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How To Use Noon In A Sentence

  • A spokesman said: ‘Snow will continue through the day with a few dry interludes and it will slowly improve by the afternoon with snow turning more showery.’
  • One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.
  • Thanks to her doctor’s recommendations she finds herself feeling decafargic by noon. cardiacpopups – the messages that popup on your computer when you are in the middle of an important project and warn you that your computer is about to conk out. on 07 Sep 2007 at 5: 52 pm Kimberly defurrify – to remove pet hair/dander from a person or thing on 07 Sep 2007 at 6: 12 pm Heather Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Writer Unboxed’s CONTEST, CONTEST!
  • Even Peggy Noonan on MTP struggled this morning to describe as benignly as possible how McCain is noticeably putting a lot of energy into keeping a lid on his anger. Obama Unleashes Wave Of Mailers Attacking McCain's Health Plan
  • She has determined on going this afternoon.
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  • James arrived in midafternoon with former teammate Damon Jones.
  • The snowstorm will last till tomorrow afternoon.
  • And they sing and play oboes and clarinets and violins and cellos and recorders on through the late afternoon in a warm, close auditorium.
  • Same advt. twice even thrice which I find not interesting And I am sure noone will find it interesting. The medium and large rectangle square off
  • The work is done by prisoners at a unique computor workshop inside Gloucester jail, visited this afternoon by Princess Anne.
  • I would show up unannounced, watch Jaime teach calculus, chat with Principal Henry Gradillas, check in with other Advanced Placement classes and in the early afternoon call my editor in Washington to say I was chasing down the latest medfly outbreak story, or whatever seemed believable at the time. Unlike many, Escalante believed in teaching, not sorting
  • And sometimes those mistakes wind up back to back on a Sunday afternoon.
  • Kirkwall lifeboat was called out to a boat aground in the Rousay Sound on Sunday afternoon.
  • The comment about duals at noon is what you like?? Obama Claims ‘Wild Bill’ Heritage in a Challenge to McCain - The Caucus Blog -
  • Broadcast watchdogs have censured him for swearing on his former BBC Radio 1 afternoon show.
  • The magic of the elves is a twilight thing, the sound of distant silver horns, a fairy gold that turns to dust by noonday, and it is meant to chide the pride of foolish mortal men. MIND MELD: Today's SF Authors Define Science Fiction (Part 2)
  • US Treasury markets capitalized on the equity plunge, surging during the afternoon session.
  • Reg apparently came most Sunday afternoons to help welcome the anxious new arrivals.
  • In an attempt to break the strike, management used megaphones to instruct the afternoon shift, who were gathered in a car park, to return to work or face immediate dismissal.
  • The BBC local radio station is broadcasting full match commentary from 10.00 am to noon on Saturday.
  • It's Thursday folks, and clearly my "uploading slowly all afternoon" was kiboshed yesterday. Great Guelph Photos and Cool Blog Links by Creative Guelphites
  • Petrocelli Monday afternoon began an aggressive cross-examination after Simpson finished five hours of gentle questioning by his own lawyer Friday and Monday.
  • Since my parents both commuted a long way from home, long before the word "playdate" ever existed, I spent most afternoons running from house to house, soaking up the sounds, smells and tastes. Jessica Seinfeld: Reclaiming Family Food
  • Hotel guests are requested to vacate their rooms by twelve noon.
  • I spotted Adrian later in the afternoon staring at the distant tree line with a look of pondering in his eyes.
  • The deadline for acceptance of the offer is Thursday afternoon, but both sides have claimed they have the upper hand in a takeover battle which is becoming increasingly bitter.
  • Sue is hard and resilient and, though she is the film's embodiment of civilization in much the way Grace Kelly is High Noon's, she's neither frightened nor morally repulsed when violence erupts.
  • Don't forget now, you have a dental appointment Thursday afternoon.
  • In the afternoon set the fore and main topgallant sails. 1pm set the mizzen topgallant sail and spanker.
  • Some of the shops were closed but that's quite normal for a Thursday afternoon.
  • On Sundaye mornynges itt is a fayre sighte to see her going to and fro churche in a _chapeau de Paris de la dernyère agonie_, bearyng a _parasolett a la ripp snap mettez-la encore debout_ style; and whych shee sayes is like a _homme blasé_, because it is Used Upp. Sundaie afternoon yee may find her in ye The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • As the light streams through the windows of the minivan and reflects off Joni's earrings, Joel remembers the way the late-afternoon sun used to glint on the river as he made his way back from class to his off-campus apartment…the way his heart used to pound whenever he caught a glimpse of his downstairs neighbor, a balalaika player named Clarisse. The Search
  • Then I came back, raced home from the airport Sunday afternoon and worked for eight hours straight.
  • They spent their afternoons playing golf—extremely badly, I may add—around Loch Lomond.
  • He spent a pleasant afternoon reading .
  • They were wed by special dispensation at St Mary's Church in Shrewton on Monday afternoon in a ceremony performed by Royal Yeomanry padre Simon Bloxam-Rose.
  • Now he goes to a mainstream primary school in the afternoons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The good weather held, and at noon we stopped by a lake, and poured out all of our water, and filled our barrels with the soft water.
  • Information is available on between 10am and noon.
  • All wrongs in the world can be fixed by an afternoon snooze - I went to sleep and woke up thinking that England had been knocked out of the world cup by Wales in the semi final.
  • Winds are generally north-westerly, increasing in the afternoons and ranging from 5 knots to 20 knots (5¾mph to 23mph). Times, Sunday Times
  • The volunteers fasted overnight, or for six hours after a light breakfast if the study was carried out in the afternoon.
  • Some of the key foreign ministers have cleared a space in their diaries for tomorrow afternoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I went for my walk this afternoon there was still no sign of snow, though the drifts of fallen May blossom along the hedge bottoms kept my mind on the topic.
  • He travelled each morning with bread supplies for Port-laoise but in the afternoons he travelled on the country byroads bringing Brad-bury's breads and confectioneries to rural shops.
  • One day should be spent visiting some of the key vineyards, so I took advantage of the Discovery Pass and idled away two agreeable afternoons visiting Margaux and St Emilion.
  • I reckon he will arrive in Shanghai at noon.
  • ‘I did know what you meant this afternoon,’ referring to our earlier conversation.
  • I spent Sunday afternoon poking around an old bookshop.
  • Hamilton said that, depending on how the students fared emotionally Tuesday morning, he might cancel classes in the afternoon.
  • I want you here at noon!
  • To the surprise of many, he remains at the helm despite this most depressing afternoon of a season that has become an ongoing ordeal by fire. The Sun
  • Guantanamo Bay is against every law from the human rights charta, but noone is doing anything against it, or better, can do anything against it, because America "the great world police" is saying so. Thinking About America
  • Hours: Noon to 8 p. m. Tuesday through Friday. 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturday.
  • The train hurries on through a sunny afternoon, and I look through some notes sent me by an expert in the great campaign. England's Effort: Letters to an American Friend
  • Monday, August 3 Yesterday was grey and humid with the heat finally broken by an afternoon thundershower. 52449_CLARA
  • I must have had a brainstorm that afternoon.
  • Now that I'll be just in front of Carl's office all afternoons for the rest of the semester, I'll be truly unsufferable. Getting By
  • You can get lighter meals and snacks, as well as afternoon tea, in either the lounge or bar.
  • The ship, with fifteen hundred passengers, and fitted with sufficient lifeboats after the tragedy of the Titanic two years before, sailed in late afternoon, heading east down the St. Lawrence Seaway. Bird Cloud
  • At the meeting of the Rhetoric Society of America in 2000 a group of rhetoricians from Communication and English met late one afternoon to consider the future of rhetoric as an academic discipline.
  • I was on duty morning, noon, and night.
  • To any bladdery bloggers attending my talk this afternoon, I issue this solemn pledge -- I promise to let fly with at least one or two irresponsible comments that you will be able to jot down and get a butt-boil about later. Whiz Kid: James Wolcott
  • Right now, the weather is great, but in the afternoon, they're concerned that these thunderstorms are going to move in, these so - called anvil clouds, which could contain rain or lightning, which could dangerous for the shuttle to launch. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2006
  • Personal valets glide silently past, afternoon tea is served at exorbitant prices, and trinkets of the previous visitors are left in some of the rooms - Joseph Conrad, Somerset Maugham, Noël Coward.
  • The afternoon sunset had tinted the white clouds and blue sky into subtle, mellow shades and the fresh, wet winds brushed our faces as we were transported to the tideland in an ox cart.
  • This afternoon the Palestinians held an impromptu press conference.
  • I visited her for a little while yesterday afternoon, mindful of Rayna's kind advice, crying like the most unstaunch of sheilas, and, in the end, just holding her hand to my face, which she recognised.
  • Dundee United gorged themselves on a rich performance at Ibrox, but it was an afternoon which became bitterly unpalatable to Rangers.
  • The incident happened in the afternoon near the main bus stand in the communally sensitive North Gujarat town, which has witnessed several violent incidents in recent weeks.
  • The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.
  • By noon, all 61 people were judged out of danger.
  • Guidman," she says, as soon as I got my nose by the door-cheek, "it was an awsome peety that ye werena inby this afternoon. Bog-Myrtle and Peat Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895
  • She'll arrive in New York at noon.
  • Volunteers will get a designated area to chart starting at 12 noon and all are welcome to go along to help.
  • We were playing outside in the garden this afternoon when there was an almighty roar in the sky.
  • Soon the men of F Company that were detailed to serve in the carbineer company joined us; they had been on the skirmish line all the forenoon, but became somewhat mixed when the firing commenced, and were ordered to report to their respective companies. History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, during the Spring and Summer of 1861
  • One afternoon, I enjoyed a decent rendition of huevos rancheros and also a fine example of the old New Orleans dish eggs Hussard, garnished with ham, tomatoes, and a delicious though lethal mixture of bordelaise and hollandaise sauces.
  • The sun is finally out in Calgary, and despite a quick thunderstorm this afternoon, things seem to be drying out.
  • In prewar days, she had occupied her time with a little leisurely sewing or gardening and reading her library books, her gentle reveries interrupted only by afternoon tea brought to her on a tray.
  • The price includes morning coffee, buffet lunch, and afternoon tea.
  • Nowadays, schoolyards and community playgrounds and public parks are barren on a weekday afternoon.
  • Where I see Hawfinches they become more visible from early afternoon in the tops of trees - often Beech or Hornbeam. Listen out for the loud ticking call.
  • The bad weather started a little after noon yesterday, a steady patter of sleet that lasted for hours, but didn't accumulate.
  • On the afternoon of the Saturday in Easter week, say these writers, the priests of the eighteen principal 'deaconries' -- an ecclesiastical division of the city long ago abolished and now somewhat obscure -- caused the bells to be rung, and the people assembled at their parish churches, where they were received by a 'mansionarius,' -- probably meaning here 'a visitor of houses, '-- and a layman, who was arrayed in a tunic, and crowned with the flowers of the cornel cherry. Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
  • Beneath, where even in August noonday, the sun cannot find its way by a chink, and babies lie stark naked in the cavernous shade, Allen Street presents a sort of submarine and greenish gloom, as if its humanity were actually moving through a sea of aqueous shadows, faces rather bleached and shrunk from sunlessness as water can bleach and shrink. Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • I decided to attempt to sketch what I had recently seen on a Sunday afternoon getaway in the mountains.
  • Lunch and afternoon tea will be available at the Memorial Hall.
  • The boat should be operational by this afternoon.
  • Sleep returned, and health, with cessation of all the morbid symptoms, the result of overwork and night work, for he used at Cheyne Walk to begin painting in the afternoon, and, lighting a huge gasalier on a standard near his easel, keep at his drawing far into the night, sleeping late the next day. The Autobiography of a Journalist
  • I knew I caught a whiff of something flammable in the office air Friday afternoon when a cacophony of squawking arose from a neighboring borough of Cubeville.
  • Guests are requested to vacate their rooms by noon on the day of departure.
  • Would you mind telling me what you were doing on the afternoon of Friday the 13th of March?
  • The sun at noon thawed the snow on the roof.
  • It is suitable for most age groups who enjoy a leisurely stroll, making a lovely afternoons walk for families.
  • He spent the afternoon with his buttonslide, Brasso and buffing cloths, and he could not have been smarter even on passing-out parade. THE OPEN DOOR
  • In some areas up to three quarters of surgeries shut on weekday afternoons. Times, Sunday Times
  • This afternoon, whilst I was chatting to an elderly couple who wanted directions to somewhere, my eyes wandered to the car park verge and espied a single solitary daffodil blooming in the late winter sun.
  • Amanda, in an orange sunsuit, had tried of chasing moths and was studying the peculiar afternoon shadow projected across the countryside by Bow Wow Mountain. Another Roadside Attraction
  • Lying here in the sun is a very pleasant way to while away the afternoon!
  • One Friday afternoon, en route to the medieval rectory that served as the family's country home, Javier suddenly veered sharply right upon hearing I'd never had horchata de chufa , a sweet milk made from tiger nuts. A Fish Tale
  • Most afternoons he meets with businessmen to talk about investment opportunities and various projects.
  • It was the middle of the after noon, he should have been at work.
  • Acoy macasalanan nagcocõ pesal aco sa atin panginoon di os macagagaua sa lahat at cai sancta Maria uirgen totoo at cai sanct Miguel archangel, cai sanct Juan baptista sa san ctos apostoles cai sanct Pedro, at cai sanct Pablo at sa lahat na sanctos at sa iyo padre, ang naccasala aco sa panidim, sa pag uica at sa paggaua aco nga ce, sala aco, i, mei casalanan, aco, Doctrina Christiana The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, 1593.
  • Our partnership came to a painfully abrupt end one afternoon when she ran off with me under a metal paddock rail. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • In some countries the great tradition of the afternoon siesta is under threat or has even been banned.
  • He had watched that final in an auditorium at school, rushed out that afternoon to play a match energised, inspired. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now its good we can come here for an afternoon rather than be stuck indoors or in the garden.
  • And then we all had a nice long afternoon nap.
  • And she had returned the following afternoon, carrying Timmy on her hip and the rest of her possessions in a backpack.
  • The next morning you can loaf around at your pleasure, and in the afternoon there will be a demonstration of a back massage, followed by gentle exercise and some stimulating oils to prepare you for your journey home.
  • The noon whistles blew before Sam's task was finished, but by the time he departed for lunch there was made a bed of such quality that Whitey must needs have been born faultfinder if he complained of it. Short Stories of Various Types
  • When times are hard or not so, rummaging through other people's (and I have to admit sometimes dead people's) cast-offs and unwanted novelty kitchen items is a fine way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
  • It was a terrible strain on me to keep her at school, ma'am, and again and _again_ I've thought I couldn't stand it, what with her being in the shop only in the afternoon, and the washing, and trying to keep her clothes always nice; though she's been as good as Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
  • Most off-peak tickets apply after 9am and throughout weekends, though there are specific differences in some cities (some have an afternoon peak as well). Saving Money With Off-Peak Travel | Lifehacker Australia
  • This particular afternoon he had tried to play the seventh hole as it should be played, and though we had both foozled, I had won the hole and romped triumphantly home with the side of pig. 32 Caliber
  • The mid-afternoon sun shone down from a sky only occasionally enlivened by the odd fluffy cloud.
  • I glance out of the window and through a late-afternoon haze look down on a sea that is the light blue of a blackbird's egg, its texture that of ruffled taffeta.
  • We "untrapped" her yesterday afternoon, and she was like a little kid let out to play. Polimom Says
  • The French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, said French aircraft were already in action by late afternoon to stop what he described as Gaddafi's "murderous madness". Libya: Allied strikes sweep Libya as west intervenes in conflict
  • The irrepressible young carrot-top was generally considered the outstanding player on that golden English afternoon in spite of the Geoff Hurst's three goals. Tears for souvenirs as Best and Stiles memorabilia go up for auction
  • Fog and low cloud cover are expected this afternoon.
  • And as I sat on th 'bench i' th 'garden -- same bench as yo' saw me sittin 'on this afternoon -- my missis coome to th' dur, and hoo said, "Enoch, what doesto think? Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • I'll have to do those letters tomorrow—I'm a bit pushed for time this afternoon.
  • We hit Detroit by noon
  • This was huge, but the play kicked off at twelve noon, right in the middle of my radio show. The Sun
  • Saturday nights, walked through the meadows and round by the mill and back home past the creek on Sunday afternoons, taken his seat in the brake for the annual outing, shuffled his way through the polka at the tradesmen's ball, and generally seized all legitimate opportunities for sporting with Amaryllis in the shade, has a hundred advantages which your successful careerer lacks. The Man Upstairs and Other Stories
  • He often summons the image of a bridge, as he does here in his perhaps most definitive passage about the Overman: There it was too that I picked up the word "overman" by the way, and that man is something that must be overcome-that man is a bridge and no end: proclaiming himself blessed in view of his noon and evening, as the way to new dawns-Zarathustra's word of the great noon, and whatever else I hung up over man like the last crimson light of evening. Archive 2005-10-01
  • It was a sweet repast in the swank abode of internationally renowned interior designer Bill Stubbs Friday afternoon.
  • News of the disaster hit the Stock Exchange around noon.
  • The work is done by prisoners at a unique computor workshop inside Gloucester jail, visited this afternoon by Princess Anne.
  • As the morning gives way to afternoon, the anemic, late-winter sun burns through, lifting the heavy mist and exposing the dramatic steep-sided canyon. A Nation Passing On the Port
  • The weather patterns were consistently dry and sunny in the morning with steadily building clouds and heavy rainstorms in the late afternoon.
  • The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow.
  • This was her first effort of the afternoon, a risotto of chicken and smoked bacon with green beans and Parmesan, surrounded by an infusion of fresh herbs in olive oil.
  • In my resultant article I actually compared Montreal to an afternoon soap opera - a punchy, passionate, sentimental place full of ridiculous arguments and beautiful women.
  • He spent the afternoon in a deck-chair, with closed eyes, dozing brokenly most of the time, and in the evening went early to bed. Chapter 46
  • Obviously they're all dead certs, and if (sorry, I mean when) all six come in this afternoon, you'll win about a hundred thousand.
  • Pensioners can have a cup of tea and a biscuit for 5p and all the gardeners roll up to dunk their digestives in the afternoon sunshine.
  • The concrete base of two sheds that have been removed in the back garden were being dug out yesterday afternoon as part of a painstaking search. Times, Sunday Times
  • You probably had a ‘reading list’ or something that was supposed to fill your time, but you just skimmed through the most important books on your last afternoon and spent the rest of the time slobbing.
  • The crews contained the fire within an hour and prevented the cylinders from exploding, but were only able to secure the area by late afternoon on the following day, allowing residents to return to their homes.
  • The room was darkish; the slant of the late afternoon sun made only a small orange rectangle on the dark wood floor. Two Poets
  • Shall we go for/have a swim this afternoon?
  • Afternoon groups relate to the specific addictions and problems therein.
  • Indeed, the Goodland forecasters said we were the fourth or fifth chase group to drop by since noon that day.
  • They should have finished the work by now if they hadn't spent the afternoon diddling around.
  • Early Saturday afternoon they went fishing to catch some bass and pike for the cookout.
  • I scheduled an exam for this afternoon
  • If you were one of the 16,300 fans who drove through the late autumn mist to sit on those unforgiving wood bleachers on Saturday afternoon, you probably didn't know that the Jayhawks were under the weather, and you probably would have watched the first half and assumed "the crud" was the name of KU's new offense. Front Page
  • He was thinking one show on Sunday afternoon, the last day of the air show. THE SHADOWS OF POWER
  • A lot of folks might prefer to stay home on a pleasant Sunday afternoon and engage in armchair activism from the comfort of their own homes and cocoons, occasionally talking back to the cable news networks or commenting on a blog. Cynthia Boaz: A Reality (and Sanity) Check for Progressives- Speech to Petaluma Progressive Festival
  • During rush hour in the mornings and afternoons, Caribbean cities are dominated by metal, plastic and rubber objects, puffing hydrocarbons and other gases into the atmosphere.
  • We went driving in the country on Sunday afternoons to look for some of the birds that were special to us: bluebirds, goldfinches, pileated and red-headed woodpeckers, and, most thrilling of all, painted buntings.
  • With luck, she should - if she followed her usual pattern - remain in bed until around noon.
  • At our outspan at noon yesterday he came to me and offered me my liberty if I would help him. Prester John
  • And in his imagination he saw himself standing tall on the front porch this afternoon.
  • I spent this afternoon doing Christmas Shopping.
  • The mid afternoon sun glared down on me as I looked around for the megaliths.
  • This weekend the clocks go back and we will be plunged again into inky afternoons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Send the Christmas cards round this afternoon, please.
  • Shopkeepers, professional men, painters, plumbers and mechanics must have been counting down the last lingering seconds of the forenoon. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • Lowland anoas spend most of their time in shady forests and they are most active in the morning and afternoon.
  • Not surprisingly on such a hot afternoon, the river was very busy.
  • At Claremorris on Sunday afternoon, the visitors overwhelmed the home side with an emphatic victory.
  • Afternoon tea, for example, at the legendary Reid's Palace Hotel is just one of a range of charming social customs that woos tourists.
  • While afternoons at the camp will involve familiar activities such as canoeing and swimming … Child Abuse Alert
  • Yemenis chew a stimulant called khat every afternoon. NPR Topics: News
  • If the following day's hike is to be seven miles or less, the pack train carries commissary supplies and equipment up to the new camp in the morning, returns in the afternoon for dunnage, and packs up again.
  • In her pigeonhole a batch of envelopes was waiting for her from the afternoon's post. THE WHITE DOVE
  • But on this particular day it seemed as if some of the ingredients were wanting, for the morning and afternoon passed, to the astonishment of all, without a single "phiz" as the girls were wont somewhat felicitously to call the frequent passages of arms in which the two girls considered it their peculiar privilege to indulge. Hollowmell or, A Schoolgirl's Mission
  • Phil's head Sunday afternoons, is nine shots behind. - Mickelson's moment of truth is now
  • Tancredo told the Denver Post Monday morning that he expects to launch his candidacy at noon Mountain Time. Tancredo to make third-party bid for Colorado governor
  • Playing it at my desk this afternoon, it was so startlingly apt (right down to the name of the bloody airport that K will be flying back from on Friday!) that I nearly lost it and blubbed in the middle of the office.
  • He got the pail of fresh blood he had acquired that afternoon from the cooler, hauled the cookpot to the front of the range, and carefully poured in the blood, mixing it with the stiff porridge. Dragon's Kin
  • Though the overcast sky threatens rain at some later point in the day, the early afternoon is still pleasant enough for sitting outdoors.
  • The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.
  • Statistics from the afternoon game are just a snapshot of the Mets' 1991 season, when both the left-handed hurler and his team, the one he had cheered for as a boy, collapsed. Clout for the Cyclones
  • Asda Extra Special Prosecco is decent bargain bubbly that makes a soft gluggable alternative to champagne The recession has hit sales of Champagne hard, and increasingly we're November 10, 2009 Quick Summary Afternoon tea is a chance to drop the cares of the world for at least one golden hour. - Articles related to Bumper crop of British blueberries sees sales soar
  • The afternoon thunderstorm has arrived, generated by strong onshore breezes at the end of a day of harsh tropical sunshine.
  • In a possible sign of progress, a second trilateral meeting was added unexpectedly to the schedule in the afternoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • She added that Play Days would not be in competition with the kindergarten, which provides care in the mornings or afternoons and not all day.
  • At about three in the afternoon, the mini - robot ceased its clattering.
  • Same goes for the noon menu's immaculately roasted salmon in a refined, brothy ratatouille vinaigrette.
  • They met in the post office at teatime one afternoon as they were picking up their copies of the newspaper, which arrives in the village too late for morning collection.
  • She stayed nearly three weeks until, come a Saturday afternoon, Arie returned from taking a wagonload of the last of the season's apples to the market.
  • We spent an afternoon in the resort's suntrap outdoor pool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tuesday the 17th is one mediocre day, without waves and with onshore wind, however in the after noon sets become visible underneath the slop.
  • As Fine Gael flatlined in the opinion polls, Bruton was ditched as party leader in favour of Michael Noonan.
  • It turns out that, just as most infants have a crying jag every afternoon before dinner, parents with dementia experience "sundowning," a late afternoon agitation that can get ugly. Karen Ann Coburn: The Visit
  • The long, hot dusty afternoons, where time hangs still, and dry leaves fly in sad whirls before collapsing to the ground, the inertia and sloth that drives even the most energetic into a huddle, the sense of despair.
  • When noon arrives the room begins to fill again all through the lunch period as the players stream back in to see the results of the morning moves, and the diplomacy begins again for the next day.
  • Small wonder that this is the place in Madrid for afternoon tea and society weddings.
  • On Tuesday afternoon, set against the sleek backdrop of a London hotel, the vice-chairman of Iraq\'s oil and gas committee, Abdul-Hadi al-Hassani, told the BBC that the time is right to invest in Iraq as the government has \ "gone from strength to strength\". James Denselow: Iraq hits Black Gold
  • One afternoon was filled with poetry readings, theatrical performances and dance numbers.
  • The sergeant has come instead for a blacksmith who can promptly mend the broken cuffs so that they can be put to use this afternoon in the hunt for two escaped convicts.
  • All late morning and early afternoon long, Ernie puts on his cheerful song and dance routine while carefully layering the ingredients on fresh-baked buns in what he calls the rainbow effect -- a special order as to what ingredients goes on from first to last. Tom Keshishian: Ernie's Market: A Slice of Americana, Baby
  • I arrived on a weekday afternoon and the galleries were almost empty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early this morning the man of the house came over for me with a four-oared curagh -- that is, a curagh with four rowers and four oars on either side, as each man uses two -- and we set off a little before noon. The Aran Islands
  • This afternoon we're going to visit a friend in hospital.

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