
How To Use Normandy In A Sentence

  • In the days following the D-Day landings, Allied troops carved a tenuous foothold on the coast of Normandy.
  • Far more seriously, the vital turn east towards Mayenne and Alençon, intended to initiate the rolling up of the main German front in Normandy, was delayed by days. Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
  • It clearly showed the vast armada of the invasion fleet standing just off the coast of Normandy.
  • This volume consists of Record Commission transcripts of documents found mostly in Normandy, and dated up to 1206 (the end of English control of the region). Calendar of Papers Preserved in France
  • From the roaring 20's to the beaches of Normandy, it has always had a certain panache.
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  • The classic example was the Allied air attacks on the French rail network in 1944 to interdict German troop movements that might interfere with the Normandy landings.
  • It was, after all, the most ambitious amphibious operation in the annals of military history until the Normandy invasion.
  • The rambling grounds beyond, within which nestles the Normandy-inspired hamlet where Marie-Antoinette played at being a dairymaid, are a superlative example of the romantic, landscaped garden. Gardens of Delight
  • In the days following the D-Day landings, Allied troops carved a tenuous foothold on the coast of Normandy.
  • Every year on the anniversary of D-Day, for example, we acknowledge the heroism and sacrifice of those who stormed the beaches of Normandy.
  • The beaches themselves had no comparison with Normandy: they were only a few hundred yards wide overlooked by cliffs and hills.
  • The Germans totally believed our disinformation campaign prior to the Normandy invasion.
  • Even though his astrologer told him to expect an invasion in Normandy, Hitler decreed that the bulk of the German forces in the West would be based within striking distance of the Pas de Calais .
  • An historic and nostalgic week of commemorations is under way to remember the momentous events in Normandy 60 years ago.
  • Desert terrain, boscage and fields in Normandy, destroyed urban centers, a naval facility in Norway, and other locations will be presented to the player throughout the course of the game.
  • The ensemble who are based in Caen, are the regional chamber orchestra of Lower Normandy.
  • He lived with his mistress at a luxurious estate in Normandy, to which he had added a grandiose belvedere.
  • Your liege William the Conqueror, the duke of Normandy, is ready to invade England.
  • Andouillettes are a Normandy specialty made by filling pig intestine with more pig intestines and tripe, or cow's stomach lining.
  • Comprising five regions - Poitou-Charentes, Western Loire, the Loire Valley, Brittany and Normandy - Western France seduces and delights with the ease of a seasoned boulevardier.
  • Working in the professor's private laboratory Gladstone produced, first, a report on the analysis of sand from a Normandy beach, and then in 1847 a paper on the explosive guncotton, just a year after its discovery by Christian Schönbein.
  • Richard the Fearless, had built nearly a hundred years before -- new trouble threatened him, as word came that King Henry of France, the "suzerain," or overlord of Normandy, deeming his authority not sufficiently honored in his Norman fief, had invaded the boy's territories, and with a strong force was besieging the border castle of Tillieres, [H] scarce fifty miles to the south. Historic Boys Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times
  • Preparations for the Normandy landings took place here because the terrain is similar to that which faced the Allied invasion forces.
  • Matilda appears to have performed competently the expected queenly role of supporting her husband's rule and frequently acted as regent in England when he was in Normandy.
  • The similar French product, a speciality of ports in the north of Normandy, is called bouffi, also meaning swollen or bloated.
  • One recipient was Jan De Vries, who was airdropped into Normandy before dawn on D-Day with the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion.
  • France is now the world's largest oyster producer and consumer, fuelled by the oyster beds in Normandy, which produce the vast majority. Oysters Come Back in Vogue
  • An international playboy and fraudster has emerged as a hero of D-Day as stalwart as any man who stormed the Normandy beaches. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed safe enough as there must have been 50 motorhomes but there was a broken window overnight for someone! rue St Clair, la Riviere Saint Sauveur Honfleur, Basse-Normandie, Normandy, TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • You can well imagine the reports from Normandy: the reporter would have his back to the sea so the camera caught the wreckage, the metal flotsam, the blasted craft and bobbing bodies.
  • It's only really a practical destination from a charter or from a trip based in Normandy.
  • By his reckoning, Mr Brown has led us through the Normandy bocage, but the Ardennes and the Rhine lie ahead. Brown's Churchillian delusion
  • Binyamin Ze’ev quotes several sages (Samuel of Evreux, first half of thirteenth century, talmudist and tosafist of Normandy; Elijah ben Judah of Paris, first half of the twelfth century, French talmudist, commentator, and halakhist; and Meshullam ben Nathan of Melun, twelfth century, talmudist in northern France) who were in favor of denying all the privileges of the community to the perpetrator who refused to give his wife a divorce. Wifebeating in Jewish Tradition.
  • Hitler remained convinced that the main Allied invasion of France would take place near Calais and that operations against Normandy were diversionary.
  • In July 1203, at the height of the crisis in Normandy, King John instructed his chief forester, Hugh de Neville, to sell forest privileges ‘to make our profit by selling woods and demising assarts.’
  • He was born at Grouchy, near Gréville, Normandy, of peasant stock, and spent his early years as a farmworker alongside his father.
  • Nimble German infantry mortar squads inflicted 70% of Allied casualties during the Battle of Normandy.
  • Charlotte approached him and told him she had news from Normandy of the factionary Girondins who had escaped to Caen. Archive 2007-12-16
  • Normandy's ugly duckling has come of age. Times, Sunday Times
  • He'd seen a reasonable place to bunk down, the Hotel Normandy, advertised at 130 francs, douche included. CORMORANT
  • Then, on June 6, 1944, the Allies landed in Normandy, and only months after living in daily fear of his life, Dr. Mandelbrot soon found himself at France's elite Ecole Polytechnique. Benoit Mandelbrot, pioneer in fractal geometry, dies at 85
  • The same rocket/warhead combination was also used by the RAF as an air-to-ground attack weapon, particularly against tanks and transport during the Normandy campaign in 1944.
  • Fifteen thousand men banded themselves together in London under an oath that they would stand by each other and by their leader; and FitzOsbert, after a vain journey to Normandy to arouse Richard's attention to the wrongs of his subjects, bade open defiance to the justiciar and his tax-gatherers. The Rise of the Democracy
  • I had been in action bombarding the Normandy coast.
  • One of the best improvements is that you actually fly the Normandy.! » BioWare Storms Normandy A 2nd Time! Kryos Calls The Sequel A MASSive Improvement & Extremely EFFECTive!
  • Normandy was a largely autonomous region. 1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
  • He must do homage to Philip for his lands in Normandy and Anjou, accept Philip as his overlord. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • After landing in Normandy he served as a regimental medical officer until the armistice.
  • The German High Command, viewing the Normandy attack as a feint, failed until too late to commit their armored reserves.
  • Arriving in Cherbourg on July 23, we boarded a special train car for a slow rail tour of the Normandy area en route to Copenhagen by way of Paris, Namur, Liège, Aachen, Bremen, and Flensburg, for the first round of embassy dinners and receptions. Going Home to Glory
  • We will be covering all the main events, plus the special commemorations involving the Yorkshire soldiers who fought in the Normandy landings and the battle to liberate Europe.
  • Bourges and Normandy offer some striking examples of the way in which stained glass can magnify the structural disposition of an edifice.
  • I was in Normandy last weekend, will be back there at Easter and then off to Cognac in June - can't go often enough! Rencontre - French Word-A-Day
  • A range was opened near Le Havre on the Normandy coast to test long-range guns, and more workshops were built nearby.
  • More than 100,000 men stormed ashore or landed by parachute or glider in Normandy. The Sun
  • The hangings were of Rouen cretonne imitating old Normandy chintz, and the Louis XV. design — a shepherdess, in a medallion held in the beaks of a pair of doves — gave the walls, curtains, bed, and arm-chairs a festive, rustic style that was extremely pretty! Pierre And Jean
  • Proceeding in three star-studded segments, "Day" covers everything from Allied preparations at sea, to behind-the-lines paratroop drops, to the Normandy invasion itself. John Farr: For Memorial Day, the Best War Movies Ever
  • Peter had a distinguished career in the second world war, taking part in the Normandy invasion and serving in the Far East.
  • The conquest by William of Normandy through the wholesale confiscation and regrant of lands, and through his military arrangements, brought about an almost sudden development and spread of feudalism in England, and it was rapidly systematized and completed in the reigns of his two sons. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
  • King Harold is dead, fallen in a day of savage fighting against Duke William of Normandy.
  • The Germans were preparing to advance across Russia towards Stalingrad and were already bunkered down on the Normandy coast, staring across at England.
  • He emphasises that it is not just Normandy veterans who are invited to be at the showpiece event but men and women who served in any capacity in the services during the Second World War.
  • The use of bombers and fighter-bombers at the frontline helped to ease the path of inexperienced armies that threatened to get bogged down in Normandy and Italy.
  • Allied ground forces in Normandy used a white star for the same reason, and in the Gulf war in 1990-1 Allied vehicles bore a distinguishing chevron.
  • While the Queen's Division Normandy Band entertained and recruiting teams from regiments across the region answered questions, there was the chance to enjoy various activities from climbing to paintballing.
  • By the end of June, over 289,827 tons of supplies had been offloaded onto the Normandy beaches.
  • In the chaos of the nighttime paradrop into Normandy, France, Easy Company, like its sister airborne units, is scattered far and wide across the enemy terrain.
  • We know that the final decision to launch the landing in Normandy in 1944 was made on the strength of a meteorological report.
  • Thousands of landing craft were built to land armies in Normandy and on Pacific islands.
  • The regions of France still retain their English names – Brittany, Normandy, Burgundy, Gascony show no signs of becoming Bretagne, Normandie, Bourgogne or Gascogne. Loss of anglicizations | Linguism
  • The next day was June 6, 1944, D-Day, and these were the men who would invade Normandy. We know where that one goes in the win-loss column.
  • He was part of an air-to-ground liaison group that landed on Juno beach in Normandy on June 6 1944.
  • In western Normandy and on the borders of the rocky Breton peninsula, the open spaces gave way to a landscape of small fields divided by high mounds and tree-strewn hedges, scattered farmsteads and deep sunken roads - the bocage.
  • Women's costumes in Normandy include white, flared bonnets and dresses with wide, elbow-length sleeves.
  • Touring in Normandy is often a stop-start affair, with buildings like this which make you look and linger
  • Truth is that in Neustria, which we call Normandy," lived once a nobleman who had a beautiful daughter; every one asked her in marriage, but he always refused, so as not to part from her. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • Even in Normandy the word fleot has been corrupted, for the town now called Harfleur was formerly correctly designated "Havoflete. The Bishop's Secret
  • Several years ago I stood in Normandy overlooking the St. Lo-Periers Road with the commanding generals of the U.S. Army and Air Force in Europe.
  • A few years later, I took a 5-week tour of France, alone, by train, from one end (Bretagne, Normandy) to the other (St Jean-de-Luz, Lourdes, Narbonne, Nice). Best Tips for Learning French - French Word-A-Day
  • Robert relinquished his claim in return for Henry's territories in Normandy and a large annuity.
  • The Arabs were driven out in 1090 by a band of Norman adventurers under Count Roger of Normandy, who had established a kingdom in southern Italy and Sicily.
  • The Stuart family seems to have emerged from the mists of Normandy in the 11th century and then dwelt long in the mistier lands of Scotland as servants of the crown rather than as royalty in waiting. Servants To Masters
  • On the other hand perhaps the most spectacular failure was that of Duke Robert the Magnificent of Normandy.
  • The mayoress was a thin, elderly country woman with a nod for everyone; her big Normandy cap fitted close round her thin face, making her head, with its round, astonished-looking eyes, look like a white-tufted fowl's, and she ate in little jerks as if she were pecking at her plate. The works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 5 (of 8) Une Vie and Other Stories
  • When William of Normandy conquered England, he rewarded his followers with fiefs: in England, while English land remained so to be parceled out; afterwards (he and his successors) with unconquered lands in Wales, and then in Ireland. they were to carve out baronies and earldoms for themselves; and the Celtic lands thus stolen became known as the Marches: their rulers, more or less independent, but doing homage to the king, as Lords The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • This is an event meant to honour the Americans, British and Canadians who stormed the beaches of Normandy to liberate France and Europe from the German yoke.
  • He spent five years quelling rebellions and establishing Norman authority, building many castles and stocking them with men brought from Normandy.
  • However, D day planners failed to anticipate the difficulties of the Normandy bocage.
  • Although this part of Normandy was badly bombed during the war it has been completely reconstructed.
  • The winning bidder was a partnership between Normandy Real Estate Partners and Five Mile Capital Partners, which holds the senior portion of $700 million in so-called mezzanine debt, or the part that fills the gap between the first mortgage and a borrower's equity. Half-Price Sale: Boston's Hancock Tower
  • The 40th anniversary of the Normandy landings and of V-E and V-J days had filled the air with encomiums to our long-lost martial splendor, and I naively felt bad that B. Bunny had to serve in the debased, modern Marine Corps. Getting Their Guns Off
  • The Normandy Band of the Queen's Division provided a full range of music from marches to the stirring Post Horn Gallop.
  • By the end of the day, some 100,000 soldiers and officers of the Allied armies concentrated on the beaches of Normandy and proceeded to widen the beachhead.
  • The opening 24 minutes of the film is based upon the Normandy landing on D-Day at Omaha Beach in Normandy on June 6, 1944, but that is where the historical side ends and the story takes over. World War 2 Fictional Films | myFiveBest
  • The other sort of butter, which is eaten by the common people, and which in fact is made throughout the whole of Lower Normandy, (the very butter, in short, in which the huge _alose_ was floating in the pot of the lively cuisiniere at A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One
  • Personally I do not believe that our countrymen are buried beneath white tombstones in Normandy or entombed in the USS Arizona so that we can apply the law unevenly or shred the Constitution. CNN Poll: Do Americans want Sotomayor confirmed?
  • Commodore Dayka Smythe was a gunnery control officer seconded to the Royal Navy at the time of the Normandy invasion.
  • Now, with the aid of oil industry technology, the area off Utah and Omaha beaches in Normandy will be mapped, revealing exactly where the tanks were buried.
  • The battlefields of Normandy are drawing increasing numbers of British visitors as the anniversary of D-Day approaches.
  • She was on the trip to Normandy with pupils from Years 9 and 10 when they visited Monet's home, which inspired ‘Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge’ and many of his other Impressionist paintings.
  • Because they were sometimes called Norsemen, their region became known as Normandy and they were called Normans. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The entrance where journalists are allowed to go in looks like Normandy Beach, with tank caltrops, razor wire and sandbagged defensive positions that have taken over half of the square.
  • The bocage terrain of western Normandy favoured the resolute defender, and there was growing concern at an invasion which seemed to have stuck fast.
  • Preparations for the Normandy landings took place here because the terrain is similar to that which faced the Allied invasion forces.
  • The visits to the Normandy became his abiding interest from the mid-1980s. Times, Sunday Times
  • The origins of the duchy of Normandy lie in a grant of territory around Rouen made early in the 10th cent. by the king of the west Franks to a Viking chieftain named Rollo.
  • Rain fell from overcast skies and gale force winds drove large waves on to the beaches of Normandy as dawn broke on Monday June 5, 1944.
  • The question of the administration of liberated areas was still unresolved when the Allied armies launched the Normandy landings on 6 June.
  • Allied forces began the liberation of Europe from Nazi tyranny with the D-Day landings in Normandy, France.
  • France, in all parts of the Empire, the lassitude was extreme and the misery increasing, there was no commerce, with dearth pronounced in twenty provinces, sedition of the hungry had broken out in Normandy, the gendarmes pursuing the "refractories" everywhere, and blood was shed in all thirty departments. Napoleon's Campaign in Russia Anno 1812
  • He spent two years as an orderly at a base hospital in Normandy.
  • Normandy was his homeland and far more vulnerable to sudden attack than was his island kingdom.
  • In Normandy he had traded tins of sardines for live geese, packets of Park Drive for kegs of Calvados. DISPLACED PERSON
  • Allied ground forces in Normandy used a white star for the same reason, and in the Gulf war in 1990-1 Allied vehicles bore a distinguishing chevron.
  • After the loss of Normandy, King John paid the ransom for Gerard and awarded him several sheriffships.
  • These last threats, uttered more obscurely than the others, obviously concerned the person of the King, and at one time the Duke expressed his determination to send for the Duke of Normandy, the brother of the King, and with whom Louis was on the worst terms, in order to compel the captive monarch to surrender either the Crown itself, or some of its most valuable rights and appanages. Quentin Durward
  • As we celebrate this Trinity Sunday, remember not only those who gave their life's blood in the struggle at Normandy, but also give thanks for the faith of our forefathers and foremothers who staked their lives upon their faith in God.
  • He was taken prisoner after the Normandy landings and transported to the Stalag VIIIC PoW camp on the Polish border.
  • Then we started the drive through the bocage of Normandy, the maze of fields, hedges and ditches William the Conqueror shaped to slow down German tanks and Ford Cortinas.
  • Here are the high plains and deeply-cleft bocage country of Normandy, the stony, prehistoric wilds of Brittany, and the richly-planted riversides of the Seine and the Loire.
  • In July 1944 his army was held up between the beaches and the bocage in Normandy.
  • This rival claim, coupled with Normandy's long land frontier, meant that the duchy remained the most vulnerable part of his empire.
  • In the eighteenth century, it was inhabited by tinsmiths from the Auvergne, masons from the Limousin, stonecutters from Normandy and woodworkers from Savoy.
  • With more than 20 world leaders arriving in Normandy at a time of high terror threat, France deployed fighter jets, surface-to-air missiles and 15,000 gendarmes and soldiers for security.
  • Normandy was a largely autonomous region. 1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
  • He'd seen a reasonable place to bunk down, the Hotel Normandy, advertised at 130 francs, douche included. CORMORANT
  • There were H-Hours and D-Days all over the world, but the one in Normandy is the one that has been associated with that term in the decades since. Archive 2005-06-01
  • A Brighton couple aim to build the totally sustainable off-grid Earthship in a small village in Normandy, France.
  • A dogface who waded ashore at Normandy and fought at the Battle of Bastogne gives us with realistic detail a horrifying sense of the firefight.
  • The ensemble who are based in Caen, are the regional chamber orchestra of Lower Normandy.
  • The Conqueror's bishops in Normandy included his half-brother, Odo of Bayeux, and several of high baronial rank.
  • On top of these requirements they had to be strong enough to weather the storms of the Channel and the dramatic tide differences of the Normandy coast.
  • But apparently the owner, Miranda Normandy, is like this centillionaire who doesn't mind splurging her money on the boarding school.
  • the heroic attack on the beaches of Normandy
  • He distinguished himself in Normandy's wars with its neighbours prior to 1066, and also shone at Hastings.
  • Arthur duly did Philip homage and in July he invaded Poitou while Philip attacked Normandy.
  • Not only was travel difficult and slow in the eleventh century, he was also still Duke of Normandy and he had to return to Normandy to maintain his control of this land in France.
  • The four-year-old Kingmambo colt will be syndicated and stand his initial season for a fee of $6,860 at Haras de Victot near Normandy.
  • It will also commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Normandy landings, and many veterans' groups are already lined up to take part in a special event.
  • The northwest corner of France, that promontory which we now call Bretagne, with a part of Normandy adjoining it, formed another island; while to the southeast of it lay the central plateau of France. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863
  • Back on June 6, hours before the main D-Day assault force stormed the beaches, a misplaced parachute drop had deposited his paratroop regiment far from the 5,000-ship Allied armada poised off Normandy's beaches.
  • The climactic action sequence is nothing like anything that occurred in the first weeks of the Normandy invasion.
  • Heads of state, royalty and onlookers will join thousands of veterans from the UK, America and across the Commonwealth at the Normandy beachheads where thousands of troops landed to begin the invasion of Europe.
  • I think the V-10 (which according to a German prisoner in Normandy is the weapon that will end the war) is the one I want to see in operation. and the sooner the better, because V-10, gentlemen, is a genuine war weapon. London Under the Robot Bomb
  • To this day, a casual walk along the Normandy coast reveals scores of entrenched batteries and nearly monumental emplacements of concrete.
  • I had been in action bombarding the Normandy coast.
  • President Sarkozy is in Normandy hosting a summit meeting with the leaders of Russia and Germany. French Protests Over Pension Turn Violent
  • The mammoth task will see the girls swim an amazing 21 miles from the port of Folkestone for another British landing on the beaches of Normandy at Cap Gris Nez.
  • Putting a trademark on SEAL Team 6 is like copyrighting 'The guys who stormed the beach at Normandy,'" joked "The Daily Show" host Jon Stewart last week. Walt Disney Surrenders to Navy's SEAL Team 6
  • For many people in Ireland, the autumn break means a trip to France by ferry to have a quick whizz around Normandy or Brittany, where they usually have just a little more sunshine than us.
  • In the end the brave man who survived the Normandy landings had to admit defeat and it left him a broken man.
  • His academic career was interrupted by World War II; he served as an ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve and was in the third wave to land on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.
  • His last hope of shoring up his flagging position was to relieve Richard's great fortress of Château-Gaillard, the key to Normandy, which Philip was besieging.
  • Flying over Normandy he descended to ground level to escape the fog and to find his bearings.
  • More than 100,000 men stormed ashore or landed by parachute or glider in Normandy. The Sun
  • He was forced into a U-turn after a furious reaction to his plans not to travel to Normandy.
  • Chirac, if asked, would probably think you were talking about the nuclear reprocessing plant at La Hague in Normandy.
  • He must do homage to Philip for his lands in Normandy and Anjou, accept Philip as his overlord. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • However, he was also committed to reconquering his father's lands in Normandy, Anjou and especially in Poitou.
  • It is in connexion with this expedition to Normandy that there first appears in the reign of Henry II the financial levy known as "scutage" -- a form of taxation destined to have a great influence on the financial and military history of England, and perhaps even a greater on its constitutional history. The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John (1066-1216)
  • William's claim was strengthened when Harold, shipwrecked on the coast of Normandy, promise to support William's claim - albeit under some duress.
  • The visits to the Normandy became his abiding interest from the mid-1980s. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early in the narrative, Julia describes the first time she tasted sole meuniere while passing through the town of Rouen in Normandy as a "morsel of perfection. Katie Lee Joel: My Favorite French Recipes
  • This struggle would pit the Americans against the Germans from the beaches and boscage of Normandy to the Ardennes and beyond.
  • New Year's day here, as among the metif, and also the pure descendants of the ancient French of Normandy in Michigan, is a day of friendly visiting from house to house, and cordial congratulations, with refreshments spread on the board for all. Memoirs of 30 Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • Constructed of various concrete caissons and pontoons, the Mulberrys were the innovation that made the Normandy campaign following the D-Day landings possible.
  • The property is approached along an avenue of tall lime trees, much like a château in Normandy. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were five invasion beaches at Normandy.
  • The First Minister eventually decided to go to Normandy, but his decision to do so, and the accompanying apology, was seen as grudging and petulant.
  • Or perhaps you would like to splash out and buy a typical Normandy house with cross-beams, a stone chimney, a huge living room, four bedrooms and 6,000 square metres of tree-planted gardens, all for €165,000.
  • In Normandy the wren is the fire-bringer. {196c} A bird brings fire in the Andaman Modern Mythology

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