How To Use Nooks and crannies In A Sentence
Much as we might be concerned by the state of English education, is the solution centralising power in remote pollies and bureaucratic nooks and crannies in the national capital far from the chalkface?
This is a gargantuan pub with a vast forecourt and car park in front, a real restaurant and lots of nooks and crannies to get lost in.
I really wanted to see the nooks and crannies of underworld gambling.
There was a large, open interior, with plenty of nooks and crannies.
My wife and I are still finding nooks and crannies we haven't been to before.
Times, Sunday Times

Fog had begun creeping into the nooks and crannies of his property, blurring fence lines and cattle in the process.
Remove your wheels, and wipe them down, since the dirt gets lodged in the little nooks and crannies of the wheel hubs and spokes.
As well as being an attractive feature of the Lakeland hills, dry-stone walls also play a role in managing livestock as well as their nooks and crannies being home to a wealth of wildlife.
There are nooks and crannies to hide in, long sofas to stretch out on, and high or low chairs to choose from.
Further in, you reach the sweatier nooks and crannies, and that's when the dots really begin to multiply.
Times, Sunday Times
I remember this from childhood - great clouds of oversized winged insects, swarming up from the pavement cracks and the nooks and crannies in walls.
Rather, they tend to develop in the many nooks and crannies formed where roof planes intersect, or where roofs abut walls.
Get in the nooks and crannies.
Times, Sunday Times
It's such an unusual shape, with nooks and crannies and little attic bedrooms here and little snugs there.
He tried thinking of all the possible hiding places he'd noted since being in the house; and all the possible nooks and crannies he'd yet to even spot.
Most lacertid lizards are content scurrying in and out of nooks and crannies in walls and between rocks.
Back in the days of showboats (when people in most nooks and crannies of the nation were familiar with Shakespeare, however crudely presented) one impresario wintered his four-boat fleet here.
Wash away the accumulated dust and odd cobweb that's to be found in all the nooks and crannies.
We hired a private person to take us around, so we saw all the nooks and crannies of St Lucia.
Those investigators have already found some strange stuff in those nooks and crannies.
The texture of the nappa cabbage with all the nooks and crannies absorbed the dressing well, and each bite was flavorful.
Napa cabbage salad with buttermilk dressing | smitten kitchen
We spent hours silently clearing drawers, desks, shelves, nooks and crannies in our beds, and closets.
Several multistoried, sprawling structures stood in various states of disrepair, providing countless nooks and crannies in which a man could hide.
Tough Customer
It had many niches and personal touches, nooks and crannies, and was home to a few mice, especially in the winter.
History lies scattered and forgotten in the town's nooks and crannies.
Its a funny restaurant plushly decorated with many nooks and crannies - tables are on balconies or in turrets or tucked away.
There are nooks and crannies to hide in, long sofas to stretch out on, and high or low chairs to choose from.
One wonders what other half-hidden catastrophes the draftsman might have included in nooks and crannies of the distant vistas, only to have them bowdlerized by his publisher.
Insurers do have a knack of discovering unutilised, or under-utilised, pots of money lurking in hitherto forgotten nooks and crannies.
Times, Sunday Times
Like these tiny bits of paper, he was ubiquitous and invasive, reaching into the nooks and crannies of my life.
It's too sad to watch him walking around and checking nooks and crannies for her.
Expressions: les gens du coin = the locals coins et recoins = nooks and crannies va au coin!
Really barkless, not interesting bark, this stump planter offers lots of nooks and crannies that create shadow art.
Bark « Fairegarden
She knew it was only hiding, burrowing into nooks and crannies in her mind.
My preference is for lowly-lit, low-ceilinged places with nooks and crannies where you can sit in the corner and not be noticed all evening.
Rather, they tend to develop in the many nooks and crannies formed where roof planes intersect, or where roofs abut walls.
Nuthatches and bats nest in their nooks and crannies.
Times, Sunday Times
We therefore amassed about 20 matchboxes and stuffed them with caterpillars, hiding them in nooks and crannies of our homes.
Using pesto on tortellini is a bit tricky, because of all the nooks and crannies that lumps of your pesto can sink into.
All basil, all the time..
I remember this from childhood - great clouds of oversized winged insects, swarming up from the pavement cracks and the nooks and crannies in walls.
You could spend several hours exploring the elegant, wide streets, and narrow nooks and crannies.
For a few dirhams (there are about 15 to the pound) you get someone who knows the city's nooks and crannies inside out, and by hiring a guide all the other would-be tour givers leave you alone.
In spite of the usually accepted fact that smuggling can only prosper in secret, Poole became a sort of headquarters for all that considerable trade that found in the nooks and crannies of the Dorset coast safe warehouses and a natural cellarage.
Wanderings in Wessex An Exploration of the Southern Realm from Itchen to Otter
les gens du coin = the locals coins et recoins = nooks and crannies va au coin!
There are two large main bars with nooks and crannies leading off, all cluttered with ancient bric-a-brac.
Around Berlin in 80 beers
This is a real trip around the world, into some unexpected nooks and crannies, and for new sounds to satisfy your wanderlust, you might have a hard time doing better.
Over the years the lustre of the mosaics has faded and dust gathered in the nooks and crannies of the brick and stone cubes which make up the designs.
I know of no other place its size so replete with nooks and crannies.
I poked my head up and began to look around, shining the light across the attic floor and into all the nooks and crannies.
With nooks and crannies to be found on all three levels, storing their possessions won't be an issue for the new owners of this property.
They're sprayed all over a car's engine parts, air ducts and other automotive nooks and crannies.
Children played hide and seek in its subterranean nooks and crannies.
Using a spray also avoids the paint forming pools in nooks and crannies.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm heavily involved in all aspects of the broader project, but my own interests really lie with rocks-the aquifer system that is flowing underneath North Pond, and what kind of intraterrestrial microbes might colonize rock, inhabiting the nooks and crannies of volcanic basalt and catalyzing reactions that result in "weathering" - like what you can see on old buildings, roads and rock outcrops on the continents.
Scientific American
Instead of giving me worn phrases I could find in travel brochures, why can't she write about the culture, the people, and backstreet nooks and crannies that elude most tourists?
We could have dawdled around Kettlewell's charming nooks and crannies but had a hill to climb, no less a lump than Great Whernside.
Whereas other games in the LEGO franchise forced players to replay each stage multiple times with different characters to track down all the goodies, this title hides everything in plain sight, giving you ample reason to explore all the nooks and crannies in the hub. - All about games!
Checking carefully in nooks and crannies can often reveal tompot blennies and the occasional small scorpionfish.
But starting today we have a much more detailed bathymetric map the ocean floor, so you can actually drop below the surface and explore the nooks and crannies of the seafloor in 3D.
Dive into the new Google Earth