How To Use Normalcy In A Sentence

  • Check out this weaselly use of the passive: “Though both words are in common use, normality is considered preferable to normalcy.” Robert Hartwell Fiske strikes me as a prig and a bully « Motivated Grammar
  • This engendered a longing for normalcy, a sense of fatalism and passivity, but, ironically, also a willingness to take risks.
  • Gaunt mothers and children sat near their tents, sometimes boiling water for tea, a ritual of normalcy that they still maintained.
  • These three performances not only adhere to the tone of the film, they enhance it - the film's balance between the stylized normalcy of reality and creepy surreality is brought to life through these three actors.
  • There can be periods of high political tension but then normalcy returns.
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  • A semblance of normalcy returned to the retirement community as the sounds of classical music, current technopop, sports, soap operas, and the occasional furtively tuned-in erotic movie resonated contentedly from apartment vid speakers. Codgerspace
  • The effect of the false normalcy is to twist the building tensions of subsequent abnormalities all the more tautly. Rodney Punt: Turn of the Screw Gets a Stunning New Turn at LA Opera
  • It is a struggle of already free people for complete social acceptance and the sense of normalcy that follows thereof - a struggle for the eradication of the homosexual stigma.
  • It is good to see that once more, our courtrooms will return to normalcy, discharging justice to the nation in a free and fair manner.
  • Underneath this image of normalcy, addiction threatened to rip this family apart.
  • I am fed up with the decent usb flash storage of elite, sitter, ads and freebie normalcy the tarot that bookseller to straightforwardness for the pachisi of the pachycheilia and illyria. Rational Review
  • It took the gay-rights movement 30 years to shift from the Stonewall riots to gay marriage; now its transgender wing, long considered the most subversive, is striving for suburban normalcy too. A Boy's Life
  • I could never understand why such abominable and silly doggerel as ‘Casey at the Bat’ ever became the canonical poem of both American baseball and the normalcy of failure in general.
  • don't spend time reading much other than newspaper, book club selection of the month and GOBS and GOBS ofheavy depressing emails about the state of our world (and ofcourse aboutour fleeting democracy andour long-lost decent electoral system). so thanks for the female insights and for the normalcy! (Almost) Everything I know I Picked Up at the Pool
  • Even as a raving crank, Joe has weird delusions of normalcy.
  • This prom is a way to give back some of that normalcy. For one cancer patient, it was a prom night to remember
  • But you can usually see reasons for their gender-identity abnormalcy in early environmental influences, either in home or out-of-home influences. The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England
  • De Niro's performance communicates his longing for normalcy so well that the movie doesn't need Bassett as the moral balance who tells him to quit jacking diamonds.
  • ‘Normal’ travel patterns are discovered, and deviants from that normalcy are subjected to greater scrutiny at the airport.
  • She continued to improve and her family heaved a sigh of relief and started limping back towards normalcy.
  • I feared my own words might break the spell of normalcy.
  • But they are discomfited by the normalcy of it all.
  • Underneath this image of normalcy, addiction threatened to rip this family apart.
  • A prolonged abnormalcy in Japan will certainly affect the material supplies in the Philippine electronics industry," said Ernie Santiago , president of the Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines. Worries Rise Over Disrupted Supplies
  • Slowly, as June crept on, life began to take on some semblance of normalcy for most of the residents of London.
  • But just as the company is getting back to normalcy, another downturn in traveller numbers following the recent events in the US thwacked it again.
  • She continued to improve and her family heaved a sigh of relief and started limping back towards normalcy.
  • I thought her use of the phrase "pre-crime" to describe the "likely to expose a person or persons to hatred" wording of section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act was brilliant -- it showed the abnormalcy of criminalizing something that might or might not happen in the future. Do we need a "war council" to fight the HRCs? - Ezra Levant
  • Flagrant (that is too say, female, gay, primitive) pleasure is a dangerous and spontaneous force in a (still) masculinist society that dictates desire's boundaries, subjects, objects, normalcy, arenas of delight or prurience. ArtScene: Southern California's Top Ten Exhibition Picks for 2010
  • Her priority is to maintain an impenetrable veneer of normalcy, of successful, aspirational living while he longs to wake up from the monotony of his existence and start living again.
  • SARAH PALIN, (R) ALASKA: When my amniocentesis results came back showing what they called abnormalities, oh, dear God, I knew I had instantly an understanding for that fleeting moment why someone would believe it could seem possible to change those circumstances, just make it all go away and get some normalcy back in life. CNN Transcript Apr 17, 2009
  • Normalcy, in this version, was conceived as full integration - without any of the surreptitious derogations and defaults of the past - into a liberalised European economy.
  • He said that the government was committed to restore normalcy and hold elections in the Punjab.
  • You could hardly call it normality, especially in a country that prefers the inelegant word ‘normalcy’.
  • Penhall plies his pen widely, commenting on the dilapidated National Health Service and the nature of perception, sanity, and normalcy.
  • I'm just beginning to reassume some form of normalcy.
  • And that starts with introducing the mass of Canadian voters to human rights commissions, and introducing them in a manner that demonstrates the abnormalcy of these commissions -- how they fly in the face of our instinctive Canadian notions of justice, fair play, freedoms, pluralism, etc. Ezra Levant: May 2008 Archives
  • Underneath this image of normalcy, addiction threatened to rip this family apart.
  • It was possible - just possible - that my leaving had shocked him back to normalcy. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • He called a meeting of senior and responsible people of the village to bring normalcy in the locality and after describing the incident as shameful, he assured the people of a magisterial enquiry.
  • Until 2003, scientists knew that the principal distinction between the “normalcy” of a cell and the “abnormalcy” of a cancer cell lay in the accumulation of genetic mutations—ras, myc, Rb, neu, and so forth—that unleashed the hallmark behaviors of cancer cells. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • New Delhi: India today said it will take whatever steps are needed to prevent and defeat "inimical" elements against peace and normalcy in Jammu and Kashmir. Daily News & Analysis
  • Nations. yep, it's pretty quaint stuff, couched in terms of newness and normalcy, of foreigness and familiarity. it describes the music as modern and "swingy" and yet timeless, as being of universal appeal - they belong to everyone - and yet "from a single nationality." i wonder whether the universalist rhetoric was meant to appeal to non-jews or simply to jews ambivalent about their jewishness? or am i simply being naive about midcentury, metropolitan jewishness? it is interesting to me also that, apparently, zionist discourse had not yet divorced the term palestinian from any association with jewish heritage.
  • One of my concerns, echoing those of Duster, is the manner in which external traits previously linked to race might now become microscopic objects of distrust and abnormalcy.
  • But he credits his religion and several social service groups with helping him slowly regain a sense of normalcy.
  • Harding-which had always seemed like the natural climax of the season-was premised on the title concept of the "return to normalcy": that is, after a period in which the country suffered its involvement in the gruesome Great War and went through a period of reformist upheaval at home, it was time for everyone to calm down and focus on quietly prospering. Top Stories
  • The election is viewed as a first step toward its return to stability, normalcy and democracy, according to the officials.
  • Many are looking for comfort in the ordinary, as the community struggles to re-create a semblance of normalcy. A Day to Bid Farewell to Tsunami Dead
  • Although the drug cannot curb progression of the disease, it can stimulate temporary normalcy of limb movement for long stretches in a day.
  • While referring to the hollow slogans of certain parties, Sagar said that they are trying to befool the people as situation has shown considerable improvement and normalcy has been restored. J&K Minister said that Kashmir solution would be found very soon
  • Old friends celebrated our defeat and the return to normalcy with a nauseating moral rectitude.
  • Steve Chapman writes today about terrorism, fear, and the return to normalcy.
  • We had forced upon ourselves the very normalcy we disdained so often in the lives of others and deftly avoided in our own. Losing Found Things
  • This uproarious comedy about the questionable normalcy of a 1950s nuclear family under inspection by one of Eisenhower's agents only gets better the more it indulges its own silly irreverence.
  • Their normal mode of operations is to fade - trade against - market extremes and for the return to normalcy.
  • Professionals tend to trade against deviations and for the return to normalcy.

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