
nonsense verse

  1. nonsensical writing (usually verse)

How To Use nonsense verse In A Sentence

  • As a boy of 11, I loved the nonsense verse of Façade, which I used to read whilst listening to Peggy Ashcroft and Paul Scofield's recorded version.
  • Every language had its stock of lullabies, nursery rhymes, nonsense verses, fairytales and simple stories.
  • Her stories, told in nonsense verse, are fast-paced with a rhythm that carries through its pages.
  • It's a nonsense verse used by everyone from boy scouts to football hooligans.
  • It is more difficult to believe that two irreverent jokers who set out to write nonsense verses could have been inspired by the gods without knowing it.
  • It is a literary fable, populated with characters who are half escapees from Edward Lear's nonsense verse and half punks, well-crafted and certainly good for anyone wanting an unputdownable read where you might also learn something new.
  • There were innumerable short parodies of Shakespeare's work, and Carroll's nonsense verse is often parodic.
  • As a great practitioner of nonsense verse, Edward Lear initiated the creation of nonsense in bulk. Many of his aesthetic devices were later widely borrowed.
  • Successful nonsense verse must respect the structure and syntax of a language.
  • Every language had its stock of lullabies, nursery rhymes, nonsense verses, fairytales and simple stories of light and delight.
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