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How To Use Normality In A Sentence

  • A complete return to normality may take weeks.
  • Through the mirror was a looking-glass room, the reverse of normality. PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW
  • Further scans are required to confirm the diagnosis of an abnormality.
  • In most cases of gout decreased urinary excretion of urate is the most common metabolic abnormality.
  • She said a post-mortem examination revealed he had suffered ‘a massive heart attack’ caused by a heart abnormality.
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  • Seems like these two crave a little normality - and a bit of ketchup. The Sun
  • Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 
  • The plot option generates the frequency distribution in graphic form (histogram, box, and normal probability plots), and the normal option generates statistics to test the normality of the distribution.
  • Numerous diseases were known to relate with glycan structural abnormality.
  • Although many factors have been linked to preterm delivery, including infection, fetal abnormality and antepartum hemorrhage, no specific cause can be identified in more than one half of all cases.
  • Any problems with the coaxial cable, connectors, jumpers, or the antenna will show up as an abnormality on the display.
  • Now that the civil war is over, relative normality has returned to the south of the country.
  • When the war was over, I became a chartered surveyor and settled down to normality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intuitive judgements of the kind listed above are undoubtedly more informative than gross judgements of abnormality.
  • She hopes that by April the Castle will be returning to normality and brides will walk down the staircase into the spectacular galleried Great Hall which is 80 ft high.
  • Through the mirror was a looking-glass room, the reverse of normality. PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW
  • Normality tests were performed in order to determine whether parametric or non-parametric analyses should be employed.
  • You could hardly call it normality, especially in a country that prefers the inelegant word ‘normalcy’.
  • To peel his clothing from him ... How she envied Billie and Nelson the relative normality of their relationship.
  • The police investigation had passed, the wounds had begun to heal, normality had returned.
  • The simulated experiments demonstrate that our approach can effectively identify local ab- normality in large spatial data sets.
  • Excessive sebum production secondary to sebaceous gland hyperplasia is the first abnormality to occur.
  • Conclusion: Maternal folate deficiency can change the ultrastructure of fetal rat lobus frontalis. It may lead to abnormality of neuronal function and disturb fetal brain development.
  • One reason why this is so, might be that our definitions of abnormality are predicated on definitions of normality.
  • These are our people cut adrift from their normality, a nation all at sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • The will to survive is extraordinary and at times overwhelming, capable of fashioning some form of normality even out of the darkest hour.
  • Babies born to obese women face a higher risk of death, stillbirth, congenital abnormality, shoulder dystocia – where a baby's shoulder becomes stuck during birth – and an increased likelihood of childhood obesity. Mothers who lose weight before further pregnancy 'reduce risks'
  • For example, big purebreds like German shepherds and Labs and Rottweilers, they tend to suffer from hip dysplasia, which is an abnormality that can require hip replacement, and that's pretty expensive. CNN Transcript Jun 14, 2003
  • County clubs continued to survive on subscriptions, waiting for the day that normality would return. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers are still trying to isolate the gene that causes this abnormality.
  • If and when an abnormality is detected, treatment or lifestyle advice may be given to the patient. Times, Sunday Times
  • A painful flatfoot can be a sign of a congenital abnormality or an injury to the muscles and tendons of the foot.
  • Technically speaking, a dimple is a congenital abnormality caused by the cheek muscles failing to develop properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back home, I struggled to return to normality. The Sun
  • Some preventive methods overlap but only one was considered for each congenital abnormality entity.
  • A thyroglossal duct cyst is the most common congenital anomaly of the thyroid gland and midline masses in childhood (70% abnormality in childhood, 7% in adult). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • In clinical practice it is essential to know how a particular test result predicts the risk of abnormality.
  • In his world, normality and abnormality are the same.
  • Researchers are still trying to isolate the gene that causes this abnormality.
  • ROSEMONT, IL -- Marines and other military personnel who are wounded in combat as the result of a high-energy trauma, such as a bomb blast, are likely to develop an abnormality known as heterotopic ossification. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • The opposite may happen for a time during withdrawal before normality returns. Coming Off Tranquillizers and Sleeping Pills
  • I did not expect to discover that being a Christian might put one crossways with the assumptions that shape "normality" -- assumptions that make war unproblematic -- but like it or not, I became convinced that Christians cannot kill. Stanley Hauerwas: The Surprise of Being a Christian
  • But the gauzy Norman Rockwell normality he invoked won't persuade the electorate at a time of 10 percent unemployment, the Damocles sword that hangs over his head for 2012, when voters will get a chance to weigh in directly on his presidency, which he has largely placed in the hands of Ivy League meritocrats more concerned with protecting their wealthy coevals than the general public. Jacob Heilbrunn: Obama's Tactical Press Conference
  • However, pharmacogenomics relates to drug response, not disease risk, and it remains to be seen how a better understanding of the genetic factors involved in therapy may impact on understandings of illness, normality and stigma.
  • We snap back to normality and get the bill. Times, Sunday Times
  • A rigid abnormality was caused by subluxation of the tarsometatarsal joint with subluxation of the metatarsals.
  • He longs for human contact and a semblance of normality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bricolage could also be said to be the master paranormality of Oz because its technique carries over into the structures of the books. Hard Road
  • His missionary teachers sternly announced the message that deviation from normality was a sin against the Emperor.
  • After the flood there was a slow return to normality.
  • It's likely in part a biologically based brain disorder, and there may even be a perceptual abnormality, some kind of fundamental visual processing problem.
  • Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 
  • We're hoping for a return to normality as soon as possible.
  • Therefore, base excess reflects an abnormality in the buffer base concentration.
  • Under the opulent chandelier of the Continental Hotel, well-heeled characters try to simulate bourgeois normality in a world of chaotic street battles and high-level skulduggery.
  • Residuals were examined for normality and homogeneity of variance using graphical procedures.
  • If a neurochemical abnormality in "amnesiac" fruit flies affects their memories, then there's hope that the same neurochemical in humans could be targeted to affectively treat our own memory disorders. Gee Henry: Book Review: Marlene Zuk's 'Sex on Six Legs'
  • Speaking of heart disease, is there a link between the risk of coronary and the risk of having a baby with a congenital abnormality?
  • After an abnormality was found at 21 weeks during a routine ultrasound, Geneva Nino was told that her unborn baby had a congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) – a large mass in the lower part of her left lung. Jocelyn's CCAM story
  • When the war was over, I became a chartered surveyor and settled down to normality. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's likely in part a biologically based brain disorder, and there may even be a perceptual abnormality, some kind of fundamental visual processing problem.
  • On the one hand, it’s your standard ever-popular cossie drama, with added Byron and Shelley; on the other, it’s got weirdness and horror and paranormality, which is also fairly popular viewing. My Next Major TV Series « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • There is something reassuring about the creeping medicalisation of extremes of human normality. Times, Sunday Times
  • If cautious, and the recent events worldwide will make the standard VaR calculations assume lognormality them even more so. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Don't pass on your passions, to settle in the stale normality. Endure. Strive. Ensure. Anthony Liccione 
  • To envision such a society has become extraordinary and so have men who defended with intransigency the right for all to normality. Aldo Civico: Colombia: In Memoriam of Luis Carlos Galan
  • For adults the back to school date signals an end to summer and all that goes with it - normality has returned.
  • The chances of turning up an irrelevant but worrying abnormality are fairly high. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is striking about the pictures, though it should not be, is precisely their unremitting normality.
  • Prevalence of each congenital abnormality entity after prevention was calculated from the birth prevalence and the percentage effectiveness of prevention.
  • The opposite may happen for a time during withdrawal before normality returns. Coming Off Tranquillizers and Sleeping Pills
  • Therefore, base excess reflects an abnormality in the buffer base concentration.
  • Main outcome measures - Prevalence at birth and prevalence after prevention in 73 congenital abnormality types or groups.
  • All Rottweilers showing an abnormality in the hip joint.
  • Any problems with the coaxial cable, connectors, jumpers, or the antenna will show up as an abnormality on the display.
  • If endoscopy shows no obvious abnormality a diagnosis of a primary motility disturbance of the oesophagus such as achalasia should be considered.
  • The handicap is caused by a chromosomal abnormality which basically means that there is an additional chromosome in the cells.
  • A cure was effected in this case by tonics, temperance, regulation of the diet, etc. In Tome xv of the Commentaries of Leipzig there is an account of a man who always had his stercoral evacuations on Wednesdays, and who suffered no evil consequences from this abnormality. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • They are considered symptomatic if there is a known abnormality, cryptogenic if there is presumed but unproven damage, and idiopathic if the disorder is familial or not associated with additional CNS damage.
  • To peel his clothing from him ... How she envied Billie and Nelson the relative normality of their relationship.
  • What is very unlikely in Britain is an end to the exception for foetal abnormality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 
  • He said: 'It brings normality to me. The Sun
  • Wish and hope succeed in discerning signs of paranormality where reason and The Fortune Cookie File from Karl Lehenbauer Part 3
  • She needs to rest and get back to normality. The Sun
  • The bus service on these routes is temporary until the taxi operations get back to normality.
  • In its blithe disregard for niceties the film ends up being a rather clever satire on the whole idea of normality.
  • Their success is only due to some abnormality of the vocal cords, a kind of throat disease. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • In most cases of gout decreased urinary excretion of urate is the most common metabolic abnormality.
  • Therefore, base excess reflects an abnormality in the buffer base concentration.
  • To evaluate the CT findings of the isthmic defect in the lumbar spine and to discuss the diagnosis as well as differential diagnosis of this abnormality.
  • That manly grip on normality so prized by your Tom Hankses and your Harrison Fords is for Carrey a wild and desperate bluff. The Existential Clown
  • When a fetal diagnosis of a fetal abnormality is found, your referring physician should call our Center at 1-800-468-8376 (1-800-IN-UTERO) where our nurse coordinator will obtain your initial medical data by telephone. Fetal Diagnoses
  • When it comes to fiction, paranormality is the new normal. Ben H. Winters: I Write With Dead People: How to Collaborate With a Corpse
  • Aiming at the generation of abnormality random sequence in simulating process, this paper presents the random vector method and table lookup method to make the zero-memory nonlinear transform.
  • She was clinging desperately to normality and self-respect.
  • Nathan thought bitterly about how it was only his abnormality that made him suitable for Leila's purposes.
  • Anyone whose moles showed signs of abnormality was given a letter yesterday to take back to their GP.
  • We did our best to bring normality to our lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • The longer course, larger dosage and longer treatment, the higher incidence of glycometabolism abnormality and diabetes.
  • Serial transverse sections showed homogeneous pale red-brown parenchyma without discrete abnormality.
  • Prevalence of each congenital abnormality entity after prevention was calculated from the birth prevalence and the percentage effectiveness of prevention.
  • Each period of discomfort represents your body getting back to normality. Coping with Angina
  • This relief of renewed normality is delicious -- thanks to Miss West. CHAPTER XV
  • The runs test does not require the normality assumption.
  • I only know that all these steps back to normality were helpful - did not make my grief less, but put it into a controllable shape. THE DISPOSAL OF THE LIVING
  • He saw it now as his mission to establish similar normality in a barbarous land.
  • There were political struggles, there was murmuring and discontent, but these disputes were well within the realm of normality. The English Civil War: A People's History
  • Such an abnormality is called a bilateral gynandromorph. The Albert Lea Tribune
  • Tension-type headache may be stress related or associated with functional or structural cervical or cranial musculoskeletal abnormality.
  • Let them at least have the semblance of normality in their early years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Physical examinations may reveal some testicular or penile abnormality.
  • In Chapter 4, we discuss and prove the consistency and asymptotic normality of maximum likelihood estimate to the exponential models.
  • To peel his clothing from him ... How she envied Billie and Nelson the relative normality of their relationship.
  • Any problems with the coaxial cable, connectors, jumpers, or the antenna will show up as an abnormality on the display.
  • Far to the north Tripoli continued its speedy return to normality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The small size of the abnormality on the senator's stomach lent itself to complete removal through a procedure known as laparoscopic partial gastric resection, aides said. -
  • The tests often have beneficial results by removing some of the anxiety about the possibility of any abnormality.
  • The will to survive is extraordinary and at times overwhelming, capable of fashioning some form of normality even out of the darkest hour.
  • In this paper, empirical euclidean likelihood ratio statistics are constructed for parametric in a nonlinear model. And prove strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimation.
  • Labour's hall these days is full of normal-looking types, but the Tory fightback to normality has barely begun.
  • I like normality and (despite my rants) I like conventionality.
  • This is one of McCarthy's fun contemporary romances, with absolutely no paranormality in sight. Stumbling Over Chaos
  • Frequently ravers would continue into the next day as they necked more pills in a quest to recapture the feeling of the first rush, or to retreat from the depressing re - entry into the grey normality of the everyday.
  • She had to see John's slack and baglike body to overcome the normality of the scene. THE LAST RAVEN
  • In patients disabled by severe dysmotility syndromes, however, they sometimes provide the only objective evidence of abnormality.
  • Yet, evidence is also increasing that abnormality of neurochemical and neurohormonal systems may be related to significant aspects of personality pathology, particularly proneness to aggressive and reckless behavior, pointing to the importance of genetic and constitutional determinants of what is somewhat loosely called "temperament" Stone 1993. Gays are tortured and then killed in Iraq....
  • Proportion of germinated seeds was arcsine transformed to achieve normality, but we were not able to transform timing of anther-stigma contact successfully; however, as the distribution was not skewed, this should pose no serious problem PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In some cases recurrence is a symptom of a congenital abnormality, which may need surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • WASHINGTON - A chromosome abnormality called aneuploidy can cause cancer, US researchers said in a study published Monday, confirming what scientists have long suspected. Top Stories
  • It's very early, but they're specifically targeting in on the lowest part of the brain stem, known as the medulla (ph), figuring that there might be an abnormality in babies who die of SIDS versus other babies. CNN Transcript Nov 1, 2006
  • On examination the only abnormality was a little bilateral basal dullness to percussion accompanied by a decrease in vocal resonance.
  • To one producer he wrote, "I want to highlight the creativity within the brain of a cripple, and while not attempting to hide the crippledom I want instead to filter all sob-storied sentiment from his portrait and dwell upon his life, his laughter, his vision, and his nervous normality. Christopher nolan, under the eye of the clock
  • Banks are not out of the woods, but are inching towards something that resembles normality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their success is only due to some abnormality of the vocal cords, a kind of throat disease. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • But as you return to your own normality, spare a thought for those who cannot walk away.
  • I initial referred to this abnormality as the “UPP” (“Unnecessary Pussy Paunch”) but then I remember that someone once told me that this was called the FUPA (pronounced “foo-pah”, the “Fat Upper Pussy Area.”) Drbigbeef Diary Entry
  • In some cases recurrence is a symptom of a congenital abnormality, which may need surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • You don't really believe he has a chromosomal abnormality, do you? AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • If a polyp or abnormality is found, your doctor may choose to remove it with a snare or using cautery.
  • A few days of normality, full board --- what a welcome mini-break that would be. MAN AND WIFE
  • Electrocardiograms, looking for a specific abnormality known as prolongation of the QT interval (the time it takes the heart to discharge and recharge on an EKG) taken prior to, and at intervals after starting the drug, should be done. Newer antipsychotics pose risk of death
  • His missionary teachers sternly announced the message that deviation from normality was a sin against the Emperor.
  • None of it sat easily for a player who craves normality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any abnormality or change of these chromosomes causes congenital deformity and abnormal function.
  • RAM is closely related with the normal work in all kinds of single chip processor application systems, it is impossible to make sure of RAM's normality in order to avoid unexpected harm.
  • The danger of these regimes is also in inflicting on multitudes the state of mass fear and, consequently, the state of psychological abnormality.
  • Sick sinus syndrome is a generalized abnormality of cardiac impulse formation that may be caused by an intrinsic disease of the sinus node that makes it unable to perform its pacemaking function, or by extrinsic causes.
  • That he chose to open up about the dilemma between security and normality indicates rough times ahead.
  • He also requires further assessment by a neurosurgeon to exclude any neurological abnormality in view of his bizarre symptoms and signs.
  • Many women choose prophylactic mastectomies and oophorectomies when tested positive for this gene abnormality. The Volokh Conspiracy » Gene Patent(s?) Invalidated:
  • The keynote speaker wrote, "Antipsychotic drugs do not fix any known brain abnormality nor do they put brain chemistry back into balance. DJ Jaffe: People With Mental Illness Shunned by Alternatives 2010 Conference in Anaheim
  • Another serious problem associated with first chakra abnormality is chronic constipation, which is extremely common. Meditation as Medicine
  • Technically speaking, a dimple is a congenital abnormality caused by the cheek muscles failing to develop properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cardiovascular side effects have included fluid retention, sodium retention, congestive heart failure, potassium loss, hypokalemic alkalosis the most common metabolic abnormality resulting from vomiting and fluid loss. Hollye Harrington Jacobs: Breast Cancer Chemotherapy: Everything You Wish You Didn't Need to Know
  • After the flood there was a slow return to normality.
  • There was no evidence of villous abnormality or parasites on duodenal biopsy.
  • If, however , the sample sizes are large enough, we do not need the assumption of normality.
  • Now that the civil war is over, relative normality has returned to the south of the country.
  • The will to survive is extraordinary and at times overwhelming, capable of fashioning some form of normality even out of the darkest hour.
  • Prevalence of each congenital abnormality entity after prevention was calculated from the birth prevalence and the percentage effectiveness of prevention.
  • The degree of abnormality can range from mild to extreme and can affect other skeletal problems including hip dysplasia, luxating patellae, osteochondritis dissecans and spina bifida.
  • Through the mirror was a looking-glass room, the reverse of normality. PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW
  • For all that, the normality of the residues was tested using the Shapiro test and the homoscedasticity (homogeneity of the variances) using the Bartlett test. Signs of the Times
  • Farmers too want a return to normality in the countryside because many of us are also very dependent on tourism for a large part of our income.
  • If blood or urine tests show any abnormality, detailed evaluation is required.
  • Abnormality has also been defined in terms of both statistical and social norms - behaviour that is statistically uncommon is seen as abnormal.
  • Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 
  • It is easy to see how, living here, she can maintain what's most important to her: a grip on normality.
  • Many etiologies can induce winging scapula, including trauma, infection, iatrogenic injury, congenital abnormality, and the impairment of periscapular nerves, muscles, bones and joints.
  • Patients who have organic brain disease are more likely to have an abnormality than those who do not.
  • Abnormality shape assembly mark:Can steer sur the guest type meticulous assorting, make each other form intimate of small atmosphere.
  • Jaw defect is a common disease in the mouth medicine, which could be caused by tumor, congenital abnormality, trauma and serious firearm damage.
  • Cardiovascular side effects have included fluid retention, sodium retention, congestive heart failure, potassium loss, hypokalemic alkalosis the most common metabolic abnormality resulting from vomiting and fluid loss. Hollye Harrington Jacobs: Breast Cancer Chemotherapy: Everything You Wish You Didn't Need to Know
  • Some concepts suggest an abnormality in Sertoli cells in the fetal or neonatal period.
  • Patients were defined as having the pulmonary hemorrhage or infarction syndrome it they had hemoptysis, pleuritic pain, or atelectasis or parenchymal abnormality on the chest radiograph.
  • Certain people with an inherited blood abnormality develop a serious disorder called favism, if they eat these beans or even inhale their pollen. Pythagoras
  • After nearly an hour underground we returned to the surface, back to normality.
  • [11] Such an abnormality distorts perception; it leaves a vacuum and (in Forrester's words) "prohibits any global vision of the world, any vision of the human species" (181). My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • These children exhibited significant problems of scholastic underachievement, without any evidence of mental subnormality, learning difficulty or any behavioural or emotional disorder.
  • Reports from British clinics suggest two or three cases a week relate to foetal abnormality.
  • Perhaps some kind of semblance of normality can now return.
  • The same is true of the construct of normality.
  • One definition of health is the state of an organism functioning normally without disease or abnormality.
  • The defence have said medical evidence gleaned from tests on Mr Harris' brain shows he suffers from a rare abnormality.
  • To me it felt like a last gasp of normality, an act of defiance in the face of the impending trial. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • The champagne has been drunk and normality has resumed. Times, Sunday Times
  • If she craved some normality back in those days, she must be crying out for it now. Times, Sunday Times
  • It took a considerable time for the studio to return to normality. Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing
  • In both models, kurtosis was the primary reason for rejection of normality.
  • Don't pass on your passions, to settle in the stale normality. Endure. Strive. Ensure. Anthony Liccione 
  • Prevalence of each congenital abnormality entity after prevention was calculated from the birth prevalence and the percentage effectiveness of prevention.
  • In Kojima's study, stapedial abnormality was seen more commonly than other ossicular dislocations.
  • I go through my life with this dread that the repetitive normality and contentedness is always on the brink of ending due to some disaster.
  • Soon perhaps he might return to normality. Man of Honour
  • In a reversal of normality, the Eiger had stared through a telescope at her.
  • It's likely in part a biologically based brain disorder, and there may even be a perceptual abnormality, some kind of fundamental visual processing problem.
  • Correcting a functional abnormality, such as hypoxemia with oxygen therapy, can preserve life while the lung undergoes healing.
  • Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 
  • It is a congenital abnormality which covers a spectrum ranging from a simple bifid renal pelvis to a complete ureteropelvic duplication.

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