
How To Use Noria In A Sentence

  • Est-ce que vous aviez Chi è vossignoria? jamais un père? Punch, or the London Charivari. Volume 1, July 31, 1841
  • I had a reason to expect much from this work, based on other compositions of his, especially his outstanding Edgar Allan Poe song cycle for baritone and piano Lenoriana.
  • In Queretaro: Cheap but clean and just a few blocks west of the Plaza de Armas, The Hotel Senorial, probably about $24 dols/day. The colonial cities
  • There are magnificent avenues of elm-trees, great gardens encircled by the moat, and a circumference of walls about a huge manorial pile which represents the profits of the maltote, the gains of farmers-general, legalized malversation, or the vast fortunes of great houses now brought low beneath the hammer of the Civil Code. A Woman of Thirty
  • Mrs. Honoria leaned her two round arms on the mezzanine rail, and looked long and earnestly down upon the caucussing lobby throng. The Honorable Senator Sage-Brush
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  • I mean--- "Her gaze trapped in crystal green, Honoria fought the urge to gnash her teeth. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • Colliva, “Bologna dal XIV al XVIII secolo: ‘Governo misto’ o signoria senatoria?” in A. Delizia!
  • In Mysidiella newtonae n. sp., from the early Norian of the Wallowa Terrane of Oregon, the lunule is even shorter and more deeply incurved than in M. orientalis.
  • There were two kinds of manorial court - the court baron and the court leet.
  • Charles McCurdy has written a fascinating account of the ‘Anti-Rent’ movement that formed in New York in 1839 in opposition to these manorial tenures.
  • They regarded knighthood as a part of their signorial parade. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Third series
  • Mr. Millar was rejoiced that he had done a charitable action, and Lady Egerton and Honoria were secretly happy in the idea of enquiring further into the story, and contributing to the future relief of this apparently unfortunate young couple. Honoria Sommerville
  • Waster came in for these hereditaments; though the year 1789 deprived him of all seignorial rights save to the rents paid by his tenants, which amounted to some ten thousand francs per annum. Two Poets
  • As with manorial surveys, women and children are less likely to be mentioned in manorial court records than men.
  • signoria" into a family possession, though leaving the burghers a share in the government. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Here and there were high-backed signorial chairs, thrones, and stools. Là-bas
  • El licenciado interrumpió de nuevo y dijo -- Su señoría, estoy tratando de establecer el hecho de que en la escena del accidente este hombre le dijo al patrullero de caminos que se encontraba bien, ahora, varias semanas después está tratando de cobrar una demanda a mi cliente y creo que esto es un fraude. Chon y su vaca favorita Bessie/ a joke that requires translating
  • The rich, painterly textures and sober use of color in his "matter paintings" lent a moving solemnity - the critic John Russell referred to their "seignorial dignity" - to works that "seemed to have been not so much painted as excavated from an idiosyncratic compound of mud, sand, earth, dried blood and powdered minerals. NYT > Home Page
  • Much of this had been granted in the form of hereditary manorial estates to aristocratic families or important monasteries.
  • In irised out had on urban area big land, ancient was the solemn manorial lord drives to eagerly anticipate us personally to visit him to construct to take vacation newly the manor.
  • Assuredly the feeble signoria will not venture to refuse compliance. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844
  • In some areas of Germany seignorial authority was already declining with the growth of a large number of masterless, landless workers. Food That Tastes Good and is Good For You, Too
  • By the 13th century most manorial lords had established two courts, leet and baron, which met at the same place and whose proceedings followed one another.
  • In the usual fashion (I ought rather to say, in what was then the usual fashion), the offices and house-serfs 'huts surrounded the manorial house on all sides, and the garden was close to it -- a small garden, but containing fine fruit-trees, juicy apples, and pipless pears. A Desperate Character and Other Stories
  • Although they did not deny the legality of seignorial property outright, the Physiocrats undercut its legitimacy by representing seignorial rights as the product of the lords 'historic violence and tyranny over the peasantry. Food That Tastes Good and is Good For You, Too
  • I am staying on the bank of the Psyol, in the lodge of an old signorial estate. Letters of Anton Chekhov
  • I mean--- "Her gaze trapped in crystal green, Honoria fought the urge to gnash her teeth. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • The villeins of the manorial estates, of the great farms, the mines, and the forests. A REVIEW
  • El licenciado interrumpió de nuevo y dijo -- Su señoría, estoy tratando de establecer el hecho de que en la escena del accidente este hombre le dijo al patrullero de caminos que se encontraba bien, ahora, varias semanas después está tratando de cobrar una demanda a mi cliente y creo que esto es un fraude. Chon y su vaca favorita Bessie/ a joke that requires translating
  • Manorial lords typically held many estates throughout England, the estates being run on a day to day basis by bailiffs or stewards.
  • Seignorial rights of this kind were commonly less dependent on lordship over ploughland, and less concerned with labour services, than the classic model of the manor would imply.
  • In the rearrangement of the Angerthas the following principles are observable (evidently inspired by the Fëanorian system): (1) adding a stroke to a branch added ‘voice’; (2) reversing the certh indicated opening to a ‘spirant’; (3) placing the branch on both sides of the stem added voice and nasality. The Lord of the Rings
  • The religious, municipal, signorial, and ecclesiastical functions of the little town are centralised around the open market-place, on which the common people transacted business and discussed affairs. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Third series
  • The noria is a water powered machine that is most suitable in areas where there are fast flowing streams whose courses are some distance below the surrounding fields. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • As owner of this fief, Claude Follow was one of the “seven times twenty-one” seigneurs claiming manorial dues in Paris and its suburbs; and in that capacity his name was long to be seen inscribed between the Hôtel de Tancarville, belonging to Maître François le Rez, and the College of Tours, in the cartulary deposited at Saint-Martin des Champs. II. Claude Frollo. Book IV
  • The first complete afternoon, we passed the duomo, Piazza della Signoria, the Arno River - and in the end we just wanted to find a quiet little restaurant, void of tourist talk and familiar accents.
  • In 1713, when Britain acquired Acadia, they were some 2,300 French habitants living on seigneuries, under the manorial system which France established in her colonies.
  • At the top I was enveloped in an atmosphere found only in museums, in signorial mansions and old-fashioned merchant houses; it seemed like the smell of something long past, which had once lived and died and had left its soul in the rooms. The Chorus Girl and Other Stories
  • The landowning peasants and village elites who were subjected to signorial lordship normally remained landowners, and still were when signorial powers faded again in the thirteenth century.
  • The noria (Fig. 3.18) or water wheel is a cheap and economical means of lifting water up to 3 or 4 meters (10 or 12 feet) above the water surface of a river or small stream. 1.1 The role and purpose of irrigation
  • And, finally, the great labour of the watering: the traditional noria, turned by a little bull with bandaged eyes and, above all, the shaduf, worked by men whose naked bodies stream with the cold water. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • She didn't expect him to suddenly strike out and punch her in the gut with his hand wrapped around Norianna's hilt.
  • Both in the English and in the French Revolutions the property question presented itself in such wise that it seemed to be imperative to enforce free competition and to effect the abolition of all feudal property relations, such as manorial rights, guilds, monopolies, which had been transformed into fetters upon the industry which was developing between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. Selected Essays
  • The manorial village was never completely self-sufficient because salt, millstones or perhaps metalware were not available and had to be obtained from outside sources.
  • On June 22 some 30 members visited a Tudor Manor with formal manorial garden set in a steep and secluded wooded coomb.
  • Influenced by the liberal doctrines of the Enlightenment, German reformers tried to accelerate and regulate this process by limiting seignorial dues and services in hopes that liberation from the most oppressive aspects of seignorialism and a larger stake in the produce of a seigniory would encourage peasants to work harder. Food That Tastes Good and is Good For You, Too
  • The lifting buckets of the noria class, Figs. 26 and 27, can be made of positive dimensions to suit the computations as above; but those of the tympanum class, Fig. 25, should be made of dimensions to conform with the required capacity at the moment of leaving the water, as the water at this point flows into the arm. Scientific American Supplement, No. 799, April 25, 1891
  • Corvées of ploughing and long-distance cartage were the most durable elements of the manorial system and were the services most wanted by the lord.
  • Water wheels of various forms for this purpose have been used from time immemorial in Europe, Asia and Egypt, where the record gives examples of wheels of the noria class from 30 to 90 feet in diameter; the term Scientific American Supplement, No. 799, April 25, 1891
  • They are being sold by Manorial Auctioneers of London on behalf of Lord Hothfield, a Cumbrian-based baron whose lineage stretches back to the middle ages.
  • There are magnificent avenues of elm-trees, great gardens encircled by the moat, and a circumference of walls about a huge manorial pile which represents the profits of the maltote, the gains of farmers-general, legalized malversation, or the vast fortunes of great houses now brought low beneath the hammer of the Civil Code. A Woman of Thirty
  • The class of small thegns had broadened into a rural squirearchy, and Domesday Book shows that in 1066 England contained hundreds of manorial lords.
  • I would not try to say how far the common extended, or how far its privileges; but the land about is mostly held in great estates, like most of the land in England, and no doubt there are signorial rights which overlie the popular privileges. London Films
  • Though this hut owed to the neighborhood of the town a few improvements which were wholly absent from such buildings that were five or six miles further off, it showed plainly enough the instability of domestic life and habits to which the wars and customs of feudality had reduced the serf; even to this day many of the peasants of those parts call a seignorial chateau, "The Dwelling. The Chouans
  • And though the necessities of modern life, the decay of wealth, the dwindling of old aristocracy, and the absorption of what was once an independent state in the Italian nation, have obliterated that large signorial splendour of the Middle Ages, we feel that the modern Sienese are not unworthy of their courteous ancestry. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Third series
  • Thus it was that toward 1215, or pretty nearly contemporaneously with the epoch when men like Grosseteste began to show restlessness under the extortionate corruption of the Church, the villein was discovered to be able to defend his claim to some portion of the increment in the value of the land which he tilled and which was due to his labor: and this title the manorial courts recognized, because they could not help it, as a sort of tenant right, calling it a customary tenancy by base service. The Emancipation of Massachusetts
  • And, finally, the great labour of the watering: the traditional noria, turned by a little bull with bandaged eyes and, above all, the shaduf, worked by men whose naked bodies stream with the cold water. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • As they turned toward the ducal apartments, he slid his arm about Honoria and drew her against him. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • Al Señor Marqués y á mi Señora la Marquesa, hermano de V.M. beso las manos de sus Señorias, y que aunque he andado léjos, no me olvido en mis pobres oraciones de suplicar á nuestro Señor por sus Señorias: y por V.M. no hago mucho, pues es mi Señor, y Padre de Confesion. The Letters of St. Teresa
  • Yet manorial extents from the 1200s onwards often indicate considerable changes in the area of the lord of the manor's demesne and its management.
  • This system, this economic side of feudalism, is what we know as the manorial system. The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John (1066-1216)
  • From your link: The largest noria in the world, with a diameter of about 20 meters, is located in the Syrian city of Hama. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » I Would LOve to See This Happen
  • Many features of manorial jurisdiction as practised in 1280 cannot have gone back more than a hundred years, because they so plainly echoed recent developments in superior courts.
  • The peasants also refused to pay taxes, tithes and manorial dues to their landlords, whom they held responsible for their economic plight.
  • Parece un tumultuoso viaje al cielo y los infiernos del Amor, con todas las subidas y bajadas de las montañas rusas, o las de la noria de la que habla la canción. - Articles related to Product Review: Easy Cake Chocolate Cake with Dark Chocolate
  • manorial accounts
  • By the late eighteenth century, property in western Europe was gradually emerging from its seignorial cocoon, but this did not mean that it had lost all its political significance. Food That Tastes Good and is Good For You, Too
  • The subtenants of the manorial estates and great farms A REVIEW
  • Manorialism and feudalism presupposed a stable social order in which every individual knew their place.
  • Defenders of seignorial rights tried to turn the tables on the Physiocrats by contending that these rights were "natural" properties acquired legitimately through contracts freely entered into by tenants. Food That Tastes Good and is Good For You, Too
  • Hence the ‘multiple estate’, the federation of distinct ‘vills’ or townships linked to one manorial centre, which was still prominent in many parts of England in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
  • Penn was a feudal lord who could create manorial courts; furthermore, Penn could not transfer his royally delegated powers to the people, but only to a deputy such as himself.
  • During the Norian age the fortunes of the many types of Carnian terrestrial herbivores seem to have declined.
  • noria," as it was called in the book, in front of the camp. The Scientific American Boy The Camp at Willow Clump Island
  • El licenciado interrumpió de nuevo y dijo -- Su señoría, estoy tratando de establecer el hecho de que en la escena del accidente este hombre le dijo al patrullero de caminos que se encontraba bien, ahora, varias semanas después está tratando de cobrar una demanda a mi cliente y creo que esto es un fraude. Chon y su vaca favorita Bessie/ a joke that requires translating
  • We are going some day to hear the debates, but it has pleased their signoria to fix upon twelve (noon) for meeting, and really I do not dare to go out in the sun. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2)
  • Wendy doesn't have a peerage - her's is a simple manorial title, but the two often get confused.
  • Srei is looking to sell a 10% to 15% stake in some of these road projects, said Hemant Kanoria , the company's chairman and managing director. Srei Infra to Sell Stake in Projects, Raise Funds
  • Francesco Maria della Rovere (1508-38), his sister's child, and thus the signoria of Sinigaglia was united to Urbino. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • And that defeats librettist da Ponte's careful working of class divisions within a single manorial household. Donna Perlmutter: Postino and Figaro: Underclass Heroes Who Usher in L.A. Opera's 25th Season
  • The Italian republics and signorial states were headed by the new bourgeois class which, moreover, was beginning to acquire political importance also in the great monarchies of France, England, and Spain. RENAISSANCE HUMANISM
  • El licenciado interrumpió de nuevo y dijo -- Su señoría, estoy tratando de establecer el hecho de que en la escena del accidente este hombre le dijo al patrullero de caminos que se encontraba bien, ahora, varias semanas después está tratando de cobrar una demanda a mi cliente y creo que esto es un fraude. Chon y su vaca favorita Bessie/ a joke that requires translating
  • Influenced by the liberal doctrines of the Enlightenment, German reformers tried to accelerate and regulate this process by limiting seignorial dues and services in hopes that liberation from the most oppressive aspects of seignorialism and a larger stake in the produce of a seigniory would encourage peasants to work harder. Food That Tastes Good and is Good For You, Too
  • Gradually a system of obligations and service emerged, especially relating to manorial agrarian management, and set down in records called custumals.
  • In the larger seignorial domains, the old bailiff, himself a serf, was displaced by the free farmer. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Portanto, antes de enxotar essa minoria de dentro do Senado como se fosse cão pequeno, examine-se se ela não faz coro com a vontade de uma maioria atenta que, do lado de fora do Senado, são brasileiros de voz e vez, ao menos em época de eleição. Global Voices in English » Brazil: On the meaning of “Minorities with a majority complex”
  • Members may know that under the manorial system, the bailiff, the steward, and the reeve were important officers.
  • Lanoria, dressed in a white nightshirt, lay sprawled on his back, arms and legs aspread. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Nay, even the _signoria_ of the noble families do the same, as they walk through the gardens, and think them such a luxury that they eat them raw for breakfast. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860
  • Honoria moved past him; without a backward glance, she retreated to her bedchamber. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • It also gives the manorial net income (referred to as the ‘annual value’) and tax assessment.
  • In the usual fashion (I ought rather to say, in what was then the usual fashion), the offices and house-serfs’ huts surrounded the manorial house on all sides, and the garden was close to it — a small garden, but containing fine fruit-trees, juicy apples, and pipless pears. A Desperate Character
  • His son Borghese Petrucci, who succeeded him in the signoria, was in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • El licenciado interrumpió de nuevo y dijo -- Su señoría, estoy tratando de establecer el hecho de que en la escena del accidente este hombre le dijo al patrullero de caminos que se encontraba bien, ahora, varias semanas después está tratando de cobrar una demanda a mi cliente y creo que esto es un fraude. Chon y su vaca favorita Bessie/ a joke that requires translating
  • In short, in Ireland the ownership is dual: the landlord is merely the lord of a quasi-copyhold manor, consisting of numerous small tenements held by quasi-copyholders who, so long as they pay what may be called the manorial rents, and fulfil the manorial conditions, regard themselves as independent owners of their holdings. Handbook of Home Rule Being articles on the Irish question
  • The Physiocrats, too, advocated the gradual scaling back of seignorial dues, as well as the elimination of state-imposed restrictions on the use and disposition of property, which they portrayed as impediments to expanding output. Food That Tastes Good and is Good For You, Too
  • Liz Hart, from the National Advisory Service, provides an introduction to the various types of manorial records and offers a practical guide to using the Manorial Documents Register. Podcast: The Manorial Documents Register
  • Kerl is even more remarkable: a tenorial rather than baritonal-sounding hero, whose slightly pinched timbre grows in resonance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Precise statements of labour services owed by landholders to the lord of the manor were set out in ‘custumals’, documents produced in manorial courts under oath.
  • How has your signoria fared since we fought side by side at Lepanto? Westward Ho!
  • Norias later became more widespread during the Muslim Agricultural Revolution and were in large-scale use in the medieval Islamic world,2 where Muslim engineers made a number of improvements to the noria. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » I Would LOve to See This Happen
  • I. ‘Per far visita a sua signoria, ecco il motivo.’ Lavengro
  • Sigifredo, if the tradition may be trusted, was very wealthy; and with his money he bought lands and signorial rights at Reggio, bequeathing to his children, when he died about 945, a patrimony which they developed into a petty kingdom. Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Second Series

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