- meiosis in which there is a failure of paired homologous chromosomes to separate; results in an abnormal number of chromosomes in the daughter cells
How To Use nondisjunction In A Sentence
- However, no investigation has been made into whether homologous chromosome pairs or bivalents with altered patterns of recombination events may also be at increased risk for nondisjunction in mammals other than humans.
- This makes sense, since these cancers often fail to inactivate the X chromosome, and X chromosome nondisjunction leads to more male worms. Ars Technica
- The condition is caused by an error in cell division called nondisjunction. Times, Sunday Times
- Koehler KE, Hawley RS, Sherman S, Hassold T (1996) Recombination and nondisjunction in humans and flies. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
- Feingold E, Savage A, Avramopoulos D, Freeman S, et al. (1997) Characterization of susceptible chiasma configurations that increase the risk for maternal nondisjunction of chromosome 21. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
- Embryos that are trisomic contain, instead of matched pairs of chromosomes, one too many of a given chromosome, most commonly chromosome 13, 18, 21 (which is responsible for Down syndrome), X, or Y. Trisomies are the result of a glitch known as nondisjunction, which occurs principally during the creation of egg cells (although sperm cells may also exhibit such errors). Delayed Childbearing
- When nondisjunction occurs, the resulting eggs may carry too few or too many chromosomes, a state called aneuploidy. Delayed Childbearing
- Most of what goes wrong during meiosis-to-fertilization-to-mitosis results in chromosomal abnormalities, usually nondisjunction, thus providing a mechanism for aneuplodiy -- rather than an insistence that it really does happen. - Articles related to Plants give up some deep secrets of drought resistance
- There was no evidence to show an effect of maternal or paternal age on the frequency of nondisjunction.
- Males arise spontaneously through nondisjunction of the X chromosome during gametogenesis and the subsequent fusion with a normal gamete, yielding an XO individual.