How To Use Nonsexual In A Sentence
Massa gave contradictory explanations for his behavior, acknowledging he groped and tickled a staffer in a nonsexual way and wrestled with others at his 50th birthday party, but then denying any groping occurred.
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Sexual offenders often begin this process with nonsexual physical contact and may proceed with sexual discussions in order to desensitize the victim.
Jerry Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 109, which would move people convicted of crimes deemed "non-serious, nonviolent and nonsexual" to county jails with some of the costs paid by the state—a plan known as "realignment.
California Moves to Cut Inmate Population After Ruling
The singles scene today is glutted with people who are not committed to extramarital celibacy, and a great deal of prudence, tact, and self-control is needed by anyone who wants to have a nonsexual dating life.
The scholarly Arden footnotes both the sexual and nonsexual readings of the line, although its explanation of the latter — that she wants somebody else's beard on her chin — seems reminiscent of the puritanical bowdlerizing of editions past.
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HIV is not transmitted by casual contact or even by the close nonsexual contact that occurs at work, school, or home.
Similarly, WAC officers attempted to channel lesbian tendencies into nonsexual obedience to superiors.
A Renegade History of the United States
Connections of all kinds, even the nonsexual ones, can be symbolized through sexual relationships in the dream world.
The earliest manifestations of dyspareunia occur with sexual contact, but the symptoms then increase to the point that the pain interferes with nonsexual activities.
Jerry Brown last month signed into law a plan to move people convicted of crimes deemed "non-serious, nonviolent and nonsexual" to county jails with some of the costs paid by the state.
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The hostesses who pour drinks in Japan's sleek gentlemen's clubs were once shunned because their duties were considered immodest: lavishing adoring (albeit nonsexual) attention on men for a hefty fee.
It is important to recognize that (the)... prohibition against sexual harassment does not extend to legitimate nonsexual touching or other nonsexual conduct.
Men were advised to redirect their sexual energies into work, and women were told that females were naturally nonsexual and that “good” women were pure and chaste.
A Renegade History of the United States
Abstinence can also save your teen some emotional stress if his or her relationship ends. Remind your teen that there are many nonsexual ways he or she can show feelings for someone.
In a perfect world, then, would tickling and wrestling be more incorporated into society, teaching us more ways to make physical contact that are nonsexual?
Archive 2009-04-01
However, in some circumstances, nonsexual conduct may take on sexual connotations and rise to the level of sexual harassment.
It is important to recognize that (the)... prohibition against sexual harassment does not extend to legitimate nonsexual touching or other nonsexual conduct.
Mostly, the ‘girl crush’ seems to be a vogue phrase for something that has been around for a long time: a fawning but nonsexual interest one woman has in another.