching this spectacular televised concert, scenic description and didactic lecture on North Korea, is that during what was a Korea civil war that began in 1950, the United States leveled from the air, if not already torn up by ground artillery from both sides, every town in Korea, both North and South with the exception of Pusan, which is located at the extreme southern end of the peninsula - the only area that the North Koreans had not taken in the first weeks of its invasion of the south. NY Phil Plays in a Korea Once Destroyed by U.S. Invasion, Flattened by U.S. Bombers
  • He has said the three of them were rescued by North Korean fishermen when their fishing boat was wrecked in a storm in the Sea of Japan in May 1963.
  • Perhaps the North Korean peninsula is an example, but otherwise it’s much smaller than in recent history. Currency Wars Will Destroy The Dollar But You Can Be Safe
  • U.S. officials this week will make a personal appeal to a top North Korean diplomat, Ri Gun, who left Pyongyang Tuesday for a rare trip to the U.S.
  • The chief North Korean negotiator of closer relations between North and South, once a confidant of Mr Kim, is rumoured to have been sent to a labour camp and even shot, possibly for taking bribes.
  • The North Korean delegation is also expected to get in contact with the Japanese government and politicians forming a parliamentarian league for Japan-North Korea friendship.
  • President Barack Obama has written a personal letter to the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, apparently urging him to return to nuclear talks.
  • The North Korean threat is a key justification for U.S. military spending, the presence of U.S. troops in Asia and a new theatre missile defence system.
  • At an art museum in Europe, an Englishman, a Frenchman, and a North Korean stand before a painting of Adam and Eve holding an apple in the Garden of Eden. The Volokh Conspiracy » Reuters on North Korean Comedy
  • Reflecting the change in Japanese consumers' attitudes, supermarket operators are beginning to show tags in kanji characters for North Korean products.
  • And Al Jazeera, rather than spotlighting people who are loaded with credentials but often have little to say, has the knack of getting people on air who have interesting things to say, like the brilliant, no-name Russian analyst I heard explaining why both Russia and China need the current North Korean regime because it provides a buffer state against free and democratic South Korea. Why I Love Al Jazeera
  • His father died on North Korean soil.
  • KCNA/KNS/AFP/Getty Images North Korean leader Kim Jong Il attended the ceremony that celebrated the completion of a factory at the "February 8" Vinalon Complex in Hamhung city in South Hamgyong province in this photo released Saturday. Asia in Photos
  • And if we were going to have to use military force, we'd have to extract some of those forces relatively soon to deal with the North Korean issue.
  • Hill dismisses recent North Korean rhetoric against the South as "entirely propagandistic" and directed "entirely at domestic audiences.
  • North Korean students are taught Revolutionary History from elementary school to university, a subject full of tales that mystify and beatify the Kim dynasty, said Jun Myung-ho, a defector based in Seoul, who worked in North Korea's ruling Workers' Party for nine years before escaping to the South in 2004. Pyongyang Myth-Builders Step It Up
  • Will also visit South Korea since the Navy's Second Fleet headquarters, and visit the Korean government that the attack by North Korean torpedo sank the "security number" guard ship.
  • This comes as the day after North Korean TV showed what it calls exclusive footage of the reclusive leader, Kim Jong-Il. CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2009
  • This comes just a day after North Korean TV showed what it called recent footage of the secretive leader. CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2009
  • When the North Korean leader Kim Il Sung approached Stalin and asked for help to reunify the Korean peninsula, Stalin had no reason to suppose that the US would object.
  • The North Korean leader never kept his promise make a return visit to Seoul.
  • Quoting sources in North Korea, the exile radio station said North Koreans now call leader Kim Jong-il simply by his name without using any honorific, which is unprecedented in the North. : Total
  • On the whole, I wish they treated Harrison Ford with the same understated subtlety the North Korean press reserves for Kim Jong Il. The whip-toting, punch-packing [Ed. Note: Seriously?], snake-hating, globe-trotting archaeologist with a fedora is back on screen in “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull,” debuting worldwide Thursday, May 22, 2008. INDIANA JONES IS GREASING UP THE BULLWHIP
  • Trucks steadily lumber across the bridge linking the countries, ferrying North Korean raw materials into China and Chinese manufactured goods to market in North Korea.
  • The travel agency began taking reservations for a North Korean tour it organized in 1998, but it was forced to cancel the trip after North Korea launched a multistage rocket that flew over Japan and crashed into the Pacific Ocean.
  • During a power outage which left the monitoring system inoperable from January April 1999, the North Koreans consumed record amounts of unmonitored fuel.
  • Last December, the Japanese Coast Guard sunk an unidentified ship, claiming it was a North Korean spy ship.
  • The longer - term consequences of a North Korean implosion are also unwelcome to Beijing.
  • They leave open with what determination Washington will pursue the elimination of the existing stockpile of North Korean nuclear weapons and fissionable materials.
  • Thailand in December seized a planeload of North Korean rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons apparently bound for Iran.
  • Certainly, North Korean trade and production has collapsed since the fall of the USSR.
  • The danger of war should be removed and peace safeguarded in the Korean peninsula," said the message, which was also read by a North Korean anchorwoman in a state television broadcast monitored in Seoul. North Korea Warns War Would Bring 'Nuclear Holocaust'
  • Eight years and billions of dollars later, we learned that the North Koreans were breaking their word practically from day one. A Messenger for Pyongyang
  • Such movement would also expose the flanks, rear and supply lines of an advancing North Korean army to amphibious attack like the brilliant US landing at Inchon during the Korean War.
  • However, rampant inflation has been eroding the North Korean won"s value to such an extent that currently it is believed to be worth about the same as the South Korean won.
  • And again, I want to thank in this press conference, Mr. Prime Minister, on behalf of all the American people, Australia for the leadership that Australia exhibited in securing the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and for your support in helping us all defreeze the North Korean nuclear program. President And Pm Howard In Canberra Press Conference
  • Yes, they're going to have to hand that over at some point because we made an agreement with the North Koreans will they will get de - nuclearize, that is they will get rid of all their nuclear programs, all their weapons so they're going to have to hand that over but frankly that is going to be at a later stage. CNN Transcript Jun 22, 2007
  • The North Korean leader, in expansive mood while lunching southern media moguls, suggested a repeat in September and October.
  • Unlike before where the policy was regime change, every time the North Koreans acts erratically, which is their behavior pattern, not only were they condemned, but the United States was condemned because we indirectly got blowback. CNN Transcript Apr 11, 2009
  • But when their Korean-Chinese guide "beckoned" for them to follow him across the frozen river they did, eventually reaching the North Korean riverbank, which overlooked a small village. NYT > Home Page
  • SEOUL, South Korea (CNN) -- A North Korean soldier defected across the demilitarized zone and sought asylum in South Korea on Sunday, according to a South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman.
  • He did not explicitly compare the president to Saddam or the North Korean leader or say that Mr. Obama's efforts were 'analagous' to theirs. "-- correction, New York Times, Sept.  8 The Whatever President
  • The unidentified Chinese company re-exported the shipment to a North Korean trading firm, the ministry said in a statement.
  • The North Korean capital, Pyongyang, was captured a month later, and the UN forces advanced towards the frontier with China.
  • Clinton said all that could change if the North Korean government came in from the cold, stopped its provocative behavior and any of its threats towards its neighbors, and take what she called irreversible steps to denuclearize. Clinton Announces New North Korea Sanctions
  • In recent years China has supported the tottering North Korean regime, providing food provisions, oil, strategic supplies and economic aid.
  • Do the inhabitants of North Korean gulags take comfort that the hegemonic monster of US imperialism is unable to stick its beak into the criminal justice system they were sentenced under.
  • The warhead shown in the schematics had the familiar "dunce cap" shape of the original North Korean No Dong missile, which Iran had acquired in the mid-1990s.
  • Three officials from the foreign ministry in Pyongyang, and an attaché from the North Korean embassy in London, met Irish economic and political experts in meetings arranged by the Department of Foreign Affairs.
  • The warhead shown in the schematics had the familiar "dunce cap" shape of the original North Korean No Dong missile, which Iran had acquired in the mid-1990s.
  • This is the largest North Korean mass defection since the end of the Korean War.
  • The lodestar was a term North Korean propagandists had used for Mr. Kim. NYT > Home Page
  • The agency, in a dispatch from Pyongyang, said Russian and North Korean officials have already concluded a draft joint declaration that reportedly contains a broad range of issues.
  • Yonhap reported citing an unidentified source it described as knowledgeable about the situation at the North Korean investment agency. WBAY Action 2 News
  • A North Korean newsreader says the country "successfully conducted one more underground nuclear test, " demonstrating what Pyongyang calls its "self-defensive nuclear deterrent" to the entire world.
  • North Korea protested the resolution by saying it would enrich uranium and weaponize plutonium, according to KCNA, the state-run North Korean news agency.
  • On the morning of South Korea's third-place play-off against Turkey, a North Korean gunboat attacked a South Korean patrol boat, killing 18 people.
  • Why, regardless of place and culture, do people insist upon this bizarre synecdoche, which is even permitted to become almost literal in the case of Dear Leader Kim Jong-il and his god-like father -- all other North Koreans being, in effect, little more than their bodily extensions? Archive 2009-05-01
  • If President Barack Obama is serious about achieving a tangible and lasting accord with the North Korean regime, it would be helpful to engage North Korea creatively through all available diplomatic channels, seek to broaden the isolationistic nation's international space, and indicate a marked difference in Pyongyang, it is important to note that the North Korean regime did not proceed with any missile launch during Undefined
  • Last month, some 460 North Koreans arrived in South Korea in two planeloads in an operation shrouded in secrecy.
  • North Korean President Kim Jong Il keeps lobbing bombs into South Korea until someone on his team develops a formula to spin turkey pot pies out of grass. Will Durst: Predictions for 2011
  • In mid-June two South Korean marines shot their rifles at a civilian airliner landing at Incheon, the airport for Seoul, mistaking it for a North Korean plane.
  • Soon after landing at South Korea's Incheon Airport, Tuesday, Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill confirmed he will be heading to the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, Wednesday.
  • The dissatisfaction of the repatriates with the North Korean authorities was reaching the limit of their patience.
  • A badly damaged North Korean patrol ship retreated in flames yesterday after a skirmish with a South Korean vessel – the first naval clash between the two nations in seven years.
  • An international report has concluded that a South Korean navy ship that sank in March, with the loss of 46 sailors on board, was hit by a North Korean submarine torpedo.
  • No North Korean missile is heading your way with a huge canister of megadeath; Obama forgives your nasty rejection of government stimulus money and will send the check anyway, Bristol has finally agreed to use condoms (thank God!), and Hubby just pulled in the driveway with another truck-load of machine-gunned moose. Sarah Smile
  • The danger of war should be removed and peace safeguarded in the Korean peninsula, said the message, which was also read by a North Korean anchorwoman in a state television broadcast monitored in Seoul. N. Korea warns war would bring 'nuclear holocaust'
  • Unlike before, where the policy was regime change, every time the North Koreans acted erratically, which is their behavior pattern, the United States -- not only were they condemned, but the United States was condemned, because we indirectly got blowback. CNN Transcript Apr 7, 2009
  • Such a direct statement is rare, because senior South Korean officials usually keep quiet about North Korean security matters in public.
  • In the present case, unanimity was achieved at the price of watering down the provisions that require other countries to search North Korean vessels.
  • The war games starting Sunday and involving the USS George Washington supercarrier display resolve by Korean War allies Washington and Seoul to respond strongly to any future North Korean aggression.
  • North Korean pistol shooter Kim Jong Su was thrown out, not for steroid use, but for using a drug called propranolol. Choke
  • U.S. officials this week will make a personal appeal to a top North Korean diplomat, Ri Gun, who left Pyongyang Tuesday for a rare trip to the U.S.
  • North Korean premier arrives in China.
  • The North Korean threat is a key justification for U.S. military spending, the presence of U.S. troops in Asia and a new theatre missile defence system.

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