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How To Use Nonnative In A Sentence

  • In California, the bellwether for all things pertaining to illegal immigration, large numbers of U. S.-born Hispanic students continue to be classified as nonnative "English language learners" through much of their school years, even though they speak English, because their academic and linguistic skills are so deficient. Say No To Amnesty
  • In addition, the species is potentially vulnerable to competition by nonnative invasive vegetation such as tamarisk, habitat altering activities such as overgrazing or mowing, and the long-term drought in the Southwest.
  • Many of these pieces of language are already elemental building blocks in the daily lives of countless nonnative speakers of English. The English Is Coming!
  • Nonnative trees include strawberry guava, common guava, rose apple, kukui (a candlenut), and avocado, while two of the shrubs are lantana and a type of raspberry called ola'a.
  • In the absence of brook trout, up to one of two nonnative trouts (wild brown or rainbow) would be substituted as an intolerant species.
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  • In this way, nonnative pairings may be designed to have weaker interactions than native pairings.
  • Interesting, this speaker told me that she was often mistaken for a 'nonnative' speaker of English by Americans unfamiliar with her accent. NATIVE SPEAKER.
  • This has led to problems such as nonnative species escaping into the wild and pollution as well as sea lice infestation and disease, because there is no barrier between captive salmon and the wild version in surrounding waters. News of the Underwater World
  • Like the Bear River cutthroat, the Humboldt cutthroat is highly resistant to replacement by nonnative trout, especially in what would normally be considered submarginal habitat. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • In the western provinces of the Roman Empire, Latin was used by native and nonnative speakers alike for tax collecting, commerce, entertainment, rituals, and ceremonies, and in the all-important Roman military. The English Is Coming!
  • The result was a system that discriminated between native and 'nonnative' tribes.
  • After years of intense grazing, existing chaparral and coastal scrub communities were largely replaced by nonnative grasses.
  • The foreigner as colonist were special crowd of modern Shanghai' nonnative population, the displaced person form other regions were the most important part of modern Shanghai' nonnative population.
  • As one would expect, notions that are alien to teenage nonnative speakers of English abound in the verbal sections of the exam. The English Is Coming!
  • By the end of the twentieth century, those three letters would annually terrify not only new crops of U.S. high school students, but scores of thousands of nonnative users of English taking the examination in hundreds of countries and territories, all hoping to pursue higher education in the heartland of Global English. The English Is Coming!
  • Several nonnative noxious weeds have invaded stickseed habitat and threaten to out-compete the stickseed for the available nutrients.
  • One of her few nonnative plants, a gunnera, looks like someone sprinkled acid on its leaves. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • In the absence of brook trout, up to one of two nonnative trouts (wild brown or rainbow) would be substituted as an intolerant species.
  • Nonnative tamarisk or saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) has invaded many wetlands, and others have been drained and filled.
  • As for nonnative plant invaders, among the most infamous is kudzu, a fast-growing vine first introduced to the U.S. from Japan in the 1870s.
  • While we offer the ubiquitous aloha greeting, the lei of nonnative flowers, the real issues of Hawaiian cultural survival largely go ignored.
  • Separating the large fields are hedgerows of native and nonnative woody plants.
  • the nonnative population of South Africa
  • How might nonnative speakers remedy the s trouble in English? The English Is Coming!
  • As growing numbers of nonnative speakers of Global English bend English around their own word orders, at least a few could gain wide usage. The English Is Coming!
  • These and so many others are cases of adoption by nonnative users of English, not of imposition. The English Is Coming!
  • Until this year, the official policy of the Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Catalonia's environmental regulatory agency, stated that all nonnative species caught in the region's waters should be killed, including the wels catfish. Spain's Ebro River Is Big Catfish Country
  • our large nonnative population
  • In the western provinces of the Roman Empire, Latin was used by native and nonnative speakers alike for tax collecting, commerce, entertainment, rituals, and ceremonies, and in the all-important Roman military. The English Is Coming!
  • Find out which of these are native plants and which are exotic (or nonnative).

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