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How To Use Noose In A Sentence

  • He tugged at the neck of his turtleneck sweater feeling like it was a noose tightening with each attack.
  • Can classical music escape the noose? Times, Sunday Times
  • She shaped the words, unable to speak them with the knot of his noose twisting into her voicebox.
  • Now they are a noose around my neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the noose and lifeline metaphors dramatize the in-culture ‘factness’ of much writing, its consequentiality, rather than the seductive pleasures of its speculative realm.
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  • Faced by an overwhelmingly superior force, our badly depleted three divisions had barely escaped being bagged in the net of which the enemy had all but drawn the noose in a strategetic surrounding movement. The Escape of a Princess Pat Being the full account of the capture and fifteen months' imprisonment of Corporal Edwards, of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, and his final escape from Germany into Holland
  • The lemkin peered up at the giant and fingered the rope noose nervously. The Size of Things « A Fly in Amber
  • Would you pause to think about the 2-pound belt around your burnoose before running to the light? Month-end inventory (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Captain Stanley: Now, suppose I told you there was a way to save your little brother Mikey from the noose. Eric’s Top 10 Non-Christmas Christmas Movies » Scene-Stealers
  • Of course the Left is the side of saints and angels; if they believed in them; with Bush effigies in nooses and the like. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Clinton Terror Bill
  • Khaki clad, bloused boots, burnooses obscuring their features, bearded men with necks wrapped in shemaghs in the green-black pattern so beloved by many. Dead Zero
  • The tidal wave of public spending has delivered some better roads, but it has not eased the gridlock that grips the capital city and, increasingly, tightens a noose around towns and cities around the country.
  • At that end, a set of automated pulleys raise and lower noose-like weights onto the end of the veil, which hold the air in for the final part of the sequence, creating a large whale-like shape.
  • Led to the scaffold from a death row cell, he was prepped for the noose by a masked executioner.
  • He can barely pay the recently increased rent from his pension money, but there seems no way out of this noose.
  • That was the first squeamishness the Pathan had shown of any kind, but men of his race would rather be tortured to death than hanged in a merciful hempen noose. In The Time Of Light
  • A pair of grounded birds flapped their finlike wings, trying to flee; like Eva, they were snared with a noose tight around their feet. The Search For WondLa
  • He is then blindfolded and has a hangman's noose placed around his neck. The Sun
  • If they sensed something alive and kicking the noose was put on hold. Times, Sunday Times
  • But fortunately, Peter gets hold of a rope and uses it as a noose with which to muzzle the wolf and take him into captivity.
  • A CAT was injured after being caught in a deliberately-set noose snare.
  • From the album "Armchair Apocrypha" (2007) When I was just a little boy I threw away all of my action toys I became obsessed with operation, oh Hearts and minds and certain glands You got to learn to keep a steady hand And thus began my morbid fascination Tore all the spines out from all of these self-help books Made myself a gun that not only shoots but looks real Yeah it shoots through steel with rays of dark matter Rays of dark matter Just the thought of all this red and black Thought of tongues that tasted bad Fill you with the nausea-ausea-ausea-alation Do you wonder where the self resides Is it in the head or between your sides And who would be the one who will decide it's two locations The noose is loosed around our necks made of DNA And everyday it's growing tighter, no matter what you do or say But you can shoot right through with rays of dark matter Right before they kick out, they kick out the ladder Rays of dark matter When I was just a little boy I threw away all of my action toys I became obsessed with operation Hearts and minds and certain glands You got to learn to keep a steady hand And thus began my morbid fascination - Financial News
  • Can classical music escape the noose? Times, Sunday Times
  • It's painful to say that in front of them, but she was brutally murdered with a garrote, a device used like a noose with a handle.
  • They capture parrots by lassoing them with a small noose attached to the end of a pole.
  • The silver medal hung around his neck like a noose. Times, Sunday Times
  • As he feels the noose tightening, Whitlock finds himself in a race against the clock to uncover the mysteries surrounding the deaths and maintain his innocence.
  • His lavish past has left its mark financially, and the creditors are now tightening the metaphorical noose.
  • Anything less than victory and the hangman's noose could tighten. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, as the form team, they have escaped the noose and taken on the role of executioner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, as the form team, they have escaped the noose and taken on the role of executioner. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was allegedly drugged and tethered with a makeshift noose attached to a roof beam. The Sun
  • That too is a heck of a stretch, while ignoring the nooses as "prankish" or whatever the call was to let it go. Jena: A Request
  • He wiped his dripping forehead with his sleeve and readjusted his burnoose.
  • He does all this wearing a flowing caftan and a burnoose.
  • As the prisoner fell, the noose would snap his neck.
  • Being here should be a privilege, and I cannot believe that this Government would come up with a bill like this, after the $2 million of expense and all of that aggro, and put its head back into the same noose.
  • They're drawing the noose around their own necks!
  • He does all this wearing a flowing caftan and a burnoose.
  • The feeling is strongest in the cells where condemned men and women spent their last hours waiting for the hangman's noose. The Sun
  • He is then blindfolded and has a hangman 's noose placed around his neck. The Sun
  • Wasn't John Edwards such a skilled trial lawyer that he was going to twirl a verbal noose, and hogtie Dick Cheney. McCain Denies Blaming Obama And Democrats For Bailout Collapse
  • The silver medal hung around his neck like a noose. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suzanne obeyed her wondering, whereon Sihamba placed the noose about her own neck, then bade Suzanne stand upon the bed and thrust the end of the riem loosely into the thatch of the hut as high up as she could reach, so that it looked as though it were made fast there. Swallow: a tale of the great trek
  • Individuals were noosed, measured, weighed, and marked with synthetic paint to ease observation.
  • He put his head into the noose.
  • Except for a few dressy occasions, my neckties are now consigned to the closet until that dreaded day in the fall when I have to tighten the noose once again.
  • It's a malevolent money noose that is tightening just as the festive season's bells and lights are beginning to chime and shine.
  • This is another small step to close the noose on cheaters.
  • As the police visibly tighten the noose around the mansion, the guerrillas respond with rhetoric and warning bursts of gunfire.
  • It's a classic tale: Small-town boy moves to the big city to throw off the noose of repression and take a walk on the wild side.
  • She found some rope in the corner tossed it over a beam, and made a noose in the other end.
  • A country like the United States, they give them enough rope to tie the noose around their neck several times.
  • How many businesses will want to spend money making their own nooses?
  • The entire burgage was not large, space being valuable within so enclosed a town, in its tight noose of river. The Heretic's Apprentice
  • All of the regional actors now alter their calculus a bit, but none more obviously and skittishly than Karzai because he is really the one whose neck is in the noose. US Withdrawal from Iraq Looms Over Afghan War
  • Who but the Jews would build their own gallows, tie their own nooses, and hire the hangmen to stretch their necks? Peter Manseau’s “Songs for the Butcher’s Daughter” excerpt « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • Now, hanging a few traitors will not kill slavery; and our danger is that slavery itself will slip through the noose, and that when it shall begin to revive from the shock, many who are now shouting "Hang the traitors," will take up the old familiar cry, "Hang the abolitionists. Abraham Lincoln; His Life and Its Lessons
  • Then hastened all the race of Phrygia to the gates, to make the goddess a present of an Argive band ambushed in the polished mountain-pine, Dardania's ruin, a welcome gift to be to her, the virgin queen of deathless steeds; and with nooses of cord they dragged it, as it had been a ship's dark hull, to the stone-built fane of the goddess The Trojan Women
  • So why are people deciding to put a virtual noose around their online necks? Times, Sunday Times
  • He does all this wearing a flowing caftan and a burnoose.
  • A silver-blue rope of sorts was noosed around the creature's throat.
  • I will be leaving the noose of the Internet very shortly.
  • When the members of the Commission arrive in Palestine, they are shocked to find leaflets circulating among the Arabs showing Ernst Röhm in an Arab robe and burnoose, trampling Jews underfoot. DBTL 55: Palestine 1932 - 1945
  • They tied a noose round her neck.
  • The most sensible carriage-horse is liable to step on his master's foot or crowd him against a wall in a moment of excitement; but even inside the keddah, with wild elephants all about, and a captive elephant hemmed in by three or four tame animals, the noosers safely work under the bodies and between the feet of the tame elephant until the feet of the captive are tied. The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals A Book of Personal Observations
  • This snare is placed across a hole about the size of a crown piece, and consists of a strong noose made of horsehair, which is fixed to a peg, and so arranged that the slightest touch causes it to rebound and catch them by the leg. Le Morvan, [A District of France,] Its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests; with Legends, Antiquities, Rural and Local Sketches
  • A lasso was a rope with a noose at one end -- so! and it was used to catch wild horses, or anything else you happened to chase. Pixie O'Shaughnessy
  • Maybe cracka joke aboout Obama running away from Nooses hanging from a Tree like the KKK used? Huckabee says he'd like to be McCain's running mate
  • Franco's noose began to tighten round Catalonia's neck.
  • No longer was it necessary to wait for an animal to stray into the noose of a carefully set snare. THE HUNTING OF MAN
  • In the modern world it is only despotisms which have recourse to the firing squad or the noose.
  • No longer was it necessary to wait for an animal to stray into the noose of a carefully set snare. THE HUNTING OF MAN
  • The young Mummers have gained quite a reputation and they were most recently involved in teaching a group off young people from Derrynoose the mummers rhymes.
  • Not only do the cables disappear behind the bodies of the sitters and skewer them to the walls, they also function as metaphors of entrapment and recall snares, chains, nets, lassoes and nooses.
  • Still, for some MommyBloggers, the term feels like a branding noose detracting from how they would like to be perceived as writers. Who You Calling MommyBlogger? The Web's Most Influential and Diverse Community Begs You to Stop Generalizing - Jory Des Jardins - MediaBizBlogger
  • We are then asked to believe that each prisoner, even as he was choking on those rags, climbed up on his washbasin, slipped his head through the noose, tightened it, and leapt from the washbasin to hang until he asphyxiated. Matthew Yglesias » Death at Gitmo
  • One might have expected criminals awaiting trial to have been especially defensive, doing their best to avoid the noose by shifting blame elsewhere.
  • She was clad in what he called a bathrobe, and what she called an Arabian burnoose, of black embroidered with dull-gold crescents and stars, showing a V of exquisite flesh at her throat. Our Mr. Wrenn: The Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man
  • I am a fraidy cat and when i was in teh Pariee Fronsch a monf ago, tehy had a few lidddle demonstrashun in teh streets-mostly just a noosence in slowin the citee dwon. but won nite teh buz driber stoppeded teh buz, maid me get out teh bus cuz he cudnt go no furder, cuz ob teh krowd, adn dere i wuz in Pariee in teh dark ! Chezbargr riot - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • A noose hangs outside the pub over the river as a reminder of its grisly past. Times, Sunday Times
  • The novitiate, blindfolded and noosed, was brought before them and a gun fired into the air.
  • As a result, the hangman's noose became known as "Stolypin's necktie". The Guardian World News
  • As they drive on, the gunner trains his scope's cross on a still breathing but disemboweled donkey lying in the rubble, and an old man in a burnoose sitting impassively at an outdoor card table, across from a player whose brains are dripping out of his bowed head. Nina Burleigh: Israel and Iran Trump Michael Moore at Venice
  • I found a piece of rope, made a noose, slipped it about the kitten's neck.
  • He wiped his dripping forehead with his sleeve and readjusted his burnoose.
  • The benefits system is supposed to be a safety net, not a hangman's noose. Times, Sunday Times
  • In an interview yesterday, he agreed the noose was tightening.
  • He put his head into the noose.
  • Western optimists claim the rebel army is slowly tightening the noose around the capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • The feeling is strongest in the cells where condemned men and women spent their last hours waiting for the hangman 's noose. The Sun
  • Except for a few dressy occasions, my neckties are now consigned to the closet until that dreaded day in the fall when I have to tighten the noose once again.
  • The hangman 's noose can be returned to the drawer. The Sun
  • S. aucuparia, the rowan or mountain ash, owes its specific name to the practice of bird-catchers in Germany and elsewhere who would trap small birds in hair nooses baited with rowan berries.
  • The hangman's noose hangs behind him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wild driving he had undergone from the field to the stable-yard, with the treacherous capture at the end, still rankled in his mind, and the cruel outrage to his young heart's nervous shyness, when hands of violent men overcame him, and the fatal noose was slipped over his head, was not to be forgotten. Parables From Nature
  • The hangman's noose can be returned to the drawer. The Sun
  • Prosecutors would have to prove that a suspect knew the noose to be a threat and used it to terrorize, which is defined as prompting people to fear for their personal safety. Home
  • The hangman 's noose can be returned to the drawer. The Sun
  • But it appears from this case that the noose is tightening by stealth.
  • There it stands, accordingly, full in the tideway; driven in, with hard taps, like some strong stake for the noose of a cable, the swirl of the current roundabout it. The Ambassadors
  • So asking for their support was a little bit like asking the doomed man to help tighten the knot on the hangman's noose. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • The noose was tied around his neck and strung over the beam.
  • My favorite muppet is a Tickle-Me Elmo doll that’s on fire, hanging in a noose from the limb of a tree. The Buzz on the Retroist Forum for March 22, 2010 - The Retroist
  • No longer was it necessary to wait for an animal to stray into the noose of a carefully set snare. THE HUNTING OF MAN
  • A leash is a rope with a noose at both ends. Ayn Rand 
  • The pinioned hands of the condemned man went suddenly white as the noose and the drop snapped his spinal column.
  • Opinion was running hot and heavy, and gibbets, nooses, electric chairs and lethal injections were topics featuring prominently.
  • And I verily thought, if I should hurt the woman by any kind of meane, I should be throwne to the wild Beasts: But in the meane season she kissed me, and looked in my mouth with burning eyes, saying: I hold thee my canny, I hold thee my noose, my sparrow, and therewithall she eftsoones imbraced my body round about, and had her pleasure with me, whereby I thought the mother of Miniatures did not ceaseless quench her inordinate desire with a Bull. The Golden Asse
  • Anything less than victory and the hangman's noose could tighten. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some men try to tie a noose round the neck of the statue, but nothing happens.
  • Discussing his work in the first chapter, Pi says that a necktie is a noose, and he mentions some of the things that he misses about India (in spite of his love for Canada). Life of Pi by Yann Martel: Questions
  • More macabre was the tailor's dummy strung up from a noose dangling off scaffolding on a building being demolished on Micklegate.
  • He wore sandals and a burnoose, obscuring his visage, and not one item of government-issue clothing. Dead Zero
  • He deserves to have have his worthless neck snapped by the hangman 's noose. The Sun
  • Now they are a noose around my neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • And have you noticed, if you're a male office worker you also get to wear your own personal noose around your neck.
  • Can he escape the noose? The Sun
  • No longer was it necessary to wait for an animal to stray into the noose of a carefully set snare. THE HUNTING OF MAN
  • Six boys found her body with a black chiffon scarf noosed around her neck.
  • I am wondering if a world crime tribunal sends him to the gallows, will this brave heart face the noose barefaced with the Bible in hand and with TV cameras catching his every expression beaming it live into many homes – I am sure some may definitely quip, what a beautiful sight that would be! What a beautiful sight that would be!
  • The tea party folks will claim the Kenyans are doing it to smear and ridicule them, then they will join in with Fuchs Noose to re-emphasize their claim that President Obama is not an American and needs to show each and every one of them his long form birth certificate. Think Progress » Pentagon pressured to cancel event hosting anti-Muslim evangelist speaker.
  • She was allegedly drugged and tethered with a makeshift noose attached to a roof beam. The Sun
  • Another doctor who killed his three wives, this time with aconite, escaped the hangman's noose by taking cyanide.
  • On the scaffold, before the noose is placed about his neck, his chains and the rope that binds his hands are struck off, and he is asked what he has to say.
  • The dialogue alternatingly sparkles or darkens as various nooses, comic or otherwise, steadily tighten.
  • As it is, the noose is tightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • He deserves to have have his worthless neck snapped by the hangman 's noose. The Sun
  • It's painful to say that in front of them, but she was brutally murdered with a garrote, a device used like a noose with a handle.
  • Eir waited beside the trench, clutching a burnoose full of enspelled dragon-blood jewels. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • “If he is left to my disposal,” said the King, “I will at least give him one lesson in the science of heraldry, in which he is so ignorant — only explain to him practically the meaning of a cross potence, with a noose dangling proper.” Quentin Durward
  • The burnoose fell loose from her face for a moment.
  • Goliath is a horrific giant cyclops; the drowning sinners trying to claw their way onto Noah's Ark are caught in flashbulb moments of terror and agony; Saul's army rends the raw meat of their slaughter as they try to avoid starvation; the mutilated corpses of Baanah and Rechab dangle from nooses in Hebron; the boiled heads of donkeys emerge from the cooking pot as starving Israelites look on with hungry eyes; Daniel's horned beast crushes a mountain of screaming men and women as it stalks the land; and in Revelations, the rains of fire, floods and famine lay waste to cities as horribly burned famine victims scream and claw at their flesh. Boing Boing
  • Once assembled on the drop, the hangman, probably Edward Dennis, put the nooses round their necks while they prayed with the Ordinary.
  • If they sensed something alive and kicking the noose was put on hold. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't think marriage has to be this noose around your neck.
  • The noose became even tighter when the bishopric of Prague was subordinated to the German archbishopric of Mainz.
  • As the police visibly tighten the noose around the mansion, the guerrillas respond with rhetoric and warning bursts of gunfire.
  • As it is, the noose is tightening. Times, Sunday Times
  • For his part, William will not wear a wedding band, as his father and most of the men in his family advised him that despite the pervasiveness of the urban myth, it's actually much harder to pick up chicks with a noose around your finger than it is when you go ringless. Meredith C. Carroll: New Royal Wedding Details Unveiled
  • So at a spine-tingling opening, the audience walked into the exhibition space to find the puppets slowly lifted from supine positions on the floor - and ritually strung up from nooses on the roof.
  • Western optimists claim the rebel army is slowly tightening the noose around the capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • My dreams for the future have now atrophied to simply ‘keeping the noose at bay.’
  • So why are people deciding to put a virtual noose around their online necks? Times, Sunday Times
  • They were all angling for a better view of a simple wooden scaffold bearing a lone noose, which dangled in the breeze.
  • Sometimes two or three of a gang will take up their station in a choultry, or place where the traveller stops, and while he sleeps, they rouse him from his sleep, and cast the noose over his head and kill him. Dr. Scudder's Tales for Little Readers, About the Heathen.
  • The noose is tightening on him.
  • They feel the noose being tightened and they know that we have the military means to crush them.
  • One of his latest works – jail door, stoole and noose made from crystals – was described as “an imaginary suicide in a jail for fashion victims”. (via) Vitro Nasu » 2007 » July
  • The noose loosened
  • Its gnarled branches twisted and turned into the air, and a hangman's noose hung from one of its thickest and strongest branches.
  • On going, at his earnest request, to speak to him at the gate, he communicated to me the interesting fact that the stranger in the burnoose was a young chim, who had resided in his family in Senegal for some twelve months, and who had accompanied him to England. Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
  • The masked executioner slipped the noose around Shadow's neck and slowly adjusted it to fit.
  • One end is attached to the broad surcingle, which fastens together the complicated gear of the recado, or saddle used in the Pampas; the other is terminated by a small ring of iron or brass, by which a noose can be formed. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'A Tug On The Noose Around the Whitehouse\'s Neck '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' New developments in the Plame case are promising -- for those who would like to see justice "befall" the Whitehouse thugs. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: A Tug On The Noose Around the Whitehouse's Neck
  • The burnoose fell loose from her face for a moment.
  • He's facing the hangman's noose , ie waiting to be hanged.
  • A half-dozen nooses hung from a single long crossbeam, supported by heavy timbers between each noose. SHADOW OF A DARK QUEEN: BOOK ONE OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • Alongside the gallows is a box of miniature nooses tagged with inmate ID numbers; these were the personal collection of an employee who participated in 150 executions between 1924 and 1954. Next, The Death Penalty Wing
  • As the police visibly tighten the noose around the mansion, the guerrillas respond with rhetoric and warning bursts of gunfire.
  • Hence it is hard to see why she would have wanted to play the Marquise de Merteuil, the elaborately deceitful antiheroine of "Les Liaisons Dangereuses," Christopher Hampton's "Masterpiece Theatre" - style stage version of Choderlos de Laclos's 1782 epistolary novel about a pair of aristocratic immoralists who make the fatal mistake of putting their heads in a noose of their own knotting. On Broadway, Bright Stars and Dim Casting
  • Anything less than victory and the hangman's noose could tighten. Times, Sunday Times
  • But don't let their "convincement" feel like a noose around your faith-neck.
  • Koras yelled in anger as the noose was taken from Asedrisean's neck and the ropes were cut from his wrists.
  • With the noose tightening around humanity's neck, the good ship Switchblade Honey is dispatched behind enemy lines, with a simple remit: strike hard, strike fast, and keep moving.
  • As the police visibly tighten the noose around the mansion, the guerrillas respond with rhetoric and warning bursts of gunfire.
  • There is a moment when the kitten pounces on the unsuspecting dragonfly, when the lost cockleshell is found and the little girl in a yellow bathing suit drains the seawater back into the sea … the noose comes tight against his throat. A MOMENT (ON THE GALLOWS) • by Bosley Gravel
  • His artistic creation involves three plastic child dummies hanging from nooses in an old oak tree in Milan's busy May 24 square.
  • Police say the head of a black mannequin was found hanging from a noose outside of a home in Valley Stream (ph), along with a piece of paper with the "n" word scrolled on it. CNN Transcript Nov 1, 2007
  • As the noose tightened on Olynthus, the Athenians debated and delayed until at last Philip had the city surrounded. Alexander the Great
  • Negroes were ready for him; and the moment he came within reach, a coil of rope with a noose on the end of it, called a lasso, was adroitly thrown over the reptile's head: ten or twelve men then hauled the lasso and dragged it ashore amid shouts of triumph. Martin Rattler
  • When an animal emerged to forage, the noose was pulled tight, preventing the animal from retreating back into its burrow.
  • No law, domestic or international, exists to save them from the noose of debt enslavement, which is their terrifying legacy. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He was pulled behind a galloping horse with a noose around his neck until the skin peeled off, “like a rabbit ready for the skillet.” Same Kind of Different as Me (copy)
  • The strangest part I’ve experienced is most republicans are largely ordinary ‘wannabe’s’ as in wanna be rich, famous, successfull businessmen and are so easily sold the propaganda that profitability will rub off on them as they labor away at making the nooses with which to hang their countrymen down through their own children. Think Progress » Conservatives Bow to Industry, Block Amendment to Scan All Shipping Containers
  • When the hangman came to noose her she knocked him clean out of the cart.
  • He is then blindfolded and has a hangman 's noose placed around his neck. The Sun
  • The feeling is strongest in the cells where condemned men and women spent their last hours waiting for the hangman 's noose. The Sun
  • We will be patient and continue to draw the noose tighter and tighter.
  • Can he escape the noose? The Sun
  • They are caught by means of a lasso, which is a rope with a noose at one end. The Nursery, No. 106, October, 1875. Vol. XVIII. A Monthly Magazine for Youngest Readers
  • They stood by a gallows holding ropes which were strung over a pulley to become a noose holding up a body.
  • Corruption, political careerism and muck-raking news reports conspire to tighten the noose around the innocent man's neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • A noose hangs outside the pub over the river as a reminder of its grisly past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet he is one of the three still facing the noose.
  • White also places a dead-looking tree behind the mother and child in his Hope for the Future but adds a noose; this and the mother's dejected pose -- her shoulders drooping, she holds the baby across her lap in the manner of a pieta -- make the title bitterly ironic. Chicago Reader
  • They were enjoying their best spell of the game on 62 minutes, tightening the noose around Ashton when United broke and a shot thundered into Joe McMahon's arm from point-blank range.

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