How To Use Nonproliferation In A Sentence

  • Thus, any serious, nonproliferation policy aims to make it as difficult as possible to obtain plutonium.
  • Dane Swango, a predoctoral fellow at Stanford University currently working on his Ph.D. dissertation at UCLA, talks about the goals, design, implementation, and limitations of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) to students and staff of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at a luncheon seminar on January 27, 2009. - Articles related to Russia and US on brink of deal to cut nuclear arms
  • It is too early to proclaim that things are spinning into control on the nonproliferation front.
  • Common endeavour is also very much in evidence in areas of nonproliferation and disarmament. Canada-U.S. Relations: Our Common Cause Agenda in a Perilous World
  • The necessity for nuclear nonproliferation seems clear.
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  • But Washington initially opposed his renomination this year to a third term, saying he was being too soft on Iran for not declaring it in violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
  • Dane Swango, a predoctoral fellow at Stanford University currently working on his Ph.D. dissertation at UCLA, talks about the goals, design, implementation, and limitations of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) to students and staff of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at a luncheon seminar on January - Articles related to Russia and US on brink of deal to cut nuclear arms
  • Similar commitments by all five of the nuclear powers were essential to gain support for the 1995 extension of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
  • He was referring to the additional protocol to the Nonproliferation Treaty, which allows inspectors to visit any nuclear site at any time, without giving prior notice.
  • Perhaps the most important change needed in America's approach to nonproliferation enforcement is to accept the essentiality of organizing coalitions to deal with proliferation.
  • But it will demonstrate that the United States is living up to its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty obligation to work toward nuclear disarmament.
  • On nonproliferation, India believes that the vacuous legalism of the current nonproliferation regime will lead the world nowhere.
  • In July this year, the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (ICNND), which described itself as "a joint initiative of the Australian and Japanese Governments" intended to "reinvigorate" international efforts on nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament, closed up shop. Russ Wellen: What If Nuclear Terrorism Were Just a Mouse Click Away?
  • In doing so, it will help convince the rest of the international community to strengthen nonproliferation controls and tighten the screws on states that flout that their nonproliferation commitments.
  • In any long-term longitudinal survey of budgetary costs, I think it would be imprudent and misleading not to adjust for the effects of inflation," says Stephen I. Schwartz, editor of the journal Nonproliferation Review and director of a 1998 study by the left-leaning Brookings Institution on long-range nuclear-weapons spending in the U.S. As Shuttle Sails Through Space, Costs Are Tough to Pin Down
  • With the completion date of any Iranian nuclear reactor network decades away, Tehran may have other pressing reasons to look for replenishable ore supplies, said Fitzpatrick, now head of nonproliferation for the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. AP: Iran expands its hunt for uranium
  • Iran has pledged to sign the additional protocol to the NonProliferation Treaty (NPT) and suspend uranium enrichment under the pressures from all directions.
  • Dane Swango, a predoctoral fellow at Stanford University currently working on his Ph.D. dissertation at UCLA, answers questions after his presentation about the goals, design, implementation, and limitations of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) at a luncheon seminar at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies on January 27, 2009. - Articles related to Russia and US on brink of deal to cut nuclear arms
  • Attempting to de-link nonproliferation from disarmament is a fool's game. Russ Wellen: Would Sweeping Disarmament on Our Part Impress Iran?
  • Once that secret program was found, Blix seized the opportunity to strengthen the entire global nonproliferation regime.
  • Thus, any serious, nonproliferation policy aims to make it as difficult as possible to obtain plutonium.
  • they protested that the nonproliferation treaty was just a plot to maintain the hegemony of those who already had nuclear weapons
  • In coming months, several important events can accelerate progress on our nonproliferation and arms control agenda.
  • Many nonnuclear countries openly threaten to discredit efforts at nonproliferation.
  • nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation are closely related goals
  • S nonproliferation cooperation is going to building a joint transatlantic nonproliferation strategic alliance.
  • Nonetheless, we need to make use of all available political, diplomatic, economic and legal channels to prevent Venezuela from developing a nuclear weapons capability, going rogue, upsetting the balance of the Latin American NWFZ, and punching yet another hole in an already weather-beaten global nonproliferation framework. Rizwan Ladha: Venezuela Is Going Nuclear, and We Should Be Worried
  • The necessity for nuclear nonproliferation seems clear.
  • Many of the OTA reports are classics in the field of nonproliferation, such as the June 1977 wonkfest ArmsControlWonk
  • Because isomer weapons would not involve transmutation of nuclear species, they don't come under the rubric of existing nonproliferation treaties.
  • It became the central plank in a nonproliferation regime that helped restrain the pace of global nuclear proliferation.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = frida-berrigan; entry_id = 362067; barack-obama = 1; military = 1; nonproliferation = 1; nuclear-proliferation = 1; nuclear-weapons = 1", Frida Berrigan: The Conventional Arms Control Challenge
  • Said they were renegades and were in violation of the nonproliferation agreement. FALLOUT

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