How To Use Nonstandard In A Sentence

  • The fundamental theorem of calculus becomes almost obvious once the nonstandard terminology is invoked and interpreted in its full literality.
  • Loeb, P. and Wolff, M. (eds.), 2000, Nonstandard Analysis for the Working Mathematician, Dordrecht: Kluwer. Model Theory
  • envelopes of nonstandard sizes
  • Lodging rates in 310 of the 378 so-called nonstandard areas - higher-cost areas where federal employees most frequently travel - will decline beginning Oct. 1, the General Services Federal Times
  • It was a nonstandard usage that some grammarians would call "hypercorrect" because the error was made by trying too hard to be correct. Libertarian Blog Place
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  • He argues against the use of nonstandard dialogue for the sake of local color or to make the social point that provincials can have literary status.
  • Wikipedia describes it well: "a nonstandard English-language punctuation mark intended to combine the functions of the question mark (also called the interrogative point) and the exclamation mark or exclamation point (known in printers 'jargon as the bang)". Daring Fireball
  • Analyzing exteriorly, Financing difficulty, Exterior auditing invalidation and nonstandard government action affect the motive of information disclosure of the private corporations.
  • Cusick's use of nonstandard English keeps certain significant features of orality alive in the textualized version of the oral tradition.
  • a nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups
  • He plays part of a familiar blues lick, but then resolves it in entirely nonstandard fashion.
  • Jacques Fleuriot in his Ph.D. thesis (2001) automated the proof theory of nonstandard analysis and used it to mechanise some of the proofs in Newton's Principia. Model Theory
  • the common core of nonstandard words and phrases in folk speech
  • The late Theodore Bernstein, alone a language scholar among the pop grammarians, denied that he called nonstandard usages "good" and VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 3
  • An inelegant or nonstandard repair that nevertheless works.
  • Such nonstandard security disposal brings much hidden trouble to security maintenance and system integration.
  • They fear their distinct twang, nonstandard grammar, and obscure idioms will cause potential employers to conclude they are incapable of holding jobs.
  • nonstandard lengths of board
  • Additionally, a nonstandard lead was observed across the left forelimb and right hindlimb.
  • All we know is that she uses nonstandard forms in conversation. Times, Sunday Times
  • a nonstandard text
  • They are nonstandard in the sense that islanders themselves consider them to be generally problematic and economically nonviable family forms.
  • Many of his own constructions, though nonstandard, actually work well according to the ‘rules’, and have an economy and pointedness that is lost when recast in standard dialect. The Volokh Conspiracy » Hisself, My Son, and a Thought About Prescriptivism:
  • We used the spell checker to flag misspellings or nonstandard abbreviations or military/vendor terminology.
  • The branch of mathematics called nonstandard analysis is based on nonstandard models of mathematical statements about the real or complex number systems; see Model Theory
  • A quick Westlaw search through Allcases (date 5/1/2010) confirms that “per curium” is still nonstandard: “Per curiam” gets 1427 hits, “per curium” only 10. The Volokh Conspiracy » PC
  • A misinterpretation of S that makes it true is known as a nonstandard or unintended model of S. Model Theory
  • nonstandard windows
  • Some ASICs have nonstandard serial communication interface that can't communicate with PC directly.
  • A quick Westlaw search through Allcases date 5/1/2010 confirms that “per curium” is still nonstandard: “Per curiam” gets 1427 hits, “per curium” only 10. The Volokh Conspiracy » PC
  • I missed nonstandard English and a pride in being nonstandard, in being weird, " he writes, in a rare moment of self-revelation. It would have helped to have known this all along.
  • Bodges are usually temporary, but not always - for example, fitting a nonstandard part by filing it down or shimming it could legitimately described as a bodge.
  • Mr. Negroponte says OLPC's nonproprietary software hindered sales, with some countries reluctant to commit to a nonstandard machine that didn't run Windows. Laptop Program for Kids
  • men associate the roughness of nonstandard working-class speech with masculinity
  • We coordinated nonstandard casualty evacuation, which would be done on our tank turrets, and prepared his platoon for our arrival.
  • And when they hear the word nonstandard, a lot of people run in the other direction. Time for the Tough to Go Shopping
  • Can nonstandardized bitewing radiographs be used to assess the presence of alveolar bone loss in epidemiologic studies?
  • In the next step of narrowing down the list of 120 institutions to 10, he said it was the goal of the prize to "bring sense and comparability to nonstandard data systems. Community college rankings inadequate, critics say
  • We see in the subsequent section that this fairly small skew from equal frequencies nonetheless yields a substantive potential for ‘nonstandard’ dynamical behavior.
  • Includes standard dialects, nonstandard dialects, idiolects (distinctive of an individual), acrolects (prestigious dialects), basilects (stigmatized dialects), mesolects (dialects neutral as to prestige).
  • At times, cooks acted as supply specialists, water specialists conducted aviation hot-refuels, riggers worked as movement specialists, and mechanics fixed nonstandard vehicles.
  • Some ASICs have nonstandard serial communication interface that can't communicate with PC directly.
  • Such nonstandard security disposal brings much hidden trouble to security maintenance and system integration.
  • '' This is what I call a nonstandard, Thierer said. Television Regulation in Web World
  • Yeah she has some extra metal in nonstandard parts of her anatomy but that is just fashion. .177-Caliber Parenting
  • The GoW team is so committed to the idea of nonstandard usage of the R-stick that they keep it up even when there isn't a point, or when it actually hurts gameplay. LAist
  • While Mr. Trichet insists that these so-called nonstandard measures are independent from monetary policy, analysts say would be difficult for the E.C.B. to raise rates while they are still in place. NYT > Home Page
  • While most of her misspellings simply reflect her lack of knowledge of standard Spanish orthography, the words listed below demonstrate her nonstandard pronunciation.

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