How To Use Nonlinear In A Sentence

  • This paper describes a new nonlinear filtering algorithm (NLF) for tracking maneuvering targets, presents reasonable maneuvering likelihood function, derives estimating equations.
  • This paper shows that under certain conditons it is possible to diminish and even eliminate the nonlinear distorsion of a peak envelope detector by biasing the diode adequately.
  • The research on nonlinear dynamics not only has significance of science, but also has good banausic prospects.
  • The dynamic equation and the dynamic trait of high-current ion beams, the main mechanism of halo-chaos formation and several main nonlinear controlling methods are summarized in the paper.
  • The geometric nonlinear problem of whip antenna structure underthe action of nonconservative loads is analyzed by means of the loading incremental method which has the balanceiteration format.
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  • Moreover, all the results in symbolic form can provide theoretical guidance for the circuit design and the analysis of nonlinear stability.
  • Sometimes ‘nonlinear thinking’ is just newspeak for mental incoherence.
  • A novel nonlinear proportion control algorithm is proposed for integrator processes with dominant time - delay.
  • In this paper, the residual welding stresses in a low carbon steel girth butt welded pipe are calculated with a nonlinear finite element code ADINA.
  • I am quite familiar with the standard scientific application of 'irreducible complexity' in nonlinear science. A decent, popular article on intelligent design
  • The courses set up by the Studio include computer graphic design, computer three-dimensional figure and animation, web page design, nonlinear video post-editing and others.
  • Nonlinearity of the sweep circuit of streak camera distorts the time and intensity information of the streak image.
  • The structure of the system evolves as the product of co-evolution between system and environment, involving a multidirectional collection of linear and nonlinear processes. Literary Study
  • Current models of associative learning explain nonlinear discrimination by assuming that people store stimulus information configural.
  • The genetic algorithm was applied to solute nonlinear constraint optimization problems. The optimum solution was explained in determine the nature from the craft's angle.
  • The calorimetric profiles were nonlinear with increasing slope for the case when DNA was titrated into lipid solution, and the endpoint was rate dependent.
  • My research in nonlinear optics continued with special emphasis on interactions of picosecond and femtosecond laser pulses with condensed matter and of collision-induced optical coherences. Nicolaas Bloembergen - Autobiography
  • Maximum likelihood performs a nonlinear dimensionality reduction, choosing permutations that compact the permuted image vectors into a volumetrically minimal subspace.
  • Using a semi-analytical method, the nonlinear stability of a spherical shallow shell under centrally distributed and concentrated loads is investigated in this paper.
  • Depth of reverse-curve arch wire has nonlinear correlation with stress.
  • The silicon-organic-hybrid device and its breakthrough properties were presented for the first time as a postdeadline contribution at a meeting of the optical telecom industry last spring and at several other scientific conferences, and Biaggio's group published an article titled "A High-optical Quality Supramolecular Assembly for Third-order Integrated Nonlinear Optics" in the October 2008 issue of Advanced Materials. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Even to strong nonlinear problem that elements have come into soften phase later, element interior equilibrium condition is still able to get exact satisfaction.
  • The pulse was drift backwards nonlinear by the self - frequency shift effect.
  • Possibly this is one of the most visionary sci-fi books I have ever read, and so chock full of controversial ideas (let alone nonlinear narrative, bizarre writing style, and strange futuristic pidgin lingo) that it surely has to make this list. MIND MELD: What are the Most Controversial SF/F Novels of the Past & Present?
  • This nonlinearity allows the varactor to be used also as a harmonic generator.
  • In this paper an axisymmetric conical shell foundation has been analysed by Nonlinear Finite Element Method.
  • The equivalent linearization method is used to analyze the nonlinear vibration of engineering equipments caused by certain gap between different parts as well as some preload inclination.
  • A modified particle swarm optimization algorithm for nonlinear system identification is presented.
  • Jean, lenny is a nonlinear dynamicist by training, he works on a bunch of different things including brain waves in epileptics or something like that and also economics. Bill Gray Presentation « Climate Audit
  • The displacement restrictor parameter optimization of the shock isolation system is a kind of nonlinear optimization problem with the restriction.
  • Introduces a HA algorithm(harmonic analysis)for solving an AC nonlinear resistance circuit by means of some typical nonlinear resistance elements .
  • A circuit amplifies the signals to give them the proper frequency weighting, and the network combines the outputs nonlinearly to approximate the true magnitude of ambient magnetic fields impacting the body.
  • The capability of non - prescriptive, nonlinear document traversal is always added by the software.
  • We introduce a kind of shunt-wound structure with a linear adaptive filter and a nonlinear adaptive filter. Using it, we design adaptive modeling, adaptive inverse modeling and controller.
  • It also positions the brand for future growth by creating an ownable trademark that can travel easily with consumers across new media and nonlinear digital platforms, new international channels and extend into new business ventures. Three observations in search of a theory «
  • Hyperfine spectrum; Nonlinear optics; Degenerate four waves mixing; The equivalent grating; Isotope detecting.
  • Meanwhile, the energy bounds (assuming bounded energy) now give so that there is now a logarithmically wide window of opportunity for nonlinear behaviour at high frequencies. from (9), but we can do a little bit better if we invoke the heuristic of equipartition of energy, which states that the kinetic portion of the energy is roughly in balance with the potential portion What's new
  • A tube could test "good" and also be bad if it suffers from "gas," a condition that can cause extremely nonlinear amplification.
  • Particles filter (PF) has no restriction to the noise type and it is an effective approximate method for the state estimate of nonlinear systems.
  • The nonlinear dynamics characteristic of air spring suspension was studied by the of nonlinear dynamics.
  • He avoids obvious statements in his movies, which share a hypnotic, nonlinear quality as well as an interest in Thai folklore and beliefs. Asia in Cannes
  • Nonlinear relation was obtained between color difference and dyestuff concentration.
  • Since both are nonlinear interrelated buffering systems, soil stability with regard to sorption and mobilization processes is liable to unpredictable, chaotic changes.
  • In addition, a novel attribute, the number of ridges between minutiae and the fiducial point, is introduced and it is invariant to transition, rotation and nonlinear distortion.
  • Specifically, can chaotic behavior result in a single-loop feedback system with a nonmonotonic nonlinearity?
  • The nonlinear flutter calculation demonstrates the validity of the presented method.
  • By means of a method of multiple scales we derive two coupled nonlinear envelope equations, which govern the evolution of two circularly polarized components of the probe field.
  • In this paper, a class of system for nonlinear reaction diffusion of the predator prey in the biomathematics is considered using the method of differential inequalities.
  • Introduction to nonlinear problems with emphasis on practical modelling, illustrative examples from pure and applied science, and use of computers.
  • Aiming at the generation of abnormality random sequence in simulating process, this paper presents the random vector method and table lookup method to make the zero-memory nonlinear transform.
  • Genetic algorithm based on natural evolutionism is a good method to resolve complicated nonlinear programming problem.
  • In this theory a nonlinear symmetry unifies the Standard Model particles with heavy new particles.
  • Gymnastics robot is a nonlinear, non-integrity, strong coupling, mufti-state, underactuated system, and placed in the stable region is a naturally unstable system.
  • According to the nonlinear feature of performance system, we have used RBF network altitudinal nonlinear map to evaluate candidate partners' performance for a dynamic alliance of construction project.
  • The nonlinear strain is decomposed into a classical part and a nonclassical contribution which is described by nonclassical elastic units(NCU).
  • The discovery of chaos shows that some deterministic nonlinear system can exhibit random - like behavior.
  • Good agreement was obtained for all motions except roll motion, which usually showed strong nonlinear behaviour due to viscous damping.
  • Fractal scientists and chaologists, in contrast, operate from the assumption that natural systems are necessarily nonlinear, dynamic, and disordered.
  • The U.S. tax code is highly complex (what mathematicians would call nonlinear and discontinuous) and small differences in your circumstances can make a big difference in determining whether converting is for you. The Do-It-Yourself Roth Conversion Calculator
  • Since nonlinearities alone could actuate dissipation and decay in the conservation laws associated with the highly nonlinear radiation phase and since noninteracting expanding waves represent possible time-asymptotic wave patterns that could result, we propose to further investigate the possibility that these corrections to the Standard Model might be the source of the anomalous acceleration of the galaxies, an explanation not requiring the cosmological constant or dark energy. August 19th, 2009
  • Author's method provided a new approach for discussing the solvability of a nonlinear boundary value problem.
  • This paper presents a nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX)model to approximate dynamics of crankshaft speed with the mass of the idle feeding fuel and the spark advance.
  • In this paper, empirical euclidean likelihood ratio statistics are constructed for parametric in a nonlinear model. And prove strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimation.
  • In intelligent windscreen wiper system of automobile, many nonlinear factors influence synchronization of windscreen wiper.
  • On the other hand, a nonlinear classifier might give a better classification result even though extra caution needs to be exercised to avoid overfitting data with superfluous biomarkers.
  • In little-Higgs theories this symmetry, the analogue of symmetry between bosons and fermions in supersymmetric theories, is a so-called nonlinearly realized symmetry.
  • The loads at "breakpoints" of nonlinear correlation and the loads of heart rate be at stable status during walking were about 32%, 23%, and 14% of body weight, respectively.
  • The MZM is driven by a non-return-to-zero (NRZ) data sequence and biased at the nonlinear point to generate edge-triggered pulses.
  • In this paper, a new optimization method applicable to nonlinear constraint problems, the regular polyhedron method (RPM), is introduced.
  • Nonlinear discrimination and cue interaction are two important characteristics of human associative learning.
  • Based on strongly structure turbulence theory, a new method to analyze the global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point of nonlinear circuit is advanced.
  • Another nonlinear inversion controller was designed for the slow variables. It allows the pilot to control the slow dynamics, the angle of attack, side-slip angle and the velocity bank angle.
  • Two-photon excitation is a nonlinear process in which a fluorophore absorbs two photons simultaneously.
  • It also make Sectionalize teaching materials by nonlinear edit system and use it as an audio-visual Materials of network broadcast, It reflect the superiority of digitized teaching materials.
  • The theoretical analysis and experimental results of the wavelength tunability of a tandem optical parametric oscillator (TOPO) based on a single nonlinear crystal are presented.
  • We obtain sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of the nonlinear even order neutral functional differential equation with continuous distributed delay.
  • In this paper, we prove that invertible dynamic feedback linearizability is equivalent to linearizability by adding integrators for up to 4 dimensional affine nonlinear systems.
  • As the result of nonlinear dynamics mechanism of cochlea, Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) is the energy leak of the nonlinear biological organ of outer hair cells in the process of amplifying.
  • The equation of Langmuir waves in plasma and correlative the nonlinear Schrodinger equation.
  • We introduce a kind of shunt-wound structure with a linear adaptive filter and a nonlinear adaptive filter. Using it, we design adaptive modeling, adaptive inverse modeling and controller.
  • But the OFDM signal has a large PAPR, which results in the significant nonlinear distortion when it passes through a HPA (high power amplifier), thereby the performances of the system descend.
  • In the anaesthetized animal, bile flow increased nonlinearly with the rise in Tre on application of controlled external heat.
  • The discovery of chaos shows that some deterministic nonlinear system can exhibit random - like behavior.
  • Nonlinear system prediction using neural networks appears great efficiency and has abundance of applications.
  • Decentralized control of region for nonlinear composite systems with input saturation is studied by using Lyapunov's theory and matrix norm properties.
  • Root and pattern affixation is considered nonlinear since neither of the two morphological components appears in continuous form; rather, they are interdigitated within each other.
  • A nonlinear relationship was observed between coronary heart and stroke mortality with the two hour postprandial blood glucose.
  • I am quite familiar with the standard scientific application of ˜irreducible complexity 'in nonlinear science. A decent, popular article on intelligent design
  • The concentration profile equation in the fixed bed for nonlinear system with axial dispersion was derived.
  • The shape of the nonlinear regression line indicates that chlorophyll synchrony between two lakes is very sensitive to differences in stratification intensity.
  • Measurement method of nonlinear distortion is also discussed. Instruments made in China were used and background noise in the selective frequency meter was eliminated in the measurements.
  • Following the maximum likelihood criterion and initial parameters are linearly computed, and final values are obtained through nonlinear minimization based on the maximum likelihood criterion.
  • The courses set up by the Studio include computer graphic design, computer three-dimensional figure and animation, web page design, nonlinear video post-editing and others.
  • In order to study half-speed whirl that is subjected to nonlinear oil force of rotor-bearing system, the Wu Elimination method and symbolic calculation method are combined in this paper.
  • This paper gives a feasible trust - region dogleg path algorithm for solving nonlinear inequality constrained optimization problems.
  • The variation in the nonlinear damping coefficient is what cases the the shot string to elongate. A Shotgun Myth
  • We remove 2–30 year quasi-periodic oscillations and determine the nonlinear long-term trends for 12 large ocean regions. An Analysis of the TOPEX Sea Level Record « Climate Audit
  • This paper presents a nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX)model to approximate dynamics of crankshaft speed with the mass of the idle feeding fuel and the spark advance.
  • The latest achievements of genetic algorithms are adopted and a novel improved genetic algorithms (RCIGA) is proposed based on real coding to correct nonlinear error of signal conversion circuit.
  • Chapter 8 uses the ideas of complex nonlinear systems to help explain how a myriad of microinteractions (usually at the individual level) helps govern the activities of macrostructures.
  • Specifically, can chaotic behavior result in a single-loop feedback system with a nonmonotonic nonlinearity?
  • P. P.arle was the first to propose [P.arle, 1990] a relativistic generalization of CSL to a quantum field theory describing a fermion field coupled to a meson scalar field enriched with the introduction of stochastic and nonlinear terms. Collapse Theories
  • For example, the conferences of "The nonlinear soliton structure and dynamics in the condensed matter physics" has been held in Oxford, and "Solitons in physics" in Goteborg.
  • This seemingly ‘technical’ issue in many ways cuts to the quick of electronic nonlinearity.
  • This paper deals with the oscillation of the first order nonlinear neutral type functional differential equation, and obtains sufficient criterion of the equation oscillation.
  • According to the nonlinear dynamics theory, the singular point and stability of the system were studied.
  • Such a constraint is nonlinear and nonsmooth, but convex, so linear semidefinite programs are nonsmooth convex optimization problems.
  • The other is using varactor diodes to cancel the nonlinearity of base - collector capacitance.
  • In this program , we focus on nonlinear approximation based on nonlinearity variation analysis.
  • In this high-dimensional feature space, a linear classifier, or nonlinear kernel classifier, is constructed, and the model is used to discriminate samples belonging to two different groups.
  • Data analysis was carried out using a nonlinear, least-squares iterative convolution method based on the Marquardt algorithm.
  • Central to the success of the nanowire light source are the exceptional nonlinear optical properties of potassium niobate. Future for Nano-sized Light Source | Impact Lab
  • This phenomenon, coupled with highly nonlinear absorption and heavy pump beam attenuation, makes extraction of quantitative information from emission or excitation data very difficult without appropriate renormalization.
  • Introduction to nonlinear problems with emphasis on practical modelling, illustrative examples from pure and applied science, and use of computers.
  • In control field, there are so many difficult problems to overcome in modeling and controller design for nonlinear and unstable systems, which makes it necessary to do research in the lab first.
  • Nonlinear Dynamics of contact load movement is analyzed and studied, and the equilibrium sediment transport equation of contact load movement and the function expression of Shields curve are deduced .
  • A great example of a nonlinear system exhibiting chaos is all around you: the weather.
  • Adaptive neural network iterative learning control is proposed considering repetitive action, uncertainty and nonlinearity system.
  • The loads at "breakpoints" of nonlinear correlation and the loads of heart rate be at stable status during walking were about 32%, 23%, and 14% of body weight, respectively.
  • Nonlinear sampling model is adopted and saliency map is formed based on contrast of neighboring sampling nodes.
  • The equivalent linearization method is used to analyze the nonlinear vibration of engineering equipments caused by certain gap between different parts as well as some preload inclination.
  • Nonlinear wave packets serve as internal carriers of the external system dynamics, accomplishing the filtering of large dimensional signals.
  • Radar waveforms that can using pulse compression technology are linear frequency modulation, nonlinear frequency modulation, phase coded pulse.
  • A method of designing self-tuning regulator for nonlinear slowly-time-varying system based on fuzzy model is presented in this paper.
  • For systems with input saturation constraint and invertible static input nonlinearity, a two step generalized predictive control (TSGPC) strategy is adopted.
  • This actual problem is considered as a nonlinear optimal problem with equality and inequality constraint.
  • The space vehicle attitude system is a nonlinear, strongly coupled system with multi - input and multi - output.
  • This assumption will later be relaxed when the nonlinear breakeven case is examined.
  • Under such conditions, the modeled response of the stream becomes nonlinear, and the condition of "additivity" no longer holds when Undefined
  • The nucleation of the organic nonlinear optical crystal, 3- methyl-4-nitropyridine -1-oxide (POM), has been studied in dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO)solution.
  • In that the transition function is smooth and continuously differentiable, standard nonlinear estimation techniques are also applicable.
  • They arise in many areas of physics such as hydrodynamics, nonlinear optics and plasma physics etc.
  • Hyperfine spectrum; Nonlinear optics; Degenerate four waves mixing; The equivalent grating; Isotope detecting.
  • According to the characteristics of nonlinear, close coupling and multiple loop for coke oven collector pressure control systems, a new mixed control method is proposed.
  • According to the process of the mono-lever manipulator 's data acquistion, two effective processing methods-floating zero and nonlinear are presented.
  • So the company uses a so-called nonlinear, or "frequency doubling," crystal. Lasers Project the Big Picture
  • Nonlinear fitting method is applied to calculate the rate constant of the acetic ether saponification reaction.
  • Digital baseband predistortion is a highly cost-effective way to linearize high power amplifiers (HPAs), but most existing architectures assume that the HPA has a memoryless nonlinearity.
  • The active constraint set was introduced in the nonlinear constraints of the optimization, meanwhile the project gradient method was used to treat the linear boundary constraints.
  • In this finite model, the nonlinear stress-strain relationship of soil, the soil - nail interaction and the staged construction are all taken into consideration.
  • The binding of particles to filaments is a simple bimolecular reaction, for which the binding rate is a product of the concentrations of free particle and free binding sites and nonlinear in the above sense.
  • Here, we provide a more detailed set of examples, examining the impact of nonlinear population dynamics and stochastic variation in demographic parameters on elasticity analysis.
  • Furthermore, could we explore the idea of the body as a dynamic nonlinear hologram existing within a fractal space?
  • Nonlinear wave packets serve as internal carriers of the external system dynamics, accomplishing the filtering of large dimensional signals.
  • As I said, one of the best ways of viewing a NN is as a generalized multivariate nonlinear function approximator. Willis E on Hansen and Model Reliability « Climate Audit
  • The results show that they relate to the dipole-dipole coupling strength between two atoms and atom-field coupling constant and nonlinear coefficient of field.
  • A self-organization process may be considered to involve three main stages: (i) molecular recognition for the selective binding of the basic components; (ii) growth through sequential and eventually hierarchical binding of multiple components in the correct relative disposition; it may present cooperativity and nonlinear behavior; and (iii) termination of the process, requiring a built-in feature, a stop signal, that specifies the end point and signifies that the process has reached completion. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • For every line in order, perform a nonlinear regression to fit the line to an equation y = b0 + b1x + b2 (1. 1-x) b3 [+b4 sin (2πx + b5)] where the sinusoidal portion is optional for each page. Dewarping pages « The Half-Baked Maker
  • A nonlinear relationship was observed between coronary heart and stroke mortality with the two hour postprandial blood glucose.
  • Meanwhile, it is seen that the nonlinear and time varying tyre model is useful for the simulation and analysis of braking performances of vehic.
  • This new interpretation accounts for its appearance as an extended flexuous series of cells, some of which are not seen to be in mutual contact, exhibiting nonlinear cell-size variation.
  • The second part is devoted to more practical studies, ranging from the characterisation of exotic interstellar molecules, the accurate determination of spectroscopic constants, excited states structures and EPR parameters through photochemical and charge-transfer processes, cluster chemistry and fullerenes, muonium chemistry, to the possible prediction of the response of materials to electric fields in view of nonlinear optical applications. AvaxHome
  • An interval relaxation method to system of nonlinear equations is discussed in this paper.
  • The calculated results indicate that molecule 1 has higher second-order nonlinear optical polarizability.
  • Peter and Vandy is another low-budget two-hander that explores the ups and downs of a modern relationship using jump cuts, nonlinear plot mechanics and elliptical storytelling techniques that only succeed in keeping the couple in the title removed, at an annoying distance, from audience interest. Mixed-Up Love
  • First, in the field of atmospheric dynamics the developments in dynamics of diabatic waves and low frequency waves, the dispersive effects of turbulence and nonlinear atmospheric waves are reviewed.
  • The equivalent linearization method is widely used in nonlinear dynamics , especially for qualitative analysis.
  • The logarithm is only one of many nonlinear but monotonic functions that can be applied to measurements prior to analysis.
  • No matter how nonlinear, there are only so many solutions to a puzzle or ways to defeat an enemy.
  • A novel all - optical pulse shaper based on nonlinear optical loop mirror is proposed in this letter.
  • A further analysis, where G. Nicolis played a key role, showed that an unexpected phenomenon appeared while one considered the fluctuation problem in nonlinear systems far from equilibrium: the distribution law of fluctuations depends on their scale, and only "small fluctuations" follow the law proposed by Einstein. 29 After a prudent reception, this result is now widely accepted, and the theory of non-equilibrium fluctuations is fully developing now, so as to allow us to expect important results in the following years. Ilya Prigogine - Autobiography
  • A nonlinear stability-retained map is proposed to describe the dynamics of multi-machine power system with the motion of a point unit with one degree of freedom.
  • It was the first time to study closed loop nonlinear system of straight running stability of tractor-semitrailer, based on three DOF nonlinear dynamics model of farm tractor-semitrailer.
  • Good results are often observed empirically by applying backpropagation for nonlinear architectures, with the danger of local minima understood. Machine Learning (Theory)
  • The new sciences of complexity - fractals, nonlinear dynamics, the new cosmology, self-organizing systems - have brought about the change in perspective.
  • Digital-power mavens also brag about "nonlinear" - control approaches, but these loops prevent you from connecting a network analyzer on digital-power chips. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • An adaptive functional observer ( AFO ) for a large class of nonlinear discrete - time systems is proposed.
  • A nonlinear parametric excitation equation is obtained for ships in longitudinal waves, and the dynamic stability is analyzed when the natural frequency of heave and roll are approximately equal.
  • Aluminum reduction cell is a nonlinear, multi-coupled, time varying delay system of industrial process.
  • In order to improve harmonic conversion efficiency and eliminate walk-off effect, temperature field of nonlinear crystal was accurately calculated.
  • For nonpiezoelectric materials, a higher-order electromechanical coupling gives nonlinear relationship between electrical displacement and strain (e.g., electrostriction), which also can be characterized in terms of constitutive behavior of the material although the intrinsic EM coupling mechanism is less obvious to me. IMechanica - Comments
  • Then ten new real exact solitary wave solutions for then-dimension nonlinear Chaffe-Infante equation are obtained by using these formulas and a direct supposal method.
  • One was a LOMFDGB little old man fall down and go boom with a nasty 4cm nonlinear laceration on his sphenoid. First Time for Everything
  • The nonlinear two-photon absorption of Nd ions in Nd-doped laser glasses was studied with single picosecond laser pulses from a mode-locked Nd glass laser.
  • Similarly, musings on the nature of art and the nonlinearity of time appear unaccounted for in the middle of conversations. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This thesis mainly studies the problem of the boundary value of second-order and third-order nonlinear and linear difference equation.
  • In this paper, we study the oscillatory behavior for second order nonlinear functional differential equation.
  • Finally, the MAPLE symbolic program for calculating the third order normal form is given. The concrete normal form of six dimensional nonlinear systems is obtained.
  • The optimal control law consists of an accurate linear feedback term and a nonlinear delay compensation term that is the limit of an adjoint vector sequence.
  • Convertible bond pricing issues related to a variety of complex factors, have characteristics of uncertainty, nonlinear and exotic.
  • To the nonlinear, strong-coupling and absolutely unstable characteristics of self-balancing two-wheel robot, a hierarchical fuzzy control method is proposed.
  • There were three classical myocardial vascular nets in each part and each net was represented with a branch of time-dependent nonlinear resistance and compliance.
  • A new iterative learning controller with state estimation is developed for tracking different trajectories in a finite interval. A nonlinear system with uncertainties can be controlled by this scheme.
  • In addition, a novel attribute, the number of ridges between minutiae and the fiducial point, is introduced and it is invariant to transition, rotation and nonlinear distortion.
  • He also continues to cut on film, a noticeable deviation from the industry standard of nonlinear digital editing.
  • The second step deals with nonlinearity by solving a nonlinear algebraic equation (group) and satisfies constraint by desaturation.
  • Through learning the finite empirical data, the model can be used to derive the nonlinear correlation between the productivity index and its influencing factors both before and after sand control.
  • For behavioral model approaches, polynomial, or Volterra series for memory, is the most common function which is used to fit nonlinearity of power amplifiers.
  • The significance of monotonicity is that simple linear models are able to capture interaction effects and nonlinear effects amazingly well.
  • The nonlinear lattice dynamics and an expression of nonlinear macroscopic polarization are derived in terms of optic phonon modes.
  • By introducing double parameter transformation, the explicit solitary wave solutions for a nonlinear equation are obtained.
  • These formulae is not only useful for design but also helpful in evaluation of the parameters in nonlinear dynamic analysis of lead-rubber bearings.
  • Speckle noise can be eliminated by nonlinear filter designed by wavelet transform.
  • A nonlinear programming model for voltage stability critical point was proposed.
  • RBF neural networks is a new tool for nonlinear system identification.
  • There have been hundreds of manpower hours and computer resources spent on the so called nonlinear normal mode initialization NNMI procedure. Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
  • Second, the scale marked on the rule is nonlinear and (given the technology of the time) had to be marked by hand from a master pattern.
  • On the base of MV hedge ratio, this paper put forward the principle of future return and spot return matching, using nonlinear correlation parameter replace the linear one to improve the hedge ratio.
  • This paper considers the nonlinear programming problem of interval parameters.
  • A numerical procedure is used to calculate the water activity for nonlinear isotherm equations.

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